call your congressperson
Here are some numbers to call Congress 1-877-851-6437 or 1-866-340-9281 Have a nice day.
Interesting thoughts on Iran
I guess you heard that Putin was over here several days back, and he does not like this threatening of Iran and supposedly said that if the US attacks IRAN, he would consider it the same as if US attacked RUSSIA. WHAT that means to me is that, if US is stupid enough to attack Iran , this country would or could be a pile of ruble from sea to shining sea. In case you had not heard, we supposedly have not had any spy satellites in space over other countries in 15 years or more because Russia shot them all down, with their cosmospheres (manned space stations)(weapons)(electromagnetic pulse weapons) Why do you suppose we use those drones? Is that the best we can do.?? If they shot first, they could set off ,all our missiles in the silos,before they left the ground, and these warmongers call Russia a toothless, tiger!! I also heard that Russia paid off its national debt, and is not broke any more. I also hear that Russia has evidence for our trials, if we need more evidence. Russia has been trying to reason with the warmongers just as WE THE PEOPLE have tried. We should stop the Warmongers, because Russia will walk over all of us just to get to them ,if they have to. It is in all our best interests to stop the war, And keep them away from Iran.If Israel attacks Iran, let Israel go down, they have no business over there. I don't know personally, but I heard tell, that Israel took the lead on the planes to Baghdad .I bet somebody knows for sure who did?? Hey, did you ever wonder what those space shuddles are really up to??
Yes, this government is standing alone , because even WE THE PEOPLE ,do not agree with it any more . THEY have over thrown our Constitution, taken away ,your rights, and the rest of the world is standing in the distance , just watching us to see what are we going to do about it. This is supposed to be AMERICA (land of heaven) NOW, this whole govt. should be put on trial for treason , war crimes, and murder. And then the guilty ones should be thrown in jail for a long, long, time. I would make sure they had fair trials.(do unto others what you want done to you) So we would have to do according to justice.And have proper, WE THE PEOPLE courts. Hey, that is not a hard job,it is simple, there is mostly, only a hand full of them ,compared to us. We could each judge the ones in our own communities. There are not many of them, they are among us, they wear grey suits, and pretend to be your friends. Hey, we are all in this together!! I love you all!!!
Personally, I do not believe our Congress is worried about the troops. I think only you and I are worried about the troops, because it is our families. I figure that very few of Congress have any immediate family in actual battle areas. I figure the corporations would lose the oil in Iraq if the soldiers came home. That is why ,I think they are not home yet. They are figuring out how to keep that oil, and so our kids have been volunteered to do that job.Besides too many of our Congress are blackmailed and bribed in to impotency, probably own shares in the oil and war equipment factories . before election Pelosi ,and others said, give us the majority and we will stop the war and Bush. the people gave them the majority and now, they claim impotency, SHAME on them!!They should all be fired (lose their jobs)or recalled immediately. They (our public servants)do not listen to WE THE PEOPLE, who hired them. Would that be malfeasance of office??? No wonder I heard it called Washington DC (district of criminals ).
Yes, I believe the Ones who want the one world order are responsible for lots of crimes against mankind and even against aliens. I heard that there is a lot more to the Roswell crash too, like friendly fire from our government against friendly aliens(no accidental crash) .I also believe the One world order mongers stopped Kennedy ,too, Yes the grassy knoll, and how about the driver of the car too, DAN ? Was the driver left handed?( Dan Rather is it?) Where are the pictures ,now, Dan? Maybe ,I am just imagining all this stuff. How many accomplices are there ? Any one else care to be an accomplice too ,and help cover this thing up ? Raise your hands if you want to be an accomplice ,too. I figure there are several accomplices , but all together maybe not that many??How many witnesses been murdered now ,about 200 give or take a few? Why , they say that was a virtual war zone around there, not just,one bullet? I am just wondering if water gate was connected to this too, I wonder what it was ,that Nixon was trying to find? does any one Know? was he connected to this ,too. I wonder where all the evidence is? Who has the evidence, now? I heard there is enough to go around and take care of this matter for good!!And get all the skunks out of the wood pile. They are still working on their one world order, but game is up , we are on to them now, Russia and China are on to them , Europe, and almost ,all the world is on to them now, They are all watching to see what WE THE PEOPLE of AMERICA( land of heaven) plan to do about it!!! Let's put them in jail, where they belong. There is only a hand full of them, no they do not have us surrounded like they want you to believe. They are right among us, they wear grey suits and pretend they are your friends. Hey, we are all in this together. I love you all!!!
By the way, the good news is , the one world order is not going to happen, The Zionists already lost, they just don't know it yet , or really ,just not ready to admit it yet, and are willing to just destroy this whole planet with a nuclear war, to stop WE THE PEOPLE from having it, I think they are suicidal, if they can not have it, destroy it, so no one else can have it. There is only a hand full of them, we need to put them on trial now, before they really hurt some one,and themselves. They need to spend a long, long time in jail, and think about what they have been doing to mankind.( their brothers and sisters)Do unto others, like you want done to you. Also, consider ,the federal reserve , The BIGGEST CRIME AGAINST MANKIND IN THE HISTORY OF THIS PLANET!!!
Consider this possibility: The one world order ,Money men , (and women)There are women on this list, throw nice parties ,for our nice Congress people, and just happens , that male and female prostitutes, get invited,too. After several drinks, and a good time ,several of our nice Congress people end up in a compromising situation, with some other men or women, and just happens that some pictures were taken!! Later, comes time to vote in congress about some thing the big money people want passed. Now, if our nice congress person decides to have a conscience, he is shown the pictures, and reminded that ,if he does not play ball , these pictures might accidently show up in his home town newspaper, where his wife, family, and friends might see them. From now on he is compromised and no longer represents WE THE PEOPLE, he is totally useless , and harms us more and more as long as he or she stays in the Congress. I figure that we have many ,many of them in the CONGRESS. THEY will never try to get your RIGHTS BACK!!!Why they will even vote for the ONE WORLD ORDER RUN BY ZIONISTS and they will be a SLAVE too!!
Trying to find good news...
As soon as we get rid of the federal reserve(private, not federal at all) and replace it with gold backing, run by a Constitutional Congress, who are true servants to the good of WE THE PEOPLE, Things will start getting better immediately, instantly. there is supposedly ,already a Corporation( COSMOS SEAFOOD MARKETING). which has legitimate title to about 614,000 tons of gold, stored in many places around this planet, has offered to help us out of our money problems,IF THE crooks in power resign,or are removed and put on trial. It is my understanding that many of the alleged guilty ones already know who they are and that they know about this offer to straighten out our money problems. Ask OLD George Bush if he knows or ever heard about this offer, and if he might have said to the offer: NOT AT THIS TIME!!! Interesting isn't it?? I am just wondering PERHAPS if the federal reserve is in hock (owes) for this gold. I was just wondering out loud!! Hey, we are all in this together, and there is only a hand full of the culprits, some I understand are accomplices to murder too. (Kennedy , and others who were against the federal reserve) I wonder if some of the bad guys in Congress are willing to stick their neck in the noose for these guys, their friends (murderers) and become accomplices ,too. Yes, and it is true, this snake is eating his own tail. Yes, there is getting to be more and more good news. They can not cover up for each other, because the crimes are too great, and they would be included as accomplices in murder,too. It is time to put Congress and the white house on trial!! Like I said there is only a hand full of them ,compared to us. Keep the pressure on, call Congress every day. 1-877-851-6437 or 1-866-340-9281 Tell them you want to stop the WAR, remove all war criminals from government,free speech restored,get rid of pedophiles, sodomites, male prostitutes out of the white house, redo 911 investigation,Restore the 13 th Amendment back into the Constitution because it never had been repealed. also ,here is a good question to ask, How could about 3 men pass the federal reserve act during Christmas vacation, While Congress was out of session?????? Hey, I love you all!!!
I think Mr. Hylan was right on target, and their stranglehold has been tightening up ever since. It is one big Ponzi scheme, and there are only a handful of them ,all total, And the federal reserve( not federal at all) and the International bankers, are smack dab in the middle of it. They create depressions at will, gather up the money and ship it out of the country and there you have instant depression, they start businesses in other countries and cause this one to starve. That is why our money system needs to be controlled here like our Constitution calls for, and get rid of the federal reserve, Which is controlled by people outside our country. I wonder if London and the Queen , and Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland,etc. would know anything about that.(smiles) Hey, She in not the Queen just because, just for the fun of it, I suspect she may be the richest person on this Planet. Why do you suppose she Knights ,Sir George Bush, Sir Colin Powell, and others? Hey, this thing is bigger than you thought!! And according to our 13 th Amendment to the Constitution, These kind of people are not allowed to hold public office in this country anywhere, that includes all lawyers(esquires),unconstitutional for them to hold public office, and I suppose that would even include the office of dog catcher in your County. What do you think of them apples? I think it is criminal and it is time to call these people (Traitors) to account. Hey, there is only a hand full of them, not as many as you think. They wear grey suits and pretend to be your friends. What are we afraid of, they need to be called to account ,NOW!!! HEY,we are all in this together, WE live in AMERICA ( LAND OF HEAVEN) The federal reserve is the BIGGEST FRAUD against mankind in the history of this PLANET!!! Time to get GOLD backed MONEY!! THERE is backing available NOW!! First the Congress, and the White House needs to be resigned , and put on trial, and the guilty ones put in jail for a long, long time, and restore our Constitution, and get our WE THE PEOPLE government back, which has been overthrown, probably several times.(once when Kennedy was murdered, that very day)I am convinced the accomplices are ,some of them ,still in power. Like I said there is only a hand full of them. I wonder how many of them are willing to stick up for each other , so that they can be accomplices, too, when the truth comes out,(murder) and it will come out!! Hey, I love you all!!
Let's see now: CRIMES?? Politicians lying to the people, is that a crime? When Pelosi, and all these other Democrats said that if you give us a majority in Congress , we will stop the war and bring the troops home ,stop Bush, other promises. And the people gave them their majority and now they claim IMPOTENTCY!! Shame on them, they should all be fired, recalled, and replaced, or put on trial?? OR all of the above. Why it is: IS most likely,because they are corrupt,and therefore can be bribed or blackmailed, to do as they are told, by the ones who bribed them,and/or are blackmailing them. It is my understanding that it is hard to get into politics, in the first place without help from dirty places(big money people particularly). I think we do have some who are trying and we need to call and give them some encouragement and a nice PAT on the back to let them know we appreciate what they are doing, Then they will work even harder for us if they know we appreciate their efforts. Here are two good numbers to Congress: 1-877-851-6437 or 1-866-340-9281 Hey, we are all in this together if we want to be or not. we live in AMERICA(means land of heaven) Hey, I love you all!!!
Stop the dictatorship: Make calls to congress 1-877-851-6437 and / or 1-866-340-9281 spend at least 15 minutes per day on these numbers discuss any of the following: Stop the war, remove the warmongers from government,,get rid of all patriot acts, get rid of war powers act, get pedophiles,sodomites, drug abusers, male prostitutes,out of the white house, redo the 911 investigation, put the 13th Amendment back in the Constitution where it belongs( it was never repealed, so it is still in effect) plus any other topics that need worked on. Hey, we are all in this together, we need to get this mess cleaned. You help clean up some of this trash and I will work on cleaning up some of it and maybe the job will not be too hard on any one person that way. You probably know where there is some trash to work on, I know where some is. I love you all.
Its all about oil - FACT!!!
Yes, It is about the oil, but it is even bigger than that!! BIGGER!! SADAM already had, or was getting ready to sell that oil for EUROS instead of DOLLARS.. THAT would sink the federal reserve for sure!!! AND I have explained before ,that in my opinion, and a lots of other peoples opinion, that the federal reserve system is the BIGGEST CRIME against mankind in the history of this PLANET, period, bar none!! And that is the same thing about IRAN. IRAN has or is threatening to sell their oil for EUROS also, Will that make the federal reserve go down, or will they nuke Iran to try prevent that from happening? Then china would not be able to spend their dollars, that they get from Walmart, and buy oil from Iran unless they could figure out how to trade those dollars for Euros , with out a big loss in the exchange, probably worse yet ,no one will want those dollars, period.Then how long will the federal reserve survive?? Kennedy, was printing US notes instead of federal reserve notes, and I figure that is why he died(was murdered). We are all in this together , it is more than the oil, it is the federal reserve(handful of private people running the whole world) They have names,private people, wear grey suits, pretend to be your friends. The federal reserve is not FEDERAL at ALL. IT is a fraud on MANKIND!!!.
Trying to find good news...
If you want the real news, get a subscription to the CONTACT magazine at 1-800-800-5565 I understand that all the big guys read this one, I wonder WHY?? LOTS of times their names are in there, they make the news regular in there. VERY INTERESTING!! Also consider this: Most of our obstacles would melt away if,instead of cowering before them, we should MAKE UP OUR MINDS to walk boldly through them!!! There is lots of good news these days, The BIG GUYS are fighting among themselves now, The SNAKE is eating his own tail, How good could that be?? We need to keep helping and exposing and wake the people up. When the people wake up , the game is over , because our problem is just a few people in high places, that need to be removed, and put in jail, even though they may try to pardon each other,still their house is crumbling down on them. Keep up the good work folks, we are all in this together, we need to clean the mess up, you get some trash cans and I will get some and we will keep working on this mess that needs cleaned up. WE TOGETHER CAN DO IT !!!
Trying to find good news...
Yes, there is good news, even Russia is trying to stop the nuclear war that is brewing against Iran. Essentially,What I understand is that Russia(Putin)told US that if they attack Iran, it would be considered the same as if US attacked Russia. check
Preemptive Nuclear War
I do not think our leaders want a preemptive nuclear war, I think they just want a nuclear war ,period. that is why they are trying to bad mouth Iran constantly, trying to get public backing for what they want to do. I think that is why Putin came over here the other day, to prevent nuclear war. Interesting LOOK UP:
Yes, I believe the police are criminals in many places around this country, it is sad but that is how I see it. They are just following the example of their leaders. I also heard it said the other way ,too: A government is no better than the people! If the people are corrupt, what can you expect to get?
Well, I suppose, people eat people when they get hungry enough.
Would you like to know what else is going on behind the scenes lately? Look up :
Hey, the Federal reserve is not federal, never was, never will be, And I am not, so sure, that the federal government, is connected very much to we the people, if hardly any at all, because ,it appears, to me, to be run by , private corporations, fascism maybe more correct answer?? I think it has been overthrown so many times, I am not sure who has the power, maybe it is the Pentagon, WHO Ever the WARMONGERS ARE??? And whoever is making all the money off the war?? I believe we had a COUP De Tat (overthrow of the govt) the day Kennedy was shot, Because he started making US Notes to Replace the federal reserve notes. IN plain words, he planned to get rid of the federal reserve. I am sure HISTORY, will prove that many nice people were killed for trying to get rid of the federal reserve criminals.
It is evident to me that justice (just us) does not apply to the BIG BOYS), It only applies to( just us)little folks, and poor people. I think there is no accountability for the BIG BOYS. We hired them to be our servants and they have overthrown ,WE THE PEOPLE, the CONSTITUTION , and the united States in America(land of HEAVEN), the native Americans, and many countries around the world, and now working on over throwing the whole world!! Is this just my opinion?? What do you think about it? Or don't you think anything? I would like your opinions. I feel you have a right to an opinion too!!