Topic: !!
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Mon 05/26/08 08:50 AM

so kleisto, have you decided what your going to do??

Well what choice do I have? I have to get on my own sooner or later anyway right? Obviously the sooner I can get things straightened out in all ways, the better off I'll be.

yes thats true. flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 05/26/08 08:51 AM

me peronally, i would NEVER take home food i didnt eat from a restaurant, i would be so embaressed.

Why? Everyone does it.

i dont know of anyone who does that.

Here in the states it is customary to bring home what you don't eat.

You know I don't think I ever thought about that too much. Maybe it's a cultural thing somewhat that.

i think your probably right. flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 05/26/08 08:52 AM

lol its true i did start it but i know i did and just said think lollaugh laugh drinker

laugh laugh laugh

Kleisto's photo
Mon 05/26/08 08:53 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 05/26/08 08:55 AM

and im glad you got out today..... good for you!flowerforyou flowerforyou i think you may have depression and i can see why..... if you get out and get a job i think a lot of that will go away...

It felt good to just go for once, and I'd do it again too. Even if my grandma or mom didn't like it. It's the only way I can show them.

Yeah I do get depressed sometimes, seems like I'm stuck in the same rut forever in so many ways (goes beyond even what we've spoken of here). I actually almost was gonna end my life once, seemed like things were falling apart. Had lost a potential relationship because of my own doing, grades were bad, etc. I knew I couldn't end it, as it wouldn't be the answer, but had the thoughts.

The state of society gets me down too sometimes, like I realize our generation may be the last as we now know it. It's almost not fair, it sort of frustrates me, that I probably won't get that same long life or potential long life others have had.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 05/26/08 08:54 AM

me peronally, i would NEVER take home food i didnt eat from a restaurant, i would be so embaressed.

Why? Everyone does it.

i dont know of anyone who does that.

Here in the states it is customary to bring home what you don't eat.

You know I don't think I ever thought about that too much. Maybe it's a cultural thing somewhat that.

i think your probably right. flowerforyou

Yeah, sorry for the misunderstanding there and if I came across as rude or condescending about the whole thing.

no photo
Mon 05/26/08 08:56 AM

and im glad you got out today..... good for you!flowerforyou flowerforyou i think you may have depression and i can see why..... if you get out and get a job i think a lot of that will go away...

It felt good to just go for once, and I'd do it again too. Even if my grandma or mom didn't like it. It's the only way I can show them.

Yeah I do get depressed sometimes, seems like I'm stuck in the same rut forever in so many ways (goes beyond even what we've spoken of here). I actually almost was gonna end my life once, seemed like things were falling apart. Had lost a potential relationship because of my own doing, grades were bad, etc. I knew I couldn't end it, as it wouldn't be the answer, but had the thoughts.

The state of society gets me down too sometimes, like I realize our generation may be the last as we now know it. It's almost not fair, that sort of frustrates me, that I probably won't get that same long life or potential long life others have had.

i suffer with depression, and ive tried to take my own life many times, and once i succeded but they got me back. if your feeling suicidal please get some help as soon as possible before it spirals out of control. ok?? please get help

no photo
Mon 05/26/08 08:57 AM

me peronally, i would NEVER take home food i didnt eat from a restaurant, i would be so embaressed.

Why? Everyone does it.

i dont know of anyone who does that.

Here in the states it is customary to bring home what you don't eat.

You know I don't think I ever thought about that too much. Maybe it's a cultural thing somewhat that.

i think your probably right. flowerforyou

Yeah, sorry for the misunderstanding there and if I came across as rude or condescending about the whole thing.

you didnt at all, im sorry that i came across that way to, but your right it probably is a culteral thing, and we wernt to know, so no worries. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

buttons's photo
Mon 05/26/08 08:57 AM
Edited by buttons on Mon 05/26/08 08:58 AM

and im glad you got out today..... good for you!flowerforyou flowerforyou i think you may have depression and i can see why..... if you get out and get a job i think a lot of that will go away...

It felt good to just go for once, and I'd do it again too. Even if my grandma or mom didn't like it. It's the only way I can show them.

Yeah I do get depressed sometimes, seems like I'm stuck in the same rut forever in so many ways (goes beyond even what we've spoken of here). I actually almost was gonna end my life once, seemed like things were falling apart. Had lost a potential relationship because of my own doing, grades were bad, etc. I knew I couldn't end it, as it wouldn't be the answer, but had the thoughts.

The state of society gets me down too sometimes, like I realize our generation may be the last as we now know it. It's almost not fair, that sort of frustrates me, that I probably won't get that same long life or potential long life others have had.
i know what ya mean i probabaly wont get social securty when i hit that age and ive paid into it all these yrs... really stinks... but we all gotta live one day at a time... and try to change the things that are possible to change and those things are within ourselves.... we cant change others... and like today who cares what they felt like? your gma and mom? what matters is what you felt like... cause that is the only control you have. your own feelings... they have to feel better about theirselves you cant do that for them....flowerforyou flowerforyou

hikerchick's photo
Mon 05/26/08 08:59 AM

me peronally, i would NEVER take home food i didnt eat from a restaurant, i would be so embaressed.

Why? Everyone does it.

i dont know of anyone who does that.

Here in the states it is customary to bring home what you don't eat.

well as im not in the states i didnt know that. but thanks for telling me flowerforyou
In any type of restaurant you go to, if you don't finish your food they offer to box it up for you. It's not the least bit embarrassing.

no photo
Mon 05/26/08 09:00 AM

me peronally, i would NEVER take home food i didnt eat from a restaurant, i would be so embaressed.

Why? Everyone does it.

i dont know of anyone who does that.

Here in the states it is customary to bring home what you don't eat.

well as im not in the states i didnt know that. but thanks for telling me flowerforyou
In any type of restaurant you go to, if you don't finish your food they offer to box it up for you. It's not the least bit embarrassing.

they have never done that for me. like i say i dont know what happens in your country, who cares anyway, no big deal.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 05/26/08 09:02 AM

and im glad you got out today..... good for you!flowerforyou flowerforyou i think you may have depression and i can see why..... if you get out and get a job i think a lot of that will go away...

It felt good to just go for once, and I'd do it again too. Even if my grandma or mom didn't like it. It's the only way I can show them.

Yeah I do get depressed sometimes, seems like I'm stuck in the same rut forever in so many ways (goes beyond even what we've spoken of here). I actually almost was gonna end my life once, seemed like things were falling apart. Had lost a potential relationship because of my own doing, grades were bad, etc. I knew I couldn't end it, as it wouldn't be the answer, but had the thoughts.

The state of society gets me down too sometimes, like I realize our generation may be the last as we now know it. It's almost not fair, that sort of frustrates me, that I probably won't get that same long life or potential long life others have had.
i know what ya mean i probabaly wont get social securty when i hit that age and ive paid into it all these yrs... really stinks... but we all gotta live one day at a time... and try to change the things that are possible to change and those things are within ourselves.... we cant change others... and like today who cares what they felt like? your gma and mom? what matters is what you felt like... cause that is the only control you have. your own feelings... they have to feel better about theirselves you cant do that for them....flowerforyou flowerforyou

Yeah, like I said I would do it again for sure. They didn't mind it too much yesterday though, but my grandma did say not to do it this morning. Wasn't planning to anyway, but I would have if I wanted to. I'm old enough to make my own decisions now, regardless of how they feel about it. I think that's part of why I don't get along with them so well, cause they always try to tell me what to do. Like getting on me about my hair, when I go to bed, etc.

Of course best way to solve that, is to get out on my own. Then I can be my own boss, and won't have to answer to anyone but me.

buttons's photo
Mon 05/26/08 09:04 AM
Edited by buttons on Mon 05/26/08 09:04 AM
no they dont...... not the resturaunts where suits are a must... say at the luxor hotel in vegas... in that resturaunt in the middle u take the elevator up to...your have your own private waiter that stands two tables away at all times... with piere water at hand he pulls the table out for you and you get served on a silver covered platter.. you dont ask for a take out box therelaugh laugh but there isnt much food left if any and a vegetable is considered a side dish... 6 bucks for asparagus...laugh laugh dinner there with no desert will run you 125 for two.... they certainally dont offer up a take home boxlaugh laugh of course they have one of the top 10 chefs in the US cook your food

no photo
Mon 05/26/08 09:04 AM

no they dont...... not the resturaunts where suits are a must... say at the luxor hotel in vegas... in that resturaunt in the middle u take the elevator up to...your have your own private waiter that stands two tables away at all times... with piere water at hand he pulls the table out for you and you get served on a silver covered platter.. you dont ask for a take out box therelaugh laugh but there isnt much food left if any and a vegetable is considered a side dish... 6 bucks for asparagus...laugh laugh dinner there with no desert will run you 125 for two.... they certainally dont offer up a take home boxlaugh laugh

i have NEVER been offered a box to take home what i didnt eat.

buttons's photo
Mon 05/26/08 09:06 AM
debbie i do think its a cultural thing....

no photo
Mon 05/26/08 09:07 AM

debbie i do think its a cultural thing....

yes i do too. flowerforyou

Kleisto's photo
Mon 05/26/08 09:09 AM
Do you even see boxes there when you go out or no? Can generally spot a bunch of them in restaurants here.

no photo
Mon 05/26/08 09:11 AM

Do you even see boxes there when you go out or no? Can generally spot a bunch of them in restaurants here.

no, ive never saw any boxes. i think it is a cultural thing.

MsCarmen's photo
Mon 05/26/08 09:14 AM
I'm really having a hard time having any sympathy for you. I mean you are 20 years old, in good health, but yet you won't get a job. And I don't think it has anything to do with people not wanting to hire you, I think it's just that you don't want to work.

I mean let's face, who, at age 20, would give up Mommy and Grandma giving you money whenever you want it, taking you anywhere you wanted to go, doing your laundry, cleaning up after you, pretty much helping you to be lazy. And I think the reason you are okay with the long distance relationship is because as you stated yourself "Less pressure on me" in other words, you won't be forced into having to look for a job and a place of your own to prove that you are responsible.

If you really wanted to change things, you could do it. But I think you like things just the way they are, and I believe you will milk Mommy and Grandma for as long as you can. JMHO

no photo
Mon 05/26/08 09:26 AM

I'm really having a hard time having any sympathy for you. I mean you are 20 years old, in good health, but yet you won't get a job. And I don't think it has anything to do with people not wanting to hire you, I think it's just that you don't want to work.

I mean let's face, who, at age 20, would give up Mommy and Grandma giving you money whenever you want it, taking you anywhere you wanted to go, doing your laundry, cleaning up after you, pretty much helping you to be lazy. And I think the reason you are okay with the long distance relationship is because as you stated yourself "Less pressure on me" in other words, you won't be forced into having to look for a job and a place of your own to prove that you are responsible.

If you really wanted to change things, you could do it. But I think you like things just the way they are, and I believe you will milk Mommy and Grandma for as long as you can. JMHO

and again...


njmom05's photo
Mon 05/26/08 09:31 AM

Also, pick your battles. This seems pretty grade school to get upset about. So she wanted to waste her food. Get over it.

Easier said then done. I just cannot stand how wasteful people are with food, it drives me nuts.

So don't go out to dinner with her. Not worth the hassle.