Community > Posts By > 42BlackBBW

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Sun 07/22/12 01:00 AM
Tried desperately not to read this thread as the DKR's has only just been released in the UK and I like to wait at least a week before going to see it, just so that I can watch a film in peace - even the late night showings tend to be packed and noisy.

Thanks for not giving too much away :smile:

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Sun 07/22/12 12:50 AM
Can a LDR work? Yes, in the short term (under 12 months). I think that you would be incredibly lucky to have one work long term.

I guess the biggest pro (and con) if you like is that you only get the ‘good’ bits...the you that doesn’t squeeze the toothpaste from the middle or the you that knows how to play nicely with others.

I think that it would be easier (for both parties) to hide a whole host of negative personality traits if you only see each other sporadically.

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Sat 07/21/12 08:16 AM

would you date outside of your races,,

yes..any given time of day..


Wow you guys are really flexible.

I never date between the hours of 6 and 9am.

laugh laugh you's funny Ruth laugh

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Sat 07/21/12 08:12 AM

would you date outside of your races,,

yes..any given time of day..


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Sat 07/21/12 03:45 AM

why wouldnt a women give a very attractive dirt poor man the time of day, but give a butt ugly guy with money all kinds of love I know the reason just not the reason behide it.

Sometimes it's not always about money or women being more attracted to 'bad' guys. Sometimes it’s just about chemistry and who does 'it' for you.

(some) men don't always put as much emphasis into being physically, intellectually and emotionally attracted and stimulated to and by their partner as (some) women do particularly if the woman's looking for a long term relationship.

When my lTR ended, I was more hedonistic about the types of relationships I had. Now I’m a lot more selective and the physical, intellectual and emotional checklists need to be ticked before I even think about going on more than one date with the same person.

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Sat 07/21/12 03:21 AM

Do you believe in having an open marriage (sleeping with other partners)?

It may sound like a crazy question, and I'm not saying I agree or disagree, but SOME people are in to it.

Different strokes for different folks.

No. I take commitments seriously and expect (and ask for) monogamy.

If he were to even suggest having an open relationship...the door would be open and he’d be through it regardless of how long we’d been together.

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Sat 07/21/12 03:14 AM

Have you ever made a decision that you knew you felt was right for you but you felt doubtful in actually going through with it? Do you listen to that voice inside your head that just says "Do it?"

I remember asking my long term partner to move in with me but the day before he was due to move his stuff in, I had to sit him down and explain to him that I’d changed my mind. The closer it got to 'D' day, the more I was freaking out.

Long story short...he was very understanding and we agreed to put off living together for a little while...he actually moved in four months later.

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Sat 07/21/12 02:39 AM
If I wasn’t able to converse with my date over the noise, I also would have changed tables.

I do this all the time if I don't like the seating arrangements or if I'm sitting next to overly noisy adults and/or children. Yes, sometimes the person or people that I’m with do think I’m making a fuss or perhaps being intolerant but the way I see it is that I'm paying for my meal just like everyone else in the restaurant, why shouldn't I enjoy the experience.

The only time, I wouldn't change tables would be if I've gone to a place that caters more to children/young people than adults. Or if the date wasn’t going so well and the noise was a welcome distraction.

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Thu 07/19/12 01:13 PM
Happy belated bday Ruth

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Thu 07/19/12 11:13 AM
You win the best sister award for booking tickets for both Cameo and Brand New Heavies. Luv ya sis :heart:

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Thu 07/19/12 11:08 AM
Having a bit of a Paul Simon moment..

Diamonds on the soul of her shoes - Paul Simon

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Thu 07/19/12 11:06 AM

Cowboys and Aliens

Oh god yes! I saw the trailer and thought it looked pretty cool. Boy was I wrong.

Yeah..truly awful. Thank god I didn't pay money to see it at the cinema.

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Wed 07/18/12 03:05 PM
Cowboys and Aliens

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Wed 07/18/12 03:00 PM

true,am finding it very hard not to take this personally.

however i must say that scammers prey on whatever you present them with,like your level of vulnerability or irresponsibility....a scammer can be from your country of residence too.

Not necessarily. I think the expression is cast a 100 nets and you're bound to catch something.

I agree, scammers are everywhere.

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Wed 07/18/12 02:43 PM

It's because of stoopid stereotypes.

Americans tend to be very judgmental and think everyone from Africa is a scammer.

what???? like seriously? wow!!!

Yep. It's the same in the UK as well - in relation to internet sites.

I can image that it's hard not to take this stereotype personally but when it's happened to you a few times, you tend to be mistrustful.

Some people like me just say that they're not interested in pursuing a relationship with anyone outside of the country of residence.

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Wed 07/18/12 02:35 PM
I have never seen the film but fell off my seat watching the trailer to Chris Rock's Hair

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Mon 07/16/12 12:51 PM

Here to start an open discussion on WhatWomenWant? LOL

But seriously my question to you out there is, what does a women look in a man.

How important is looks? What are other things which facilitate the attraction? How important is money(not talking about him mooching off you), but do you look for financial status?

What makes you pick guy a over guy b, taking into consideration that they are both not too bad on the eyes.

Hope to get this ball rolling. :)

I know what I want in terms of wanting someone who's honest/open, reasonably attractive, employed etc and there's been quite a few men that met my criteria but what's missing a lot of the time is chemistry.

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Mon 07/16/12 12:01 PM

I have cake but now I want more cake despite the fact that more cake might make me really ill. I still want it because I can.

I think they want the icing now,lol

And chocolate sprinkles and mini sparklers laugh

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Mon 07/16/12 11:28 AM
Mixing black and white still makes grey

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Mon 07/16/12 11:26 AM
I have cake but now I want more cake despite the fact that more cake might make me really ill. I still want it because I can.

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