Community > Posts By > Gryphyn

Gryphyn's photo
Fri 09/14/07 04:09 PM
:wink: smokin bigsmile

Gryphyn's photo
Fri 09/14/07 04:06 PM
CCCCCCccourage and SSsssstrength is what you have shared with all of us Denise( In my best cowardly lion Voice, Ray Bolger)


From the depths of my heart it has been a true pleasure to come to know you.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Tue 09/11/07 04:16 PM

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 09/11/07 04:15 PM
Back in true form I see, glad to have you back. I think your more like a hornet, they hurt more and they sting more than once if they choose to.

:wink: flowerforyou drinker bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Mon 09/10/07 04:24 PM
bigsmile HHHmmm Hunting season? Do you mind if I just ignore em? Then when they turn thier back we can stab em in the back like they deserve? I think I could kill em at 50 yrds with a crossbow, at 70yds It would only maime em.

laugh noway glasses


Gryphyn's photo
Thu 09/06/07 08:02 PM
Black powder is best, you scare the hell out of them with the blast and then it hits em right between the eyes. lol

:wink: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Thu 09/06/07 05:29 PM
Wow, I think I'm gonna give the fishies some of these muffins they look hungry.


Now where is my Snorkel?



Gryphyn's photo
Thu 09/06/07 05:22 PM
It seems I missed the fireworks again, Get your sweet thing back here when you can or else I'm gonna spank you for being a bad Girl.

smooched flowerforyou laugh bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Thu 09/06/07 05:07 PM

I'm confused - "Nice story Wench. I would like to read more of it, however you should post it in another forums threads."

I am most curious as to why another forum and which you would suggest?

If you decide to write more of this story of the Buffalo Calf Woman, we have a section here for stories poems and quotes, I like to read others writing and if you post it here I might miss it. bigsmile

:wink: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Thu 09/06/07 04:57 PM
I know what you mean by being on track. It seems I was able to get back on track these last few years with my writing and enjoying the life I have. As for searching for spirituality? I tend to believe that I grow daily in this aspect of my life. I feel to be spiritual is to be at peace with one self and the surroundings I am in.

Like many of us here the religious dogma's have been cast by the wayside, I feel I gain more insight to the question of spirituality in some of the thinking shared here than I ever do in most other areas I frequent.

My use of the word stagnant was not meant to imply what it did and for that I apoligize.

I wonder how close can we really get to that almighty god? I often think that to try to become closer to oneself has a far greater satisfaction and as a result of this satisfaction attained I feel better about the world around me. There are plenty of mysteries in this world to be searched out and worrying about how close I am to the almighty seems to be a waste of what little time I have on this place we call earth.

I am curious though, Don't we grow in spirituality each time we seek out the mysteries of life? I like to think its the questions we ask that makes a difference and finding the answers the grail of the quest.

:wink: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Wed 09/05/07 05:43 PM
Cacey could be a perfect example of being able to tap into the library, however I am sure there are more that are able to tap that portion than are even realized.

What some call Deja Vu I like to call Deja View. My reasoning is easy, each time we see or feel we have done this before could be reliving what we planned to happen from the library earlier stated.

What would happen if these small instances of a second or two became waking minutes of Deja View. Could you imagine what it would be like to be able to react and possibly change a fleeting moment of Deja View?

Are these moments or minutes or even hours of Deja View the tapping of the brains ability to acess a different plane of knowledge?

If my religious/spiritual searh was to end I think I would become stagnant in my thinking, by constantly searching for more knowledge I feel as though there is more than meets the eye.

:wink: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Tue 09/04/07 05:32 PM
Here is a thought, we all know we only use a small portion of the brain, could the rest of it be the library you speak of Abra? It would explain why we have it.

As for Knowing people before we ever meet them? Happens quite more frequently than some people want to admit if you ask me. I like to think those that Seem familiar Are familiar. Most of the people I have met in this fashion have made a significant contribution to the path I travel. So in that case I like to consider these people my Soul Family. They seem to be of like mind and philosophy, and they tend to be quite a bit more honest with themselves than ordinary people.

Knowing that there is definately a different plane of existance makes these ideas more believable. Having a Near death experience made it easier to believe there is another place that we go to after here. The ethereal feeling is what really made me start to believe there is another place.

One of these days if I'm lucky I'll find the end of my religious search until that time I hope to keep an open mind to posts like this one.

:wink: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Sun 09/02/07 05:18 AM
Keeping the faith,

In this particular thread Bidright has posted inspirations and policies/beliefs of the LDS faith, however even in so doing he has masked/obscured what these prophets were teaching.

Some of the claims that bidright has made in several posts is that the mormon faith believes they will become Gods if they follow the teachings. If you read the posts in this thread you will find that the LDS faith makes an attempt by the teachings to be more Like God, and Not Be a God. This is a fine line of his wordings in this and other posts.

BTW I was also raised in the LDS faith, however becauase of my own beliefs that is not the case anymore. I simply like to clarify in some of this rampant posting what the LDS faith IS teaching, not what some Believe they are teaching.

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 09/02/07 04:30 AM
Been there done that, after I hit bottom up was the only way left, and the pains turned to joy and happiness.

glasses flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Sun 09/02/07 04:26 AM
Without the dark we would never know the light.

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Sun 09/02/07 04:24 AM
Wash away the sand and enjoy the sweetness it leaves in its passing.

smokin bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Sun 09/02/07 04:21 AM
Good writing, post when you feel like it. Thats how it works around here. I like it.

:wink: glasses smokin bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Sat 09/01/07 04:38 PM
:wink: smooched bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Sat 09/01/07 04:30 PM
I am glad you started this Abra. Interesting thoughts, Lets add a little more to your scenario if you don't mind.

Since as you stated we have souls before we come to this plane of existance why wouldn't we be able to pick a desired path? Think about it for a few minutes. If we are able to pick a desired path yet we don't really remember would that explain prophecies?

I for one have thought we have several possible paths on this plane, and as we travel through our lives we are able to choose which way we wish to go. That would explain Deja Vue and many other things that occur in our lives. That would also explain why we believe in soul mates or like souls. Many people of this world practice so-called magics, are these actually people who are able to break the veil of forgotten dreams/pasts?

Lets say I am able to see things that happen in the future and the situations that occur, would I be able to change/control the outcome if only a little?

I have only touched on what could happen if that veil were to be broken and that library you speak of becomes accesable on this plane.

Now your thinking similar to my beliefs, I like it!!!

:wink: smokin glasses bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Sat 09/01/07 06:53 AM
Once upon a time in a far away place,
Closing these eyes opened a space.
Seeing form a dream inside,
Smiles forming faces hide.

Hidden within a face to view,
Watching now I think of you.
Forever in eons passed away,
Searching this smile here today.

Today unlike the resting smiles,
Traveled long forever miles.
Distance never known to me,
Finding smiles of those who see.

Look into the smile inside,
Giving smiles do not hide.
Pains from deep within the past,
Smiles will die and never last.

Close these eyes and see the light,
Smiles within can pierce the night.
Dimly lit they tend to bend,
Rays of love to those I send.

Sending rays and hoping dreams,
Caring souls that do not scream.
Speak to me of love not hate,
I have found my love and mate.

Mated from the eons past,
Souls together hard and fast.
Speed beyond the screams of night,
Faster than the speed of light.

As I close my eyes I see,
Love does grow to be with me.
As you smile within these dreams,
Now these dreams are real it seems.

Seems to me it’s been so true,
Smiles within have come from you.
Now I feel your smile inside,
Never again this dream can’t hide.

Hidden no more this berg of love,
Olive branch from high above.
Thanking him in words of praise,
Thanking him I saw the haze

Hazy dreams I close my eyes,
Now I feel her breath and sighs.
Feelings of love, a time, a place,
I close my eyes to my far away space.

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