America is supposed to be a REPUBLIC (rule of law and the Constitution IS THE LAW) whereas a democracy is mob rule (don't care about the law) Two wolves and a sheep vote on what are we having for dinner?No law involved there. Our system has sort of deteriorated into that idea(democracy) If people drawing checks (govt checks)out number the rest of us they vote themselves pay raises(parasites)They don't care about law or love of neighbor, no principles, just mob rule??? America needs to get back to love of neighbor and love of God!!!
As I said earlier:To help America we need to get rid of a bunch of worthless laws, more laws less freedom, More freedom ,less laws. More Laws implies less freedom, it is really a simple matter,and will come to that eventually by necessity, it is like gravity it is hard to defy it. Also the Constitution implies that if there is no victim, then there is no crime, So I would like to know: what are all these people doing in jail that have never victimized anyone? It is plain to me that the govts have been the biggest law breakers,by violating our Constitution (treason)putting people in jail without cause(victimless crimes) So really anyone in jail that has not harmed or damaged others have not committed any crime according to our Constitution(highest law of the land)Our govt has been guilty of crimes for a long time now. Time to set things right!!!!
Who killed Benazir?
The Russians seemingly have the info again as usual with their first class spy system. There is an article on that discusses the event. It looks like maybe no less than 3 groups of sharpshooters firing at least 6 shots, and most likely involve the special forces of Pakistan, and then covered up by rocket grenades to make it look like suicide bombers. So the govt of Pakistan is likely behind the shooting.
How important does a person have to be, in order to use the word assassinated instead of just killed or murdered? Oh, just something to think about, I guess.
Hey, I don't claim to be an extra smart guy, I did not come up with these ideas myself, But ,I listen real good to others ideas,and reports, and I pass them on.
Iraqis to the US....GET OUT!
Someone on the first page thought that Iraq needs welfare from us? But don't they have lots of oil that would take care of them if the oil was not stolen from them? And is it not pretty obvious that most of Iraq does not want us there? Tell me how are we helping them by being there? It seems to me that we are trying to put an American puppet govt in there and Iraq does not want it and even the Puppets don't want it? Even most Americans don't want it either. Who is Running our Foreign policy anyway? Israel????American secret govt???Who IS????I would really like to know???The American people???
Since we need ideas for America week,How about copying 2 ideas from Switzerland?#1- when the kids get to 9th grade in school, start immediately learning a trade or business that you choose for your future for free,free,free, like in ordinary public schools?
#2 - The Army is all the citizens of the country, everyone is furnished guns ,ammo, and training how to use them. No paid military.Saves a lot of money. I suppose someone will ridicule me for these ideas too, but hey!!,You got a better idea, Let's hear it, I will listen. |
partisan politics civil war
Do you mind if I think out loud a little bit?(Smiles) I think any good guys have a hard time getting near the control panel ,because we have a secret govt behind fema, and a secret army some might call blackwater. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? (smiles) And I think the Majority of our Congress has been bribed or blackmailed and do not represent the people any more.(treason).And I don't think we have any honest elections anymore.(caused by secret ballots system)(very corrupt)my thinking must be really screwed up huh?(Smiles)
Remember,I recommended to go see how the Amish operate, they do not need all those govt programs, they have a proven system that really works , they love one another and take care of their own, and do not ask us to keep them either. I have to admit they seem to have many good ideas, any ideas we don't like we do not have to use.
probably worst parasites are the not needed extra bureacracy(govt positions)and many of alphabet agencies that are absolutely not needed at all
MR TURTLEPOET, we can disagree without being disagreeable or obnoxious, we can be friends and disagree, and still be friends, the folks on this site are not the enemy, we are all friends trying to figure out what to do to help, just as all Jews are not the enemy, and not all so called gentiles, are all good people either, Race is not the problem, there are good and bad in all races , the way ,I figure it. We are all in this situation together, I sure don't know all the answers, but ,I have some ideas, no one has to agree with my ideas, but it surely will not hurt to at least think about it. I will think about your ideas too, and try hard not to be upset with you , but I might just think to myself, that he can not help it , he is just a little inexperienced, and you can think the same about me, if you wish.(Smiles)
I believe George Washington and Tom Jefferson would recommend getting back to the Constitution soon as possible and cut the federal govt down to bare bones, a skeleton,and get them out of the States business. Too many parasites will kill the host and then even the parasite dies too. Ron Paul believes like the early Patriots did! So do I. Our country can be great again if we go back to what made us great!!
Also, we need to get rid of all parasites, that are sucking the lifeblood out of the people(non productive element)I figure you could come up with a list of them easy and quick.
anyone who is getting a free ride these days may not like these work ideas. I think each one needs work at something, to carry his own weight.
I think that any thing connected to growing food or a green house(winter food) , or a garden , or farm now, would be projects to start.(growing food in your house)(fresh year around) Or if you already know how, then teach others the same. Food is getting to be a problem and will be a worse problem shortly. We need to be learning self sufficiency and this would be a great start. Get your local community interested in projects like this .and first thing it could be a good friendly competition trying to figure out more new ideas on how to accomplish this.(For example) Hey, look at my tomatoes that I grew in the house in a 5 gallon bucket ,with a hole cut in the bottom of the bucket.(plant upside down in there)
Freedom implies fewer laws
You don't need all those laws ,only need a couple like love your neighbor as yourself, and do unto others as you would want them to do to you. and if some one does not want to do that way, do business with some one who does.
Hey, Home schooling works great too. would save a lot of taxes , The Amish seem to progress just fine without the high priced public school system, I think they are very intelligent people. They know how to create endless amount of jobs too, Study them and this country could kick in gear and get rolling again.
I have a great idea how to start lots of businesses , NO MORE LICENSES and everyone would be starting home business like crazy, would not be long and many people would be self employed productively .No doubt in my mind about this.
I think if we cut the federal govt down to Constitutional size, everything would correct itself. You would be surprised how handy people are if you let them work and quit getting in the road to hinder their ideas, I have the feeling that govt is in competition against its own people and supports certain corporations in order to compete against ordinary people. When the govt sets prices on farm products, they are helping to put farmers out of business. Any where they stick their nose in ,it seems there is going to be hindrance of progress. Get the federal govt out of the schools, no business in there at all, it is up to each state on those matters.