Community > Posts By > dantaylor28
as a matter of fact look it up he was sued by the mayor of mesa for going into a public building after hours and running city employees to find out if any were illegal . but he is realy loved
i can show you pictures of the conditions of the inmates in there tents . i can show you court papers where he has been sued for civil rights violations as recently as 2008 and there are still new ones being filed by the people who he is stopping because they look hispanic . look it up smart guy , it's public record . the fact he has never lost does not mean the alligations are not true .
alot of people like him and alot of people dont . and if you look at his record he has been brought up for civil rights violations many times . he has beat them everytime . he is popular with people because he saves maricopa county money by giving the the inmates a brown bag lunch for them two meals a day , by making them live in tents in the desert in the middle of the summer . i understand these people have done somthing wrong to be there but they do deserve to be treated like human beings.
if arizona secedes during a martial law situation, i'm going to arizona. you can bet on that. i live in arizona . number one we are not going to secede the paper quoted in this thread is from 2000 . number 2 the only way the country is going to issue martial law is if people in the state are stupid and start acting up and talking about a revolt . If you will note. Arizona is at the ready, no matter the date. It's on file and can be applied. I am using the form as an example to supply to other States. It is viable info. In 2008, Arizona declared and reaffirmed their sovereignty. There are many other reasons, excuses, the Feds can call for Martial law. Read up on it. i do know why the feds can declare martial law , but the point is they have no reason to , and there is no point in being affraid of it . it's conspiracy theory stuff . the government has always had the right to declare martial law and hasnt done it . it's the stuff movies are made of not real life . if you can give me on solid reason we should fear them declareing martial law i might agree with you . you sound like your living in a tom clancy book . |
the point is sheriff joe is violateing the civil rights of people who are here legaly . living in arizona i see all the time the atrocities of sheriff joe , the man crosses the line all the time and something needs to be done about him .
if arizona secedes during a martial law situation, i'm going to arizona. you can bet on that. i live in arizona . number one we are not going to secede the paper quoted in this thread is from 2000 . number 2 the only way the country is going to issue martial law is if people in the state are stupid and start acting up and talking about a revolt . |
before i begin to panic i'm giving it time . the man has been president for a month , none of us knows where this is going.
and what is taking this action going to accomplish . look back through history what normaly happens when people rebel against a powerful government . your talking about creating anarchy . that solves nothing . there is a reason it has never been done , because it is counterpreductive
i posed a question, i think it was yesterday, what is to keep these corrupt bankers from taking control of each state if they secede? the waters will keep getting undrinkable until you eradicate the cause which is the bankers themselves. bring back the greenbacks and the silver certificates. leave the federal reserve out of the whole mess. now thats the first thing youv said i agree with. |
i realize that . i just think that even considering it brings fear to people . now not saying that just because i think that it is true lol . i just dont think it is something should even be considerd . because there are peopl out there that feel that way and they read this and think that there is support for it and then that makes them dangerous .
the point is we dont know what direction obama is sending us , he has not had the time to point us that way .
what made the water undrinkable is a banking system that has become to big and has been able to go about unchecked , a housing market that has allowed people who make 50 thousand a year buy 250 thousand dollar homes , two wars in the middle east , and people running a finacial system that have been able to set the standards wherever they want . i agree we need to look at what has caused the problem . but the threat of REVOLT because that is exactly what you are talking about is not going to make the situation any better . because people need to realize the government has had alot to do with it , but a good amount of blame go on the people in charge of our money . us.
have you ever wondered why there are so many sides to all of these stories? it's just kind of funny to me that so many people are complaining about what's happening around us, yet they don't want to believe that it's on purpose. that it's just what happens. they distance theirselves from anyone that promotes a possibility that even though all of these things are happening in some sort of order that it can't possibly be contrived from people that want to hurt us. it's crazy. there is always multiple sides to every story . always has been . but to throw an administration off a cliff before they have a chance to get off the ground . especialy when they inherited a big mess from the previous administration i THINK is crazy . |
i have read the declaration of independance . required reading when you go in the service , but what is happening now is nothing close to what was going on then . there was a big mess left for obama , and we do not know what direction things are going yet . his policies may pull this country out of the toilet and they may hurt us worse . the point is we dont know yet . only time will tell. we only have to look at the other countries that are further along in this than we are. the things obama is proposing didn't work for the other countries and it won't work here. we dont know that . you cant use other countrys as a prototype . this country has become great by takeing things from other countrys tweeking them and making them our own . and making them work i might add |
well, not everything they sited on the declaration is what is happening here but pretty close to it. close enough to not be real comfortable. but it's all left over from bush . the worst thing people can do in the situation we are in is panic or try to predict what is going to happen . it's going to take people with cool calm heads working together . were all in the same boat . it's going to take everyone to keep it from sinking . the only thing the anarchy that secession is going to cause will acomplish is weaken everything and everyone . |
i have read the declaration of independance . required reading when you go in the service , but what is happening now is nothing close to what was going on then . there was a big mess left for obama , and we do not know what direction things are going yet . his policies may pull this country out of the toilet and they may hurt us worse . the point is we dont know yet . only time will tell.
oh, my mistake, dragoness has already showed herself too as a truth hater. Whose truth? I search out my own truth, not taken on the words of one individual or many for that matter. You have shown yourself as one sided and unable to see the bigger picture, so where does that leave us? Agreeing to disagree? first of all you just cancelled your truth theory out by saying that you don't take the words of one or many. so where do you get your truth from? who's telling the truth, the guy that says that the grass is green or the guy that says the grass is purple? there is only one truth there if the grass is green. people mistake the word 'truth' for 'opinion' these are two seperate creatures. there is no such thing as 'my truth' it is only THE TRUTH. there is such thing, however, as 'my opinion'. and that my dear is THE TRUTH. No, my dear, this is your opinion, all of it. This OP is opinion and everything on these here boards is opinion. Truth is subjective to the person who is speaking it or believing it. Even with research and follow through the "truth" can be illusive. One can only go on what they feel and think about the information they have searched and been given. Everyone gets fooled sometimes even you dear heart. But you will discover this as you grow older and wiser. It is a fact of life. my dear dragoness, i am only 5 years younger than you, yet, you still prefer to refer to me as a youngin. this is very disconcerting to me. if you had honestly gained wisdom in all of your 44 years on this earth, you would have come to the conclusion that it isn't the number in your age that matters at all, but the quality and quantity of information that you were able to process and pin together in what is known as epiphanies in that amount of time. truth is only subjective if you choose to believe that that is the case. just because you can recite some propaganda that has been distributed willy nilly through out the news paper, tv and radio through the enormous amounts of years that you have spent on this earth does not mean that you are living the truth. your opinions based on your emotional outlook of the world, lacks the substance of the realistic points of view. with all of that said and from what i've witnessed on this forum, i would have to conclude that your vision of the truth is merely conjecture at the most. I have been properly psycoanalyzed by a youngster. Very cute. I am amused. Hopefully one day you will reach the wisdom of my short 44 years. And you are right some do wisen up earlier than others. As for the truth it is subjective always. There is no way around it. The truth for you will not be the truth for another and neither of them are wrong. in the words of the guy on 'oh brother wherefore art thou?" "that don't make no sense" (inflections intended) The fact you don't get it, shows that ya got some learnin' to do. But it is okay, I am not judging you or saying bad of you. We all learn new things every single day. It is the joy of life. The day we stop learning new things is the day we die. I saw that movie and it is i do wish that i could reach your level at some point, but unfortunately for me, once you've reached that higher plane of understanding, you can't return to those levels again. dude are you serious ??????? man can you fit that head through the door ?????? anyways bro hope that whole useing more then the normal 10 percent of the brain works out for ya , maybe you will start moving things with your mind soon too lol ok, you just ruined my respect for you by quoting the 10% of the brain usage. that was said by a corporal in the military in his speech. there is, and never has been any basis of scientific fact when it comes to that, just a military officer making a point about something totally different lol. dude you toataly missed the point . but i guess being a smart a$$ is lost on someone who is on a "higher plane of understanding" lol you do make me laugh though man . thanks. lol, sorry i was feeling attacked. sorry you felt attackes . i wouldnt attack i just found it funny . |
The Messiah Want's to Impose a $1.50 a Gallon Tax on Gasoline!!! that's Reason Enough right there to Secede Actually that may work in our favor, less gas used and more other sources utilitized....hmmmmmm I don't consider that a valid reason for secession or civil war at all. this even being a topic is hanous . do some of you guys actualy think we are in a bad enough position for civil war or secession? come on were not in the great deppresion . this is a great country and it will be ok . if we all work together. I agree. Working cooperatively does usually bring better and more lucrative options available. I am also a believer that when the government gets too over zealous that shaking it up a bit is not a bad thing but this is not the time nor the reason for it. i agree but the government hasnt gotten to that point yet . obama just took office . none of us know where it's going yet . |
The Messiah Want's to Impose a $1.50 a Gallon Tax on Gasoline!!! that's Reason Enough right there to Secede Actually that may work in our favor, less gas used and more other sources utilitized....hmmmmmm I don't consider that a valid reason for secession or civil war at all. this even being a topic is hanous . do some of you guys actualy think we are in a bad enough position for civil war or secession? come on were not in the great deppresion . this is a great country and it will be ok . if we all work together. |
oh, my mistake, dragoness has already showed herself too as a truth hater. Whose truth? I search out my own truth, not taken on the words of one individual or many for that matter. You have shown yourself as one sided and unable to see the bigger picture, so where does that leave us? Agreeing to disagree? first of all you just cancelled your truth theory out by saying that you don't take the words of one or many. so where do you get your truth from? who's telling the truth, the guy that says that the grass is green or the guy that says the grass is purple? there is only one truth there if the grass is green. people mistake the word 'truth' for 'opinion' these are two seperate creatures. there is no such thing as 'my truth' it is only THE TRUTH. there is such thing, however, as 'my opinion'. and that my dear is THE TRUTH. No, my dear, this is your opinion, all of it. This OP is opinion and everything on these here boards is opinion. Truth is subjective to the person who is speaking it or believing it. Even with research and follow through the "truth" can be illusive. One can only go on what they feel and think about the information they have searched and been given. Everyone gets fooled sometimes even you dear heart. But you will discover this as you grow older and wiser. It is a fact of life. my dear dragoness, i am only 5 years younger than you, yet, you still prefer to refer to me as a youngin. this is very disconcerting to me. if you had honestly gained wisdom in all of your 44 years on this earth, you would have come to the conclusion that it isn't the number in your age that matters at all, but the quality and quantity of information that you were able to process and pin together in what is known as epiphanies in that amount of time. truth is only subjective if you choose to believe that that is the case. just because you can recite some propaganda that has been distributed willy nilly through out the news paper, tv and radio through the enormous amounts of years that you have spent on this earth does not mean that you are living the truth. your opinions based on your emotional outlook of the world, lacks the substance of the realistic points of view. with all of that said and from what i've witnessed on this forum, i would have to conclude that your vision of the truth is merely conjecture at the most. I have been properly psycoanalyzed by a youngster. Very cute. I am amused. Hopefully one day you will reach the wisdom of my short 44 years. And you are right some do wisen up earlier than others. As for the truth it is subjective always. There is no way around it. The truth for you will not be the truth for another and neither of them are wrong. in the words of the guy on 'oh brother wherefore art thou?" "that don't make no sense" (inflections intended) The fact you don't get it, shows that ya got some learnin' to do. But it is okay, I am not judging you or saying bad of you. We all learn new things every single day. It is the joy of life. The day we stop learning new things is the day we die. I saw that movie and it is i do wish that i could reach your level at some point, but unfortunately for me, once you've reached that higher plane of understanding, you can't return to those levels again. dude are you serious ??????? man can you fit that head through the door ?????? anyways bro hope that whole useing more then the normal 10 percent of the brain works out for ya , maybe you will start moving things with your mind soon too lol ok, you just ruined my respect for you by quoting the 10% of the brain usage. that was said by a corporal in the military in his speech. there is, and never has been any basis of scientific fact when it comes to that, just a military officer making a point about something totally different lol. dude you toataly missed the point . but i guess being a smart a$$ is lost on someone who is on a "higher plane of understanding" lol you do make me laugh though man . thanks. |