Community > Posts By > dantaylor28

dantaylor28's photo
Wed 03/04/09 02:03 PM

i just want to know if dan has watched that video.

yeah , sorry man dont belive in the conspiracy theorys . i believe in this country and i believe we will be fine

dantaylor28's photo
Wed 03/04/09 01:52 PM
Edited by dantaylor28 on Wed 03/04/09 01:53 PM

yeah yeah the illuminati new world order is coming . come on guys this isnt a Dan Brown novel

do you believe that there is such thing as the nwo dan?

no i dont . i think it is a bunch of conspiracy theory spread by people with too much time on there hands

dantaylor28's photo
Wed 03/04/09 01:51 PM

rofl rofl rofl

this is funny . i didnt know there were so many conspiracy theorists out there . come on guys this isnt a movie you give our government to much credit . lol

we don't give them enough credit is more like it.

shades shades shades

the men in blck are here .

dantaylor28's photo
Wed 03/04/09 01:47 PM
yeah yeah the illuminati new world order is coming . come on guys this isnt a Dan Brown novel

dantaylor28's photo
Wed 03/04/09 01:41 PM
rofl rofl rofl

this is funny . i didnt know there were so many conspiracy theorists out there . come on guys this isnt a movie you give our government to much credit . lol

dantaylor28's photo
Tue 03/03/09 06:31 PM

are you people realy shocked at anything i say or do?????????

not realy all the roseists expect it .lol:tongue:

dantaylor28's photo
Tue 03/03/09 06:29 PM
people come to arizona and expect us all to be cowboys like they see in the movies . and they are suprised to find out if you head north we have green grass , trees and snow .

dantaylor28's photo
Tue 03/03/09 03:52 PM

i still haven't heard any debates in here about the topic lol

just the detours

i gave up in here already .

dantaylor28's photo
Tue 03/03/09 03:51 PM

see TJN....they are scared of me hehehe

tears tears tears

dantaylor28's photo
Tue 03/03/09 03:47 PM
lol i know thank you . i need someone to kick my butt and keep me on the sraight and narrow .

dantaylor28's photo
Tue 03/03/09 03:44 PM

there ya are officially in the political club here

Thanks I knew you were going to that
*rubbing butt*

dont feel bad shes been kicking my a$$ all day . i cant even sit down anymore.

dantaylor28's photo
Tue 03/03/09 03:41 PM
i'v seen the video and it sickens me . those cops should both be fired and the girl should get a nice little settlement . after seeing that video she deserves it .

dantaylor28's photo
Tue 03/03/09 03:37 PM

laugh Yes, I must ask my NWO superiors before I can read your propagandalaugh
rofl rofl

dantaylor28's photo
Tue 03/03/09 01:41 PM

that's why I said illegal abuse of the system lol - costs the tax payers

we agree . lol . whew . spock i'm scared...did hell freeze over??? i missed the weather report lmao

lmfao thats funny s#@$%

dantaylor28's photo
Tue 03/03/09 01:38 PM

that's why I said illegal abuse of the system lol - costs the tax payers

we agree . lol . whew . spock

dantaylor28's photo
Tue 03/03/09 01:37 PM

you people are gonna drive me to drinking. i'll send out the tabs as they come. for those that kicked me...every kick equals a night of drinking lol

ok dan....but who is on what side of this debate and why???

i'm the captain of the yellow team!!!!!

lol i dont know anymore . i'll just say i'm on whatever side your on rose lol .

dantaylor28's photo
Tue 03/03/09 01:35 PM,_lawsuits_against_joe_arpaio_have_cost_taxpayers_$41_million.htm

this one backs up my statement about the 41 million it has cost in lawsuits .from these immigration checkpoints and raids the thread reffers too . just so ya know i'm still on topic .

dantaylor28's photo
Tue 03/03/09 01:29 PM then what is the debate in here?????

here is a site that talks about these roundups that are being protested . these roundups have cost maricopa county 41 million dollars in lawsuits . this is what people are talking about it's costing more to defend these round ups then they are worth.

dantaylor28's photo
Tue 03/03/09 01:22 PM

rose you kicked me in the butt lol

dan you kicked me back...but YOU got us off track lol

lol i'm sorry . i'm trying to get us back on track .ohwell

dantaylor28's photo
Tue 03/03/09 01:20 PM
Edited by dantaylor28 on Tue 03/03/09 01:21 PM

wow we got way off course

there are people in everything that abuse power. those people will get what's coming to them

lol yeah and thats just one of the sites . so we can stay on topic i'll just say thats just one of hundreds of sights that show facts about the way he does things and his abuse of power.
now back on topic do you guys atleast understand why these people are protesting and upset?

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