I think invading other countries and assassinations of their leaders, and over throwing govts, are things that should not be taken lightly, and I think our country is guilty of things like this , and I hear that there is no statute of limitations on murder. Time to put Washington dc (district of criminals)on trial. I think there is a whole nest of vipers and offspring of vipers in there. Start with the white house and Congress. Things could never get this bad unless our Congress was bribed and blackmailed., Yes, put the bush GANG on trial for murder, treason, war crimes and fraud. When I say bush gang <I think that includes the clintons also, I think they are one and the same bunch. I don't think they represent WE THE PEOPLE!!!
This is an up to date situation, China and Russia and Iran and probably most of the planet, except for England and Israel are opposing US right now!! in 2008!! Probably even worse now than back in 2005. If ,there is a WORLD WAR 3 ,America will be all ruble, back to the stone ages, BUT, if we are really, really, lucky, and get out of it easy,(no war) then China and others in Asia, and the oil people in the Mid-East will own WALL STREET, Which I think they are buying it up right now!! That might be what will get rid of the KHAZARS(liars thieves and murders) out of WALL STREET. Then maybe we can change the money system for an honest system(Constitution system) Hey, I think I might be seeing some light down there at the end of the tunnel. Go gettum, Barack!! No country with an abundance of nuclear weapons will ever get invaded and taken over. No one is stupid enough to start a large scale nuclear war. Drivenutz ,I am hoping too ,that no one is that stupid. But the problem is that since we have supposedly been getting away with invading other countries, and occupying them, we are acting like a drunk that can not quit over drinking, we seem to be addicted to over throwing and occupying countries one after another like Hitler started doing. Eventually some body is going to draw the line on us,(I heard something about a new military base in Kosovo)(it seems to never end) if we don't get the Bush Gang out of there soon, before He attacks more people, or before Israel attacks more people. Israel seems to like to attack or throw a wrench in the gears and then stand back , and Say: Let's you and him fight, and they(KHAZARS) will be happy to lend money to both sides of the war ,so that it can keep going. It is my understanding that War equip. is their main export........... |
This is an up to date situation, China and Russia and Iran and probably most of the planet, except for England and Israel are opposing US right now!! in 2008!! Probably even worse now than back in 2005. If ,there is a WORLD WAR 3 ,America will be all ruble, back to the stone ages, BUT, if we are really, really, lucky, and get out of it easy,(no war) then China and others in Asia, and the oil people in the Mid-East will own WALL STREET, Which I think they are buying it up right now!! That might be what will get rid of the KHAZARS(liars thieves and murders) out of WALL STREET. Then maybe we can change the money system for an honest system(Constitution system)
Hey, I think I might be seeing some light down there at the end of the tunnel. Go gettum, Barack!! |
Doc, I guess that depends: Right now in southern Ohio, Hay is a very short commodity, and right now I know of people giving horses away just to avoid having to feed them. A guy told us the other day ,that at the local auction barn, that when he came out leave ,there were 4 horses tied to the outside of his trailer . I hear that is not uncommon lately here. It seems that most all the farmers around here are desperately short of hay. We got a free fancy young horse ,all trained and been fixed(broke)(castrated) last month ,and now we have been offered two more for free, but we turned them down. I just thought that some folks would be surprised to hear of such stuff. Now if that waitress was in southern ,Ohio, nobody here would likely be suprised. I guess a guy could eat horse burgers.
Thank the Bush Crime GANG, for helping us see the need for CHANGE!!!
Resigns: I hear that sometimes when a ship is about to sink ,that the rats start fleeing ship.
I got an email the other day reminding me that the native Americans should have paid closer attention to the immigration problems that they had.
Yes, that is some serious not wanting to go back there. I heard that the AWOL(Absent without leave) rate is quite high. I hear that many don't even bother trying to come back to this country.
If we can finish getting Obama in as president, I believe this country can be resurrected , I got faith that Obama is, ONE OF US, but I do not feel that way about any of the OTHERS!! |
Very interesting piece you wrote, but none of surprises me or shocks me. This country talks a lot about supporting the troops, but doesn't do nearly enough. They want an all volunteer military, sometimes calling it a "professional military". Unfortunately, joining the military is not like becoming a police officer of firefighter, both difficult jobs and dangerous as well, but they don't compare to being a soldier in many ways. I believe it's every Americans duty to prove they are willing to take a bullet for what most of us claim to believe in. And how about the conservatives getting in line first. After all, they are the ones who have gotten us into this mess in Iraq. It's a GOOD thing that every person in this country is NOT a conservative. If that were the case, we would be at war with half the world, but wouldn't have the troops to fight! I still keep thinking back to what Hussein told Dan Rather, In so many words, Hussein wanted to avoid the war for his people and offered for him and George Bush to each have a gun ,and the two of them settle it between the two of them. MY< MY ,I thought that , that was a splendid idea , I believe that is the way it should have been settled, but of course , it appears that, George would rather do like the Khazars , start the trouble, then stand back, and let you and him fight. |
Zack, If you think Jesus never existed, then do you think the Christ ever existed,(hung on a cross) that Christianity is named after, or do you think Immanuel,or Esu ,maybe was son of Mary and Joseph of Nazareth? How about Joshua ben Joseph(carpenter's son) , son of Mary and Joseph, You think maybe Sananda could be this Jesus that was hung on a cross?
The un-religion religion:)
Dragoness: I was on a visit to New Hampshire about a year ago, and I was asked if I would like to go to a FRIENDS meeting?? I said OK. And near as I could tell it fits the description you put out at the beginning of this section. I guess they are in many places all around the country. In some places they refer to themselves as Quakers , and in some places as FRIENDS. I guess no one is expected to have to agree with any particular teaching except maybe one thing . They all believed in peace ,and were all against war, and all believed in loving your neighbor and tolerating your brothers differences in beliefs. Check into the Friends or Quakers as some call it. I think that is how it should be in this whole world. Then everyone would really be brothers and sisters. I believe they got it right.
I doubt that there has been an honest presidential election in our lifetime.And also lots of the other elections too. But this time things are a little different , not that they are honest,but this time Obama is so far ahead of everyone else that it is over whelming, and the crooks would not be able to cover it up this time. The crooks do not want to be caught fighting a losing battle. But I think they are going to catch some anyway.
Bush is not all the blame , I think he is just one of the supporters of Zion(Israel) including the majority of our Congress. Who support the Private federal reserve system. It is all connected, and the Illuminati (Elite) The Private federal reserve charges our govt interest on worthless monopoly type money, has no real value,federal reserve is biggest ponzi scheme ever was, it steals your houses, wages, inflates your savings,robs third world countries, Parasites, it is just a total fraud!!from the day it started in 1913, our delinquent govt supports this CRIME!!in cluding bush.
Madisonman is doing just fine and I am proud of him. I noticed that these comments may be slanted against him. But ,I hope he keeps on, keeping on!! I think he is being realistic, and has good topics that need discussed. If his opinion does not agree with mine, I will not try to belittle him or try to bulldoze him over. It is very obvious to me that some try to do that. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. We all may slip up a little at times.
Gosh, I wish I knew how to copy and Paste, Then I could really help out in these discussions.
McCain implodes
McCain, I think he is a BIG TIME ZIONIST, and he probably is imploding, which ,I think will happen to all Zionists, when we put the CONSTITUTIONAL pressure on them..
McCain implodes
McCain, aw ! come on , I find it hard to believe he got real live people to vote for him??(warmonger)
Hey Guys, Do you really think that this same thing did not happen among the Republicans also??? I also do not believe that the American people voted for McCain and his 100 years war either. I will never likely ever believe that McCain won hardly anything. I figure that most any other Republican could honestly beat him on account of his warmonger status. I don't believe there has been an honest election in this country in over 100 years.I think the offspring of the carpetbaggers(look up who the carpetbaggers really were)(how about the rags salesmen) have been running this country for since Abe Lincoln , and even their earlier progeny too. The financial people have been working on overthrowing our Country, elections,etc. for a long ,long,long time. Why did OUR FRIEND (England)(run by KHAZARS) burn our Capital down in the WAR of 1812. I think the KHAZAR money people are behind the whole show, they have been stealing all your elections if possible?? But OBAMA is winning so greatly that ,(large margin) that crookery don't dare to try top him!!It would become too obvious, and I think that it has already come to that point now. Surely ,you do not believe that Hillary won New Hampshire??
I can not understand why any one would want McCain even if he was in good health , since he seems to be such a War lover??Has he not made it very plain he wants troops in Iraq for who Knows How long and He even admits that is true.
I think that Ruining the economy, is part of the KHAZAR plans for America, and Bush is only a puppet and does as he is told(programmed)by the Zionists. I think being a puppet is not just a figure of speech any more. I heard the old George is working on his first cloneship, and that Cheyneyis on his second cloneship, and that Henry Kissinger is on his 5th cloneship. If that is true we are seeing a new meaning to the word puppets. Keep in mind their is a real live person and persons behind the puppets, that you can barely see, They are almost invisible. But almost does not count, like it does in horse shoes. Ever heard of the ELITE or the Illuminati?? Let's get rid of the federal reserve and fix our economy, those 1% PARASITES, we don't need them sucking our blood. I read where the PARASITES brag that the Farmers farm the Ground, and We FARM the FARMERS!!! What do you think they are doing to YOU??