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Is the Bible repulsive?
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Sat 01/03/09 06:32 AM
Well that is what the thread was meant to address. If you have an opinion (besides just regurgitating scripture) than I and probably others would listen to you. Its the dancing around that is annoying. Can you blame us? It states in the bible to KILL those that dont keep the Sabbath. What says you? I say there is more to God's word than what you choose to ignore. I will say it's easy for those who are perishing to see only destruction in God's word. for those who come to God & accept his gift of salvation is renewal, deliverance & restoration & right standing & all the love & strength & glory of God. His very nature as a banner over us. Can't you see the contrast? Or do you just want your own way? |
Is the Bible repulsive?
...because it's a moot just want to argue. That's why no one answers your question when it's you who completely avoids all that is posted about God's love toward humanity.
Start addressing that that would be a change. |
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Sat 01/03/09 06:21 AM
Well you would need to ask Moses I guess because he wrote up the Commandments MUCH later. There might be a case for copyright infringement there. You could represent the Babylonians. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Maybe some of those laws were there to keep the govt. from being too arrogant & intrusive. Funny how it's always the ones who complain about Christians being in their lives that fight tooth & nail in the courts to get special rights that intrude on the rest of us. Like those atheists & gays for example. They can already live but they don't want the "letting others live" alone. Let's not mention all the societal woes they bring upon the rest of us. How about all the govt. funding they ask for as well? I says it's them who have the control freak mentality. Not to mention the bigoted hateful attitudes toward anything that doesn't agree with them. Small minded indeed. ![]() |
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Sat 01/03/09 06:27 AM
I don't get it. I here Yahweh, I here Jesus, I here that the Bible said a child would be born named Emanuel... I here that Jesus was not his real name, it was Joshua.... etc etc. Why so many names? And everyone knows Jesus was not born on Christmas so why are children taught these things as if they were facts? Yahweh is the heavenly Father's name Emmanuael means El is with us....I'd have to get really deep into that one, and will only do that if you sincerely want to know... Yahshua is the Messiah name (he was a Hebrew and Hebrew parents give their children Hebrew names not Greek names) Yahshua means Yah's Salvation jesus is a made up name, with no meaning, rhyme or reason behind it. If one was going to translate the name Yahshua it would be Joshua, not jesus. Although why people insist with the fallacy that one's name changes from country to country is a mystery to me. My name is my name in every country I have been to, and it has never changed. Two names: Yahweh the Heavenly Father, Yahshua The Messiah Yah's son Shalom! There are so many names to God as was posted in this thread... I think it's for our benefit as God wants us to fully understand His nature & how it relates to us & our relationship to Him. He was called that by His own when they realized what He meant to them. Loving Father...Gentle Sheppard... Councilor, Comforter, Almighty, Living God, root of jesse... the scarlet thread out Rahab's window ...and all the jehovah names... So many names to WE relate to our experience in knowing God. LOL yeah thats way you cant misinterpret the bible because god wants us to understand him. uhg. I like to call him the one that loves to watch children die in pain. Yes well it's very plain to me that those who are perishing would see it your way. ![]() perishing, oh you mean like the kids in the hospitals dieing of cancer, and the ones being raped and murdered. The ones the your god cares so much for that he just watches it happen. God can not help them. God can help them but refuses to. There is no God. It has to be one of these three, which one is it? It must be very satisfiying when you don't have to actually help people you can just say I "prayed" for them and sit back and watch them suffer. LOL... as I said before...I can see how those who are perishing would see it your way. It doesn't matter, god loves all of His spite of the curse. He is here to help & comfort all those who need Him. People in hospitals know that most of all. ...but you keep with that samll minded thinking. It's to your own frustration. |
Is the Bible repulsive?
Krimsa...Jesus did not come to denounce or do away with the law... He came to FULFIL the Law. Not by doing things the old way.. but offering a new and better way.... Krimsa..THIS is HOW Jesus FULFILLS the Law : Jesus said , first...."Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and all thy mind, and all thy soul...." and Jesus also said secondly..."Love they Neighbor as thy self." Krimsa..when a person does what Jesus fulfills the law... cauase you see ,Krimsa... WHEN someone loves the Lord with all their being like that..... and when someone loves their neighbor as thyself.... QUESS WHAT!!! There won't be no thoughts of stoning ,for instance..... There will be just thoughts of love joy and peace towards all mankind. BUT Krimsa.... the only way a person can actually LOVE the Lord thy God and thy neighbor like that, is... by being born of God...cause on own own,we probably cant possibly love like that... not until God Himself comes to dwell in us....thru God's Holy Spirit.... which can only happen when we ask Jesus into our hearts. THEN are we able to love as God commanded......cause now, HE Loves THRU Us ...because He Lives IN Us. Krimsa...when we Love God we keep His Commandments. Out of LOVE for God. Now....What are His Commandments again ? Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and mind and soul..... Love they neighbor as thyself. Those 2 commandments of God FUFILLS it all. When we LOVE like that..who is gonna have room for hate..or stoning.... See? ![]() ![]() ![]() Correct MS...people forget that the greater glory was Christ's resurrection from the dead. It's only the birth of His spirit in us that anyone can attain to the greater glory. It's not of ourselves or Christ would not have had to die. That's the joy unspeakable & full of glory that is sung about. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Sat 01/03/09 06:01 AM
If you choose to accept the notion of "divine inspiration" then yes. King Hammurabi did as all of these early civilizations. They were quite mystical and superstitious. The Babylonians were also Polytheistic. Hammurabi gave the Law to his people based on what he thought the Pagan god Marduk was telling him. Our modern day law was in no way shape or form fashioned after the ten commandments. Based on the OT, some might say that was a good thing, myself included. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() They are since they are all summed up in love ...thou shalt not covet... As is God's love toward humanity as expressed in man to his fellow men. |
I don't get it. I here Yahweh, I here Jesus, I here that the Bible said a child would be born named Emanuel... I here that Jesus was not his real name, it was Joshua.... etc etc. Why so many names? And everyone knows Jesus was not born on Christmas so why are children taught these things as if they were facts? Yahweh is the heavenly Father's name Emmanuael means El is with us....I'd have to get really deep into that one, and will only do that if you sincerely want to know... Yahshua is the Messiah name (he was a Hebrew and Hebrew parents give their children Hebrew names not Greek names) Yahshua means Yah's Salvation jesus is a made up name, with no meaning, rhyme or reason behind it. If one was going to translate the name Yahshua it would be Joshua, not jesus. Although why people insist with the fallacy that one's name changes from country to country is a mystery to me. My name is my name in every country I have been to, and it has never changed. Two names: Yahweh the Heavenly Father, Yahshua The Messiah Yah's son Shalom! There are so many names to God as was posted in this thread... I think it's for our benefit as God wants us to fully understand His nature & how it relates to us & our relationship to Him. He was called that by His own when they realized what He meant to them. Loving Father...Gentle Sheppard... Councilor, Comforter, Almighty, Living God, root of jesse... the scarlet thread out Rahab's window ...and all the jehovah names... So many names to WE relate to our experience in knowing God. LOL yeah thats way you cant misinterpret the bible because god wants us to understand him. uhg. I like to call him the one that loves to watch children die in pain. Yes well it's very plain to me that those who are perishing would see it your way. ![]() |
I don't get it. I here Yahweh, I here Jesus, I here that the Bible said a child would be born named Emanuel... I here that Jesus was not his real name, it was Joshua.... etc etc. Why so many names? And everyone knows Jesus was not born on Christmas so why are children taught these things as if they were facts? Yahweh is the heavenly Father's name Emmanuael means El is with us....I'd have to get really deep into that one, and will only do that if you sincerely want to know... Yahshua is the Messiah name (he was a Hebrew and Hebrew parents give their children Hebrew names not Greek names) Yahshua means Yah's Salvation jesus is a made up name, with no meaning, rhyme or reason behind it. If one was going to translate the name Yahshua it would be Joshua, not jesus. Although why people insist with the fallacy that one's name changes from country to country is a mystery to me. My name is my name in every country I have been to, and it has never changed. Two names: Yahweh the Heavenly Father, Yahshua The Messiah Yah's son Shalom! There are so many names to God as was posted in this thread... I think it's for our benefit as God wants us to fully understand His nature & how it relates to us & our relationship to Him. He was called that by His own when they realized what He meant to them. Loving Father...Gentle Sheppard... Councilor, Comforter, Almighty, Living God, root of jesse... the scarlet thread out Rahab's window ...and all the jehovah names... So many names to WE relate to our experience in knowing God. |
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Sat 01/03/09 04:35 AM
God is a touchy subject, you're going to get a rise out of people when you start spouting derogatory remarks. The kicker is if you're living in western society you operate within the realm of JudeoChristendom. Our whole culture is shaped around Abrahamic laws and morals. Deny whatever you want, but we are all products of it. You aren't as much of an individual as you would like to think. You are exactly correct. It's ingrained in all of us no matter how people try to say no...or fight it. Most people who are born here & live here do appreciate their quality of life because of how we were raised. That would be our reasonable service in this life. Trying to change that now is what really brings on the misery. With all the little things people want to leave out about the Judaen/Christian teachings...even the devil worshippers, pagans & not so new agers all want something to believe in...that higher power. We are all born with an instinct of God. ALL of us... that's why I think atheists are the most decieved people on the planet. They lie mostly to themselves. |
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Sat 01/03/09 04:22 AM
People talk of "free will" but they don't practice it. If free will has any meaning or truth at all there can only be suggestions. No such thing as commandments. These are guidelines which were later called "commandments" by men who wanted more control over the flock. There is no "sin" as the term is only owned by religious doctrine to describe disobedience of God. Outside of a religious organization or belief, the word "sin" is meaningless. There is no sin. There are no commandments. There is only freedom. Freedom is paramount. Ah freedom. Is everyone free to do what they want? Free from consequence? There is no sin but there are consequences. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Yes, everyone is free to do what ever they want. But certainly not free from consequences. Accept the responsibility for the consequences before you decide to act. You are free, but you will pay the consequences of your actions. Then you're not truly free, are you? Freedom is attained in relation to your ability to accept full responsibility for your actions. You are free to kill someone as long as you have the means to do so, even in prison you are free to kill someone as long as you have the means to do so. Freedom is paramount. I did not say that everyone has it. I said it is of paramount importance. What this means is that it is a goal of spirit. It is of paramount importance for spiritual advancement and power. Your first obligation to yourself is to be free and true. Only you have the power to free yourself from your self imposed prison. If you want to trade your freedom for the privilege to kill someone, you may land in prison. If you want to trade your freedom for the feeling of being safe, you may also do that. Lock yourself in a padded cell where you will be safe. People will trade their freedom and their liberty in order to feel safe. They do it all the time. Suppose there were no rules and laws. And everyone was free to do what they wished. One persons freedom will inevitably "block" another persons freedom (e.g. two people wanting to do the same thing at the same time in the same place) so really there is no freedom, just the perception of it. CHAOS! That is exactly what Morning said it would turn into. This is what happens when right living is turned on its head. That's what happens when the lines get blurred. People forget that along with freedom comes responsiblity...without which causes doom. So when God says "the wages of sin is death," I guess we can take that to mean we will meet with our own demise. Some people want to keep their hand in the fire no matter how many times they get burned. No matter they just don't want to hear it. Very sad... ...but YOU have a nice day! ![]() ![]() |
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Sat 01/03/09 03:43 AM
Actually smiles...enough people are trying to do just that already under the terms "gods." From secular humanists to tree huggers to witches & devil worshippers, not so new agers...etc etc...
We Christians like God the way He is. He doesn't need changing. We do...according to His standards only. ![]() ![]() God bless you smiley... |
FOX Feed
which reminds do you know when you've won an argument with a Liberal ?...they call you a racist... ![]() LOL...yes...I never found a lib who could justify themselves... unless it's putting someone else down that is. |
FOX Feed
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Sat 01/03/09 03:34 AM
Another quote from a blogger, that's all you've got here. Seems like people would wise up to the bias that ANYONE on the internet can produce. But, yes, Fox does carry a very conservative slant, and I'm glad for it. There are about 5 other stations who swing liberal, do I complain? Nope, I just turn the channel) Yes and so much for live & let live... I guess you would say that's politically correct only & all others need not apply. De Ja Vue the sick willie years.... I keep saying...TWO YEARS!!!! LOL People are not going to put up with the lib crap of trying to force political correctness down our throats. Or the commie witchunts. There are bigger problems to solve. |
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Sat 01/03/09 03:28 AM
Man-O-Man Madison, It would appear you've been rounding up sheeples!! You've collected at least two blind ones ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() as I've said before, I'm apolitical. I won't accept half-truths and distortions from anyone, be they liberal nutcases or neocon nutcases just because someone doesn't support your political agenda doesn't mean that they are blind and when you belittle and denigrate those who don't believe as you do then you are on the same level as the neocon propagandists and I see no difference and allow no credibility for either I personally see no difference between Madison or Quickstepper In layman's language that means you dont have a clue and dont plan on obtaining one! The truth would stare you straight in the face and you wouldn't see it for the narrowness of your view. If your mind accepted the truth then your psyche would go into shock. Therefore you remain blind and stick to the safety and familiarity of the herd believing the lies told to you by a defunct group of neo-cons. Holding on helpless praying that everyone else in the world is wrong! I would ask if this was a correct analogy but of course you couldn't admit it was because you have your eyes and mind closed! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh gee...since my name was mentioned here... I'll just say this... My sarcasm is the only thing one can say when the only thing posted are lib commie slants ad nausium on this board. I have posted articles found on the web for others to read. I am not this monolithic type & have proven so by some of my posts. Since most people here just want to argue what more can anyone expect but rounds of DUH's? As for the others here...I suppose it's ok for you to look your nose down at some here but then you are no better than those you like to point fingers at. I guess that makes YOU a nutcase too. BTW...if you want to avoid doom & gloom then I suggest you bypass WM & MM's threads. They are ripe with hopelessness. |
if someone were shooting rockets at my wife and kids every day I prolly would bomb the crap out of them too in that case I would discontinue sending suicide bombers so they wouldn't feel a need to close the borders YOU said that??? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ohhhhhh please you spend all your time scouring the internet for blogs and articles that fit the news into your preconceived political template and ignore anything that doesn't reinforce your cookie cutter opinions Are these cookies half-baked?! Yes they everything else some post around here. ![]() |
Cynthia McKinney on CNN
hahahahahah CNN? the commie news network!!!! LMAO on that one... so much for credibility. Can't we all just get along ?????? LOL So this is what christianity means. Thanks for the definition of christian love, QuickStepper. I absolutely disgusts me that anyone would find this so entertaining. I guess the people suffering are not your Gods children, huh? Maybe it's better they are not in the long run if this is what your beliefs are all about.. sickening.. What's more sickening is putting our nation in jeapardy with tons of commie lies. |
Atheism and the Law
The only thing sad about atheists is that they feel in order to give themselves legitimacy they have to tear down other people's faith to do the courts.
Maybe that's why they are despised & the only reason. As far as those laws go, if they were enforced atheists would be getting arrested or their cases thrown out, to say the least. I don't feel sorry for people who want to rain on someone else's parade to promote their own self agrandizement. How about they just live & let the libs always say? |
How do you know personally when you are free spiritualy? Is it when you wake up everyday feeling good with yourself Is it when nothing bothers you anymore or you see everything as great instead of what is Is it when you can experience passion to help others in needs or is it a combination of many things. I would like to know what your personal philosophy of what freedom of spirituality means to you. True freedom will come when the curse of sin is lifted once & for all & God restores everything back to what it was before the fall. Until then, the sin nature will always wrestle against the spirit. |
The Moon cannot be stolen
LOL...glad you like them...
Be Encouraged in 2009
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