What Have you Done MRS. Clinton??? Tripp suggested that Foster, at Mrs Clinton's direction, transmitted the order to move on the Branch Davidian's Waco compound,which culminated in a military style attack on the wooden building. in April 19,1995, not Bill,not Janet Reno, not Webb Hubbell, not Vince Foster.
"Little known is that Webb Hubbell is also very likely the father of Chelsea, not Bill Clinton. Check out photos of both of them. White House Staff was always under strict orders to never let the Chelsea and Webb get close enough to get photographed together for obvious reasons. |
screw obama
I think Obama is the last hope to SAVE this COUNTRY. Clintons and McCain , I think are WARMONGERS and should be put on trial along with the Bush GANG. Don't forget about Haliburton, Blackwater ,and no bid contracts. Who do you think is in on that stuff? I think Clintons and Bush are the same gang of criminals. SMO...... Please read my post on this thread about Obama, which is near the bottom of page 5. You talk about Obama being the last hope to save our country. Are you aware that Obama's friend, minister and mentor for the last 20 years is Rev. Wright. The Reverend is a key supporter of Louis Farrakhan, and in December, honored the Nation of Islam leader for lifetime achievement. Farrakhan repeatedly makes hate-filled statements targeting Jews, whites, America, and homosexuals. A man is known by the company he keeps. Obama is married to a woman who made the statement that she has never been proud of America in her entire adult life until this point in time wherein her husband is running for president. Mrs. Obama's remarks show disdain for America and are clearly those of a racist. Consider this woman Obama chose to marry and the fact that he has aligned himself with Wright and Farrakhan, two men who are not only anti-American but also racists, one can only come to the conclusion that Obama himself is anti-American and racist. Is this whom you want to lead our country, to represent America, to be our president? I don't believe every thing they say about Louis Farrakhan: I don't believe he hates white people, and I don't believe He hates America(Land of Heaven); But He don't like False JEWS Revelation 2:9 And Revelation 3:9 And I don't care about FALSE JEWS either, and once you figure out what they are doing to our Country, I don't think you will like them either!!! |
screw obama
I think Obama is the last hope to SAVE this COUNTRY. Clintons and McCain , I think are WARMONGERS and should be put on trial along with the Bush GANG. Don't forget about Haliburton, Blackwater ,and no bid contracts. Who do you think is in on that stuff? I think Clintons and Bush are the same gang of criminals. Obama isn't a warmonger you say?... On September 24, Barack Obama -- the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate from Illinois, and a shoo-in favorite -- suggested “surgical missile strikes” on Iran may become necessary. “[L]aunching some missile strikes into Iran is not the optimal position for us to be in” given the ongoing war in Iraq, Obama told the Chicago Tribune.
“On the other hand, having a radical Muslim theocracy in possession of nuclear weapons is worse,” he said. Obama went on to argue that military strikes on Pakistan should not be ruled out if “violent Islamic extremists” were to “take over.” A U.S. strike on Iran could well open up a new war front. When the CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) conducted a recent series of war games involving an attack on Iran, an Air Force source told Newsweek, "The war games were unsuccessful at preventing the conflict from escalating." Now, I am quite convinced that Clinton and McCain would love to attack Iran as soon as they could pull it off, :YESTERDAY IF THEY COULD!! But , I don't think Obama is at all like that. I think that on Super Tuesday the game was over, THE PEOPLE SPOKE< and they made it loud and clear that they want to end the WAR--They want change - They want the WARMONGERS OUT!!! |
screw obama
I think Obama is the last hope to SAVE this COUNTRY. Clintons and McCain , I think are WARMONGERS and should be put on trial along with the Bush GANG. Don't forget about Haliburton, Blackwater ,and no bid contracts. Who do you think is in on that stuff? I think Clintons and Bush are the same gang of criminals.
I think the Majority of our Congress has been BRIBED or BLACKMAILED, otherwise it would be impossible for things to ever get this bad. I think this applies to both Democrats and Republicans. I believe they are selling us out and are not WE THE PEOPLE. They are not doing what we hired them to do?? Our Unfaithful servants need replaced.
I would suppose the New York Times story Has a lot more to it, and I think it is a way to keep puppets toeing the line. And if a puppet would step out of line then, more of the story may appear. I am convinced that our Congress is totally useless for reasons such as the above, the majority I think are dirty and are compromised,and are of no value to WE THE PEOPLE!!! I think they are sold out to the Zionists and therefore favor Israel above the US< which I would consider as high TREASON!! and good reason to be in prison, and not in any office representing WE THE PEOPLE!!
I think Obama cares, But, I doubt that Hillary or Mc Cain care about any one except their puppet masters and themselves.(Zionist puppetmasters THAT IS )
I think Obama cares about white people!!
Obama for America PO Box 802798 Chicago, IL 60680 Campaign headquarters above |
Do Unto Others as you would have them do to You.
The media has not found a way to explain away those large crowds that Obama is getting that fill up arenas and spill out into the streets. While hillaries supposed supporters boo her publicly right to her face.
It is not like the media wants you to think. |
Barack Obama wins EVERY TIME!!!(this is not in your news)
There is no longer a contest as far as the elite are concerned.They know he is destined to be the United States President; it has already happened. Their only thrust is to cause you to think the race is close or that Hillary or the other candidates are getting your votes.--even though every other indication is to the contrary. You are witnessing the final battle at the ending of the cycle change for possession of your souls...... Making you see or believe something that is not real is the hallmark of any good magician., and the Zionist KHAZAR Jews of Hollywood and the world media are the experts!! inf from CONTACT Magazine |
What they did not tell you in the Media? ON Super Tuesday, you as a nation decided whom you want as President. When the presence is felt, the polling tricks, and false tabulating practices of the Elite stand out like a sore thumb. They look ridiculous as they try to explain away what your eyes see and that those "New Numbers" do not add up. In the bright light of day, the liars lose their ability to hide the true demand of the people.--NO ONE WHO REALLY WANTS THEIR NATION BACK SHOULD BE SITTING ON THE SIDELINES>!!
Vote Obama!! |
Barack Obama refects the hopes and dreams for not only the United States of America, but for all the rest of the World.The Muslims see a brother in him, one who will listen to their grievances. The Whites and Blacks see a joining together of centuries of divisions and non-equality of man against man. The poor see him as some one who cares about their plight in uncaring cities of utter hopelessness. But most of all, We The People see a shift of govrnment politics, moving from the greedy,ego-centered all powerful oligarchy to one where the people choose what their government WILL and WILL NOT DO..
The electricity can be felt in the air,Now is the time to ride the momentum, of bringing "A Republic of The People " to life!!! Taken from the CONTACT Magazine, page 2 of Feb 20, 2008 issue Vol 50 Number 5 |
History Test
that was humorous I have to admit, but Ron Paul and Dennis are two good folks, at least ,I think so
Telecommunications Immune?
Mr Telephoneman, I hate to admit but you are probably a whole lot right on most of what you said, Those Zionists and TALMUDISTS, and SATANISTS just might completely overthrow us, like THEY did those other civilizations that you listed, But I am going to hang on to hope that the Zionists and TALMUDISTS, and SATANISTS will LOSE THIS TIME!!! I really believe we have a chance this time. This is America ,Land of Heaven, don't give up your guns just YET!!!
another question
Amendment II A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. yes, the right to bear arms. They are saying you can go and kill a bear and use his arms. It says nothing about guns. Remember Amendment number 2 is from the (people's)Bill of rights that the people are to have in their favor(not the govt's favor) It precisely says: the right of the people to keep and bear arms, yes,and that way the people are also the militia too as they are in Switzerland. And the people will keep the govt more honest that way also. The people have the right to remove the govt if it is not following the LAW(Constitution) |
History Test
But,I don't think we can take any more War, so that eliminates McCain in my opinion, And also we don't need more Communism, So, I am wanting the war stopped too and am going with OBAMA. It is just too bad that the people don't appreciate Ron Paul or Dennis Kuccinich. Ron Paul was my pick for Number 1 choice.
History Test
Mr Gardenforge, that does sound like the Communist manifesto, Frightening ,isn't it?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HjpX__vUTA&feature=related I have been reading for a few days now, about who believes what, and who believes whom. My statement is, if you support Bush, and the war, you are helping to kill our men and woman of the military. Stop the war and bring them home. Little Lady, I am proud of you. |
Since the govt won't tell you , let me guess who they been spying on?? On us : anyone who is not happy with the present One World Order Bunch. The Problem for them is that there are getting to be too many for them to handle. The internet lost their battle for them, little did they realize how powerful the internet would become. It is enough to sink the One World Order. Now we can watch their every move, and they can not hide any more. Not many secrets any more. Once they are exposed ,they lose a lot of their power. For example ,each time they have plans to attack Iran and it comes out on the internet Days in advance, that changes their plans.
Now we hear that there is a lot more to this spy satellite story than they told us.(Quantum particle beams) |