I saw a reservation of native Americans near Massena , New York That had a large sign up by the Highway, in large letters saying things like: No CIA, no FBI,no State Police, and a list of several more things, last I knew they were enforcing it with guns or whatever it took. They even shot a helicopter down. I guess they had some powerful weapons. Also ,I heard dead people(possibly govt people) were floating in the Saint Lawrence,every now and then., this was a few years back. The govt tried to harass them by circling outside the reservation with about 300 police cars in single file ,I saw that with my own eyes. I think it was the Khazars behind that too. I think it had something to do with taxes (money system)Remember if you are not a jew BROTHER, you are a GOYIM!!!(non jew)(cattle) If you can get a jew to tell you ,ask him or her what a GOYIM IS???
McCain’s Political Quagmire
Warmongers don't care just so long as you and him fight, and they collect the money from supporting both sides of the war.(War equipment)(factories) I hear tell that McCain married into Zionism, and that is how he got to be a politician, and backing. My what a tangled web???
McCain’s Political Quagmire
McCain is one of those WARmongers.
McCain’s Political Quagmire
Personally I think the war in Iraq is by Israeli missiles(so called roadside bombs), otherwise I don't believe there would be much war, except for Americans(or ISRAEL) bombing their civilians, then our hired mercenaries(Brown and root, Blackwater, maybe Haliburton) are probably the rest of the problems over there(terrorists)(stir up trouble). What I think is happening there is that those innocent Iraqis citizens just won't fight, so to keep things going, you have to take a stick and stir things up a bit, like shooting a bunch of innocent people, cut off food ,electric, and medical supplies,bomb their hospitals, steal oil, and put in a puppet govt that the people hate, and then just keep occupying their country forever,and then build a half dozen or more American military bases all around their country to make sure you keep them under occupation , while at the same time start harassing the neighbor countries from these new bases. (Zionism)(One World Orderism)Then get them ducks all lined up in a row and then TAXEM!!!PARASITES are taking over the world. WE MUST STOP THEM!!! I am quite sure that we will stop them!!!Russia and CHINA are looking down their nuclear BARRELS at US and ISRAEL AND ENGLAND!!!It is not WE THE PEOPLE they are after ,IT is the KHAZARS they want!!!Russia cleaned up the KHAZARS out of their govt that is why they are Powerful again,and are back to Christianity. We need to get Christianity back into govt and schools, and trust in God and our neighbors again.(Get KHAZARS -SATANISTS out)
I can hardly wait for Obama to get that WAR stopped and shut down all the KHAZAR money changers!!!
I saw that propaganda on TV too, GOOD support and advertisement for the WAR HUH??? I hear the KHAZARS run Hollywood and the movie industry too, and the MEDIA (non news) ONLY IN THE MOVIES!!! You will not convince me that any of those guys take any chances on getting killed. ISn't he the guy who wanted to take a bloodtest because he wonders if prince charles is his REAL DADDY???
AP) U.N. weapons inspectors climbed aboard a plane and pulled out of Iraq on Tuesday after President Bush issued a final ultimatum for Saddam Hussein to step down or face war. A plane carrying the inspectors took off from Saddam International Airport at 10:25 a.m. It landed an hour and a half later in Laranca, Cyprus where the inspectors have a base. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Monday ordered all U.N. inspectors and support staff, humanitarian workers and U.N. observers along the Iraq-Kuwait border to evacuate Iraq after U.S. threats to launch war. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/03/17/iraq/main544280.shtml I guess the dictator issued HIS ULTIMATUM!!! |
Pelosi,as far as I am concerned ,is another one of those PARASITES we need to get rid of ,who does not represent WE THE PEOPLE< it does not matter if she is Democrat or Republican, she just is not one of us.(career PARASITE) (warmonger)
Whereas United Nations Security Council Resolution 678 authorizes the use of all necessary means to enforce United Nations Security Council Resolution 660 and subsequent relevant resolutions and to compel Iraq to cease certain activities that threaten international peace and security, including the development of weapons of mass destruction and refusal or obstruction of United Nations weapons inspections in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 687, repression of its civilian population in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 688, and threatening its neighbors or United Nations operations in Iraq in violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 949; The great jester of the world, shrub, would not let the inspections happen because he wanted to invade them and he WANTED SADDAM FOR THREATENING HIS DADDY. So we never complied with the UN at any level so how can they use the UN as a way to justify themselves????? Since Little George was his own judge and jury too,(dictator) it is not over till it is over, and he had personal reasons against Hussein (his daddy)and since there is no statute of limitations on murder, the game is not over yet, I think Israel (Zion )is still calling the shots, I think we will capture a whole net full of fish before it is over!!(WARMONGERS) |
for the copy and paste crowd
Hey, I was reading about George Washington, I think he was warning about stuff like this in the party system, I don't like this party system, either.
By the way, when BARACK moves into the White house , I hope the British, don't burn it down for us again, when we change the money system back to Constitutional type, the Queen will probably hate us for sure.
LET"S ROCK with BARACK!!! Get out of the road ,his train is MOVIN ON DOWN to the WHITEHOUSE!!! the OVAL office, green rooms ,pink rooms and all that good stuff.
I guess the native Americans did not have good immigration policies, and that led to their problems.
If you do not exercise your rights and insist on them,and protect them, you will lose them.
i am voting for Ralph Nader.. it was a joke..honest..I'm leaving with the Lakota. I would never rule out that Lakota idea Remember what these politicians tell us while talking with forked tongues, something about keeping all options on the table? |
I think it is getting bad in dc(district of criminals) , I think it is time to remove the career criminals , and put in this inexperience guy(Obama) ,that a few of you are worried about, if you are worried about security, give him a republican vice president (Colin Powell). That might sound crazy to you party folks, but who cares about parties, George Washington warned about parties, I don't believe that he cared about any kind of parties, and his explanation seemed logical to me.
Future News: WE THE PEOPLE , so very overwhelmingly voted for Obama , that no longer could crooked ,rigged elections STOP the WILL of the PEOPLE!!!
Already some inconsistencies seem to be showing where districts with lots of black people did not even list 1 vote for Obama. I think it was in jew york. |
wow, giving horses away in ohio, who would have thunk that. why is there such a shortage of hay there, did you guys go thru a drought this year. well, at least you got a horse out of the deal, huh? hope you dont have to eat him its still pretty unsual i would venture to say, arent they pretty pricey? Yes a bad drought, all last spring and all last summer, cows have been selling real cheap here. |
Hey guys , this could be interesting before it is all over.It is like a ball game it is not over till it is over.The US is sticking its nose in to Kosovo,(possible new military base for US) and Serbia conflict. Remember Serbia was involved in World War 1 ,was it not? Russia , I guess considers that their territory, and has been warning the US. And I hear that Russia mentioned possibilities of coming over here and make sure that the Lakota Sioux nations were free and not interfered with. I guess that the Russians feel that would be an equal comparison. I think this whole thing is getting more serious than people tend to realize. I hear there is a possibility that the Lakota Sioux might be recognized by other nations already as soverigns).Keep in mind we are talking a lot of territory, parts of 5 states, North Dakota,South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming ,and Montana. I think we should quit harassing and keep our nose out of other countries affairs, and keep our treaties with the Lakotas, I think the whole world is on to us, that our word is not much good. It is time to correct that problem and start being truthful and trustworthy.
The Legal War In Iraq
for those who claim the war is illegal I would love to see your posts in here..... We supposedly are members of the UN, and I guess they never agreed with us. Why do we claim to agree to abide by the rules for going to WAR ,and then not keep our agreements, Our word is just no good is it?? I guess we make up our rules as we go.(immune to laws ,treaties and rules ,I guess) BUT THERE is NO STATUTE of LIMITATIONS on MURDER is there? The trials can be any time from now on. Murderers don't love their neighbors, that is why they kill them. Personally, it looks like a criminal war to me. I think bush is a coward for not accepting Hussein's challenge to fight him ,one on one, and leave the rest of the world out of what looks like bush's personal hatred of Hussein, and wanting to steal his oil.Bush done made the call, and now he should have to answer for it.(TRIAL)(World Court) Enough is enough already of criminals in our govt. |