Topic: !! | |
i started work when i was 16, and had a nvq qualification at 17. he should go to work and earn is own money and not scrounge of his mom. i would love to go back to work, but i CANT, due to my health.
i dont really like to go out to eat much.... i used too cause the food used to be good... now if the food is good its a bit pricey... like where their are chefs not just so called cooks... i find the foods to be quite bland unless a chef cooks them... and then why go out? cause the food i make is 35 dollar plate food!
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i worked all summer when i was 14... had to have a workers permit boy i felt rich!
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i dont really like to go out to eat much.... i used too cause the food used to be good... now if the food is good its a bit pricey... like where their are chefs not just so called cooks... i find the foods to be quite bland unless a chef cooks them... and then why go out? cause the food i make is 35 dollar plate food! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i dont eat out much anymore, because the food isnt that nice. and i can make something much nicer at home, and cheaper. ![]() ![]() |
i started work when i was 16, and had a nvq qualification at 17. he should go to work and earn is own money and not scrounge of his mom. i would love to go back to work, but i CANT, due to my health. What's wrong with your health? |
![]() ![]() So tonight, my mom and I go out to this little hole in the wall Mexican restaurant for a late dinner. She orders a chimichanga and I ordered a big California burrito. Well we finish dinner, and she didn't end up finishing hers (nor did I). I wanted to take it home, since she didn't, but she wouldn't let me! She gets all upset, saying you don't do that and all this, and even kicking me under the table a couple of times when I refused to drop the matter. Then I told the waitress to box it up anyway, and she tells her to throw it out, several times over before getting up to pay, and then walking out of the restaurant leaving me there by myself, forcing me to apologize to the waitress for what had happened, and making me walk home alone. We had walked there anyway but that's beside the point. I don't get what the hell the big deal is about this! It's just food for crying out loud, it's not poison, or got cooties! This isn't the first time we've gotten into an argument over this either. There's never any peace around here I swear! Her and I always clash over something, be it this or something else. My grandma is the same way too. Just constant bickering! ![]() ![]() |
before that when i was 12 i babysat all summer..... but that didnt pay as well as the real job when i was 14
i worked all summer when i was 14... had to have a workers permit boy i felt rich! ![]() ![]() ![]() isnt it nice getting your own pay cheque, knowing youve earnt the money, and you enjoy spending it as youve earned it, dont you think?? |
i dont really like to go out to eat much.... i used too cause the food used to be good... now if the food is good its a bit pricey... like where their are chefs not just so called cooks... i find the foods to be quite bland unless a chef cooks them... and then why go out? cause the food i make is 35 dollar plate food! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i dont eat out much anymore, because the food isnt that nice. and i can make something much nicer at home, and cheaper. ![]() ![]() Can't say I blame you there, plus you never know what goes into that food sometimes either, whereas at home you know what went in it cause you made it yourself. Quality control........ |
![]() ![]() So tonight, my mom and I go out to this little hole in the wall Mexican restaurant for a late dinner. She orders a chimichanga and I ordered a big California burrito. Well we finish dinner, and she didn't end up finishing hers (nor did I). I wanted to take it home, since she didn't, but she wouldn't let me! She gets all upset, saying you don't do that and all this, and even kicking me under the table a couple of times when I refused to drop the matter. Then I told the waitress to box it up anyway, and she tells her to throw it out, several times over before getting up to pay, and then walking out of the restaurant leaving me there by myself, forcing me to apologize to the waitress for what had happened, and making me walk home alone. We had walked there anyway but that's beside the point. I don't get what the hell the big deal is about this! It's just food for crying out loud, it's not poison, or got cooties! This isn't the first time we've gotten into an argument over this either. There's never any peace around here I swear! Her and I always clash over something, be it this or something else. My grandma is the same way too. Just constant bickering! ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() So tonight, my mom and I go out to this little hole in the wall Mexican restaurant for a late dinner. She orders a chimichanga and I ordered a big California burrito. Well we finish dinner, and she didn't end up finishing hers (nor did I). I wanted to take it home, since she didn't, but she wouldn't let me! She gets all upset, saying you don't do that and all this, and even kicking me under the table a couple of times when I refused to drop the matter. Then I told the waitress to box it up anyway, and she tells her to throw it out, several times over before getting up to pay, and then walking out of the restaurant leaving me there by myself, forcing me to apologize to the waitress for what had happened, and making me walk home alone. We had walked there anyway but that's beside the point. I don't get what the hell the big deal is about this! It's just food for crying out loud, it's not poison, or got cooties! This isn't the first time we've gotten into an argument over this either. There's never any peace around here I swear! Her and I always clash over something, be it this or something else. My grandma is the same way too. Just constant bickering! ![]() ![]() Live with em both in the same house. |
Edited by
Mon 05/26/08 07:43 AM
![]() ![]() So tonight, my mom and I go out to this little hole in the wall Mexican restaurant for a late dinner. She orders a chimichanga and I ordered a big California burrito. Well we finish dinner, and she didn't end up finishing hers (nor did I). I wanted to take it home, since she didn't, but she wouldn't let me! She gets all upset, saying you don't do that and all this, and even kicking me under the table a couple of times when I refused to drop the matter. Then I told the waitress to box it up anyway, and she tells her to throw it out, several times over before getting up to pay, and then walking out of the restaurant leaving me there by myself, forcing me to apologize to the waitress for what had happened, and making me walk home alone. We had walked there anyway but that's beside the point. I don't get what the hell the big deal is about this! It's just food for crying out loud, it's not poison, or got cooties! This isn't the first time we've gotten into an argument over this either. There's never any peace around here I swear! Her and I always clash over something, be it this or something else. My grandma is the same way too. Just constant bickering! ![]() ![]() My mom did try to move out on her own for a while, but things didn't work out and she moved back here a few years ago now. My dad lives with his folks too currently, though it wasn't always like that. Had his own place for a while, but never really took good care of it. He's trying to sell it now. |
i started work when i was 16, and had a nvq qualification at 17. he should go to work and earn is own money and not scrounge of his mom. i would love to go back to work, but i CANT, due to my health. What's wrong with your health? i suffer with severe chronic pain due to endometriosis, also im waiting for surgery on my bladder, because the endometriosis as spread every where. i also cant work due to bad depression and anxiety. i cant walk for long periods, i have to lie down a lot, and sometimes i cant get out of bed because of the pain. also i have to take demerol and df118, and that makes me drowsy and soon ive got to start injecting myself with demerol and probably morphine, and as it effects my concentration i couldnt possibly work, plus the pain is to severe, the pain meds dont help much. |
seems a pattern to me...... and perhaps they are selfish... and dont want you to do better than they... ever think of that? to keep you lower? if i were you id show em!!!!
i dont really like to go out to eat much.... i used too cause the food used to be good... now if the food is good its a bit pricey... like where their are chefs not just so called cooks... i find the foods to be quite bland unless a chef cooks them... and then why go out? cause the food i make is 35 dollar plate food! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i dont eat out much anymore, because the food isnt that nice. and i can make something much nicer at home, and cheaper. ![]() ![]() Can't say I blame you there, plus you never know what goes into that food sometimes either, whereas at home you know what went in it cause you made it yourself. Quality control........ i agree with you there, and also if you complain about food sometimes they spit in it, also they could have dirty hands preparing a meal. at home at least i know everything is clean. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 05/26/08 07:50 AM
WOW...this sounds so much like my one son!
There is NO excuse for not having a job at your age! No driver's license...then ya walk it, bike it or bus it sweetie!!! Stop relying on others for your predicament. Stop the's time you grow up and become a responsible and productive ADULT!!! Pound the pavement, don't just stop at one application. And after returning applications, you continue to inquire at those businesses...don't wait around for them to contact you. You show them you are interested...keep pestering them for a job! My twin sons are almost has 'gotten it'...has held a full time job almost a year now after graduating high school, bought his own car and is now living on his own in an apartment = he is a responsible/productive adult. The other son is about to get kicked out of his father and step-mother's house...I am not in a position to take him in and have told him as much, (tough love!). He is about to learn the hard way and I feel this is what he needs to get motivated...a good lesson in life. Nothing comes easy or have to work for what you want. *stepping down off my soapbox now...BTW, and this is JMO...nothing wrong with taking home leftovers from a meal at a restaurant...sounds like Mom has 'issues'! ![]() ![]() ![]() OK, so you are living by example...BREAK THE PATTERN!!! |
Dude get a bicycle and go to the nearest Mcdonalds and get a job....throw a few bucks away each week until you find a better job. Respect thy father & thy mother and you will be much happier. Look around for a drivers ed program or even a friend that might help you learn. When it all starts coming together move on ...or offer to help whomever you live with via bills& food costs.
seems a pattern to me...... and perhaps they are selfish... and dont want you to do better than they... ever think of that? to keep you lower? if i were you id show em!!!! I'm not sure about that. My dad has worked hard I will say that, works 2 jobs in fact right now, and has done what he can to raise me in spite of living on the other side of town. As for my mom's side, I think they don't want to let me go, being that I'm the only child here and all. I do admit though, I've been put down in the past, called stupid and things like that, or just like my dad (not in a positive way either). My dad has done that too sometimes, he always had a short temper. Like he'd call the way I tied my shoes pathetic for example, or yell at me for not holding the canoe paddle right or whatever when we go canoeing up north. It takes all the fun out of it. Suppose it's a little wonder I don't get along with my family that great given all these things. |
Pound the pavement, don't just stop at one application. And after returning applications, you continue to inquire at those businesses...don't wait around for them to contact you. You show them you are interested...keep pestering them for a job! My dad has told me this before actually. |
Pound the pavement, don't just stop at one application. And after returning applications, you continue to inquire at those businesses...don't wait around for them to contact you. You show them you are interested...keep pestering them for a job! My dad has told me this before actually. kleisto, can you see why i cant work now??? |