older men with younger girls
I like younger girls because they are more lively and less controling, If I wanted a mother figure I would move back home. however I am not into little girls, they need to be adults. Good luck with that. |
My thought on attractiveness
A person can be drop dead gorgeous and still be a nice person. I've known people like that. :P
older women
To each his own, I've been there and done that, and it didn't work out for me. But I wish you luck. :)
how can i tell...
Write it down. How you feel. Writing helps me get over things. Sometimes.
Women over 50
in my experience it seems like guys my age like the older women on the basis that their much more mature and have all their crap together (not to mention their in their sexual prime) older women are generally more open minded, there's all kinds of reasons. the hard part is if the age difference is huge you usually end up with problems from their kids which is why i didn't keep dating her. Well then you have the problem of the younger guy not having his crap together, so it won't work. I'd rather stay alone. |
how can i tell...
can't stop thinking about her, this sucks. She's calling me when she gets home later, I wish i could talk to her now. God, I miss being that optimistic about a man. Just be honest with her, better to have honesty now than confusion and hurt feelings later. |
Do they ever close threads on here? I don't think I've ever seen it done. Why close the thread? You are free to leave at any time. I never said I wanted it closed. I just observed that I had never seen it done. This thread doesn't bother me. my apologies No worries. :) |
i need some advice
ok... i'm 18 years old and still in high school, well i met someone on myspace, she is 26, divorced, and has 2 kids. Well, last night i met her and went to her house, we didnt do anything we just sat there and watched t.v. and talked a little, we werent even cuddling or ne thing. Well, i ended up sleeping in her bed, but nothing happened, i woke up a few times and i eventually just put my arm around her and went back to sleep. I think i was intimidated by her, b/c of the age difference, and the fact that she already has 2 kids. I've never really been with someone that much older than I, and i'm wondering if last night she was expecting something out of me, b/c i dont really know her that well, but yet, she was willing to drive 45 min to meet me, and let me stay at her house, and sleep in her bed. Should i be intimidated by the age? How should i treat her, should i treat her like i would any girl my age, or differently? I really like this girl..well.. woman, but for some reason i feel like i may have left her unsatisfied? Eh, It depends on what you want from this. Are you in for the sex or do you truly like her as a person? For years, I thought older women/younger men relationships could be more than just sex, but recently I realized this is not true. For me. Let me repeat that for those who will jump on this thread and give examples of family and friends who "made it work" and how "age is nothing but a number" and "all you need is love". Whatever. I'm saying it never worked for me. Think about whether you want to be in a relationship with someone like this for the long haul, and when you get your answer, tell her. Don't go along for the ride and when you get scared, run away and leave her confused. Us old women get hurt, too. Good luck. |
i need some advice
she wants another kid LOL, awwww. Actually, ewww. I hope not. |
Do they ever close threads on here? I don't think I've ever seen it done. Why close the thread? You are free to leave at any time. I never said I wanted it closed. I just observed that I had never seen it done. This thread doesn't bother me. |
pet peeves and turn offs?
I don't have a significant other, but if I did, it would piss me off if he openly checked out other women when I was with him. Yes this happened to me in the past. :)
One line emails
hi how are you? thats it? seems like you would get a real brief "fine" back if anything. then the question comes up what do you write back to "fine"? me? oh i'm doing great thanks for not asking. but what do i know, the story of my love life is like listening to a blank tape. LOL, well usually if a guy writes me that and I find his profile interesting, I will say more than just fine. So it's just an icebreaker. But yeah, sending someone a long email about whatever that gets ignored is just a waste of time- to me. And I think men are used to women who like to be called pretty. I had a friend who would do anything for a guy if he told her she looked good! |
Do they ever close threads on here? I don't think I've ever seen it done.
Giving UP ON JSH
Well, its up to you, but if you like the forums you should stick around. Personally, I've learned its best to look for guys or whatever in real life, internet dating is not the way for me. But good luck to you!!!!
Jamie i have a close knit family also and I'm sure your mother would not be pleased if you put yourself thru what she had to go thru when she raised you and your sis,then your nephew.Also how would mom feel if you contracted a disease and she had the potential to lose her last remaining daughter.How would your nephew feel if he lost his auntie? Your comments about non protection raised all our maternal instincts .I find your attitude appalling. The idea of disease is something I think alot of people overlook. Dying from an STD is not the main concern, what many women overlook is that many STD's can cause sterility. The dying would concern me, I don't want to be a mother anyway, so the sterility wouldn't bother me. |
One line emails
I try to answer every email until they become annoying. But what are you suppose to say to a one line email with no picture and very little their profile??? he writes U R Gorgeous!!!!!! Should I write: Well gee gosh thanks NO ONE has ever told me that. You are so insightful and deep and moving????? (I did write: ok)I cant help it I can be a smart a$$ at times. Well, actually not every woman has been told she's gorgeous, so some might actually like that. :) |
One line emails
ok seriously i'd like to know, what do women want to see in a first email? i'm sure they don't want to hear all about us or how great we think they are constantly. so to the op, what would you like to see? I like the ones that say hi how are you? And I hate the ones that use all caps. As far as not having a pic, I don't have a pic of myself on my profile either, so I can't really discriminate because of that. :) |
Jamie i have a close knit family also and I'm sure your mother would not be pleased if you put yourself thru what she had to go thru when she raised you and your sis,then your nephew.Also how would mom feel if you contracted a disease and she had the potential to lose her last remaining daughter.How would your nephew feel if he lost his auntie? Your comments about non protection raised all our maternal instincts .I find your attitude appalling. The idea of disease is something I think alot of people overlook. |
I think the best way to get to me, would be to drop a 5 on the counter after I order my white mocha. Dont even say anything. So that's the secret, pay for your drinks and shut the hell up.... I think I've already dated you. ![]() ![]() LOL!! |
Edited by
Sun 12/09/07 01:11 PM
I think the best way to get to me, would be to drop a 5 on the counter after I order my white mocha. Dont even say anything. Hmm, I don't know. I think I might be kind of freaked if a guy did that. Unless he was super cute. Then I'd think it was cool. However, I wouldn't trust a super cute guy who bought me coffee, they don't do stuff like that.:) |