Topic: bible inconsistancies? | |
Bring em. Ill dispell all.
/// keep in mind that people have been trying, unsucessfully, to disprove the bible for millneia.
Dispell the whole Middle ages. Too much bizarre stuff was goin on them like the priests being the only one to read the bible so you never know if anything was changed. You can't find a bible older than these times. Also remember the Holy Crusades. Explain why they never succeeded and denied the losing battles.
And one thing though, if someone has an opinion don't force Christian upon them. True Christians except people on whatever they believe. |
ans., The churches in those days, not unlike the ones today use varing degrees of Bible teachings. This disproves nothing about the bible, but rather it shows human nature.
Dispell the whole Middle ages. Too much bizarre stuff was goin on them like the priests being the only one to read the bible so you never know if anything was changed. You can't find a bible older than these times. Also remember the Holy Crusades. Explain why they never succeeded and denied the losing battles. And one thing though, if someone has an opinion don't force Christian upon them. True Christians except people on whatever they believe. 1) The Middle Ages had nothing to do with the Bible. 2) The Crusades failed to take the Middle East back from the Muslims, but they did stop the Muslims from taking all of Europe. 3) Christians don't always act like Christ. That's okay, because neither does anyone else and if humanity ever had a role model, Jesus was it. |
Dispell the whole Middle ages. Too much bizarre stuff was goin on them like the priests being the only one to read the bible so you never know if anything was changed. You can't find a bible older than these times. Also remember the Holy Crusades. Explain why they never succeeded and denied the losing battles. And one thing though, if someone has an opinion don't force Christian upon them. True Christians except people on whatever they believe. The middle ages... For one there weren't many copies of the scriptures availible back then and for the most part is was outlawed in many countries. Another reason for the priests/pastors to be the ones reading the scriptures is the fact that they were origionally written in Hebrew or Greek and there weren't that many people who could translate it as quickly as today so only one main copy would be made. Most preists would be bilingual. As for "true Christians excepting people on whatever they believe".. My friend there is only one real truth, one way, and one life and that is Jesus Christ. Tolorence in this country has watered down and lost the true message of the bible. I don't mean to offend , but the truth is the truth. Do I want to push my faith on you? No. Am I as a Christian supposed to be concerned for all unbelievers souls? Yes. This is why I will take any flack that comes my way by telling the truth. Tolorence is a cop out for those who are afraid to stand up for Christ. |
| think so?
There are going to be inconsistencies in any piece of literature that was simple made up by multiple authors. The Bible is nothing but meaningless poetry, impossible stories, and historical fiction. |
sorry babe, this is not just your average piece of literature.
It was divinely inspired by God. Not every book has the same word for word verbatem explative on Christ, but together they paint a picture on who he was, is and will be when he comes back. Again, the truth is the truth. Something else our society doesn't want to acknowledge anymore, that there is solid truth in the world. |
bible facts.... Over 550 yrs ago, the German inventer Gutenberg invented movable typr. The first book to come off the press was the bible. since then, billions upon billions of other books have been printed. The bible, however, is by far the most exceptional of all. It is estimated tha over 4.7 Billion bibles have been printed. That is more than five times the number of the next most widely distributed book, the quotations of chairman Mao. More than 50 million copies of the bible were printed last year alone. It has been the top selling book, every year. it has been translated into 2400 languages.
about half the Bible writers finished thier writings before the birth of confucius, and Sidhartama Gutama, the founder of buddism. It has endured bans by government, and church, and attacks by critics. No other book in history has faced greater opposition... and survived. no one has ever sucessfully challenged the historical accuracy of the bible. It refers to real people and real events. Bible critics questioned the existance of Pontius pilate, who handed jesus over to the sanhedrin. (matthew 27: 1-26) Evidence of this was not confirmed until 1961 when archeological evidence was found in Caesarea. Before 1993, there was no proof to support the history of David. Many scholars have debated the bible account of Edom battling with isreal. ( 2 samuel 8:13;14) archeological evidence now supports this bible version of history also. The bible was written over a span of 1600 years by approx. 40 writers. many lived centuries apart, yet the message is the same througghout... the vibdication of Gods right to rule mankind. these writers agree on even minute details. see John 6:1-5, Luke 9:10, John 1;44 some cite the following... Did Jesus wear a scarlet or a red robe? Mark 15:17, John 19-2, compare matthew 27:28. ans., both are trur. Purple has components of red so depending on the observers angle of view, reflection and background would have given casts to the garment. many mistaken beliefs gained wide acceptance in ancient times. Views of the earth ranged from flat to being suspended. Long before science learned about the sopread of disease, physians employed practices that were ineffective, sometimes even lethal. Not once in more than 1100 chapters does the bible endorse ANY unscientific views or harmful practices. 3500 yrs ago, the bible states that the earth is suspended from nothing, Job 26-7. isiah 40-22 written about 1500 bce, mosiac law contains sound practices for quarantinning the sick, handling of dead bodies, and disposal of waste. Lev. 13;1-5, Numbers 19:1-3, Deut. 32-13, 14. Scientists have concluded that the universe had a sudden birth. The very first verse of the bible stated just that. |
amen brother.. straight from the true History class.
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Wow....thats a lot on my short comment, but OK. I like this type of debate, as long as no-one gets emotional, pissed off, and starts name calling. It's no longer a debate then, but emotional personal attacks. If that happens, I quit.
To respond: The fact that the Bible is the most printed book in the world doesn’t make it true. What it does say it that more people in history have been indoctrinated into Christianity. The Crusades, Inquisition, even today Christian missionaries feed starving people in Africa, in hopes to convert. If Islam has its way it will be the most published book in history. It wouldn’t make it true. Yes, quotations of Chairman Mao. Second most sold, doesn’t make correct. Sure, ½ of Old testament writers may have finished their writings before the birth of Siddhartha, but that would make less than ¼ of total bible writers. And then it wasn’t called the Old testament, it was called the Torah (the Jewish “bible”). No belief has ever been forced upon so many people in history that would probably explain much of the opposition. None of this information makes the content of the bible any truer. For example the bible claims that the ratio of a circle it 3:1…..even the ancient Egyptians got it more accurate than that. Space travel would be impossible with such inaccurate calculations. Do you think an omnipotent being would allow inaccuracies this obserred in its message? As far as I know, historians have never debated that Pontius Pilate existed. He was a real Roman Governor for that area in that period of time. But this proves that the Jesus story would be as true as Dan Brown’s, “Da Vinci Code”. He writes a religious story made up of fictional characters in real places, in a real time, referring to real people. Even today, some people claim the information in that book is accurate. What might they believe in 2000 yrs? Did Jesus wear a scarlet of a red robe? Who cares? What does that have to do with anything, proved or disproved either way? 1632 Galileo proved that the earth was not the center of the universe. This resulted in Galileo's conviction on suspicion of heresy and a lifetime house arrest. The Catholic Church finally acknowledged it's "mistake" in 1992, only 23 years after man first landed on the moon! Because of religion, many sick people have also been claimed to have been possessed. In no school of thought could people have made up such crazy ideas, except through religion. No unscientific views (see ratio of circle). No harmful practices? I could go on, and on, and on, and on…..but here are just a few. An angel killing 185,000 people in one night II Kings 19:35 Bears devouring 42 children II Kings 2:23-24 Beating slaves to death in stages Ex. 21:20-21 Beating your child black and blue Proverbs 23:14 Proverbs 22:15 Proverbs 22:13 Proverbs 20:30 Boiling and eating your son II Kings 6:29 Burning books, denouncing science, closing mouths. Acts 19:19 (books) Titus 1:10-11 (mouths) I Timothy 6:20 (science) I Cor. 3:18 (fools) Burning women accused of witchcraft and men accused of wizardry (Witchcraft & Wizardry? Are you serious? A 10 commandment punshment) Lev. 20:27 Ex. 22:18 Burning your only daughter alive to fulfill a promise Judges 11:39 Burning your son as a sacrifice II Kings 3:27 Burning 250 princes alive Num. 16:35 Burying a criminal's wife and children alive Num. 16:27, 33 Buying a wife with 200 male foreskins I Sam. 18:25 Buying your rape victim for your wife Deut. 22:29 Chopping off heads, hands, feet, ears and plucking out eyes Matt. 18:8-9 John 18:10 Num. 25:9 Matt. 14:10 II Sam. 4:7, 12 Cursing people with blindness, leprosy, hemorrhoids, consumption, madness, sickness, starvation, thirst, pestilence Num. 12:10 II Kings 5:27 II Kings 15:5 II Kings 6:18 Acts 13:6-12 Lev. 26:16-39 Deut. 28:15-68 I Sam. 5:6 II Sam. 24:15 Cutting up a woman's body and distributing the pieces Judges 19:29 Dashing little ones against the stones Psalm 137:9 Isaiah 13:16 Forbidding women to learn, adorn themselves, speak in church, teach or visit friends I Cor. 14:34-35 I Tim. 2:11-12 I Tim. 5:13 I Tim. 2:9 Forcing a woman to marry seven brothers Luke 20:29-32 Making innocent pay for misdeeds of the guilty Romans 5:12 Gen. 3 Josh. 27:24-26 II Sam. 12:11-14 I Sam. 6:19 Ex. 20:5 II Sam. 24:15 II Sam. 24 I Kings 17:1 Gen. 3:14-19 Making people disobey so you can punish them Ex. 12:28-29 John 12:39-40 Romans 9:16-22 II Peter 2:9 Ezekiel 14:9 Offering your virgin daughters to perverts Gen. 19:4-8 Revilling and abusing the sick, handicapped and deformed II Sam. 5:8 Num. 5:2-4 Lev. 21:1-23 Sexually abusing women to death Judges 19:25 Stoning and burning whole families, women Joshua 7:24-26 Num. 16:35 Deut. 22:21 Lev. 21:9 Stoning a man for working on the sabbath (10 commandment punshment) Num. 15:35-36 Stoning a youth for blasphemy (10 commandment punshment) Lev. 24:23 Wiping out whole cities Joshua 6 Gen. 19 Num. 21:25 Deut. 2:34 Let’s not forget the story of Noah. Every species on one boat? Have you ever been on a navel ship? Do you know how huge they are, just to hold a few hundred people? Lets not forget the sorage of food, fresh water, and the disposal of animal waist. In that story the Christian god killed the whole world! Men, women, children, and infants. Noah’s neighbors must have begged to get on the ark, till finally their dead, bloated bodies were floating by. This is the type of thing the Christian god commands over, and over again in the bible. No big deal, because none of it is true. It’s simply mythology. Thank god! (Pun intended) The big bang. Scientists have “Concluded” nothing of the sort. It is a theory. But…hold on…let’s clarify what a theory is, first. It is not simply a “made up” conclusion. It is a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles, based on facts, offered to explain phenomena. (Such as gravity) A theory may be refined, but only if a better explained, more logical solution is found and tested. Given all evidence, the big bang theory is the most logical explanation. Much like gravity, global warming, or evolution. Gen: 1.1 - In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. This is a made up conclusion. It proves, nor explains anything. That statement could have been made up by anyone who can write. No thought what-so-ever. It doesn’t even describe the big bag. If scientist had come up with “the implosion” theory, people would still say, “See! God!” I understand the need or want for a belief in a higher power. But the book we call the bible is a horrible book and for the most part, horrible moral code. Staring with the verses I have supplied….see for your self. Wow...I wrote WAY more than I though. I'm sorry. I'm sure we all have better things to do. |
Though it matters to me not what your basis of belief is, I assume by the list of biblical references you made that you were trying to prove a point. The only point that I've come to conclde is that you do not read with discernment - or just careless chose examples to prove a point. You have mixed numerous literal and allegorical points, and started with a topic and used references to support it. This is what all of the Cults do as a means of supporting their twisted interpretation of "biblical truth's". So, you have in a sense -done the very thing that those representatives of the "religions" you are attempting to show false have done. Thus - making you just as they are. So by using your logic, I can now disreguard your post, as you have proven to me I should. |
3-1? where?
horrible moral code? why?
Your post is what is commonly called a "Shotgun argument". You have thrown out a great deal of scriptures, many of them without offering any evidence for why you believe they are contradictory. If you want to have a logical and fair discussion, it's important to give your arguments and not just give a scriptural reference and leave another to fill in the arguments and figure out what you mean. I'll address this one issue. Let’s not forget the story of Noah. Every species on one boat? Have you ever been on a navel ship? Do you know how huge they are, just to hold a few hundred people? Lets not forget the sorage of food, fresh water, and the disposal of animal waist. Noah did not have one of every species onboard the Ark, that's not suggested in the Bible. Noah had one of every kind. For instance: Dog, wolves, coyotes are all one kind. Therefore, Noah would only have needed one mated couple from that kind. Same thing with elephants, bears, great cats, etc, etc. Within a kind, all members can breed with the other members. A Jack Russel and a Timber wolf (ignoring size differences) can produce babies. But to that I would say this: Creating the Ark was an act of faith by Noah. Noah was told that water would come from the sky to drown the land. According to the Bible, it had never rained to that point, a mist could come down to water the lands every night. Noah made a great act of faith by spending almost 100 years working on building a boat for an event that he had never heard of before. God rewarded that act of faith by keeping the food from rotting, the water from spoiling and the animals from fighting. Could could have easily expanded the interior of the ship, added strength to the ship and other such miracles to keep the ship from sinking. But here's the problem with what you posted...there are no inconsistances. You don't believe the story, I can accept that. But you haven't pointed out an inconsistancy. Just because you don't believe something doesn't mean that there is an inconsistancy. |
Edited by
Mon 11/19/07 03:02 PM
From Wikipedia:
* Gen 1:25-27 First plants are created, followed by animals, then man and woman. Gen 2:18-22 Adam is created, followed by animals, and then Eve. * Gen 2:17 God says to Adam, "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Gen 5:5 Adam lives several hundreds of years after eating the fruit." There are lots more, but why waste the time when 'misinterpretation' is going to be claimed to explain these away. Proving once again, anyone with an emotional stake in believing biblical inerrancy will go to any length to make it appear to say anything and everything they need it to say and to not say what it actually says. BTW, this post has been posted in white letters on a black screen. If you don't see it this way, you're just color blind. -Kerry O. |
As for "true Christians excepting people on whatever they believe".. My friend there is only one real truth, one way, and one life and that is Jesus Christ. Tolorence in this country has watered down and lost the true message of the bible. I don't mean to offend , but the truth is the truth. Do I want to push my faith on you? No. Am I as a Christian supposed to be concerned for all unbelievers souls? Yes. This is why I will take any flack that comes my way by telling the truth. Tolorence is a cop out for those who are afraid to stand up for Christ. amen sister! |
From Wikipedia: * Gen 1:25-27 First plants are created, followed by animals, then man and woman. Gen 2:18-22 Adam is created, followed by animals, and then Eve. * Gen 2:17 God says to Adam, "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Gen 5:5 Adam lives several hundreds of years after eating the fruit." There are lots more, but why waste the time when 'misinterpretation' is going to be claimed to explain these away. Proving once again, anyone with an emotional stake in believing biblical inerrancy will go to any length to make it appear to say anything and everything they need it to say and to not say what it actually says. BTW, this post has been posted in white letters on a black screen. If you don't see it this way, you're just color blind. -Kerry O. If you look in a bible instead of Wikipedia you'l see that Chapter one is an overview of the creation process while the other chapters drill down into the details. Nothing sinister, these are just taken out o context. |
this is for Godschosengirl:
prov. 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. |
Amen Jarhead