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Topic: Are we trying to change...
AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 05/10/07 08:26 PM
this is how it was posted...

Notice that every time Satan tempted Jesus, Jesus responded with
scripture. YOur friend Bibby would probably have been calling for
Jesus's head for being so offensive as to quote the scriptures.

Do you get it yet? I'm not talking about violence. The Word is used to
counter spirital deception, not to destroy. I have said everything I can
to explain this to you. If you don't get it, then I doubt you ever will.
During that time at that place he did as you have stated.

I have heard that it has been warned that in our time even the minions
of the beast shall qoute scripture.

If you liken your words to a sword your intention is to feed them to me
by the sharpness of the blade. You will find your words can not wound
me or change me from my path. I quake not in fear witin the rock for
the lord is my garment rather do I step forth with joy for faith lights
my way. Even the darkness of the beast cannot penetrate the light of

no photo
Thu 05/10/07 09:25 PM

I apologize for what I said yeserday. Not because I said anything with
the intention of hurting you, but because you didn't understand what I
was saying. Maybe my writing style caused the confusion or maybe I just
don't have the skill with words to express the message I was trying to
get across. Full responsiblity lies with me, thus I offer an apology.
Please know that my intention wasn't to hurt you.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 05/10/07 09:43 PM
I doubt anyones intentions were to cause pain yesterday.

Words sometimes get in the way of communication.

I applaud your words.

Sowing seeds of peace beats discord any day.

no photo
Thu 05/10/07 10:17 PM
I'm not here to convince anyone that God doesn't exist nor am I here to
convert people to my side..I express my thoughts and opinions and if no
one likes em well piss on em its my right to express them I could
careless if anyone agrees with me or not, I ain't here for that

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