Hey, this is all no accident, I figure McCain does not want to close any borders because He and his Israeli friends plan to Control not just Mexico, US and Canada, but to use our army to take over the whole mideast , AND, AND , YES AND Russia too!! I think these guys have real big plans which ,will backfire on them and swallow them up . And swallow us up too, if we allow them to use our Army like that??
Hey Guys ,I read that pond scum(algae) can keep you alive and in good health. They say it has all the nutrients that we need to be healthy. I guess pond scum helps purify the water, too. Also algae can be dried and powdered and stored up too. And can be added as a filler in other foods. It can also be grown in the city inside your apt, in fish aquariums, go to the flea market and gather up large aquariums cheap , put water in them and start growing your own algae.
Surveillance society
If you willingly give up your freedoms, Then you don't deserve freedom or peace. Like they say freedom is not free, We have to assert and insist on our rights, because the weasels(serpent people) are always working against us. The Serpent People know exactly who they are too, They even refer to themselves as the serpent people, most of us probably never heard about that situation.They often refer to us as cattle.(stupid cattle)
What I think was the real Reason the Bush Gang started the Iraq War Was: Money!! An American puppet by the name of Saddam seemed to forget that He was a puppet and decided He no longer answered to the US, so he changed his oil selling methods, He started selling oil for EUROS, instead of federal reserve notes, I guess Russia also quit using federal reserve notes,and now Iran has quit using federal reserve notes for oil, a few days ago Bush made a quick trip to Saudia Arabia, to talk, I guess they informed Bush ,that they also have plans to quit using federal reserve notes in oil sales, same thing with Chavez. So the latest rumour is that the Us cut internet cables under the ocean to places in the Mideast banking systems, It looks like the oil people know how to put the federal reserve out of business ,by not doing any more business with the federal reserve. There is a terrible money system battle going on as we speak.Federal reserve is fighting for its life. It needs to be dumped I believe it is responsible for lots of wars . Plus, I believe it is a CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION< and is Totally, UnConstitutional, and I have doubt that the federal reserve Act, was ever legally passed!! Saddam dealing in Euros ,brought the planes in a hurry, that is the same reason they want to get Iran, (dumping the federal reserve system,One main reason why JFK was murdered, HE too was dumping the federal reserve system ,and was already printing US NOTES, which did not pay any interest to the PRIVATE federal reserve system.I had some of those us notes, but after Kennedy was shot, the banks removed them out of circulation. Hey Guys, It is the Money system behind it all, the wars , the recession, the stock market, It is the PARASITE federal reserve system!!!Go Gettum!!They cause INFLATION< AND DEFLATION< RESESSION< MORTGAGE CRISIS!!ETC<
Why Are They So Disliked?
Hey ,Since so many of us agree About McCain and Clinton, I have been wondering if there is any electing going on at all, I have a hard time believing that Clinton and Mc Cain actually have any backing period?From anywhere? This Cr-- has me wondering how Robotic the people are to these No News Channels? These two are obviously against what the people want and still they make it look legitemate that the people really want this!!What they Made it plain They Don't Want.
Ron Paul for president
Definitely in favor of a Constitutionalist, like Ron Paul, He is exactly what we need.
Why in Recession?? #1- federal reserve #2 federal reserve #3 federal reserve #4 etc. federal reserve
Only CURE is get rid of the federal reserve, that is what all the other countries are doing right now, and will do right soon, if they have not already done so. You watch carefully what I said!!!We need to get back to our Constitutional govt and Constitutional Money system,and put an end to inflation and deflation and recessions.100% redeemable gold and silver backed Money. |
Gun Control
Thanks ,I read all your comments, I think KEEP the govt totally OUT of gun Control, they have NO business interfering with the PEOPLES" Bill of Rights, none WHATSOEVER. But if one Citizen damages or harms another citizen wrongly( guns or otherwise), then he should be put on trial according to Common Law(Constitution) and punished accordingly. Remember :MORE GOVT---LESS FREEDOM ,and LESS GOVT--MORE FREEDOM You can't have it both ways.So let's keep our freedom.(less govt) The NWO bunch want your guns gone. I think we need to value our freedom a little higher and hang onto our guns. any so called laws that chisel away at our right to own guns are unconstitutional (Marbury vs. Madison)(Null and Void)Same as if they were never passed since they were fraudulent from their inception. It would be a fraud just like our so called federal reserve is a fraud on the people.(unconstitutional)
If they come for your guns, I probably would give them the bullets first Since I would consider it a threat on my life, if they had the nerve to do that.Then ,I would have the nerve to protect myself. I don't like violence, but I will protect myself and my neighbors, by any means available to me. Have you ever thought about some nice BEAR TRAPS????Old Microwave ovens??? SNARES???Bearing Arms means anything that it takes to KEEP the BILL of RIGHTS ALIVE!!!!And Keep the govt subservient to WE THE PEOPLE!!!NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!!! May God Bless America (Land of HEAVEN) |
Torture is not a good idea, it is setting a bad example: AS YOU SOW ---SO SHALL YOU REAP!!! Do unto OTHERS as You would Have Them Do Unto You!!! Torture is carried out by Satanists and not by a God of Love. Sometimes I wonder why the year 2012 keeps coming up: Maybe that just might be the deadline for the Satanists to accomplish their New World Order,they had planned to have their NWO running back in 2000,remember Y2K?? But regardless, I am against Torture. Hey, I also believe some of these Satanists are stealing your little kids and torturing them too. I suggest looking for these torturers also among high members of some of your secret societies. I don't believe there exists such a thing as a GOOD SECRET SOCIETY!!What are they Hiding??TORTURE???SATANISM???
Hey, Recessions don't just happen,THEY ARE CAUSED, just like 1929 the (not) federal (no) reserve (non) Banking system regulates the value of your money up and down until no body has anything,only them.If we had our rightful money system according to the Constitution , there would never be inflation and deflation. A dollar would be worth the same forever,(there would be no recessions) I know it might seem hard to believe ,but it is true. the federal reserve GANG are the Criminals(the banking system)(it is a totally private money system ,doesn't seem to answer to anyone.)I hear they never allow themselves to be audited.(interesting isn't it?) They always seem to put a flunky like greenspan near our govt to make it look they are our buddies, but don't be fooled by that. they are ruthless crooks, draining you last drop of blood out. And I did notice that some thought the economy was just fine. Now, JUST by chance ,if you were one of those , just maybe you are some kind of parasite govt employees(probably 50 % on govt payroll in some form or other.)(those are non productive type jobs) who vote yourself raises as the rest of us starve. I don't try to hate anyone ,but I want us to be realistic about that because as soon as the host dies ,then the stupid parasite will die too. REMEMBER: More govt--less freedom and LESS Govt--more freedom!!!The private federal reserve system (of 1913)is Probably the greatest CRIME against HUMANKIND in the history of this Planet. ENRON is just SMALL POTATOES compared to these CRIMINALS. By the way ,I heard that the federal reserve act was passed during Christmas Vacation by about 3 men while Congress was out of session. I wonder how they did that? I don't think the federal reserve act was ever passed and is a FRAUD(unConstitutional) I also question if we have ever had a legitimate SENATE in CONGRESS EVER SINCE the 1913 FRAUD??SINCE??? this federal reserve thing needs to be straightened out, this will save our Country!!!
So,whos it gonna be?
Obama ,I hope . If Hillary gets in there ,she will want to collect up your hunting rifles,(a criminal offense) and naturally ,I would feel that she was personally threatening my(safety) life, and that of my family and would be forced to protect myself from her goons.She would not have the guts to do that herself, but I have no doubt that she has the nerve to try and further violate our Constitutional rights. If the people really do put her in there, then they really do deserve all that will be coming to them for giving up on our rights. I wish there was someway Ron Paul could win this thing(Smiles)
End of the World
I don't know what 2012 is but I am hoping it means that Satan's time is up for interfering in mans affairs here on earth,and maybe he will be removed forever. It does not seem that they allow honest people in govt anymore? If you have not been bought off or blackmailed by the ELITE, you will probably not get very far in govt.I think the real Drug dealers are running this world.
Do you mind if I think out loud a little bit and tell you the whole story in a few lines? America (land of Heaven) You ever heard of Atlantis and LEMUR, 2 great civilizations comparable to ours , blown off the map ,because of similar situation to ours: SATAN vs. GOD The Satan Forces are ruling our govt, we let it happen. If we can get them out of there and on trial, this earth does not need to be destroyed.But if we do not stop them then America will be destroyed too like Atlantis and Lemur were. Another side reason for bombing Baghdad.That is where all the old records were kept to tell us the truth about those old Civilizations, The Satanists knew these records were there and wanted them destroyed.Israels Leaders would have been openly exposed through those records, Why do so many countries call us the GreatSatan? And also Little IsraeL? These Satanists don't believe in our God,They believe only in Satan and stealing little kids to torture. I think many of these secret organizations are guilty of crimes , even murder among the top members. the little members at the bottom are just nice little decoys unknowingly.They say where there is smoke ,there is fire, I would like to investigate the Bohemian Grove and many others, the funny thing the most important people seem to belong to many of these Skull and bones type organizations. I think Russia is way ahead of us in figuring this problem out. We are supposed to be a Christian nation, but I don't think we have many Christian leaders, It seems that Christians are not tolerated very well in our govt. Remember the Kennedy Family.
Hey Guys this stuff is for real (conspiracies),Our so called leaders have been selling us down the tubes for years(treason upon treason)When will enough of us wake up so that this fraud comes to an end??
Hey, I think we are waking up faster these days, When more of us lose our jobs and our homes, and then when they put forced disease (forced Vaccinations) on us(depopulation)maybe then we will wake up.. Where do you think all these autisms are coming from?? Hey Guys ,the govt does not seem to listen to WE THE PEOPLE anymore!!I Hear, The American Union (Mexico, US, CANADA) is a done deal as far as some of the big guys are concerned. They never asked me if I thought it would be alright.(Also the new Super Super Highway from Mexico to Canada Along I 35.) I guess there is also new Constitution already written up that makes us under the UN.(I think REAGEN might have signed us up for that when he was still President.) When did they report that on your NO NEWS CHANNEL?? I guess originally Russia was to supply the New World ORDER Leader, But Now that Israel and Russia are not best buddies, Israel wants to back out of that deal!! Hey the UN is not our friend either, That is the NEW WORLD ORDER IN PLAIN SIGHT> |
Hey Guys this stuff is for real (conspiracies),Our so called leaders have been selling us down the tubes for years(treason upon treason)When will enough of us wake up so that this fraud comes to an end??
Hey, I think we are waking up faster these days, When more of us lose our jobs and our homes, and then when they put forced disease (forced Vaccinations) on us(depopulation)maybe then we will wake up.. Where do you think all these autisms are coming from?? Hey Guys ,the govt does not seem to listen to WE THE PEOPLE anymore!!I Hear, The American Union (Mexico, US, CANADA) is a done deal as far as some of the big guys are concerned. They never asked me if I thought it would be alright.(Also the new Super Super Highway from Mexico to Canada Along I 35.) I guess there is also new Constitution already written up that makes us under the UN.(I think REAGEN might have signed us up for that when he was still President.) When did they report that on your NO NEWS CHANNEL?? I guess originally Russia was to supply the New World ORDER Leader, But Now that Israel and Russia are not best buddies, Israel wants to back out of that deal!! Hey the UN is not our friend either, That is the NEW WORLD ORDER IN PLAIN SIGHT> |
Hey, IF Aaron scared you , I feel bad , but the Man has done his homework, while the rest were probably watching sports, TV shows, movies, out drinking and whatever else keeps people from seeing what's in plain sight in front of them.
Remember those secret Organizations are secret for their own interests , not for us.yes, especially since the federal reserve act was passed by about 3 men, during Christmas vacation,(secret) while Congress was out of session. HOW DID THEY DO THAT?? I don't think they were following the Constitution I have my doubt that this Country has had a legal SENATE since then(1913).It is time to call those(private)(not) federal non reserves guys to account for all their crimes and cancel the national debt ,since it is one big fraud on WE THE PEOPLE. Hey guys, it is my understanding that about 5 people control most of the wealth, and they are not all men.And I read that the ISRAELITE queen was likely one of them.. Hey guys ,how much proof you need, Get out that One DOLLAR BILL like Aaron said and read it and look at the pyramid, notice the capstone is not sitting down yet.I guess that the plan is to set the capstone down on there as soon as they pull off the One World Order. But Guys ,there is Russia and China and many others who are not ignorant about those One World Order plans and it is my understanding that they may hold(are holding) Israel accountable for those plans.(they don't plan on letting the NWO get in power) Attacking Iran is just a small side issue of their real plans ,until they can figure out how to take over Russia. Also ,I hear that some countries refer to the US as little ISRAEL. I hear that there are people around Washington that are on Russia's wanted list for trial over there. No, I don't think they will pull off the One World order, but it won't be because they are not trying. They are also trying to get total control of your food supply through genetically altered grains. Good ole Billy Gates ,I hear is helping them to help you out of your food supply, by getting control of all the seed supplies.!!! Plus I read that NWO bunch is very suicidal, If they can't have it all ,they plan to destroy everything so that nobody will have it.. Yes, I would start thinking how to be selfsustaining like the Amish do, Did you ever learn gardening, It would be a great time to get started,and do it together with friends and neighbors, that way you will be helping your neighbors survive too. By yourself you may have a real hard time surviving. If we are attacked the cities would be out of food in a few days. Now if nothing ever happens, what is wrong with being self sufficient? We could probably stop any attacks by taking all the govt employees that are violating our Constitution and putting them on trial ,and put in good people!(Constitution supporters) Then other countries would have no reason to attack us.!!! |
Should we call Ron Paul out?
My opinion is that there is only about a half dozen people in our congress that are 100% in favor of the Constitution, and I think all the rest should be replaced very soon with people who do represent WE THE PEOPLE.(Constitution) Now as for those secret organizations that have been mentioned on this site, I think that all SECRET ORGANIZATIONS are NO GOOD!!! What are they HIDING? That in my opinion is exactly why they are secret , they are bad!!! That Bilderburger bunch supposedly has Non JEWS in the top ranks also.
Also that is why secret Ballots are bad also, made room for cheating, everybody should sign their ballots. Get Ron Paul to help us get our Constitution back in full power. And get all Bilderburgers out of our govt , Secret people are not good for us ,You can BE SURE of that!! Did I hear some one mention Kissinger, yes, get him out too, and anyone connected with the Bilderburgers, is not one of WE THE PEOPLE!! |
Am I un american?
If it ever comes to a time we can no longer discuss these things, Then you will know that Israel and its puppets won the New World Order(took over the World) But ,I am convinced that since so many have been waking up to what our govt has been doing , They are going to have a much harder time trying to pull it off,I don't think they can do it now!!!But they are going to battle us(WE THE PEOPLE) right down to the wire. I hear that there are other countries that refer to us as LITTLE ISRAEL!!!
Why can't.........
I think little by little we will come to agreement on things, by letting others have their say ,and listening carefully to both sides and then deciding. It does not matter if we all agree on everything. Eventually we should agree on certain main ideas that really matter.(do unto others as you would have them do to you)I think we are all learning forever ,long as we live here, and even beyond here. Religion should learn this idea too someday, but right now they mostly just cause divisions among the people , If Jesus was walking around here today, I do not believe he would belong to any one particular religion, because each one seems to feel he is superior to other (self-righteous)(a little better than others)So the religions need to get over that idea, before they can be good neighbors. Politics also are causing divisions among the people (god cop , bad cop)They say the govt can not be any better than what the people are. If the people don't have have any morals, the govt won't be any better. So it is up to each of us if we want to be good neighbors, and over look the little things others may do.
I think we need a lot less govt and a whole lot less papers, lot of papers , a lot of nuisance and lot of waste of time, you could be doing something productive with that time.