Community > Posts By > Gryphyn

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 10/23/07 11:36 AM
Star light star bright,
Hold this smile into the light.
I made a wish so long ago,
To find some friends that surely know.
A wish I made upon that night,
These friends came from in the light.
Now I make a wish for thee,
See your life and be set free.
Live this wish in the light,
Close your eyes and dream tonight.
Dream of one who knows the past,
Hold his love each spell you cast.
Cast away forgotten dreams,
Stars can hold your love it seems.

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 10/23/07 11:32 AM
Still trying to get $ together, started a new job last week. I hope it works out better than the last one.

Star light star bright,
Hold this smile into the light.
I made a wish so long ago,
To find some friends that surely know.
A wish I made upon that night,
These friends came from in the light.
Now I make a wish for thee,
See your life and be set free.
Live this wish in the light,
Close your eyes and dream tonight.
Dream of one who knows the past,
Hold his love each spell you cast.
Cast away forgotten dreams,
Stars can hold your love it seems.

:wink: flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Tue 10/23/07 11:19 AM
:heart: Stories of old always bring a tear to my eye, for that I am thankful. Once I could shed no tears, today I can't stop.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Tue 10/16/07 08:23 PM
Very nice I wait for more.

bigsmile bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Tue 10/16/07 08:22 PM
Just stppoed in to say hi, its of to La La Land in the heart of this great land.




Gryphyn's photo
Tue 10/16/07 08:18 PM
I guess your making up for all the years wasted not writing the feelings inside. I am very happy you decided to show us what it is to be honest within. I still wonder from time to time when you will find the happiness some of us have found.

Your my favorite texan, and always will be.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile blushing


Gryphyn's photo
Tue 10/16/07 08:11 PM
For many years I was blowing in the wind, it seemed that I would never find rest. Today I can sing this song knowing that the question is no longer important since I have found the answer.

flowerforyou flowerforyou bigsmile bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Tue 10/16/07 08:07 PM
Yes coming home is very nice at the end of a long day, the smile I get is well worth the time it took to find it.


flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart: bigsmile bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Tue 10/16/07 08:04 PM
One of these days it will stay, I know it will.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Sun 10/14/07 05:51 AM
You are spoiling the Grandkids? OMG are you having fun getting even with your kids?

:wink: laugh flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile



Gryphyn's photo
Sun 10/14/07 05:48 AM
Good morning {{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}} I see the best looking frogs in the strangest places. Anyone care to play leap frog?

Just watch out for the fishies there are a few that are carniverous. laugh



Gryphyn's photo
Sun 10/14/07 05:39 AM

Ladies of this life,
One will be my wife.
Ladies that I know,
One of them will grow.

Lady in my dream,
She will ever seem.
Lady in my eye,
She will never lie.

Ladies that I meet,
Walk upon the street.
Ladies that I love,
Guided from above.

Ladies I have known,
Into friends we have grown.
Ladies I can see,
Hearts beneath the tree.

Ladies do not care,
What’s the style to wear.
Ladies dressed in jeans,
Love you more I’ve seen.

Ladies in the light,
Show you more tonight.
Ladies that are true,
Can be black or blue.

Ladies who can play,
I can only say.
They are ladies true,
We can love them too.

Ladies walk a path,
Without looking back.
At the men from here,
Some can see the fear.

Ladies look and see,
He will set you free.
From the bonds of strife,
Walk with him in life.

Hold his hand with strength,
He will go the length.
Of the world you see,
He will stay with thee.

Ladies listen clear,
He may not be near.
Look beneath a rock,
For a dirty sock.

Wash this sock you see,
He could be like thee.
When you find this look,
Seek his loving book.

Read it from the start,
It may even fart.
Read it to the end,
He will be your friend.

Learn of who you seek,
He may be so meek.
Always give the chance,
Friends can find romance.

Ladies, I have met many over the years and it doesn’t matter what you wear, what size you wear or any other so-called stereotypical ideas. Looks are definitely in the eye of the beholder, I for one am held by a beauty that there is no compare. Find the beauty inside and he will find you, it is a promise from high. Follow the instinct that only you know and find the happiness we all deserve.

BTW, I thank the ladies in my life for the inspirations of love, life and happiness. Without them there would be no dreams.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Sun 10/14/07 05:36 AM
:heart: flowerforyou bigsmile

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 10/14/07 05:03 AM
HHHmmmm, so true in your words, I wonder if each piece of gravel is a thought to be pondered?

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Thu 10/04/07 04:11 AM
:heart: :cry: bigsmile
Now stop it you two I hate crying on the way to work, the guys might think there is something wrong from the look in my eyes.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Sat 09/29/07 09:12 PM
You know I love to see the smiles in your work, and to see them this big is more than one could ask for.

flowerforyou bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Sat 09/29/07 12:35 PM

Quietly I walk through space,
Feelings strong inside a place.
Placed within a tree so old,
Humbly waits a nut of gold.

Golden days and dreams I see,
Growing old in time with thee.
Having watched and waited long,
Growing old and feeling strong.

Stronger in the light of day,
Feelings strong the only way.
Ways to go in these travels,
Long ago the dream unravels.

Twisted then in my mind,
Eons old are found in kind.
Kinder then in these dreams,
Never then did here my screams.

Screams for life, yell and holler,
Looked inside I found the squalor.
Lonesome, desperate, near insane,
Iceberg feelings were to blame.

Blame was one, a way of life,
Fearing something they call strife.
Riddled inside this lonesome one,
Lived a man who was not done.

Done with life he didn’t care,
Filled with hate and sweet despair.
Never knowing what it was,
Love or friendship, what it does.

Does it help you in this life,
Will it fill you with its strife.
Can we stop and look around,
Is this path upon the ground.

Grounded to the way we walk,
Lonely now some can not talk.
To a friend I have to say,
I will love you everyday.

Everyday from this day too,
I can help in things we do.
Do not worry we can see,
Paths before us meant to be.

Be the feelings in the vine,
Swing to glory as we find.
Peace of mind, in time and space,
Dreams today, within this place.

Places found upon this day,
Reminded me of other ways.
Ways are different than before,
Loving families I adore.

Adoration, look and see,
Deep inside, you’re feeling me.
Feel my dreams right from the start,
All these feelings from my heart.

Gryphyn's photo
Sat 09/29/07 12:02 PM
Kindred spirits are a good thing, even though we pass in the night the light still shines.

:wink: flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Sat 09/29/07 11:56 AM
One blue shot please, the go with everything Jello.

Love is worth the price we have paid in the thoughts of astral plains.

flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart: bigsmile


Gryphyn's photo
Sat 09/22/07 06:22 AM
flowerforyou brokenheart bigsmile


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