Yes Tesla was way ahead of his time , and supposedly discovered free electrical energy from the air, and some suggest that our govt murdered him and stole all his papers ,inventions ,and discoveries. I believe you are right about govt using Tesla technology.
Where have the leaders gone
'Throw all the bums out!' People have been saying this forever. But it never happens. There is an inherent paradox in representative politics: Ask any average person what they think of the legislature, and they are consistently displeased and want to see everyone "thrown out." But ask that same person what they think of their OWN representative, and they consistently insist that he/she is doing a great job. So the people support the only representatives which they have the power to "throw out." Hence, it becomes rare for an incumbent to actually get voted out. When things get bad enough, and finally enough people wake up ,then something will happen. Maybe when enough of us are starving or are homeless, we will wake up (enough of us until we finally decide to not take it any more.) And we need to recognize that the Zionist(one World Order Bunch )is our problem. |
More laws equal Less Freedom,and Less Laws equal More Freedom. I don't believe the govt is worried about my health, I honestly don't believe that.
But what I do believe is that they are trying to program us to be nice Obedient sheeple to do as we are dam told. (One World Order) Wear this seat Belt! Wear these helmets! Do this! Don't do That! Kiss my Butt!! |
I just read today, that Russia and China claim that the US is planning to bend the atmosphere by using HAARP(High Frequency Active Auroral Reseach Program)in Alaska,and the Vast Naval Base in California,and the Secretive Indian Ocean Base on the Diego Garcia Atoll(triangulation) They claim that US intends to become the first Nation in the World to use the abilities of the potentially catastrophic Quantum particle beam accelerators now being developed, but never tested, in real time experiments.(Quantum triangulation of particle beams)
So they are saying that is not the satellite, that is the problem, but that it is the new technology that they are planning to use is very dangerous. I don't know what the real truth is but ,It will give me something to think about. Supposedly the US had agreed and signed agreement not to develop this stuff further. So if this is true, we can expect Russia and China to be further developing theirs too.And that they already have all this stuff too. |
another question
Guns are not the only things I would consider using for arms. A crossbow is nice and quiet,and very powerful. I still think those powerful old time bear traps could be useful in some situations And I hear that old microwave ovens with a little modifying could be good protection devices(arms) Some of those pulse things would probably work better than guns.(lasers)
Main thing is:the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.(It is the right to protect myself) |
More American hypocrcy
There you guys go again picking on Madison man, he is trying hard to teach us something . I think Castro was onto the American puppets in Cuba trying to take over his homeland.(country.) The big money men in America have always been trying to take over all other countries, that is the history of what we do . Divide and Conquer. That is what we are doing in Iraq, that is what we did in Germany, and are still occupying Germany. That is what we are doing this very minute in Kosovo, dividing it away from serbia and Russia. Kosovo could get many of us killed right here in good ole USA. I think our leaders are terrorizing the whole World right this minute.
All kinds of Zionists are connected, they all favor Israel above the US, I think that is TREASON at a very high degree!!! Whether they all know it or not,they are supporting the One World Order above support for the US. And they are weakening the US.
Telecommunications Immune?
If the govt orders you to kill your neighbors : are you going to listen and obey? And say: well, the govt ordered me to do it? This all has to do with holding the govt accountable.
Are you going to listen to everything, everybody tells you to do? When are we ever going to be concerned about doing what is right, instead of doing what we are told by despots,and dictators? We going to have to stand up someday,because these Zionists are not used to taking NO for an answer, but they will have to learn the meaning of NO!! If we don't teach them, then Russia, China and the other Nations will, but it will be at our expense, too.(maybe cost most of our lives) |
Telecommunications Immune?
I think telecommunications companies should never be immune from following the Constitution (LAW OF THE LAND) And they should pay the consequences if they violate the Constitution!(violate our Bill of rights)I don't think our govt(servants to the people) can or even has any say or rights to take the rights of(WE THE PEOPLE)us away.
Yes, I think we have some terrorists among our Zionist leaders(probably the worst terrorists)
Put OBAMA in there he is the only hope left. Don't worry about that he is BLACK!! When we all eventually become invisible(dead)(leave the body behind)(shell) And our spirit and soul goes into the next dimension, do you suppose Obama will be black then????
Some seem to think that the war in Iraq was a good thing, by using reasoning that does not seem quite right to me: They say that proof is that there have been no more terrorist attacks in this country since 911. FOR EXAMPLE:(Reasoning)
This one guy said that he has this VERY good lion dog which kept all the lions away from his place. The other guy said how do you know THAT?? He replied :Because I have NEVER seen any lions around here!!! |
democratic dilemma
Go Obama!!! Wisconssin and Hawaii, that makes ten in a row. If the voting stopped now it looks like Obama would still be slightly ahead even with the supers going to Clinton. She's gonna have to start winning big from now on inorder to stay in the running, and I really hope she doesn't. I'm starting to lose my support for Mccain now too, it broke my heart to see him vote against the ban on water boarding, Obama may be the only hope left;^] That is what I think: OBAMA is the only hope left for America(Land of Heaven) Somebody said the other day : HOW come we only get to choose among 2 Candidates when in the MISS AMERICA contest they have 50 to choose from? |
We are harboring WAR CRIMINALS and that is WRONG!!
It is not too late to try Rumsfield for War Crimes, murder and Treason Though. The Statue of limitations never runs out for murder. So it sounds like a fairly current topic to me, I am not going to forget these crimes until they have been on trial. Seems like some would like to overlook those crimes. The rest of the Countries have not forgot either. Pretty soon these criminals will have no place to hide. and as soon as we decide to do what is right , they won't hide here either.
another question
Leahmarie as you said in your(Marbury vs Madison)In the final Thrust that no law could be enacted that would be in opposition to the Constitution, Which is what I have been trying to get across from the beginning of this gun control(extra gun laws)(restrictions) discussion. I don't want them adding these unconstitutional extra restrictions either.(Marbury vs. Madison)
Marbury vs Madison shows that they can not just helter skelter make up all kinds of contradictory laws, just because they happen to feel like it. And if they do make such laws that law is actually non existent because it contradicts and or is repugnant to the highest law of our Country, the Constitution!! Leahmarie,I hope you understand that I am on your side in this gun matter. |
another question
Leahmarie, I suggest you go back and read Marbury vs Madison: It has to do with anything that violates or is repugnant to our Constitution is Null and void from its inception!!!! This applies to gun control or anything that is repugnant to our Constitution !!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- smo........ You are taking the decision of Marbury vs. Madison out of context and twisting it to fit your mindset. First the case has to do with a gentleman fighting for a commission of magistrate judge. His appointment was made in the middle of the night by the out-going president. The new administration did not want to honor it. I am not going to go into all the detials since I do not want to hijack the thread. The decision regarding the above stated that if an individual has a right and that right has been violated, then the laws of this country must afford a remedy. In other words, the person is entitled to have the wrong made right either by giving the individual what he/she is entitled to or give monetary compensation to make up for losing that right. The final thrust of the decision states that laws cannot be enacted that go against our Constitution. smo...... Just because you have decided that "the 2nd Amendment is repugnant to our Constitution," as you phrase it, does not mean that you can claim Marbury vs. Madison applies. You cannot say the 2nd Amendment is null and void since you say so. It doesn't work that way. This is why we have what is called Constitution Scholars. These are learned people whose expertise is the Constitution and it is their job to determine what goes against the Constitution. There is a judicial system that one needs to go through. Otherwise, if someone decided they didn't like something, they could come up with the same nonsense you are doing. That is scream Marbury vs. Madison and declare the law null and void. You can't do that because everyone would be declaring laws null and void. We would have no judicial system. Leahmarie, I am not against the second Amendment, I am like you ,I want to make sure we keep that second Amendment alive in full force. I love the Constitution and I plan to keep my guns, I would not mind having a few bear traps too What I said was in essence ,that, I am against all gun control laws(restrictions) and that they are all unconstitutional.(null and void)(Marbury vs. Madison) The only gun control ,that I believe in is: getting a firm hold on my gun with both hands(my style of gun control)(no extra gun laws) Marbury vs Madison backs me up on that, any law(extra laws) made that are repugnant to the 2 amendment or any other Amendment of the Constitution would be null and void from their inception. I am not against guns, but am in favor of them as you are. |
Fidel Castro Resigns!
he was good for the poor, the rich, elite are the ones who want him gone. Prostitution was eliminated, dealing drugs is punishable by death, illiteracy is all but gone, universal health care, too bad for the embargo that crushed cubas tiny economy, it could have flurished, but like Mexico, Cuba is just too damn close to the United States. In case you dont know the saying goes (Im paraphrasing), too bad for Mexico, if only it wasnt so close to the United States. I agree with the above, that is how I think it was. |
Smo don't hate Jews , he just is not in favor of people who hate Christians(TALMUDISTS) (SATANISTS) and ones that favor Israel above the US(ZIONISTS) There are lots and lots of real fine Jews who are non of the ABOVE. And there are Gentiles (non JEWS) who are SATANIST and also Zionists , that (favor Israel above the US). SMO is not in favor of all non Jews in our govt either, I think we have some very bad ones of them too, who are PARTNERS with the Talmudists and the SATANISTS. The New World order Bunch is not all Jews, Some are gentiles who think, and plan on sharing the One WORLD ORDER with the Talmudists
I do not like favoring Israel above America, that is treason and it is a form of Zionism. It is letting Israel work on taking over the World by Using US troops. There are some mighty fine outstanding good jews (who do not believe in the TALMUD)(do not hate Christians), and there are some really bad ones too,Talmudists Ones,(believe in the TALMUD) who hate ALL CHRISTIANS, you too ,if you are Christian,(They do not believe in Jesus) and would not hesitate to kill you in a New York minute. They have no scruples toward any Christians.(watch out for your kids)They do not consider it murder to kill a Christian.(TALMUD says so) That is why some countries call us the GREAT SATAN,or Little Israel, because they believe (know ) that We have Ones like this in our govt.