geektothetenth: ![]() Exactly! |
I'm not judging you either, however, since you posted this in a public forum, I'm responding. My understanding of a friends with benefits relationship is that there is no promise or expectation of responsibility, commitment, or dedication from either party. Correct? I've had guys approach me wanting this type of relationship and I always turn them down because being a guy's "booty call" has never interested me.
Both people are in it strictly for the sex. Either person can have sex with other people if they want to. Either person can end the "relationship" whenever they want to. With that said, I do not blame this man in the least for being upset that you might be pregnant and you want to keep the child and involve him in its life. That's not what he agreed to; he agreed to casual sex, not a marriage or a gf. However, I do agree with others who have said that he should have used a condom, since he didn't want children. Any guy who leaves birth control up to a woman is an idiot. I've heard countless men whine later- after she's pregnant or the kid is kicking in it's bassinet- "but she said she was on the pill." That is bs, if you don't want kids, don't have sex or if you're so horny you simply have to have sex, use protection. It doesn't cost that much, in many places it's free. Bottom line, there is no such thing as "unplanned children." Disagree with me if you must, but I don't want kids and I do everything I can to prevent them. Either way, it sounds like you want a bf and he wants a f*** buddy, I'd look for another guy if I were you, and not settle for someone who just wants a piece of tail. And please don't think I'm criticizing you or bashing you or judging you because I'm not. I just feel sorry for kids who are born into situations where both parents don't want them, and it's obvious this guy is not "daddy material." Not now if ever. Good luck with whatever happens. |
It's not space issues, I think most people would feel weird if someone just came up to them and started grabbing their hand. Oh I just hate strangers touching me at all. I think I might catch something, LOL |
What I wanna know is if she's gonna raise the children on the internet. LMAO!!!! Erm.... |
::Wears a wig:: Men are afraid of having children, espeically if we are not ready, most of the time when women say thier not its generally a cover-up. "Im not pregnant", means to men "i hope im not pregnant" so we wait for the next period and worry about it every day. I used to think my X was and it would freak me out, i wasnt ready for a family. I however wasnt as incosiderate as this man. Please point me in the direction of these men, because every guy I meet wants to be a daddy. :P |
Heres one
my heart is usually the last to go!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() LMAO!!! |
I have major space issues....
just wondering
There is a man on this site who used to work for a publishing house, and he has written to me a couple of times to compliment me on things I've written here. I genuinely appreciate his taking the time to write, and I never saw any ulterior motives. It is true that probably 99% of the e-mails I get are from women, but there are a few guys here I have exchanged a fair amount of correspondence with. I mean, if you like the writing, I don't see any harm in telling her so. If she takes it the wrong way, that's her error, not yours. I don't think every compliment must necessarily carry a sexual overtone.... That's pretty cool. |
what do you mean by touching her hand????? ![]() Yeah I wondered about that part, too. That would creep me out. I hate it when strangers touch me! |
just wondering
Okay thanks. :)
how can i tell...
I hope it works out for you. :)
just wondering
Okay, I know this is supposed to be a "dating" site, but what if you saw someone's profile and they're of the same gender as you and you think it's the best piece of writing ever? Is it okay to write them and tell them that? Or will they think you're weird and you must be into girls? Yeah, I'm paranoid, sue me....
One line emails
lol i do that somtimes. I used to write a paragraph to each person but most of the time i wouldnt get a reply, this was earlier in my JSH days. So couple words are saying im interesting in talking to you care to talk, without wasting the time kinda thing and the lack of communication skills =). Men =O I agree, why waste time writing a decent email when they aren't going to answer? I think a simple hi is not too bad. :) |
how can i tell...
Edited by
Sun 12/09/07 11:51 AM
I have to go with klc on this one. I understand you like her and you don't want to freak her out and mess things up. the world we live in, a month is long enough to know if you want to date someone, it's long enough to know if you want to kiss someone, and it's long enough to decide if you want to move on. If I were you, I'd be honest and say you're into her, as a gf, not just a friend. Tell her you understand if she wants to take things slow, but if she's not into you in a romantic way, I wouldn't push it. Life's too short to wait for something you can't have.
I am sorry you can be the kindess sweeties man on earth and if you are unactive you are going to be just my friend. Women care about looks too. We just understand better to what degree out looks can get us what we want. thank you!!!!! |
Idk, I don't flirt with men, good luck though.
Meeting..when should u do it
when Ive lost 10 lbs and my house is clean! ![]() ![]() ![]() LOL, if I had to wait til I lost 10 lbs to meet a guy, I'd never meet one! :) |
What you look for most
chemistry ive no idear how that will manifest so why put it in writing...makes me a bit of a fortuneteller which iaint. I would love y'all to define this "chemistry" to me, please and thank you very much ![]() That feeling you get when you and the other person just "click." You know? |
Meeting..when should u do it
I don't know. I guess it depends. I've met some guys after a couple days, some after months and one after chatting for over a year. So I guess it depends on when you both agree it's right. Just make sure you really want to meet them and don't chicken out at the last minute. :)
I believe she is testing me, it seems like the longer I can wait without a kiss the more she likes me. I think she is seeing if I can hold myself back maybe to see if I am a real man maybe... I don't know. Wow, I wish I could find a guy like that, LOL. |