Community > Posts By > dantaylor28

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 06:27 PM
and you know the sad thing is t2 as a former soldier if i were called back to active duty i would lay my life down also for your right to criticize what they are doing . and i know many other soldiers feel the same way . i had bullets flying over my head in columbia to help keep drugs out of this country but people dont hear about that . i am sorry you feel that way but i would gladly go back in and lay down my life for all of you.

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 06:24 PM

who were you fighting over there dantaylor? reguardless of how you want to believe each one of those people you fought was someone that lived there and didn't want you there. they were iraqis nonetheless. if they wanted you guys to be there they wouldn't have fought you. they were protecting what they thought you were there to destroy. just because they were on the other side, makes them no different for what they were fighting for. our soldiers were the aggressors using a false reason to be there. that doesn't make a soldier a hero.

the fact that they are willing to lay down there lives makes them heroes .

if they layed their lives down for an actual cause it does. but if they lay their lives down and it turns out to be for a trick, that makes me feel sad. my friend layed his life down and knew it was for a trick. only he didnt do it on purpose, the military made him do it.

the fact that they are getting shot at i on a daily basis , makes them heroes .

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 06:22 PM

Time for the world to watch their own backyards.

alot of our bases over seas like germany for instance are there for fast deployment overseas . it takes hours off of the travel time if soldiers are clled on to go to war .

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 06:20 PM


i respect all life, ENOUGH TO QUESTION, what hath POWER OVER LIFE???

nothing except what WISH FOR ALL IT'S DUE CONSEQUENCE OF IT'S OWN ACTIONS, will like being questioned???

do you not wish to be questioned???

all we have to do, is actually project self into ULTIMATE POWER, actually using the brain to picture all the logistic's of what would be available to self, and all the wants self could fulfll???

character does not grow on tree's, but is cultivated by the willing ness to be scrutinzed, especially when in power???

all firefighters feel a brotherhoof, all teachers, all fbi, all EACH GROUP, BUT WE ARE ALL ONE GROUP???


problem with this logic to you, is you only see equal as what is LIKE YOURSELF???

that is not equality???

if you were KING of the earth, would you want you subjects to question you???

dude what the heck are you talking about ? i never said anyone wasnt equal to me .

he's right dan. you think that just because you have been a soldier that you should have more respect than someone who stayed home and questioned their own government's agenda.

i never said that t2 now you are putting words in my mouth i said they deserve your respect because they have the courage to do what you did not .

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 06:18 PM

who were you fighting over there dantaylor? reguardless of how you want to believe each one of those people you fought was someone that lived there and didn't want you there. they were iraqis nonetheless. if they wanted you guys to be there they wouldn't have fought you. they were protecting what they thought you were there to destroy. just because they were on the other side, makes them no different for what they were fighting for. our soldiers were the aggressors using a false reason to be there. that doesn't make a soldier a hero.

the fact that they are willing to lay down there lives makes them heroes .

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 06:15 PM

prima donnas never make a team better just look at winslow for the browns, T.O. will suck the life out of the bills just like he has everywhere else he's played

look at t.o.'s numbers . people call him a bad teammate because he wants the ball . what great player doesnt . the media has chosen to crucify t.o. where as they elevate chad johnson . another playmaker . but he runs his mouth as much as t.o. . lets not forget how he came back from a season ending enjury to play in the superbowl and played great by the way before he was 100 percent .

All those numbers, now how many rings does he have?

I don't recall Rice being a ball-hog. Marvin Harrison isn't(wasn't?) either, add Holt, and Bruce to that list...

rice hated when he went from montana to young , and had a number of arguements with him , harrison has said many times that he wants the ball more , bruce left stlouis because holt overshadowed him all bigtime players want the ball , some of them just arent as public about it as others .

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 06:12 PM
Year Team G Rec Yds Avg Yds/G Lng TD 20+ 40+ 1st FUM
2008 Dallas Cowboys 16 69 1,052 15.2 65.8 75T 10 15 6 38 1

2007 Dallas Cowboys 15 81 1,355 16.7 90.3 52T 15 22 6 69 0

2006 Dallas Cowboys 16 85 1,180 13.9 73.8 56T 13 18 4 62 0

2005 Philadelphia Eagles 7 47 763 16.2 109.0 91T 6 10 4 32 0

2004 Philadelphia Eagles 14 77 1,200 15.6 85.7 59T 14 20 9 51 2

2003 San Francisco 49ers 15 80 1,102 13.8 73.5 75T 9 15 4 55 0

2002 San Francisco 49ers 14 100 1,300 13.0 92.9 76T 13 17 5 61 0

2001 San Francisco 49ers 16 93 1,412 15.2 88.2 60T 16 21 6 70 0

2000 San Francisco 49ers 14 97 1,451 15.0 103.6 69T 13 23 5 65 2

1999 San Francisco 49ers 14 60 754 12.6 53.9 36 4 12 0 36 1

1998 San Francisco 49ers 16 67 1,097 16.4 68.6 79T 14 17 4 52 1

1997 San Francisco 49ers 16 60 936 15.6 58.5 56T 8 16 1 48 1

1996 San Francisco 49ers 16 35 520 14.9 32.5 46T 4 7 2 23 1

TOTAL 189 951 14,122 14.8 74.7 91 139 213 56 662 9

notice that even in 2008 a down year, he had over a thousand yards and 10 touch downs not to mention 38 first downs , 6 plays for 40 or more yards ,and 15 for 20 or more , compare that to any other reciever on the bills and ask what they just got . the numbers dont lie

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 06:04 PM

prima donnas never make a team better just look at winslow for the browns, T.O. will suck the life out of the bills just like he has everywhere else he's played

look at t.o.'s numbers . people call him a bad teammate because he wants the ball . what great player doesnt . the media has chosen to crucify t.o. where as they elevate chad johnson . another playmaker . but he runs his mouth as much as t.o. . lets not forget how he came back from a season ending enjury to play in the superbowl and played great by the way before he was 100 percent .

All those numbers, now how many rings does he have?

how many rings did dan marino have ? jim kelly ? warren moon . alt of great players that have never gotten rings . lets not forget to spent alot of years in the san francisco wasteland . they tried to blame him too and they still havent won and have failed to find a reciever that could fill his shoes . and if he was such a bad teammate why is it mcnab has said on a number of occasions he wished t.o. was still there . players go back and forth all the time especialy the great players , kurt warner had a number of arguements with fellow players and coaches on the sideline this year as did anquan boldin but you didnt see it on sportscenter . notice they never ask teammates what they think of t.o.

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 05:57 PM


i respect all life, ENOUGH TO QUESTION, what hath POWER OVER LIFE???

nothing except what WISH FOR ALL IT'S DUE CONSEQUENCE OF IT'S OWN ACTIONS, will like being questioned???

do you not wish to be questioned???

all we have to do, is actually project self into ULTIMATE POWER, actually using the brain to picture all the logistic's of what would be available to self, and all the wants self could fulfll???

character does not grow on tree's, but is cultivated by the willing ness to be scrutinzed, especially when in power???

all firefighters feel a brotherhoof, all teachers, all fbi, all EACH GROUP, BUT WE ARE ALL ONE GROUP???


problem with this logic to you, is you only see equal as what is LIKE YOURSELF???

that is not equality???

if you were KING of the earth, would you want you subjects to question you???

dude what the heck are you talking about ? i never said anyone wasnt equal to me .

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 05:53 PM
Edited by dantaylor28 on Sun 03/08/09 06:05 PM

prima donnas never make a team better just look at winslow for the browns, T.O. will suck the life out of the bills just like he has everywhere else he's played

look at t.o.'s numbers . people call him a bad teammate because he wants the ball . what great player doesnt . the media has chosen to crucify t.o. where as they elevate chad johnson . another playmaker . but he runs his mouth as much as t.o. . lets not forget how he came back from a season ending injury to play in the superbowl and played great by the way before he was 100 percent .

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 05:48 PM

i'm not talking about politics. i'm talking about people suffering and i don't like seeing that. i'm very proud of our soldiers for helping them. and just like vietnam...i am proud of those soldiers too even if it wasn't a "legal" war

i find the term legal war kind of funny anyway

rose, we killed more iraqis than saddam hussein did in all of his years as dictator

t2 if you knew anything about combat you would understand that iraq the type of war being faught in iraq is urban warefare , which means we are fighting in the middle of crowded citys , when there are firefights in the middle of a crowded city people will be caught up in the cross fire . u.s. soldiers try to avoid this but is inevitable that some will die . what do you suggest they do when someone is fireing at them stand there and not return foire because there are civilians present?

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 05:42 PM

buffalo just got a very tallented reciever .

No, Buffalo just got Cancer of the Wide Receiver.

he may be a cancer but he can still catch a hundred balls for 1000 or more yards and 12 or more t.d's

but was second in dropped passes over the last three years

he has always dropped lot of passes . but the big play threat he represents and the double coverages he draws opening up other recievers has why until he retires he will always find a team that wants him . his numbers speak for themselvs . i agree he is a cancer but many team mates and coaches will over look it . look at donovan mcnab in philly he hasnt been as good since he lost to and romo will be the same .

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 05:33 PM

buffalo just got a very tallented reciever .

No, Buffalo just got Cancer of the Wide Receiver.

he may be a cancer but he can still catch a hundred balls for 1000 or more yards and 12 or more t.d's

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 05:30 PM

he told me different, maybe everybody had a different veiw of it.

you could be right. it might be how he saw it because he didn't agree with it.

those people needed help. how could we sit there and do nothing? i'm not talking about why the leaders did it or anything. the leaders will have to answer for it one day.

You sound like George Bush,,,,,


lol i don't care about what the leaders said. or what their reasons for doing it was....they will have to answer for that sooner or later

as far as killing....i think we should have gotten out of there a long time ago. but even sadam knew his son was psycho....and sadam was psycho too

rose doesnot sound like george bush . i hated george bush , and think the time to be in iraq ended . however i support our soldiers whole heartedly . there are many there i served with . some of which i have faught next to . as for the war in afganastan lets not froget 9-11 and what the terrorists that are hideing in afganistan did to us .

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 04:58 PM

i didn't put them there. they put themselves there. i feel sorry for them. i don't want them to be there. i want them to be here enjoying their lives. not out being some part of an NWO project getting themselves killed.

nwo project man you got issues . i betg you hear voices in your head also . dont ya . got a tinfoil hat so they cant read your brainwaves ? people like you have been spouting this crap a long time . you still have yet to prove anything . but i guess our government is just hat good at covering it up huh. give me a break man . leave that stuff to the movies .

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 04:56 PM

Enough with the bank talk on every thread.frustrated frustrated


you know one of the problems in this country is people like you . it's people like you that are the reasons our soldiers feel they are not respected . people like you should be required to live a day in an entrenched soldiers shoes . i hope one day you wake the f@#$ up .


no not you rose sorry . quoted the wrong quote . was talking to t2

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 04:52 PM

Enough with the bank talk on every thread.frustrated frustrated


you know one of the problems in this country is people like you . it's people like you that are the reasons our soldiers feel they are not respected . people like you should be required to live a day in an entrenched soldiers shoes . i hope one day you wake the f@#$ up .

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 04:42 PM
Edited by dantaylor28 on Sun 03/08/09 04:43 PM

as far as iraq....i don't care what the "real reasons" were...those people were being tortured for fun. sadam even knew one of his boys was crazy (and from sadam....that's crazy)

they needed help just like kosovo.

even the civil war helped free slaves.

like it or not....people fight wars for freedoms.

It was great stopping Hitler too.

without soldiers we would all be speaking german right now . but lets all forget pearl harbor . it was all supported by the "evil zionist emipre" to gain support for a war , so was 9-11 . give me a break !

that was started by the bankers. remember no country has enough money to start a war without the bankers.

you watch to much t.v. and read to many conspiracey theory books t2 . come back to reality . yeah the bankers wanted planes flown into the world trade centers and the pentagon they wanted thousands of americans dead !!! because god knows this war has just bennifitted them .

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 04:38 PM

as far as iraq....i don't care what the "real reasons" were...those people were being tortured for fun. sadam even knew one of his boys was crazy (and from sadam....that's crazy)

they needed help just like kosovo.

even the civil war helped free slaves.

like it or not....people fight wars for freedoms.

It was great stopping Hitler too.

without soldiers we would all be speaking german right now . but lets all forget pearl harbor . it was all supported by the "evil zionist emipre" to gain support for a war , so was 9-11 . give me a break !

dantaylor28's photo
Sun 03/08/09 04:30 PM
Edited by dantaylor28 on Sun 03/08/09 04:31 PM

do they really say those kinds of marching hyms?

ok now you guys are being a lil reduculous we never did any cadance anything like that . i am a vetern and i personaly am not brainwashed . stop watching movies and reading si fi books . this is purely baseless stuff you would read in a stephen king novel .

do soldiers vow to protect the people of the united states or just the constitution?

the oath is to protect the constitution why? when you go through your training and getinto the study of the ucmj you find out that that oath also requires you to protect all that the constitution protects . it's because weve had people die in wars that you have the rights you do , and to criticize soldiers and question there willingness to defend the people is foolish . imo .

which wars in particular protected our rights?

what does that have to do with anything t2 you got something to say say it . i'm not going down the what wars were right what wars were wrong . my grandfather faught in world war 2 , my father in vietnam , i have served and killed for my country ! our soldiers put there life on the line daily to protect your rights and they deserve your respect .

i have never heard of a war that protected anyone's rights. not one single war. as far as killing someone for a country, which one of these wars were fought for our country? what exactly did our country gain from being in a war? i haven't seen a single one of those either. i'm sorry, but in my opinion wars aren't for valiant reasons. especially when you find out who was paying for them and to what purpose they were fought. it's not a form of honor to kill for one's country when one hasn't got solid answers as to what makes it actually 'killing for one's country'. the leaders like to throw statements like that out there to make one feel better about the lives one took or is going to take. wars actually cost our country dearly. a country cannot sustain the cost of a war without digging itself into deep deep debt with the banks. let the bankers go fight there own wars, i'll sit here and enjoy the rights my forefathers gave me for free.

and why were your forefathers able to give you those rights ???? because there were soldiers that were willing to kill and die for those rights while people like you sit back and enjoy the freedoms and criticize them , and call them murderers . i'v met people like you t2 and you are the type of person that if the enemy was at your front door youd piss yourself and beg for the army to come save you !!!!!!!

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