I wonder if this person was collecting checks like about 6 million others are who I think are robbing the system unjustly???
Still more republican lunacy
Go ahead and laugh I heard the leaders of Saudia Arabia are ARAB JEWS, YEAH you heard me RIGHT?? Somebody is trying to get me thrown off this site for my personal opinions, Hey , the TRUTH IS GOING TO COME OUT!! What truth? That you are prejudice? Stereotyping someone based on where they come from and their religious beliefs is pretty bad. Spewing it all over the forums is worse, and yes if people did find it offensive they could report you. It would be up to the mods to determine whether or not it actually is though. As for this threads topic. I think there is a big difference between going to a country to talk politics to its leader, and going somewhere for the Olympics and using the opportunity to talk politics. It is even worse than just talking ,if a president actually sends young kids to die for countries like Saudia Arabia and Kuwait, when they violate the civil rights of fellow humans. I consider that worse than just talking to Castro. |
Still more republican lunacy
Go ahead and laugh I heard the leaders of Saudia Arabia are ARAB JEWS, YEAH you heard me RIGHT?? Somebody is trying to get me thrown off this site for my personal opinions, Hey , the TRUTH IS GOING TO COME OUT!!
Still more republican lunacy
Would anyone know how to find out if it is true that the leaders of Saudia Arabia and Kuwait still have black slaves?? I heard that it is true and that our soldiers black and white ones went over there to help keep those kings and sheiks in power!!
does halliburton run any prisons yet? They are too busy bilking the system in Iraq and Afghan I heard somewhere that THIS IS the PRISON PLANET!! I think lots of those people in prison have committed no real Constitutional crimes ( not harmed or damaged anyone) |
I believe there are lots of soldiers who wold like to testify against the war, But don't you suppose they will be punished for talking and telling the truth??? I have reason to believe that will be the case, just the same as some are trying to get me removed from this site!!!So if you see me gone ,that is probably what happened
I think Obama will get those troops out pretty quick.
why would you have to think what Obama will do....does he not have a plan that you can look up?...you're content to let him say a few words and then think it's all going to better when Obama's in charge... What difference does it make whether he says it or if he writes it down. Lots of peoples word is no good ,but lots of peoples signatures are no good either. There are no guarantees about hardly anything in life , even your guarantees on car tires and batteries are mostly tricky talk, when you study into them. |
Well, I am hoping Obama Will restore our money system back to the Constitutions standards ,which England is totally against because they(England) have been run by the Khazars TRIBE for a mighty long time, and England has a hand in our banking system most of our history, They do not care who runs the politics of a country as long as they control the money system, Mr Rothschild (KHAZAR)said so with his own mouth. They figure on bribing and blackmailing the politicians after they get control of the money and banking system, once the politicians have been compromised they are no longer of any value to the PEOPLE. If any congressman starts developing a conscience, and wants to start doing right by the people ,he is immediately punished, his past discrepancies immediately come to light. The Khazars try not to let anyone clean into office if they can help it, because they would not be able to sway his votes, because they have nothing that they can hold over his head.
I heard some kind of rumors about Obama being a Constitutional lawyer, or studied about that or something in that line. I hope so. |
What is so disturbing about Abu Ghraib? When you deal with animals they do not understand humane methods. They need to be treated like they treat us. Better the Americans got a hold of them than the Israelis.... Now the Israelis now how to treat Arab animals.... Alchemist: I think you got that totally backwards. the Khazars (barbarians)treat all the rest of us, including Arabs ,like animals,(goy or goyim) that is the nature of the Israeli Khazars. the US is considered little Israel in some of the other countries, I am going to guess that the Iraqis probably also think that. You probably consider yourself to be a Christian, and do to others like you would want them to do to you??? You might even be a good church goer. I guess some of the Arabs call us the GREAT SATAN. In case you wondered the KHAZARS are the SERPENT PEOPLE AND FOR GOOD REASON. And since the Khazars seem to call all the shots in this Country, then even I can see why they call us the GREAT SATAN!! |
Obama will get rid of those guys,and the war.
We have got to get that awful cook out of the kitchen. He is trying to cook up World War 3 .
I hear that Clintons are getting paid real well now for helping get all these no bid contracts out to their friends.
This world is a for real CHESS game isn't it? the king sends his pawns out to get the other king. But the Iraq pawns are still objecting even though their king SADDAM is gone, I guess they don't like the new king we are trying to put in over there.
I am a pawn and I don't like the king ,I got here either, I think Obama is the last hope for America to rectify this problem. If Obama does not get in there ,I can picture this whole country going up in smoke, in a World War 3. I don't think Hillary or McCain give a hoot about what is legal or illegal?? Was it the Khazar kissinger ,Who said years back: the illegal, we do immediately , the unconstitutional takes a little longer??? |
What worries me is these other countries don't like bush and may have to walk over top of me to get at bush, since they are really after him and not me.
Our present economic state is the result of twenty-five plus years of corporate business friendly politics and economic tomfoolery, starting with Reagan's "Reaganomics"/"Supply-Side Economics" and culminating with NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT. Even worse is that EVERY politician and president to take office since the early eighties has catered to the same philosophy, from Bush I, to Clinton, to Bush II, to practically everyone in the Senate and House of Representatives. We've gone from the biggest exporter of goods to the worlds largest IMporter of goods, as well as the country with the largest trade deficit in close to twenty-five years time. And we owe it all to our dimwits in office. those dimwits (dipsticks) sold us out to the KHAZAR TRIBE, (Hollywood mogals)(mongolians)(barbarians) Hey people , those barbarians really did exist ,and these are them.(KHAZARS)*(false jews) |
By the way, when BARACK moves into the White house , I hope the British, don't burn it down for us again, when we change the money system back to Constitutional type, the Queen will probably hate us for sure. SMO, Where do you come up with this stuff? Hey, this is truly interesting stuff: Did you ever hear of the war of 1812 ?? the British came into Washington and burned our Whitehouse down,nice friends EH?? Don't forget the KHAZARS(lots of kings and queens belong to this KHAZAR TRIBE) run England,and they have this intense love for money, money, money and power, and more power, they just love the h-ll out of banks. Well we decided we did not want any of their crooked banks in our country, so they burned our Whitehouse down, it was that simple. It does not get any simpler than that!!! If you ever noticed also that any one who tries to change the Khazar money system usually ends up dead(invisible) Ask Abe Lincoln, or Andrew Jackson , or John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and several other dead people about that. By the way stuff like this will never get in the media, and usually these guys own all the publishing Companies and they write their own history books too (one sided of course)But the truth is out there, you just got to hunt for it a little bit. I guess even the Bible says that the world is lying in the power of the wicked one. The private federal reserve, money system is probably the biggest fraud on the people in the history of this planet,but so far everybody has ended up dead that got real serious about removing it.The Khazars are a real tribe of people, vicious bunch. Some people are are born with blond hair and blue eyes ,some are born with real bad tendencies, it is the nature of them,I guess. They could change and do good, some do,(real good) but a lot of the time they just rather be bad. The good ones who change often write books and articles exposing the others, some are younger ones now days starting to expose the old ones. I guess you could say that some of them actually get(develop) a conscience. |
Obama the liar king
WOW!!!, I have a hard time imagining how he could beat the Clintons or Mc Cain(Zionists)
This nation was built on faith in GOD,(light) But the KHAZARS(dark) want to remove anything that has to do with CHRIST (light) from all schools, court houses,,public squares, They have in mind to totally remove Christianity from the earth,if they can.(Satanic serpent people) I hear that some secret(dark) organizations have the serpent(dark)(SATAN) in their symbols,(IS it the masons ?)Many secret(dark) Organizations are connected at the top levels , but none of the little guys are ever told about that. And I read that the top levels are reserved for KHAZARS(serpent people) only, and they use the little guys as information (spies) guys in their local communities, pretty neat ,HUH??? You probably never imagined how easy it was to build this one world order.(makes you feel pretty important too, doesn't it?)(belonging to a secret org) How long have these secret(dark) organizations been around. And are not the most prominent people in your locality usually members of these organizations??? Just Harmless right?? What are they Hiding?? If there is nothing to hide ,then why is it SECRET??(DARK) This nation has been battling those guys since George Washington(yes, they are the speculators of money too) And how about those carpet baggers after the Civil WAR ???This country has had a tough road trying to KEEP GOD IN OUR GOVERNMENT, But remember ,GOD ALWAYS WINS!!!YES GOD IS supposed to be in AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. If you throw him out ,you don't have much left worth anything!!!
I agree that it is the person , not the party,that is what stands up for the people, That is why ,I would not mind if Obama had Republican Colin Powell for Vice president to keep all the republicans happy too. We should all be happy with our govt if possible. Besides Powell was good enough to quit the bush gang when he saw that he been HAD!!!
I don't think the Iraqis want to fight among themselves as much as the bush gang says, that is why the need for roadside bombs(Israeli missiles so I heard). I think Obama will get those troops out pretty quick.