It is intended to keep people in the dark what is happening here. If the real news ever came out this govt could have been fixed long time ago. That is why they buy up all the news media , it is the same bunch who is stealing everything including our freedom. It is the Money MASTERS stealing everything. CROOKED BANKING!! They create money of of thin air.(FRAUD)
Sir Josiah Stamp, a man who ran the bank of England,: Quote:The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight-of-hand that was ever invented.Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin....Bankers own the earth.Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with a flick of a pen, they will create enough to buy it back again...Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear , and they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in...But, if you want to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery , then let the bankers continue to create money and control credit."end of Quote. Sometimes ,it sounds better coming from the ones inside. He was one of them ,I guess he must have developed a conscience??? I guess he turned to God when He found out there was no place else to GO!!! |
Agenda for China Meeting
China is pretty much a LIVE AND LET LIVE kind of country, just like Russia is , but both will fight when they are Cornered or poked in the eye long enough!!
VP Selections
At least Obama should give him (Colin Powell)a Cabinet position!!
VP Selections
I have my doubts that General Powell would accept McCains offer(too much warmongering),but He might accept if a Brilliant young Obama asked him!!! It sounds crazy ,I know , but It really is SOOO! I am my own, grandpa!(not really)
governments explained
Since ,I hear that this is the prison planet, who do you suppose is running all the above govts?
Seeds of our future
Our leaders plan to depopulate this planet Called Shan(earth) back to around 500 million people and are planning to have control of the seeds too. They have real nice underground shelters for themselves too , lots of places in this country, and also Australia Central mountains, New Zealand and other places too.
Do you have a reservation? |
a bridge for sale?
It appears to me that Russia and China are now the most powerful and maybe even the richest nations on this earth today, Contrary to what you may have heard about those reports of Russia being poor.(not true)This weak and poor Russia is one of those bridges that our leaders are trying to sell to us people. Don't buy into that ONE!! Russia has been out of debt for some time now and they are swimming in oil,OIL,OIL,(lots of money)
If we do get into a World War 3, the TWO most BITTER ENEMIES on this Planet Called SHAN(earth) in the War will BOTH be RUSSIANS: It will be the Russian Christians against the RUSSIAN MONGOLIANS( KHAZARS Origin)) But hopefully Obama will be President before this happens, and Obama will stop the Iraq War and any future Wars that the Khazar bankers have in mind to start, |
a bridge for sale?
armydoc..... You didn't address the career politicians. The poster is correct in that something should be done about them. When our Founding Fathers originated our way of government, the idea was to have citizen Congressmen. Ordinary men were to serve one term in the various political offices and then go home. Of course, it was okay to serve two terms, but one was the preferred. However, we got away from the wisdom of our Founding Fathers. Consequently, the men and women who are in office today are nothing but career politicians. They are not interested in abiding by the will of our Founding Fathers, let alone the will of the people. Everything these career politicians do is geared toward keeping them in office and giving them power. This presidential election is a big joke. For over a year these men/women, both on the Republican and Democratic side, will neglect the jobs they are being paid for by the taxpayers and do all they can to become president. Also, the reality is that none of them want the position to make change in our country. Each and every one of them want it for personal/political reasons. Yes , I agree that these career politicians are not a bit good for our Country, the longer they are in there the further removed they are from WE THE PEOPLE, just not one of us. But from my studying of Obama , I think he is a Constitutionalist, just what the doctor ordered for our sick situation. I think he has those issues high on his list of things to do. I think Obama is ONE OF US!!! |
I believe Israel is occupying Pallestine same as we are occupying Iraq and those Arabs are being crowded out by intimidation from their homeland. If some Arab is upset by Israeli tactics and throws a stone, Then Israel will retaliate with missiles and tanks or maybe bulldoze a row or 2 of Arab houses down with the people still in them .Those Israelis are vicious how they occupy those Arabs. If some Arab kills one Israeli, then they mass murder a whole lot of Arabs. A lot of the time when they say the Arabs shot rockets, I am beginning to have doubts on that. Those Arabs are so poor ,they don't have much of anything to fight with.
Seriously, ask any Arab ,then ask any jew, what he thinks of your Jesus Christ? tHE jEW PROBABLY won't dare to tell you how bad he thinks, But the Arab will probably tell you Jesus was a great man or a great prophet. The Judeans were semetic and the Khazars are NOT SEMETIC. And if you are a white person you are most likely truly Semetic, or Shemetic, contrary to what you might have originally thought. The Judeans need to expose the Khazars who have stolen their identity and are exploiting them too, and yet both are presented to you as Jews. But one is not semetic. I consider myself as semetic, so how could I be anti-semetic?? |
what is a zionist?
The Khazars are not semetic , they only claim to be, they are not originally from pallestine, they are Mongolians , Barbarians,Ottomans, they always lied, murdered, and stoled (I guess it is in their nature to be like that)and are not who they say they are(Rev 2:9 and rev 3:9) They stole the identity of Judeans back around 800 AD(date might not be right), who are today all lumped together under one TITLE, JEWS.(stolen identity)(they steal everything if possible) Even the Bible has been tampered by these false Jews , who now claim that they are Gods CHOSEN PEOPLE above all the rest of us.(Interesting story on how they took over the Catholic Church) I don't believe that our father ,GOD picked a favorite son and then said to his other sons, This jew son is an a--hole, but I don't care ,he is still my favorite son. God never wrote any books, only people wrote books. Jews write history too and a lot of it has been tampered too.
Just this morning ,I heard they(ISRAEL and US) want to attack Syria and Iran. They want to put oil pipe lines through Syria. They are putting big oil pipelines through Afghanistan right this very minute, right today. They are competing against Russia in the oil business. the Khazars run our money system here and the rest of the world is changing little by little their money systems away from ours in order to sink the Khazars. Iran, Russia ,Venzuela,and get this friends, even Kuwait who we supposedly helped in first Gulf War also dumped our money system(federal reserve notes) in their oil sales. (nice friend HUH?) Iran is selling their oil for Euros75% (volume)and Yen 25%(volume) sales. By the way the Khazars want to break up Yugoslavia (Balkans )(Sebia ,Kosovo, etc) for more oil pipe lines and try to cut Russia out of the oil market. It is the Khazars still working on taking over everything , but like I said earlier , they are failing and are getting desperate and getting to the point of being suicidal now. This is their last ditch effort for all or none. Even WALL STREET is now being sort of bought out by the Chinese ,,other Asians, and the oil Arabs. I guess they are using up the surplus federal reserve notes that they have laying around, all this seems to be backfiring on the Khazar money people.(suicidal) Remember reading about 1929 when some lost their fortunes, they jumped out of windows and committed suicide. What it is ,they are parasites and can not stand the idea that they might actually have to work for a living like the rest of us. They even brag among themselves about being parasites and not working for a living .Their time is running out and they know it.(suicidal) |
war crimes
I heard that we use a lot of dirty bombs(made from radioactive waste) in Iraq and then after bombing , our soldiers are sent in to these radioactive places. That alone ,I would consider as vicious war CRIMES. I consider the Commander in chief as top blame for those crimes. Then our soldiers come home sick and dying. Terrible crimes against our own soldiers and against the Iraqis.
That was a nice War PEP RALLY wasn't IT?? Now let him stand back now , so that you and the Arabs can fight, remember , that is the strategy of this whole WAR! And all WARS. Those guys do not get in dangers way, only in the movies. HE is not one of the puppets.
Yeah, And the Commander in- chef is not even done cooking yet. Who knows what else he may cook up before we put a collar on him??
war crimes
Well at least if you say WAR CRIMES, there is really only one place to look that I can think of. And it comes from a definite religious book. I will give you 3 guesses ,but you will need likely only one!!
I think there are a lot of hoaxes going on ,and all by the exact same bunch,I think that is their main business-hoaxes. It never ends ,NEVER ENDS!!!PARASITES!!!
sad that people have to invent lives for themselves and then not own up to their own fiction. this is the same story as James Frey's "A Million Little Pieces" fiasco. however, there is no denying the holocaust. the facts are abundantly clear and irrefutable. except by deranged Iranian dictators named Ahmadinejad... It matters who owns the majority of the publishing houses how history gets written up.(goes for the Bible too) (tampered) The history books in many countries do not line up with our history books in the US. I read a few years back about our first Congress, that they did not reveal everything to the American people : for example that they agreed to pay England 8 million dollars for revolutionary war costs. (Sounds fishy to me) I always thought that always they make the loser pay the cost of the war(Germany example) like we sort of claim is really happening in Iraq. I thought that the politicians said that Iraq oil would pay for the war in Iraq. Something is not totally lining up there either?? I hear that the oil comes out of there by the boatloads all the time , and often secretly and possibly not even measured (stolen possibly) I heard some Iraqis were complaining about that too. |
name one that you think is better and would love to go live in, i'll buy your whole family tickets. dont cop out now. for me it would be tahiti, but then again im a simple guy, grasshut on the beach, perfect. the US has its fair share of problems not saying it doesnt, im just saying that its still the best place to be, the trade off for some of the other places are just not worth it, TO ME. One of those grass huts on the beach, sounds great to me too. But I hear that China is getting a lot better lately ,too. They say that a guy can move to the city over there and work in a factory job for 7 years and then he can go back home and retire for the rest of his life, I heard that real recently, probably in the last couple months. |
OMG it must be another zionist conspiracy. Gee if you break the law you go to jail what a sinister concept. Yes sometimes people slip through the cracks, O.J. is a case in point, but I am sure if you took the time and trouble to look you would see that many everyday people also slip through the cracks but the case isn't a high profile case. My!!! some folks are catching on. Yes it is a money thing,called debtors prisons. Follow the money.Many of the jails are private owned, like old folks homes in the health care system. You might like to check up and see exactly who owns some or most of the so called regional jails.(private)(corp)Sort of like owning a chain of motels.Do you own any of those stocks?? |
I can hardly wait for Obama to get that WAR stopped and shut down all the KHAZAR money changers!!! Smo...... It is not going to happen. The Democrats are going to implode thanks to Hillary and Obama attacking each other. Another point is once Nader gets into the race, votes will be pulled from the Democratic nominee. Therefore, it is natural to conclude John McCain will be our next president, thanks to Ralph Nader and the inner fighting within the Democratic Party. This just gave me another interesting thought If Nader runs then it will be between Obama, McCain and Nader, and to me this means that actually it will be a new ball game, it would be a race between Obama and Nader only, because I don't really believe McCain has won anything, too much rigging going on , and hopefully the cheaters are going to get caught . Everybody already knows who I think the cheaters ARE!!! |
I don't believe that all these wars are giving us more FREEDOM as some suggest. I think it might be exactly the opposite, because that is how they are coming up with these PATRIOT ACTS : WAR POWERS ACT: using security and wars as the excuse to chisel off more of our Constitutional rights. For example: IN ORDER TO STAY FREE WE HAVE TO TAKE AWAY A LITTLE MORE OF YOUR FREEDOM!!!