More than Rhetoric...
As long as we are on the RHETORIC topic, How many Henry Kissingers are there??OR should I say How MANY KISSINGERS WERE THERE??? OR MAYBE IS this THE ORIGINAL ONE? Maybe nothing is always what it seems to be.But,I would like a little help figuring what is causing so much rhetoric??DUAL CITIZENSHIP PEOPLE having LOTS OF CONTROL IN OUR GOVT????There are not many of them in the country, but they seem to have the POWER and the MONEY to control our lives,and buy off or BLACKMAIL our POLITICIANS> WE have the WORST POLITICIANS that money can buy!! Did I say that right?? OR is it the best ones that money can buy?? Lets get Ron Paul or Dennis Kuccinich, or Obama as our very last Chance to save this Country!!
More than Rhetoric...
Once you figure out who the dual citizenship folks(Traitors, and Treasonists,etc.) are , you will have found the enemies of this American REPUBLIC!!!(we are not supposed to be a democracy, as democracy is mob rule, two wolves and a sheep voting on what is for dinner.)And the enemies of peace on this EARTH!!!And when you get them out of all govt positions,or advisors,etc. America will stand TALL AGAIN!!!!A republic is based on rule of LAW(Constitution)(rules, two wolves would not be able to vote against the sheep as they do in a democracy)(Democracies always fail because of this MOB RULE PRINCIPLE)In a Republic one sheep can stand against all the wolves if the Law(Truth) is on his side.We need to get back to TRUTH, and JUSTICE, and our courts have failed us, they got away from the Constitution. All the RHETORIC is BASICALLY coming from Dual citizenship people overthrowing our Country. What is HENRY KISSINGER"S power over our Country, I would like to know why he seems to have so much pull??? Did he used to be a Russian or is he an ISRAELITE?? WHAT IS HE???WHO DOES HE REPRESENT??REALLY???You might get some rhetoric here. How OLD is HENRY KISSINGER???(SMILES)Some rhetoric to start thinking about!!!I think we need some serious house cleaning in our govt.
More than Rhetoric...
Once you figure out who the dual citizenship folks(Traitors, and Treasonists,etc.) are , you will have found the enemies of this American REPUBLIC!!!(we are not supposed to be a democracy, as democracy is mob rule, two wolves and a sheep voting on what is for dinner.)And the enemies of peace on this EARTH!!!And when you get them out of all govt positions,or advisors,etc. America will stand TALL AGAIN!!!!A republic is based on rule of LAW(Constitution)(rules, two wolves would not be able to vote against the sheep as they do in a democracy)(Democracies always fail because of this MOB RULE PRINCIPLE)In a Republic one sheep can stand against all the wolves if the Law(Truth) is on his side.We need to get back to TRUTH, and JUSTICE, and our courts have failed us, they got away from the Constitution. All the RHETORIC is BASICALLY coming from Dual citizenship people overthrowing our Country. What is HENRY KISSINGER"S power over our Country, I would like to know why he seems to have so much pull??? Did he used to be a Russian or is he an ISRAELITE?? WHAT IS HE???WHO DOES HE REPRESENT??REALLY???You might get some rhetoric here. How OLD is HENRY KISSINGER???(SMILES)Some rhetoric to start thinking about!!!I think we need some serious house cleaning in our govt.
Why even I would consider him for President(Smiles)
More than Rhetoric...
I think that if you want more than rhetoric, then you would need someone like Ron Paul, or Dennis Kuccinich, Or even Obama who are for serious change, since what we have been doing is not working, why do more of the same, this Country can't take any more of the same, We need to get back to the Constitution, and I don't think Israel has any use for our Constitution, enough of those dual citizenship dudes in our govt. It is ruining our country. These dual citizenship people are traitors to this country, and don't have America's best interests at heart.Zionists are in this category too , since they favor Israel,which to me is Treason!!This ain't Israel, HERE, This is AMERICA(land of Heaven) People running our govt should favor America above Israel!!!!
Obama win
I have serious doubts about these so called elections, who is keeping an eye on the crooks? We need to stop secret ballots to stop the crookery and start signing our ballots with our names,and have honest elections. How long are we going to put up with this mob rule? And get back to the Constitution and our republic(rule of law) I figure Obama is Our LAST CHANCE to save this country.I want Ron Paul, would even like Dennis Kuccinich, but everyone seems to be programmed not to choose either of those , so that leaves Obama as our last Chance of someone who will represent the common people of united States in America(land of heaven) instead of Israel.
Peace in the Middle East
I think we could have peace in the mideast if we got all dual citizenship people out of our govt,and all the zionists who favor Israel above our own people ,and our own families. they do not seem to have our best interests at heart.Nor that of our children, the soldiers. They seem to be after money, oil ,and power (not peace).
Peace in the Middle East
Not just , no peace in the mideast, but no peace anywhere with the people we have that are trying to take over the world.It is a good thing Russia and China keep an eye on us, it helps us stay out of trouble better. I read that lots of the people who have been escaping Russia since 1976 by the plane load , are now many of them in the govt in this country, I read that we have lots of dual citizenship people in our govt. It is my understanding that Israel was one of the citizenships, and that Russian , french, english ,etc is the other possible citizenships. Have you ever wondered why we have foreigners in important positions in this country, many times if you just listen to them talk, it is easy to tell they are not from HERE!!!!So it is not just the mideast that needs peace, the whole world is threatened, but it is blamed on the mideast, on Arabs. They say it takes two to Tango!! I don't think that the Arabs have been trying to take over the world,,But I believe that Israel Is connected to trying to take over the World , and they are in the Mideast too. Somehow no one seems to mention them.
I heard that two American planes crashed and some say was not connected with the Iranian boats, but if it was a separate event , how come it is not being explained what really happened, I don't believe we are getting a true story of what really happened. I was wondering if maybe a couple planes could have been sent after those boats and they crashed( got shot down) things have a way of getting explained backwards or just plain wrong, Hey, I don't think Russia and China will tolerate us taking over the world and all the oil, no matter what pretenses we use for doing it.
911 truth movement
I have lots of reasons for not believing govt reports on 911, anymore I have a hard time believing anything the govt(politicians) says, or any media reports, I think that if you would think the opposite of what they say, you would be much closer to the real truth, but then I might be the only one who thinks that way. If you believe in the current system, you probably have not experienced it yet. But ,I guess we are all learning from this stuff, that is what we are here for ,to get a learning experience, this life is far better than any college education, and I did get 3 1/2 years college education with majors in both math and science. This govt will educate us all in ways you probably may not have thought of yet. You may get some serious shocks to your system too. When you get to a fork in the road, you have to make a decision. We have lots of decisions coming real soon, is my guess.(lot of forks in the road)Each decision can change the rest of your life. I think the govt uses the media to try to program us to be robots and think their way, but don't ever become a robot, just because the majority are willing to be robots. 911 reports fit in this category, think for yourself, otherwise you are just a nice little robot all lined up in a row.
Amen and Amen
Putting the words ,Honest politician, together would be close to being an oxymoron(contradiction) since they are almost impossible to find any more. Besides politics infers Poly Ticks or many ticks or many bloodsuckers.
I feel bad for the Tiger , and if that lawyer takes the case in support of the survivors of the attack , I hope he loses big time!! I feel that the Tiger was tormented, and they got what was coming to them . I am going by my gut feeling, so for the present ,this is my belief, unless they can prove otherwise.
Obama 08
I don't care about political parties , I think democrats and Republicans are all backed by the same bunch behind the scenes. I consider each person and what he thinks. So I would like Ron Paul, next choice , Kuccinich, and next Obama yo momma(smiles). I figure Obama will be the next President and hope Colin Powell could be Vice President. I am not racist either. If Hillary got in there , I would be afraid to live in this country anymore. I would consider leaving , maybe to North Dakota, or South Dakota or Nebraska, Or Wyoming or Montana , the parts of these five states which belong to the Lakota Sioux tribes. They have just declared themselves separate from the United States and said they would take anyone living there as citizens if they renounce their US citizenship. So lets hope Hillary never gets in there.
That is exactly what criminals do, they harm people, and violate the rights of others, or damage others or steal their life sustenance for themselves, I feel if some one tries to take away my protection in some way, he is a threat to my life. What do you think? Or tries to regulate me out of my protection, or rights!!! He is chiseling away or stealing what is mine and is not his right to take!! Just for the record, I think the king of england was also a criminal, Who gave him the deed to America(Land of Heaven)so he could give out land grants, to who he wanted, I figure this country was stolen from the Native Americans. I still don't think any one truthfully owns the land. I think it belongs to God,and we are squatters. I still don't believe those fairy stories of buying Manhattan for beads and trinkets ,do You? Native Americans never claimed any one man owned a piece of ground, then how did anyone buy it?
MR TURTLEPOET, Are you anti- -Constitution (treasonist)too?
In the 50's I would take a gun to school on the school bus, and then set it against the wall with the coats and boots in my home room class ,so I could have it to go hunting with some of my friends after school, and no one ever gave it a second thought, that is what country kids did ,no big deal. Also ,our bus driver carried his deer rife in the bus during deer hunting season , and no one ever raised an eyebrow or gave that a second thought either. I figure he would have stopped the bus and shot his buck, had he seen one, and that is what all the kids would have expected him to do. My how times have changed. Yes, we had agriculture classes at the school also and raised pigs and chickens, Yes, we had a nice chicken coup at school. A teen ager would bring a gun to school for butchering hogs even. No one gave that a second thought either. We raised and butchered chickens at school, and pigs in Ag class. George Washington , and Tom Jefferson would have been proud of us but the Chicken livered lilies today think that was terrible and can not even imagine such a thing, no one ever heard of a school shooting then ,but would have gone hunting with some of the teachers after school ,too. Now we got criminals every where especially in our govt, trying to obstruct(treason) our Constitution!!!
We need to get an honest justice system going to put these guys on trial in order to stop the crimes, enforce proper sentences for things like treason ,war crimes, and many other charges.. Back to the Constution!! Definitely Ron Paul for President, and I would be all smiles if Dennis Kuccinich was Vice President!!
Anyone operating in opposition to our Constitutional way of a Republic style of govt is committing treason against our govt and treason against the people, very serious crimes. And I think that would include over 50 % of our Congress and also the Just US (justice) system of this country and other members of govt??(advisors etc.) Actually, I believe the number of criminals in our govt is much higher than that , otherwise things could never have got this corrupt!! I wonder if the majority of our so called representatives of the people have bought off by blackmail and bribes of one sort or another??By the way , Did you ever wonder about Henry kissinger, What does he do? Is he in our govt? Is he in Secret govt? How Old is he ?(Really??)How many citizenships does he Have? Where?
75 % sure
I figure it very well could happen and if it does most likely will affect the earth weather system, maybe even greatly.