Topic: Are we trying to change...
AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 05/10/07 04:22 AM

Should I stoop to your level. I think not.

I will attempt this one last time.

Where did I make any statement that 'Christains beleive' in anything.

You have state that I did so and that you asked me not to say what
Christians believe. (this position I did not defend because I have never
stated it yet you have twisted it about as a serpent twists upon the

As far as your quote about the source of Christianity.

god is the source of Christ. Christ is the source of christianity. In
what way is this a false statement?


no photo
Thu 05/10/07 04:54 AM
snakes have a split tongue AB, they can't help itfrown

kariZman's photo
Thu 05/10/07 05:30 AM
anyone need a lawyer ?

Jess642's photo
Thu 05/10/07 05:31 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

You are so funny...

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 05/10/07 06:37 AM
Oh darn, I missed it all. Well, time to catch up. I have one thing that
I would have commented on immediately, so I will now.

In one reply Spider, you wrote:

"""I will correct a non-Christians who misinterprets the Bible. I was a
slave to sin for 33 years, because I believed incorrect interpretations
of Biblical scriptures. I don't see any reason NOT to correct someone
who interprets scripture in such a way that it is nonsense."""

Spider, please redeem your any quality of logic and wisdom you may have
developed in all your hard work. It is obviouse you have spent many
years 'developing' your faith in a self taught envioronment. There must
be some part of all this effort that has added the following to your

"""I will correct a non-Christians who misinterprets the Bible. I was a
slave to sin for 33 years, because I believed incorrect interpretations
of Biblical scriptures."""

Do you not see that for well over 1,000 years this is exactly what every
person who reads the Bible is doing? Do you not see that the
interpretation is was causes the differences in the approach to
organized religion?

Further, do you truly, with honor in your heart and faith in your
Christian Book, believe that any who has tried with a pure heart and
follows thier 'interpretation' with peace and conviction, would not meet
the same end as you intend to meet?

The issue I'm getting to is this, If this book on which so many belief
structures are based, produces the desired affect, that being, to
believe in God and the very basic morals of the faith, what difference
does YOUR interpretation make to God accepting thier prayers or offering
their salvation.

You speak here as if God will ask for a written disertation before, one
can be judged, and I tell you that if God expects the writing to be as
clear, without error in spelling or grammar, I don't think many would
want to take the test. But if God expected in that writing to find
purity of heart, kindness of spirit and gentleness of nature, would
their interpretation as to how they got these qualities make any

no photo
Thu 05/10/07 07:04 AM

I really don't have time to go through the whole thing. Go to the first
page and start reading. You will see that Jess used a nonsensical
interpretation of scripture. The problems with that is:

1) Her interpretation was nonsense
2) She's not a Christian
3) she didn't even quote the scripture properly, she turned it into a
double negative.

This all started because I posted the following:

"Keep up the good fight, remember the Bible is your sword. For each
person who replies to tell you how stupid your beliefs are, how many
people are touched by what you write, but say nothing? You can only
plant seeds.

The Holy Spirit must soften their heart before anything you say can be
planted. Once you have planted the seed, it is the Holy Spirit that
must water the seed and make it grow. It is our place to plant the
seeds, regardless of if they will grow or not. Don't give up, you make
good points and you have NOT tried to force your beliefs on anyone. All
of the non-Christians speak with total conviction, you should not do
anything but the same. "

Jess642 and AdventureBegins both started attacking me and Christianity
by pretending that "the Bible is your sword" and "Keep up the good
fight" were exhortations of violence.

I told Jess642 that she was being closed minded and she hilariously
responded "Judge not, that ye not be judged..." I then illusrated that
her interpretation of "Judge not..." was completely inaccrutate. Think
about it, I'm going stand before God and he's going to say "You are
closed minded"? Okay...well, if that's the worst that happens, I'm
looking forward to it. The point is that in everything you do every day
of your life, you must make judgements. The judgement that Jesus was
talking about is judging if someone deserves hell or not, which I just
simply don't do.

I think some of you guys could show some dignity and intellectual
honesty when a Christian or Christianity is attacked unfairly.

kariZman's photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:21 AM
spider im all for fair attacks nothing worse than an unfair

no photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:29 AM
kariZman wrote:

spider im all for fair attacks nothing worse than an unfair

SpiderCMB replied:

An unfair attack would be if someone made a statement like "Thankyou for
showing yourself spider...I don't engage in swordplay...I have better
things to do. "

A fair attack would be if someone responded to an unfair attack.

There are many things worse than an unfair attack, but that doesn't make
unfair attacks any better.

You guys seem to be intellectually bankrupt. You keep posting, but
there is nothing there.

no photo
Thu 05/10/07 11:00 AM

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 05/10/07 11:47 AM
~ An Empty Spirit ~


There’s nothing here but emptiness
a forum full of nerds
no compassion for a spider
just blind unfeeling words

Where are the gallant warriors?
Where are the Christians on crusade?
It appears the armies all went home
and now the pagans have it made

The atheists and non-believers
and the worshipers of nature
All reject with disrespect
the Bible’s nomenclature

Mankind has fallen quickly
to Satin’s evil spell
there’s nothing more than can be done
to save them all from hell

Such a vision
such a quest
to believe we’re all possessed
and that only very few of us
are lucky to be blessed

Empty thoughts
Empty minds
Empty hearts of gold

Be it known!
You’ve had your chance!
Don’t say were not told!


And now the heavens open
and the light of god shines down
and everyone is laughing
for no one has a frown
the illusion always was
and will forever be
an illusion of a separate life
that simply cannot be


(Abra 5/10/07)

no photo
Thu 05/10/07 12:23 PM
Abra:heart: flowerforyou

I adore your ability
Magician of words.

Trizar's photo
Thu 05/10/07 12:42 PM
I was raised in a church and went to their schools..I am no longer
religious, but spiritual. Jesus Christ is my Savorior.I believe that
100%. I would also pick up the sword for him if called to do that.. In
this present day, we will see (we do see) Christians slaughtered for not
beliving in mohammed... I for one will be a Christian Crusader!!!!!!!

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 05/10/07 12:53 PM
Trizar wrote:
“Christians slaughtered for not beliving in mohammed... I for one will
be a Christian Crusader!!!!!!!”

All you’d be doing is supporting the other half of that war.

What ever happened to “Turn the other cheek”?

Do you really believe that god wants men to pit against each other in
his name?

After all, those who are slaughtering in the name of Mohamed are also
being hypocrites to their god are they not?

All you’d really be doing if you engaged in such a war would be to
become a hypocrite to Jesus fighting in his name, but certainly not in
his spirit.

Can you not see the irony?

no photo
Thu 05/10/07 01:03 PM
Christians are all part of the body of Christ. Just because no
Christians make posts in agreement with me, that doesn't mean they
disagree. Does the heart speak or is it the tongue? Just because the
tongue does all the speaking, that doesn't mean the heart disagrees.

Trizar's photo
Thu 05/10/07 01:19 PM
Show that you too, are "Proud to be an American" crusading in the Army
of Soldiers for Christ!

In Confirmation, the Holy Spirit gives us power to grow in the life of
grace, with the strength of a soldier
to fight for Christ.

We now ask you to be soldiers in Christ's Army, fighting with Him
against the enemies of the Faith.

After we have been confirmed, we should continue to study our
Catholic faith even more earnestly than before,
so that we may be able to explain and defend our faith.

We are The Soldiers of Christ —
A Roman Catholic organization dedicated
to fulfilling our Confirmation vows.

no photo
Thu 05/10/07 01:25 PM
I, too, am a solider for Christ. My faith is my armor and God's Word is
my sword. I don't believe that Christians are called to violence except
when protecting ourselves and others and then only as a last resort.

no photo
Thu 05/10/07 01:26 PM
fighting in the name of a religion is not
fighting in the name of God.

Using His name is dispicible

bibby7's photo
Thu 05/10/07 01:31 PM
Hear! Hear!drinker

bibby7's photo
Thu 05/10/07 01:34 PM
"Show that you too, are "Proud to be an American" crusading in the Army
of Soldiers for Christ!

In Confirmation, the Holy Spirit gives us power to grow in the life of
grace, with the strength of a soldier
to fight for Christ.

We now ask you to be soldiers in Christ's Army, fighting with Him
against the enemies of the Faith.

After we have been confirmed, we should continue to study our
Catholic faith even more earnestly than before,
so that we may be able to explain and defend our faith.

We are The Soldiers of Christ —
A Roman Catholic organization dedicated
to fulfilling our Confirmation vows."

If anything would make me abandon my Christian beliefs; This post

God does not have enemies, and has intructed us to "Turn the other
cheek" to our enemies..

Zealots, who preach this utter nonsense, are what is destroying

Trizar's photo
Thu 05/10/07 01:50 PM
ya know.....There is holy war going on right now. We are told it will
not end till all are converted to Islamism, or killed.We also know that
about 80% of our soldiers are of a christian Faith. And the arabs and
moslems know they are killing americans and Christians. Do you really
believe that the Christians in the mid east want to die? do u believe
they turn the other cheeck? No they fight back , unfortunaly they are an
minority. They get slaughtered!!!
Slap my cheek and see whats happens to you. You cannot afford to be meek
as you will certainl;y die. I also believe in both old and the new
testiments... an eye for an eye....what if someone broke into your
house, raped and murdered your family as you watched? going to turn the
other cheeck? I think not....This is all I am posting on my beliefs..
Rather you like them or not... its a free country.