Community > Posts By > smo

smo's photo
Thu 07/12/07 08:53 AM
Yes, there will probably be more false flag situations, until we put the culprits out of business. there is probably about five persons at the top(not all men) , who are behind all the troubles on this PLANET. (the head of the snake) As soon as enough of us wake up, the GAME WILL BE OVER !!!! they will be running trying to hide somewhere.

smo's photo
Thu 07/12/07 07:22 AM
Yes, this govt is pretty much standing alone, kind of like a sore thumb! But ,I believe that could be fixed ,rather simple , if we all decide to do something about it. There are not all that many of the parasite trouble makers. Just five people are likely the cause of the troubles on this PLANET, but they have three hundred under them , that if were taken to justice, we would have a pretty clean sweep. We need to cut head off the snake, and put him out of his misery. Yes, he has also been eating his own tail ., too. The parasites are hooked up to the (not) federal (no) reserves (non) bank system. I think you will find the Israelite queen in on this up to her eyeballs. No wonder that our social security system is now the Socialistic UNsecurity system. We need to give this a little more serious thought , my brothers and sisters.

smo's photo
Wed 07/11/07 05:45 PM
God bless America (land of heaven) I think we are losing it inch by inch, and need to take it all back, every last piece. They are slowly stealing it from us, the big corporations, that is. But really, there are not that many of them, individually, that we need to call to account to turn this thing around. here is an interesting quote ,I found: The Jewish banking cartel shies completely away from the media--Publicity is bad for business.there are only three hundred people, thirteen families, and only five individuals running the whole show. So if the Six and a half or so billion of you find out who the bad guys are who are trying to kill you, those five people and their kinfolk would be in trouble. With the exception of Elizabeth II, queen of the British Israelites (and as she believes, planet Earth),and a couple of others, the Club of Rome keeps a very low profile.

smo's photo
Wed 07/11/07 04:49 PM
Another reason Russia is powerful, They do not have a federal reserve system,to bleed them dry, I understand their rubles are backed by gold , some have mentioned the idea of having the ruble as the coin of the realm. But ,I am in favor of having our own Constitutional money system, instead of the unconstitutional federal reserve, which is about the same worthless as monopoly money, and is constantly inflated , to steal all the hard work you thought you saved up. We can be powerful again if we get rid of the federal reserve.

smo's photo
Wed 07/11/07 04:34 PM
Yes, it would be a serious mistake to underestimate Russia, they are a Super, super power, with Cosmospheres, 1000's of manned space balls, with electro-magnetic pulse weapons in them. they are all over the place floating above us. there is an interesting little story that goes with this--a few years back when there was G-7 summit meetings, Russia said ,no we will have a G-8 summit meetings, and supposedly ,Japan said NO! and after a few days of the buildings shaking in Japan, Japan said AH SO!! and Russia became a G-8 member.

smo's photo
Wed 07/11/07 03:55 PM
here is an interesting article: The main people involved in the enslavement of this planet .........Lord Rothchild and the Rothchild family, Elie de, Edmon de, and baron Rothchild, W.K.Vanderbuilt, and the Vanderbuilt family; John Jacob Astor, his successor Waldorf ,and the Astor family; Averill Harriman and the Harriman family; and John D. Rockefeller and his four sons, David,Lawrence,Winthrop, and Nelson............But always you will find the Rothchilds and the Rockefellers and the creators of Zionism manipulating all world events. end of quote.

smo's photo
Wed 07/11/07 09:26 AM
Now if Israel decides to intentionally hit Iran or Syria , I would consider that to be suicidal on their part. BIG MISTAKE!!! Russia has already warned, that, that would be a NO, NO!! US should not step in and back them. Just get out of the way, and let them go down. As you sow, So shall you reap..

smo's photo
Wed 07/11/07 09:07 AM
I think this is where we have lost all sense of justice, the common law system has been eroded or overthrown for this statutory BS system(lawyer system)(esquires)Actually we might be operating under martial law, law of the sea maybe, and not under common law( law of the land) Some times ,I am not sure there is any law any where left, But then we are operating under U. C. C. ( uniform commercial code) But when you boil it all down, that is why they keep making all these laws, it is contradictory on purpose, lawyer paradise. You do not need lawyers under common law, it is simple straight forward, no BS. justice for all. When we get rid of this statutory B S system and go back to the Constitution, and the common law system, Things will straighten out. Under common law there is no crime unless there is a victim ,injured or libel. whereas now they put people in jail for all kinds of make believe, and supposed, offenses, when there is no victim. (crazy) How about seat belts, helmets, the list is endless ,it seems! Keep the federal out of stuff they don't belong in, they keep horning into every where they do not belong. They should go back to trying to correct the money system, take it away from the federal reserve ,which is not federal at all, just criminal. The federal reserve is PRIVATE, not federal, only the name is federal , it is a fraud on the human race, they are stealing your houses and everything you own. This was done by design: How could the federal reserve act be passed by about 3 men ,during Christmas vacation, while Congress was out of session??And where is you 13 th Amendment to the Constitution, it was passed, it has never been repealed, So what is going on here? It basically means, for one thing ,that no lawyers can hold public office, or no one that has been knighted by the Queen, like SIR George Bush, and others, and no dual citizenship people in govt, etc. Which reminds me: Who is Henry Kissinger, could he be aka Heinz STERN ?? Is HE still RUNNING EVERYTHING??? Is he a Soviet agent?? Does he have a dual citizenship?? Them are some good questions , we need good answers to!!!

smo's photo
Tue 07/10/07 06:50 PM
If we used the China method, I wonder if our govt would be wiped clean, uninhabited , from the president down to the dog catcher in some counties. I figure there would only be a few stragglers left.

smo's photo
Tue 07/10/07 10:46 AM
If we got rid of the federal reserve and went back to a true Constitutional form of government, every body could have a job , would not need all these licenses, permits ,and taxes, and a lot of those parasites in the federal ,state , and local governments, could go out and get a REAL JOB, like the rest of us. Without all those parasites sucking your life blood, you would have all the money you need and would not have to work any where near the hours you do now, and taxes would be low or even nonexistent. You would need only a very small federal govt., because the states and local people would handle their own local affairs. Federal would keep their nose out of local affairs. People would start having a real interest in govt again, to make sure corruption never reared its ugly head again. Then AMERICA could be land of heaven again You mostly need only one law: Do unto others like you want done to you.

smo's photo
Tue 07/10/07 10:08 AM
Have you noticed that these NON NEWS Programs are pretty much the same , Pre canned news, all sanitized for public consumption, I don't care to even watch it any more. I believe AL QAEDA is one of those pre canned propaganda , like most every thing else on there is.

smo's photo
Tue 07/10/07 09:56 AM
I am going to make a quote out of an article, I just read:: AL QAEDA does not exist , the evil criminal cartels ,that run the US and British governments are so corrupt, greedy, and devoid of human decency that they created an enemy for you goodly people to fight that does not exist and never has. There is no such organization as "AL QAEDA" Osama Bin Laden-a Khazar "Jewish" Bush family friend- is the leader of a make believe army. His Bin Laden family business is Halliburton, which **** Cheney runs for him in the U.S. In Saudi Arabia ( true Islamic "Arabs" do not consider the Saudis "Arabs"- to real Arabs, the Saudis are more "Jewish" in nature- and for good reason), the Bin Laden family is like the mafia families in America where it is common knowledge that organized crime controls construction, cement, labor unions,etc. In the Arab world especially Iraq , KUWAIT (WHICH IS REALLY SOUTHERN IRAQ) AND SAUDI ARABIA,IT IS THE BIN LADENS WHO TOTALLY OWN AND CONTROL THE MARKET. In other words, if there is a war and buildings, roads and other infrastructure are destroyed, it is the Bin Laden/ Bush "Construction Company" that cleans up -literally AND figuratively. END OF QUOTE

smo's photo
Tue 07/10/07 07:27 AM
Guns never did kill anyone !!A gun can not do any thing. People kill people, not guns. Knives do not kill any one , People kill people. If they do not have guns or knives , people will kill people with electromagnetic pulse weapons, fists, sticks, poison your food, poison medicine, poison vaccines , by doctor, etc. I wish people would quit dreaming up things that are false, like a gun getting up and go kill some one. never happened, People kill people. Remember, If you hate your Brother ,you are a murderer, in your heart,even though you did not use a knife ,or gun against him. Now, if you get rid of hatred for your brother,there will be no more murder. the guns and knives will not get up and kill any one EVER !!!EVER !!! REMEMBER guns do not kill, People Do, And once in a while maybe a mad bull might. Hey, I am not trying to pick on any one, you are all my brothers and sisters and I do not hate you.(smiles) We are all in this thing together we need to figure out how to solve our problems,by working together and not be pulling in opposite directions. It is not the guns, It is the wrong people (murderers ) ( warmongers ) who are leading this country: AMERICA (land of heaven) down to ruin, against our brothers, the Arabs. It looks to me like our leaders are trying to rule the world and steal all the oil and whatever else they can get their hands on, by using our kids. It is our kids killing Arabs, not guns, remember guns can not do any things , But our kids can !!! Think it OVER !! I have changed my mind many times in my life and probably will again, but for mow, this is how, I see it.

smo's photo
Tue 07/10/07 06:57 AM
executive privilege: Could that mean similar(or exactly like) to a dictatorship. I was hired by the people , but to h-ll with them, I will do as I d___med please. Now the servant, overthrows ,WE THE PEOPLE, who hired him. Let's fire him now!! RECALL !!IMPEACH !! WHAT ever , we need to call him to account, for his errors, war crimes, likely murder, treason, and who knows what else?? We have executive privilege to remove him. We are the BOSS !! We have the best Congress that money can BUY !!!( BRIBED AND BLACKMAILED) And besides there are more of us than there are of him ( THEM)although , I hear that theses guys may have several clones, had them for years. All programed ROBOTS, serving the money masters. What is this executive privilege, WHY SHAME on them, they should be FIRED !!

smo's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:27 AM
If you believe all those Al Queda stories, I have some bridges ,I would like to sell!!!!

smo's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:25 AM
I have good suspicions that it is not the Arabs doing this: But rather , the enemy of the Arabs , trying to make the Arabs look bad. This could be what I would call a false flag operation , done best by the people who are experts in this kind of thing, maybe even invented false flag operations. Quite often ,things are not as they seem. I have always been suspicious that Al Queda is a US invention ,in order to have a boogey man to blame things on to. I have been having doubts on this for a long time. I recently heard that there are no road side explosives, but all are Israeli missiles fired from drones, and you do not even hear it coming, because it travels faster than sound, and the purpose is to keep the war going,since Israel's main export is war equipment. It sounds more logical to me than any other explanation. Of course , you have the right to your opinion too. Hey, I love you all.

smo's photo
Mon 07/09/07 05:12 PM
HUman(Higher Universal man) Yes, I think it is possible to be peaceful and do good, and I think it will happen some day.I think God actually lives inside each one of us ,and is having a H U man experience, while at the same time we are having an interaction with God. If you catch yourself talking to your self, I really think you are having a conversation with God, who actually lives inside you, and me and others. You do not need a book to tell you what is right and wrong, God who is inside us tells us, no guess work there. do unto others as you want them to do to you. you automatically know that is right. I think God lives in all the animals ,too. that is probably why ,the native Americans, said: brother bear, brother buffalo,etc. Since God is in you, You are never alone. I think we are here to get experience and knowledge, before we graduate to the next step.(die and become invisible) I think just this body dies , that we are sort of trapped in for now, but you still keep living on.(smiles) that is how I think at the present time, might think different later.

smo's photo
Mon 07/09/07 02:55 PM
If ,I was president, I would stop the war, And I would start representing ,we the people , instead of the BIG CORPORATIONS. Then ,I would solve the biggest crime in the history of mankind on this PLANET !!!I would remove the federal reserve, because it is unconstitutional and it is a fraud on mankind. President Kennedy was working on that when he was killed.(murdered) He started printing US notes, I remember getting a few of them. After he was murdered ,those notes disappeared. I wonder WHY THAT WAS!!! ALSO ,I would check into , how it was that about 3 men could pass the federal reserve act, during Christmas vacation, while Congress was out of session??? Oh, by the WAY, the federal reserve is not federal at all, it is private , Oh, and it is criminal. Also ,I would see to it that the 13 th amendment was restored to its proper place in the constitution, then ,I would enforce it, with out mercy,(NO BS) No foreign supporters, traitors, dual citizenships, sirs, and esquires(lawyers) ,would have a job in the government, period, state ,local,or federal, they could not even qualify for the job of dog catcher in the counties. Call Congress about some of this stuff, let them know , you will back them on this stuff, that needs to be fixed. Call 1-877-851-6437 or 1-866-340-9281

smo's photo
Mon 07/09/07 02:25 PM
Yes, war crimes are punishable, if nothing else , the law of gravity will catch up to them. It may look like they are escaping at the present time. But as you sow, you will reap. If you plant corn, that is what you will get.If you plant trouble, you will get that too. The rest of the world is watching us to see what it is that we are going to do about it. Now, if we do nothing about it , then they will consider us also part of the problem,too. DC might be titled ,district of criminals ,for a reason. They seem to gang up there, and laugh at us , They do not seem to understand that they are the servants and WE THE PEOPLE are the MASTERS over THEM.So they need to be disciplined, put on trial ,for treason, war crimes, etc. and the guilty ones put in jail, and not pardoned.Some of them most likely guilty of murder in the first degree, but I would not hang them, I would put them in jail for a long,long,time , so they could think about what they have done to mankind, and maybe someday, repent, there is hope for all of us ,if we had enough time to think. Hey, I love you all.

smo's photo
Mon 07/09/07 02:03 PM
I heard a report a week or two ago from supposedly some who knows that they only report 1 out of 10 casualties. Could that have anything to do with wanting ones that are not citizens yet, and promise them citizenship for serving in the military, if they survive?? Do you believe every thing these politicians say?It has gotten so bad that if they tell you some thing , Think what is the complete opposite, and you will probably be close to the truth. Watch some of those Sunday, talk shows,(called news) (propaganda) ,How can two guys sitting there be so straight faced, and say two totally opposite things and keep a straight face, unbelievable, humorous. Hey, they know who to pick ,to put on there ,too. If you believe those guys, I got some bridges, that I would like to sell!!! You know what, after ,they walk out of the room, they probably shake hands and pat each other on the back, and have a merry ole laugh on you and me. I don't believe those shows would be allowed to put any legitimate person on there. they would probably be fired if ,they did. You got to remember these stations and most of the news is owned by the big guys, not necessarily your friend, only pretend to be your friends. A hand full of guys (gals)own all those stations. Who do you suppose will be allowed to give his views?? Hey, I love you all!!