VP Selections
How about This?: Colin Powell as VP for Obama, Sounds like Obama would then have the bull by the horns on a downhill slide
screw obama
I think there needs to be signed paper ballots. It is my understanding that originally ballots were not secret. That would stop the cheating.
screw obama
I just read that ,in spite of the polls being rigged and the rigged voting that Obama is winning regardless, he just is overpowering. I hear there is probably going to be lawsuits in the voting process again. I guess old habits are hard to break. It seems that that they have a hard time rigging it enough to beat Obama. I guess it is already getting too obvious.
because patricia arquette is an awesome actress. because medium has some pretty amazing family values...and showcases her family. because the driving character is a strong woman with a strong husband and amazing children...none of them are on drugs or breaking the law or doing things that are unethical... because the leading character ALWAYS chooses what to do based off of what is RIGHT, not what's easy... it's a beautiful and wonderful show with a bit of the unknown tossed in. Wonderful Show |
Some good news america!
and again why is everyone focusing on two people??? Just about every member of congress is just as guilty for volating rights as any other politician. Im sure Bush and Cheney commited some crimes (don't know where and how) but people are forgetting that the president really doesn't have much power at all. It's called checks and balances. When is everyone going to hold congress just as guilty for approving these supposed illegal actions that Bush and cheney made? Come on guys you are using the easiest (most famous) political figures as scape goats. This would be the "blind" part about your hatred. I think :things could never get this bad ,unless congress was bribed and blackmailed. |
| under Construction boredinaz06...... So which one are you? Are you the guy grinning because he "knows" he is going to beat Hillary? Or, are you the woman smiling since she intends to win, even if it means "hiring a hit man to get rid of Obama?" I think Hillary would do that , if she actually felt that she could pull it off. They (somebody )are determined to try to make it look like this electronic election is fair, and trying to make it look like Hillary is close and it is the same for McCain too. I don't believe he won anything. |
Some good news america!
Put them on trial for Murder, the statute of limitations never runs out for murder(WAR CRIMES) Then watch the accomplices (family??)start fleeing the country!!!! Some have hinted that George may be fleeing to Paraguay..
I think they are missiles, I don't buy all that suicide stuff.
Our govt now has a new deal with Canada , the excuse is that they will call in Canadian troops in an emergency, but that scares me , they(our govt) always have a way of helping us in a way that we do not need.(take away ,chisel more rights.)As a pretense of helping us. I read that some believe that since our own soldiers would not want to fire on us that maybe British or Canadian troops would. If british or canadian troops would fire on us or try to collect our guns, I got at least one life to give, maybe 9 lives.
Mostly ,it is who you know?? It is always kept in the FAMILY Almost Always!!Almost No Exceptions!!
Magic of Misdirection: Could that be the reason for all the Sports, Movies, and TV, and other gadgets , cars, and homes,etc, to keep us so busy that we will never figure out who has been fleecing us ??? I guess when reality hits pretty soon, maybe we will see who the Magicians are. Are you prepared for your garden and your shelters, and food preservation, Or are you going to depend on the sleight of hand folks to save us??? I hear the Plans are to depopulate 90% of the Population World wide?? Remember ATLANTIS in the central Atlantic Ocean and LEMUR in the Pacific Ocean, two past civilizations did not survive these magicians, but I got a feeling at least some of us might make it this time. The history of some of the past was stored in Baghdad in those Museums, that the airplanes bombed, the Magicians wanted to hide that from us too. It is not Global warming and Al Gore ,I think knows that too. We are entering a radiation belt, you may need that shelter at times. Why don't they want you to know the truth, it has nothing to do with burning coal!!! They are planning to keep a few (goy, goyim,goim, cattle) for their slaves. We need to read the Talmud a lot more. You would be shocked ,what is in there!!! Maybe the Talmud don't exist and I dreamed all this magic stuff up in my imagination ,Right???
Regime change
Why we are in Iraq By early 2003, the status quo on Iraq was crumbling and could not be sustained. The international sanctions regime no longer constrained Saddam’s ability to spend money as he wished, and the regime was growing stronger, not weaker, under the existing sanctions. At the same time, critics around the world were demanding that those sanctions that remained be lifted. U.S. and British warplanes patrolled the no-fly zones, taking fire from anti-aircraft guns on a weekly basis. America was forced to keep troops stationed in Saudi Arabia, in an overtly hostile environment, with no light at the end of the tunnel. International pressure on Saddam was wavering, and intensified only when the United States showed a determination to deal with him once and for all. Even the renewed inspections in 2002 and 2003 took place only when Saddam was confronted with coalition troops deployed to his borders— an obviously unsustainable situation— and even then he refused to cooperate fully. We must also remember the mockery his regime made of the United Nations Security Council. He violated no less than 17 Security Council resolutions. If the word of the United Nations is ever to be worth more than a press release, there must be enforcement. more here interesting stuff Yeah, those sanctions were not working , He quit selling his oil for Dollars ,and changed over to Euros, and the other countries were not helping us very much with the sanctions because they did not agree with us very much? Our Puppet Saddum was slipping out from under our thumb and we Zionists did not like that very much!! SO WE PUT THE HAMMER DOWN ON HIM!! He made a mockery of the UN because he knew it was the CAPITAL of the Zionist ONE WORLD ORDER?? Notice what CITY it is located in.(Capital of ZIONISM in my opinion) International pressure was wavering because Saddum was in the right and we were wrong ,so no one wanted to side with us, it is that simple. No one else except England and Israel wanted to be War Criminals. To me it seems pretty simple since ,I do not own any oil companies and I am not wanting to take over the PLANET SHAN (earth) Our Marines have a tough time trying to protect all these Zionist corporations ,that are trying to take over the earth.(buy it, steal it, or kill it, our corp. will not take no for an answer.)(money, money ,power, more power) The UN Security Council is trying to be the New World Order govt for this planet. Problem is that a couple of the key Members (Russia , China) no longer go along with the Scheme. I hear that the original plan was that a RUSSIAN was to be head man of the UN Security Council, but it seems that US ,England and ISRAEL had a change of heart about that earlier agreement.(Renigged) Now of course there seems to be a reason for this, Not long ago before Putin, the zionists were still in charge of Russia, But somehow Putin took care of that problem over there. Russia is a Christian Nation NOW!!! |
Regime change
This is a valid concern that there are Americans that do not realize that regime change makes us war criminals. Oh, someday we might realize ,when someone(Russia and China) calls us to account for our WAR CRIMES, and if we are a survivor and start looking at the ruble around us like they do in Iraq? Then we will say: GOSH,I wonder why they did this to us?? Well,It was because we did not hold our WARMONGERS in check?? |
Regime change
This is a valid concern that there are Americans that do not realize that regime change makes us war criminals. Hey, as horrible as it sounds, we are the most powerful nation in the world, it would take the combined might of every other nation to take us in... If our leaders decided we should commit a few war crimes, hey I don't agree, but I'm not the one in charge. Well, now you know why Im afraid of Americans...excuse me but if you are an American citizen YOU are in charge and responsible for holding your "elected" officials accountable for their actions, especially if you dont agree...apathy is leading America down the path to ruin.. your jobs exported to foreign countries for the benefit of big business, no big deal, your way of life (middle class getting squeezed out of existence) that everyone covets..slowly one takes any action.. agressive measures taken against other countries (my opinion not withstanding)politicans suddenly loose their spines (Im talking about Dems backtracking now that they hold the majority in congress) and yet STILL no action from the American people... For pity sakes, what does it take to get your guys off your butts and DO something?????? HEY!! We are too busy watching all the sports programs that takes our minds off what they(Zionists) are doing to us , and it lulls us to sleep , so that they can keep screwing us over, while taking more of our rights away,and telling us, it is for our own good they are doing that to us.. Yes ,we are getting spineless and nothing seems to p-ss us off anymore. Also, you are right ,we do not hold these crooks accountable at all, maybe it is because we have lost our morals and are getting to be just like them. Turn on the ball game and get me another beer, I am spineless and don't want to face any reality, let somebody else worry about my problems, let the Zionists take over |
Regime change
This is a valid concern that there are Americans that do not realize that regime change makes us war criminals. Please excuse me but after reading so many posts in these forums I have concluded that my initial opinion of you was possibly inaccurate. You should contact CNN, MSNBC, and FOX with this news. It appears to have escaped them. I figure it escaped them only because, they are accomplices in these WAR CRIMES!!! |
I read a big sign on a man's lawn that went something like this: Those who are pleased with the system, have yet to experience it.
I believe that it is very true statement. |
what is a zionist?
I think that Zionist irrationally favor Israel ,so much so that they become traitors to the united States in America(land of Heaven) Our Zionist leaders send our Soldiers to fight Wars that Israel invents.
I don't hate Zionists, but ,I recommend that you pay attention to their works. |
Lindyy says: Something even more scarey - madman viewed my profile! He wanted to see what his best buddies looked like. |
Definately a Zionist Conspiracy Son of a gun, I guess we all know whose puppets are running Columbia. And working on getting Ecuador and definitely would love to get their hands on Chevez's OIL. Now especially that Chevez too has quit selling his oil for federal reserve notes.(Euros)That is what hurried our war planes to Iraq when Saddum did that Euro trick.Russia, Iran ,Kuwait , and Saudia Arabia , I hear also did that little Money trick, I guess they know who the REAL ENEMY IS? Our Money men are getting pinched pretty hard these days, Maybe we will get our Constitutional money system before long. |
I don't believe that the Constitution allows for any restrictions, but I do know that if you wrongly harm or damage some one ,then the Constitution shows that you are to be put on trial by a jury of your peers. You are not guilty until you harm some one first. I don't think it matters how big your arms are till you harm somebody. I think in the right situation big ole bear traps with teeth in them would protect you too. I think arms includes guns or anything else you can think up to protect your self with, Crossbows are mighty fine weapons too and quiet and quite accurate up to 40 yards plus a few. I enjoy long range shooting also
Never let them take your guns away on any pretenses.. I read where they have an idea how to take our guns away using religion as an excuse saying that anyone who does not give up his guns just does not want to be peaceful. If that happens , that is a trick that the enemy has been discussing, and those ones are definitely the enemy, they are also trying to chip away our Constitution!!(treasonists) A nice little underground shelter is nice too, good place to store your food and you too. I hear Princess Dianna's car was shot with a pulse gun , I think fired from that white car that was seen at the vicinity of the accident. Now ,whoever had one of those guns must have been connected to very ,very ,very high places, wouldn't you suppose?? I would like to have one of those!!! I heard all those fires in California did not all start by accident?(pulse weapons) |