It ain't over till its over, American puppets are running Iraq govt , and I figure that the common people can not wait for the Americans to be gone. And there will never be peace as long as the Americans are there, stealing the oil, and dictating their govt..I believe that most people over there would rather have Saddam back than to have the Americans there. Why do we still have troops in Germany and many other countries around the world.Are we dictating them too? You can never have peace when you are in the business of overthrowing countries and assassinating their leaders, and that is what I think we are doing in these places. It is WRONG!!!We are going to end up paying for all this Wrong!!It is just like the law of gravity , you can not avoid the consequences. What you sow ,,is exactly what you will reap!!
It seems to me that when the Dems are in there the economy is a little better for common little people but they also like to add lots more govt and try to take your hunting rifles away, So then the people vote Republican because the republicans promise not to take your guns away, so then the Republicans put the Patriot act on us and tighten up on the dictatorship, so then the Democrats promise to help out on the economy, so the people put them back in there,and then they start tightening the grip on your hunting rifle again.It is a vicious circle , I now think they are both the same bunch of crooks playing ,good cop, and bad cop against us ,when they are both on the same side (both want the New World Order).But it is time for them to forget the New World Order, The Israelites already lost that Hope but just have not admitted it openly yet. I guess they want Russia to confirm it yet that Israel LOST.(NEW WORLD ORDER)So go ahead and put Obama in as President because he more closely represents WE THE PEOPLE. (except for Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinnich) I hope that Obama would use Kucinnich and Ron Paul in his cabinet somewhere.And help us get our Republic back! Remember the flag stands for this Republic(Rule of Law)!the united States IN America!!!
How about some phone numbers for Congress?
1-877-851-6437 1-866-340-9281 tell them you would like to get rid of the Patriot Act, The War Powers Act, The Federal Reserve act , Restore the 13 th Amendment back where it belongs, no more dual loyalty folks in any govt positions , not even for the job of dog catcher, this 13 th Amendment would also remove all lawyers from any political position, and anybody who has been knighted by the Israelite Queen, and others who are not WE the People. And to get Back to our Constitutional Republic known as: the united States IN America!!!! |
I would prefer Paper Ballots ,and better yet I think if we each signed our ballots ,get rid of secret ballots, secret organizations, especially secret govt, What are they hiding??? Secret courts, secret organizations of ALL KINDS can't be good. Lots of voters are proud to let you know who they are for, so why not signed ballots,they could be checked for crookery. Wouldn't you like to make sure that your vote counts? I believe that Ross Perot won the election the time he ran for President ,and Al Gore won the time he ran, but this election business does need straightening out for sure, lots of crooks in high places(low places)
John McCain: Too old?
I don't think he is too old, but he sure seems to want to keep this war going?
The Death Penalty
I used to think the death penalty was OK, but now, I have changed my mind on that.First, our just Us (justice ) system is flawed,and second, just killing them does not teach them much, instead if they are put to work in the coal mines(dangerous jobs), chain gang , etc, and made to earn their keep, and be a benefit to society by doing some of these jobs , instead of watching TV in a cell, then they would not be a cost to taxpayers. Plus their life would not be a waste and they would be learning to be responsible and respectable. Castration for sex crimes sounds logical too. 16 ton and what do you get?(education) Actually ,I think our main reason for being on this Earth is to get experience and education for our next step after we become invisible.(dead)(the next dimension.)(whatever that will be)I don't think the dead are really dead , just invisible, just shed the flesh body, and may even possibly come back as a baby born to another family and try it all over again(Smiles)The death penalty would let them off too easy. Hey, I don't know for sure about any of this , but that is how I think at the present time, but I may change my mind about this tomorrow or next year or who knows when. I don't think anything like I used to think . I make up my mind so that ,I can change it from time to time.
If Bush and gang write their own pardon , hidden in some legislation, that sounds like a big conspiracy to me, sounds like they must have conspired together.
I think that because we are headed into the photon(radiation ) belt(cycle), does not mean global warming , but rather it means that we will be having radical , severe ,or abrupt weather, which can go from one extreme to the next extreme. It can go from exreme hot to extreme cold, wet , or dry etc. Burning coal is not going to change the cycle of the planet's travel through space. But this radiation belt we are now starting into will matter. Hey, the BIG GUYS have underground shelters already made,and being made in lots of places, Mountains of Australia, in New Zealand,South America, lots of places here in America too, I figure you helped pay for all of them. They know about this Photon BELT, (forgot to tell you though), Russia has underground shelters for their whole population, China has an underground Tunnel system for all their population, which is even greater engineering feat than the GREAT WALL OF CHINA!!! A nuclear attack would kill very few of their population. But what do we have here ? Al Gore and his Global warming Boogeyman, to draw our attention away from the Photon Belt, the real cause of our coming weather problems. We are just getting started, have you and your friends been working on your shelters ,and how you are going to be self sustaining ? You need to work together in little communities to survive this thing,and you need real friends to help one another.
I figure that the bush crime family,and associates(worst of the worst) should surely wake up this nation of people , and if they fail to wake us up ,then there is not much hope left for this country. I think bush ,cheny, rice and accomplices should be put on trial for war crimes , murder and treason, just for starters, and those in the JUST US(justice) department for not doing there job(malfeasance of office) ,that they are getting paid to do. And cut off all their benefits and retirement programs. I think these people are willfully violating(criminal offenses) our Constitution.The washington district of criminals have this mighty nation down on its knees. Time to call them to account. I hear that there is a corporation or two etc,GAIA ,Cosmos seafood Marketing---worth trillions of dollars, and has offered to pay off the national debt if we put our govt on trial and a few little side agreements(giving the govt back to WE THE PEOPLE .)for one.Also going back to the Constitution ,I think was another one of the TERMS. That means they have to step down and be put on trial.WE THE PEOPLE could DO THIS!!! I understand that the private federal reserve system owes this amount and possibly more ,payable in GOLD. I am going to guess that they owe around 614,500 tons of Gold payable in GOLD on RECORD!!! OLD GEORGE BUSH might want to explain this to you in detail!!! I don't think that the (not)federal (no) reserve system can make their payment ,I hear that it has become overdue, if you know what that means. Some one suggested What if they do not pay? the answer went something like this: THEY DAMN WELL BETTER BETCHA So it sounds to me that at this minute the (not )federal (no) reserves (non) banks are in deep doo doo, what ever that means.
Ron Paul wants that war stopped yesterday and long before that.And wants us to use the Constitution as our guide.
Taking away our Constitutional rights are crimes and we have criminals in Washington Conspiring regularly on violating our rights even openly and we just close our eyes and go back to sleep, when are we going to wake up and see that and do something about it?? Every time they make a so called LAW that violates the Constitution that so called law is not valid:(non law) Marbury vs. Madison, I think that is criminal (treason) and that they are conspiring to take our rights away!!!These are people in our political offices.Senators,Representatives, advisors, judges, etc. or any one who is an accomplice to these crimes. These I consider as conspiracies, or any one who favors a one world order govt , or any one who favors Israel above the welfare of our own citizens. They would be traitors to our Constitutional REPUBLIC: the united states IN America.
Autralia has some of the same bunch we have, why would we want that.(ones that need to be put on trial)
No we don't want to be like Australia either.
When enough of us wake up and get mad as Hell ,then the crap game will be over. the federal reserve and a handfull of other people in high places are causing us all our heartaches, when we put them on trial for war crimes ,treason ,and murder , the show will be over forever. and guys like Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich can get us back on the Constitution again!!And we will have a Republic like we are supposed to have. Republics go by the rules(constitution) unlike democracies which are mob Rule.(two wolves and a sheep vote on what is for dinner)(don't worry about rules)
Lee Iacocca has said it right, How come we don't get upset over what is being done to us????We should be mad as Hell.
Where Have all our leaders Gone? We got the right ones but people don't seem to know enough to vote for them,because we have been dumbed down over the last 100 years or so, and don't even know what is in the Constitution (what it says)any more or even what it stands for, too many sports and Tv programs, movies and fun stuff to take our attention off the real issues and we have fell asleep on the job of keeping our REPUBLIC of the united states IN America. Guys like RON PAUL(Constitutionalist) or Dennis Kucinich, and if you think that is crazy, then at least go(part way) for Barack Obama,(would be a start) at least don't keep doing the same thing over ,that has already proved that it does not work.
Russia strengthening...
Russia Strengthening: Yes, I would say that Russia is a SUPER, SUPER POWER , they are said to have THOUSANDS of manned spacecraft(cosmospheres) with electromagnetic weapons on them circling right above our heads, and have the ability to shoot anything, anywhere, at anytime. Why do you suppose Georgie has not attacked Iran ,yet??It is not because he doesn't want to. I have doubts whether he has any satellites to guide his missiles with. I figure Russia and China have shot them all down. My next guess is that is why they tried to sneak those war heads from North Dakota to Louisiana or Texas on a plane and then try to deliver them to Iran by plane and they got found out what they were up to, and Russia was ready and waiting for them.How is that for speculating? Russia also has no national debt, not bad shape financially, they ran a bunch of their crooks out of the country, by putting them up for trial , and some escaped before the trials to Israel, and other places. Some of them may be here or England or both. Oil prices went way up and Russia has lots of its own oil, so they are getting richer by the day. Putin has a policy of Live and let Live!! But the US and Israel ,keep jerking his Chain, I don't think they should be picking on Russia, since Russia is well blessed with nuclear weapons too, not counting all their star wars stuff. Plus Russia has warned us not to attack Iran ,because they would consider it the same as if we attacked Russia. Russia and China agree on one thing at least: Don't let the US and Israel and England take over the world.
Keep in mind next time you vote, when you keep voting for the SAME bunch all over again, THEN don't expect different results. The CAREER politicians are not planning to change any thing in your favor. Throw them OUT!!!
Enjoy every sandwich
We should make sure to enjoy every sandwich, not just because we may have an incurable disease, and our days are in short number, but, also because I think the sandwiches are running out before long. you just noticed how crazy and extreme the weather was last year, food supplies are getting low.
I figure there are lots of conspiracies, otherwise why have a word(conspiracy)in the dictionary for something that does not exist? Even the dictionary must believe in conspiracies. It might be safer to believe that a conspiracy" NUT" is some one who does not believe in conspiracies.Hey, please don't get mad at me, I am having just as much fun out of this as you are(Smiles)You can believe what you want,I don't want to destroy you faith in what you want to believe, I just like to have people do a lot of thinking. Thinking will help solve a lot of problems that we have ahead of us shortly.We are going down the tubes fast, and there are causes for all of it ,and conspiracies are for real,lots of them ,everywhere you look now days. might be good to look it up in the dictionary , they really exist every where.