Are we on the verge...
Another suggestion: Get out of the city out into the country , become self sufficient best you can. there are many little communities (self sufficient )springing up in lots of places around the country, some call them eco villages, also check out how the Amish operate and copy that idea, it may be the only way left to survive this thing coming. I hear that there are some where you can join them for as little as 300 dollars, and then around 1oo dollars or less per year to pay your share of the land taxes. If you are interested in surviving ,I would be thinking about things like this, I figure it is going to get real bad. Some are recommending little underground shelters too,I would say if your heat went off you could survive in an underground shelter for a little while without heat.I would be learning gardening too. Even pond scum has all the nutrients you need to live , just does not have much taste
Are we on the verge...
Yes, I think things have been going down hill ever since the (not) federal (no) reserves (non) banks have taken over our money system back around 1913 , because of our asleep Congress allowing that to happen in the first place and today too, because this congress also allows our Constitution to be violated.If we had total gold backing for our money and no private group regulating money, there would be no such thing as inflation or deflation. Inflation and deflation is what is killing us . those schemesters are sucking us dry. They are sucking everyone dry who deals with their money system. If you wanted to know why we are going down the tubes, there you have the answer: GET RID OF THE (not)federal (no) reserves system. Even their name is fraudulent as far as I am concerned ,it is misleading, they are not even close to being what their title suggests they are!!!!
I believe that what is happening is a regular earth cycle and that we are now heading into some kind of radiation belt(natural) ,some call ,the PHOTON BELT. It supposedly comes around every 25,000 years ,or is it every 12,500 years, at which time the poles will likely change and then the earth will start turning in the opposite direction. Then the sun will rise in the west instead of in the east for the next 25,000 years or whatever the cycle is?? No coal burning or other man made stuff can change this natural cycle.But yes, some like Gore are trying set up more regulations, and take away more freedoms on flimsy excuses like global warming being caused burning coal, What a bunch of frauds??I think that Gore and others know better than that, and that they are part of the problems mankind are having.It is all part of that one world order scheme. But those schemers have already lost any hope of getting their one world order, but they still blindly keep harrassing the rest of us with their needless regulations(dictatorship)
I too worry that Georgie might not want to leave office next January, but, I also remember thinking that same thing when clinton was in there. Remember how they even mentioned changing the Constitution so clinton could possibly have a 3 rd term,they had me scared about a dictatorship(taking your hunting rife away too) already back then, and now yes, even more so(declare Martial law). These guys, I don't put it past them to try anything when they are so desperate as they are now. And Think tanks like the Brookings institute remind me of the Bohemian Grove for sure.It would be good to remember the names of people connected to these type places for future references. I think lots of things can be solved by paying close attention to who these folks are.(names)
Hey the guy that was joking about the Bohemian Grove maybe ought to be checking into the Brookings Institute mentioned in the first part of this topic, he may find some of his compadres there and save booking that trip to the Bohemian grove.(seriously)
Well, I like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, but it does not look like that is going to happen, So ,if that is the case,Then I hope the Dems win big and that Obama is the one that wins. I don't think Obama had any part in the Trade Towers incident, do you? Now ,if Hillary wins, I feel sorry for what will happen to us all when she decides to collect up your hunting rifles.And take away your only protection for you and your family. I don't think she has a clue about us common people, she thought 75,000 was low pay, how about us that make 10,000 or less? Do you think she really knows or even cares?
Did you ever wonder maybe our politicians don't want the border fence simply because they have in mind to take over the other side of the fence too, working on that One World Order, which I am convinced they will not be able to pull it off now, because Russia and China and Iran, etc are glaring at US and Israel ,and saying like DIRTY HARRY used to say:MAKE MY DAY!!! I don't think there will be a fence .I think they might use it as an excuse to try to enforce ID cards, which is only for tax purposes, and nothing else.
Imperialist Propaganda
Zbigniew Brzezinski,(mentioned on your first part here.) I hear, is an important man in HIGH places and has great influence on our govt and we should be careful what he is doing ,or influencing.I wonder if I said that right? Yes, I think I did. I hear he is one of a small group of very, very ,very,very , influential people.
Imperialist Propaganda
I have heard for many years that the CIA is the presidents private army, and that they overthrow govts. assassinate people(even their own),but now , I hear that other alphabet agencies are also into these murders and assassinations(even kill their own),or what ever it takes. They say ,Vince Foster committed suicide too, (I guess he shot himself twice in the base of the skull) I don't believe that either. Our politicians seem to be close to a lot of murders, suicides, and lots of accidental deaths, by car accidents ,and some get burned up in their own homes.Oh ,and lot of heart attacks at fairly young ages.Now, they are pretty sure that the bird flu is going to get you.Well as soon as they start giving those mandatory vaccinations and give you half of the bird flu and then maybe your water supply or food supply later touches it off so that we won't suspect that the mandatory shots had any thing to do with it. So you might want to rush up and get your bird flu combination shots or however it will work. I think it is called depopulation. Now you know that I am only kidding, wink,wink. Oh,I suppose the CIA did supply Afganistan material to fight Russia, but don't you suppose now Russia is supplying afganistan material to fight us? Of course ,now I believe maybe instead of the CIA, the private Blackwater type soldiers are into a lot of stuff they have no business being into, assassinations, murders, etc. even right here in the united states in America.(not just in Iraq)(MEN IN BLACK???)(Big BLACK Cars and no License Plates???)England had Hessian(hired guns) soldiers too you know ,hired to do stuff that a citizen soldier would not conscientiously want to do.
Yes, It looks like we are becoming more communist by the day, PAPERS PLEASE!!!and our leaders are trying to spread this disease to other nations, but some are rebelling ,I think and are looking to Russia and China to help save them from us. Like Iran for EXAMPLE. Did you know that the LAKOTA SIOUX native Americans have also declared themselves a separate country now and are no longer consider themselves part of this US. I guess the original treaties by our govt with the Native Americans have been broken many times by our govt. So ,I hear Russia is looking into that too. And ,I think we are in Saudia Arabia (leaders there seem to represent US interest ,not the people of Saudia Arabia.) because those leaders are our puppets too, and also the same as it looks here, the leaders no longer represent WE THE PEOPLE!! They are not looking out for the best interests of We the People, like their job requires them to do. Which again ,I consider it TREASON> I don't think Chertoff is doing the will of the people either, seems more like a dictatorship over there in washington dc (district of criminals)
I agree with Mr Rambill, I do not personally think that the bible teaches a Rapture either, But I do know about a verse where during the last trumpet , some would meet the Lord in the air, or something close to that, but <I don't think that happens while they are in a flesh body.,unless the Lord picked them up in a space ship. I am not trying to be a smart alec, but ,I am serious. But I also don't think the Lord will condemn you to hell, if you disagree with me. I think the Lord judges us by our intentions, what our intent is. If our intentions are good, I don't think these SMALL differences are any BIG DEAL! As long as we love GOD and we love our neighbor in spite of our differences. I don't think we need all these denominations, I personally, don't believe Jesus would belong to any particular denomination ,do you? If he was walking around here?
I think they are serious, and I think they have the means to carry out exactly what they say. I think Russia and US both have lots of Star wars equipment, much greater than most people can even imagine ,even some poor quality space ships,(no match for the real ones) electromagnetic pulse weapons, but for some reason , I don't understand , that Russia's weapons are much more powerful than ours, and that Russia has for years complete control of space around this planet and spying technology(spy satellites),and this is probably why Bush or Israel have not yet attacked Iran, they have not figured out a way to do it without being punished by Russia and China. I figure that is why Bush wants to set up stuff next to Russia's border(we might be fresh out of spy satellites too)(why do we use those drones?), to make a last ditch effort on taking over the world , but I figure the One world Order guys already lost most of their hopes, since everything they have been trying lately seems to fail. But these One World order guys are in desperation now and are said to be suicidal and in desperation may try anything no matter how stupid it is. Let's hope that neither US or Israel try to attack Iran ,could be bad for our health here in US on our own land.
Personally,I believe the jews wrote the: Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: AND GOT FOUND OUT!!! Think about this: If they got found out on a matter that SERIOUS, OF course they are not going to admit it!!!That would be their (for sure) SIGNED death WARRANT. I am convinced that Zionism created the RAPTURE, since the word RAPTURE is not in the bible, although the idea of the rapture could be interpreted to be such. But ,I am convinced that the elders of Zion had their hand in tampering the bible in different places to fool the Gentiles into thinking that God loved some of his children more than others because of their race.(now that is true racism at its best)The Bible shows the jews to be more favored by God than NON jews. Remember jews wrote the bible, not GOD. I don't believe God favors the jews more than non jews, that would be racism at the top of the line!! God loves all his children equally.jews or non jews. But they also need to love one another too. jews and non jews need to love one another. that is God's way.
I also heard that our soldiers just shoot innocent Arabs just for target practice(Sniper practice)
I think if we do not put a stop to this, we are going to pay with the loss of our whole country and our lives, because other people are hating us for good reason, and will eventually do something about it if we don't.(as you sow, you will reap)
This is about the same as trying to defy gravity, eventually it will get us one way or another. and surely God is not pleased about this foolishness. Our Morals are getting pretty bad, it looks like to me. These Arabs are our brothers too, as well as all races on this earth.We share this home together. |
Since Mr Turtlepoet wants to have Posted: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, He should post them himself, since they would fit in nicely with the Rapture scheme in the One world order efforts.(seriously)
The folks who want the RAPTURE make IN FACT get What they(wish) thought they wanted, but ,when it comes to them, they may when it is too late regret that they wished for it.I heard that there are some rascals ,who have a plan to use holograms and maybe even electromagnetic pulse weapons to send them to the promised land in a way they had not bargained for, while they innocently meet somewhere waiting for their promised RAPTURE!!(Called depopulation) They would be able to go sit on a cloud then ,but without the body. I really would not blame you if you thought that this was far fetched. But at least you heard it here second(this idea has already been in print ) |
I believe that article is accurate, and that Is why I think a lot of our govt should be put on trial, for WAR CRIMES, MURDER, and TREASON before they get us into Iran WAR too, and then get the rest of the WORLD after us and blow the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE of this planet off the map, While they hide in their under ground shelters in Australia, New Zealand and South America. I don't see this as a laughing matter I think the general population has been lulled to sleep by too many Football games, and other sports events(and TV shows ,etc.) to get their mind off what is really going on in this country. I think they fell asleep in lala land , and before they know it will be swept down the sewer with everything else.
Myself ,I don't believe in leaving this planet while still in the flesh ,unless you get a ride on some kind of space ship.(Now, I believe THAT is possible and may happen)(probably will happen) Now if you die first and shed the earthly body, you don't need a space ship, the spirit doesn't seem to weigh any thing and could fly any where without a space ship.Yes, I know God can do miracles, But why would you want to ride on clouds with an earthly body, it is too heavy for riding on clouds, it won't float very good, kind of like floating a rock on water, better to get a piece of wood for that.(Smiles)
But, I don't think you are going to lose everlasting life if you don't agree with me over this SMALL issue.(Rapture) But ,If you do not love God or your neighbor, Then I would be concerned for your future!! Hey, I am not trying to destroy your faith in GOD, But ,I am your neighbor, and I allow for you to believe your way ,without going to Hell for believing that way.OK??? I think you will go to HEAVEN if you LOVE GOD and YOUR NEIGHBOR like Jesus said we should do. Don't sweat the SMALL STUFF, but make sure you do those two things real WELL. |
Here is something to think about: Did not the Jews write the the Bible???? And is it not also true that most of them don't believe in the rapture OR Jesus Christ? I think the Bible was written by Jews to trick the non-Jews. Hey, Don't misunderstand me, I do BELIEVE in Jesus CHRIST!!!But ,I believe the Bible has been tampered with for the purpose of dividing up the people on petty issues ,so that they will never become united on the the main issues, like #1 LOVE GOD, and #2 LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF: Remember that these two things were the main teachings of Jesus Christ, everything else sort of connects up to those two things. That alone would stop all wars.and fighting of any kind among all the people. The RAPTURE is not a main teaching.Jesus never even mentioned a RAPTURE. Why does some one want to make it a main issue to divide up our brothers and sisters.
What if you had 2 son's Would you pick one as a favorite? And suppose that no matter how he acted , even if he behave like a Horse's behind, you still kept him as your favorite, Above the other son?? The jews says they are Gods special people. Above the rest of us. NOW< I don't think God ever said that , I don't think that Jesus taught that either. But that does not stop me from trying to be your neighbor ,whether you believe that or if you believe the RAPTURE or NOT. |
Real ID Law
Papers Please?? Does that sound like the LAND of the FREE, OR the HOME of the SLAVE??