Topic: FEMA Camps Outed on Fox | |
here is the video link The gloves come off During the Bush Administration, FEMA was given hundreds of millions of dollars to retrofit former military bases and other existing infrastructure so they can be used as "camps." Not camps as in summer camps. Camps as in prison camps and perhaps even concentration camps. One of the first thing the Obama Administration did was to legitimize their existence. These camps, which can be found in every state in the union, currently sit empty and are intended to be pressed into service in the event of an "emergency." Funny that we've made it over 200 years without needing a national network of on-demand concentration camps. Why do we need them now? It's been suggested they've been built to deal with a massive influx of illegal aliens. My guess is they were built with the knowledge that the US is going to experience a severe economic dislocation that is going to: a) require the suspension or serious reduction of social welfare payments (i.e. millions of suddenly desperate people in the streets) and b) financially wipe out tens of millions of formerly middle class Americans who are going to realize more or less all at once that their futures have been stolen from them by the people at the top In other words, the crooks are covering their bets. When governments have money, they buy peace with social welfare programs. When they run out of money, as the US is doing, the gloves come off. Or we can hope that these camps, built by Halliburton subsidiary KBR, were just another way for Cheney to rip off the country for his friends. Of course, nothing prevents both scenarios from being accurate. |
here is the video link The gloves come off During the Bush Administration, FEMA was given hundreds of millions of dollars to retrofit former military bases and other existing infrastructure so they can be used as "camps." Not camps as in summer camps. Camps as in prison camps and perhaps even concentration camps. One of the first thing the Obama Administration did was to legitimize their existence. These camps, which can be found in every state in the union, currently sit empty and are intended to be pressed into service in the event of an "emergency." Funny that we've made it over 200 years without needing a national network of on-demand concentration camps. Why do we need them now? It's been suggested they've been built to deal with a massive influx of illegal aliens. My guess is they were built with the knowledge that the US is going to experience a severe economic dislocation that is going to: a) require the suspension or serious reduction of social welfare payments (i.e. millions of suddenly desperate people in the streets) and b) financially wipe out tens of millions of formerly middle class Americans who are going to realize more or less all at once that their futures have been stolen from them by the people at the top In other words, the crooks are covering their bets. When governments have money, they buy peace with social welfare programs. When they run out of money, as the US is doing, the gloves come off. Or we can hope that these camps, built by Halliburton subsidiary KBR, were just another way for Cheney to rip off the country for his friends. Of course, nothing prevents both scenarios from being accurate. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sad, isn't it?
yeah it is. but this is a bit scary to me. the one for my area is down in avon park. it will be interesting to see who they want to house there.
Dear Glenn Beck, Detention Camps DO Exist In America
Why would anyone give credibility to an investigation by a man who just one year ago called for the suspension of the First Amendment? Steve Watson Wednesday, March 4, 2009 In light of Fox News’ new chief propagandist Glenn Beck’s recent bait and switch with regards to the existence of martial law holding facilities within America, we at Infowars feel it necessary to further enlighten Mr Beck on a few details. Legislation currently working it’s way through Congress mandates the establishment of “national emergency centers” to be located on military installations. The purpose of such facilities is to provide “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster,” the expansion of which under FEMA is codified under HR 645, otherwise known as the National Emergency Centers Act. Ominously, the bill states that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security,” an open ended mandate which many fear could mean the forced detention of American citizens in the event of widespread rioting after a national emergency or total economic collapse. The issue of containment camps re-gained national attention three years ago when it was announced that Kellogg, Brown and Root had been awarded a $385 million dollar contract by Homeland Security to construct detention and processing facilities in the event of a national emergency. The language of the preamble to the agreement veils the program with talk of temporary migrant holding centers, but it is made clear that the camps will also be used “as the development of a plan to react to a national emergency.” Following the story, first given wide attention by, the Alternet website put together an alarming report that collated all the latest information on plans to initiate internment of political subversives and Muslims after the next major terror attack in the US. The article highlighted the disturbing comments of Sen. Lindsey Graham, who encouraged torture supporting then Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to target, “Fifth Columnists” Americans who show disloyalty and sympathize with “the enemy,” whoever that enemy may be. It is important to stress that the historical precedent mirrors exactly what the Halliburton camp deal outlines. Oliver North’s Reagan era Rex 84 plan proposed rounding up 400,000 refugees, under FEMA, in the event of “uncontrolled population movements” over the Mexican border into the United States. The real agenda, just as it is with Halliburton’s gulags, was to use the cover of rounding up immigrants and illegal aliens as a smokescreen for targeting political dissidents. From 1967 to 1971 the FBI kept a list of persons to be rounded up as subversive, dubbed the “ADEX” list. As recently highlighted by author Naomi Wolf, the National Counterterrorism Center holds the names of close to one million “terror suspects” with the number increasing by 20,000 per month. Discussions of federal concentration camps are no longer the rhetoric of paranoid Internet conspiracy theorists, they are mainstream news. Halliburton, through their KBR subsidiary, is the same company that built most of the major new detention camps in Iraq and Afghanistan. KBR have been embroiled in a human sex slave trade that their representatives have lobbied to continue. We have a company that has been handed a contract to build prison camps in America that is engaged in trafficking young girls and women. Can this horror movie get any more frightening? Sadly, yes. A much discussed and circulated report, the Pentagon’s Civilian Inmate Labor Program, has recently been updated and the revision details a “template for developing agreements” between the Army and corrections facilities for the use of civilian inmate labor on Army installations.” The plan is clearly to swallow up disenfranchised groups like prisoners, immigrants and Muslims at first and then extend the policy to include ‘Fifth Columnists,’ otherwise known as anyone who disagrees with the government or exercises their Constitutional rights. Respected author Peter Dale Scott speculated that the “detention centers could be used to detain American citizens if the Bush administration were to declare martial law.” Daniel Ellsberg, former Special Assistant to Assistant Secretary of Defense, called the plan, “preparation for a roundup after the next 9/11 for Mid-Easterners, Muslims and possibly dissenters. They’ve already done this on a smaller scale, with the ’special registration’ detentions of immigrant men from Muslim countries, and with Guantanamo.” Furthermore, In 2002, FEMA sought bids from major real estate and engineering firms to construct giant internment facilities in the case of a chemical, biological or nuclear attack or a natural disaster. Okanogan County Commissioner Dave Schulz went public in 2003 with his contention that his county was set to be a location for one of the camps. Furthermore, in May 2006, we exposed the existence of a nationwide FEMA program which is training Pastors and other religious representatives to become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to “obey the government” in preparation for the implementation of martial law, property and firearm seizures, mass vaccination programs and forced relocation. A whistleblower who was secretly enrolled into the program told us that the feds were clandestinely recruiting religious leaders to help implement Homeland Security directives in anticipation of a potential bio-terrorist attack, any natural disaster or a nationally declared emergency. The first directive was for Pastors to preach to their congregations Romans 13, the often taken out of context bible passage that was used by Hitler to hoodwink Christians into supporting him, in order to teach them to “obey the government” when martial law is declared. It was related to the Pastors that quarantines, martial law and forced relocation were a problem for state authorities when enforcing federal mandates due to the “cowboy mentality” of citizens standing up for their property and second amendment rights as well as farmers defending their crops and livestock from seizure. It was stressed that the Pastors needed to preach subservience to the authorities ahead of time in preparation for the round-ups and to make it clear to the congregation that “this is for their own good.” Pastors were told that they would be backed up by law enforcement in controlling uncooperative individuals and that they would even lead SWAT teams in attempting to quell resistance. Though some doubted the accuracy of this report at the time due to its fundamentally disturbing implications, the story was later confirmed by a KSLA 12 news report, in which participating clergy and officials admitted to the existence of the program. This program is continuing under the Obama administration with churches declaring that Barack Obama’s presidency is appointed by God and that Obama himself is “God’s minister”. In another detention camp related development, last May it was revealed that the federal government is accepting bids on the contracts from county governments or private companies to build and run “family detention centers” on both coasts and on the Southwestern border. Again, as with REX 84, the precedent is to deal with an influx of immigrants. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) already runs two similar camps, one of which hit the headlines at the end of 2006 after residents in Taylor Texas held protests outside the The T. Don Hutto detention facility. One of the last acts of Congress in 2006 was to send President Bush a bill that establishes a $38 million program of National Park Service grants to preserve Japanese POW internment camps in Hawaii, California, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and Idaho. Is this really in the name of historical interest or does it dovetail with programs on the books to intern hundreds of thousands of dissidents in a time of crisis? What could the government be contemplating that leads it to make contingency plans to detain without recourse millions of its own citizens? asked former Congressman Dan Hamburg of the watchdog group Voice of the Environment, Inc. in a article carried by the San Francisco Chronicle last year. “Since 9/11, and seemingly without the notice of most Americans, the federal government has assumed the authority to institute martial law, arrest a wide swath of dissidents (citizen and noncitizen alike), and detain people without legal or constitutional recourse in the event of an emergency influx of immigrants in the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs.” Hamburg co-wrote with Lewis Seiler. The article continued: Beginning in 1999, the government has entered into a series of single-bid contracts with Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) to build detention camps at undisclosed locations within the United States. The government has also contracted with several companies to build thousands of railcars, some reportedly equipped with shackles, ostensibly to transport detainees. According to diplomat and author Peter Dale Scott, the KBR contract is part of a Homeland Security plan titled ENDGAME, which sets as its goal the removal of “all removable aliens” and “potential terrorists.” Over the past decade we have witnessed an extreme acceleration of the physical implementation of a framework and infrastructure ready to receive those who will not go along with a coordinated destruction of traditional American values and freedom. You do not need any confirmation one way or the other on this issue from Fox News or Glenn Beck, who has a track record as one of the most insidious corporate propagandists on television. Just over a year ago Beck was on TV every week telling CNN viewers that Ron Paul supporters, libertarians and the anti-war left were terrorist sympathizers. Beck inferred that the U.S. military should be used to silence such dissenters, a theme we revealed to be a direct talking point that could be traced back to a September 2006 White House directive. Now Beck acts like Ron Paul’s closest supporter, featuring interviews with the Congressman every other day. |
Reminds me of the Japanese internment camps of WWII, which were used to deprive Ameican citizens of their rights and freedom. I knew one Japanese American man in Hawaii, now deceased, who was housed on Sand Island along with his parents. No one should ever have to endure such treatment.
Sad, isn't it? Sad? I can think of a lot of words for it but "sad" is not one of them. FEMA IS EVIL. WE ARE IN BIG TROUBLE. Like the man said NAME THE CRIMINALS. Name them by name. They are the Zionists! I like his attitude. Those people interviewing him on that show looked extremely nervous as if they were afraid he was going to start naming names! Watch it again. See how nervous they looked. ![]() This site below NAMES NAMES. |
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Wed 03/04/09 01:16 PM
I daresay they are getting ready for the homeless, and the mass crime-wave/riots that are about ready to come... Many aliens are leaving the U. S. right now... no work.
Avon Park Bombing Range is NO PLACE for me... I've spent enough time there on maneuvers... ![]() A WWII POW camp stood where Winter Haven's main Fire Station now stands... There sre buildings still standing in Highland City that were built by those POW's.. |
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Wed 03/04/09 01:02 PM
After reading a list of possible sites for concentrations camps and hearing rumors that some were being built up again, I found one that used to be a camp that housed Japanese Americans during the war.
I decided to investigate myself because I was getting sick of all the rumors and conspiracy theories and this camp was close to where I lived. I decided to go see for myself if it was being renovated. I have not visited any of the new camps/prisons but I have heard that they are pretty secure and not very much in public view. I wrote a story of my trip to this camp: ![]() ![]() |
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After reading a list of possible sites for concentrations camps and hearing rumors that some were being built up again, I found one that used to be a camp that housed Japanese Americans during the war. I decided to investigate myself because I was getting sick of all the rumors and conspiracy theories and this camp was close to where I lived. I decided to go see for myself if it was being renovated. I have not visited any of the new camps/prisons but I have heard that they are pretty secure and not very much in public view. I wrote a story of my trip to this camp: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
After reading a list of possible sites for concentrations camps and hearing rumors that some were being built up again, I found one that used to be a camp that housed Japanese Americans during the war. I decided to investigate myself because I was getting sick of all the rumors and conspiracy theories and this camp was close to where I lived. I decided to go see for myself if it was being renovated. I have not visited any of the new camps/prisons but I have heard that they are pretty secure and not very much in public view. I wrote a story of my trip to this camp: ![]() ![]() I keep forgeting that we aren't all that far apart, perhaps I ought to go make a visit myself... |
Last month, I took a trip to Mexico. On the way, I noticed what looked like Auto transport Rail Cars parked in the middle of nowhere. Got a pretty good look and it was kind of peculiar. These were stainless, not the sheet metal used on Auto Transports.
Just might take another ride and look inside one. If they indeed have links for shackles, I'll take pics and post them. |
For anyone wanting to locate or visit a secret prison camp I will tell you that they are very often located close to a large lake. There will also be train tracks in the vicinity, probably going to and from the camp. During a national emergency if FEMA attempts to take over, they will first destroy your local communications towers like they did in New Orleans. They will be heavily armed. There may be troops who don't even speak English, (UN troops perhaps, or south American troops from the 4th Reich.)who have no problem shooting Americans who refuse to comply. The rise of the 4th Reich: "Everyone likes to say, "Hitler did this", and, "Hitler did that". But the truth is Hitler did very little. He was a world class tyrant, but the evil actually done by the Third Reich, from the slave-labor camps to WW2 was all done by German citizens who were afraid to question if what they were told by their government was the truth or not, and who because they did not want to admit to themselves that they were afraid to question the government, refused to see the truth behind the Reichstag Fire, refused to see the invasion by Poland was a staged fake, and followed Hitler into national disaster. " Continued at the link above. |
Last month, I took a trip to Mexico. On the way, I noticed what looked like Auto transport Rail Cars parked in the middle of nowhere. Got a pretty good look and it was kind of peculiar. These were stainless, not the sheet metal used on Auto Transports. Just might take another ride and look inside one. If they indeed have links for shackles, I'll take pics and post them. I have heard way out rumors that some of these box cars have guillotines in them and that beheading may come back in style if the NWO comes to power. |
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Wed 03/04/09 01:18 PM
Here is an idea. If our tax dollars (as the man said) are being used to build these prisons, then we should allowed to tour them and take pictures.
Does anyone know where these new empty camps/prisons are? |
I agree with about 90% of what you say Ms.Bean!
Let me also point out that Bush, under the guise of the SPP signed an agreement making Mexican/Canadian/USA soldiers interchangeable in the event of a national emergency. Under PDD 51, which Mr.Obama intends to keep, it makes the president a dictator, with control over all assets and resources of the Nation and Congress cannot even look at it for 9 months. Bush laid the Groundwork, is Mr.Obama going to start the engine? |
here ya go!!!! ALABAMA Opelika - Military compound either in or very near town. Aliceville - WWII German POW camp - capacity 15,000 Ft. McClellan (Anniston) - Opposite side of town from Army Depot; Maxwell AFB (Montgomery) - Civilian prison camp established under Operation Garden Plot, currently operating with support staff and small inmate population. Talladega - Federal prison "satellite" camp. ALASKA Wilderness - East of Anchorage. No roads, Air & Railroad access only. Estimated capacity of 500,000 Elmendorf AFB - Northeast area of Anchorage - far end of base. Garden Plot facility. Eielson AFB - Southeast of Fairbanks. Operation Garden Plot facility. Ft. Wainwright - East of Fairbanks ARIZONA Ft. Huachuca - 20 miles from Mexican border, 30 miles from Nogales Rex '84 facility. Pinal County - on the Gila River - WWII Japanese detention camp. May be renovated. Yuma County - Colorado River - Site of former Japanese detention camp (near proving grounds). This site was completely removed in 1990 according to some reports. Phoenix - Federal Prison Satellite Camp. Main federal facility expanded. Florence - WWII prison camp NOW RENOVATED, OPERATIONAL with staff & 400 prisoners, operational capacity of 3,500. Wickenburg - Airport is ready for conversion; total capacity unknown. Davis-Monthan AFB (Tucson) - Fully staffed and presently holding prisoners!! Sedona - site of possible UN base. ARKANSAS Ft. Chaffee (near Fort Smith, Arkansas) - Has new runway for aircraft, new camp facility with cap of 40,000 prisoners Pine Bluff Arsenal - This location also is the repository for B-Z nerve agent, which causes sleepiness, dizziness, stupor; admitted use is for civilian control. Jerome - Chicot/Drew Counties - site of WWII Japanese camps Rohwer - Descha County - site of WWII Japanese camps Blythville AFB - Closed airbase now being used as camp. New wooden barracks have been constructed at this location. Classic decorations - guard towers, barbed wire, high fences. Berryville - FEMA facility located east of Eureka Springs off Hwy. 62. Omaha - Northeast of Berryville near Missouri state line, on Hwy 65 south of old wood processing plant. Possible crematory facility. CALIFORNIA Vandenburg AFB - Rex 84 facility, located near Lompoc & Santa Maria. Internment facility is located near the oceanside, close to Space Launch Complex #6, also called "Slick Six". The launch site has had "a flawless failure record" and is rarely used. Norton AFB - (closed base) now staffed with UN according to some sources. Tule Lake - area of "wildlife refuge", accessible by unpaved road, just inside Modoc County. Fort Ord - Closed in 1994, this facility is now an urban warfare training center for US and foreign troops, and may have some "P.O.W. - C.I." enclosures. Twentynine Palms Marine Base - Birthplace of the infamous "Would you shoot American citizens?" Quiz. New camps being built on "back 40". Oakdale - Rex 84 camp capable of holding at least 20,000 people. 90 mi. East of San Francisco. Terminal Island - (Long Beach) located next to naval shipyards operated by ChiCom shipping interests. Federal prison facility located here. Possible deportation point. Ft. Irwin - FEMA facility near Barstow. Base is designated inactive but has staffed camp. McClellan AFB - facility capable for 30,000 - 35,000 Sacramento - Army Depot - No specific information at this time. Mather AFB - Road to facility is blocked off by cement barriers and a stop sign. Sign states area is restricted; as of 1997 there were barbed wire fences pointing inward, a row of stadium lights pointed toward an empty field, etc. Black boxes on poles may have been cameras. COLORADO Trinidad - WWII German/Italian camp being renovated. Granada - Prowers County - WWII Japanese internment camp Ft. Carson - Along route 115 near Canon City CONNECTICUT, DELAWARE No data available. FLORIDA Avon Park - Air Force gunnery range, Avon Park has an on-base "correctional facility" which was a former WWII detention camp. Camp Krome - DoJ detention/interrogation center, Rex 84 facility Eglin AFB - This base is over 30 miles long, from Pensacola to Hwy 331 in De Funiak Springs. High capacity facility, presently manned and populated with some prisoners. Pensacola - Federal Prison Camp Everglades - It is believed that a facility may be carved out of the wilds here. GEORGIA Ft. Benning - Located east of Columbus near Alabama state line. Rex 84 site - Prisoners brought in via Lawson Army airfield. Ft. Mc Pherson - US Force Command - Multiple reports that this will be the national headquarters and coordinating center for foreign/UN troop movement and detainee collection. Ft. Gordon - West of Augusta - No information at this time. Unadilla - Dooly County - Manned, staffed FEMA prison on route 230, no prisoners. Oglethorpe - Macon County; facility is located five miles from Montezuma, three miles from Oglethorpe. This FEMA prison has no staff and no prisoners. Morgan - Calhoun County, FEMA facility is fully manned & staffed - no prisoners. Camilla - Mitchell County, south of Albany. This FEMA facility is located on Mt. Zion Rd approximately 5.7 miles south of Camilla. Unmanned - no prisoners, no staff. Hawkinsville - Wilcox County; Five miles east of town, fully manned and staffed but no prisoners. Located on fire road 100/Upper River Road Abbeville - South of Hawkinsville on US route 129; south of town off route 280 near Ocmulgee River. FEMA facility is staffed but without prisoners. McRae - Telfair County - 1.5 miles west of McRae on Hwy 134 (8th St). Facility is on Irwinton Avenue off 8th St., manned & staffed - no prisoners. Fort Gillem - South side of Atlanta - FEMA designated detention facility. Fort Stewart - Savannah area - FEMA designated detention facility HAWAII Halawa Heights area - Crematory facility located in hills above city. Area is marked as a state department of health laboratory. Barbers Point NAS - There are several military areas that could be equipped for detention / deportation. Honolulu - Detention transfer facility at the Honolulu airport similar in construction to the one in.Oklahoma (pentagon-shaped building where airplanes can taxi up to). IDAHO Minidoka/Jerome Counties - WWII Japanese-American internment facility possibly under renovation. Clearwater National Forest - Near Lolo Pass - Just miles from the Montana state line near Moose Creek, this unmanned facility is reported to have a nearby airfield. Wilderness areas - Possible location. No data. ILLINOIS Marseilles - Located on the Illinois River off Interstate 80 on Hwy 6. It is a relatively small facility with a cap of 1400 prisoners. Though it is small it is designed like prison facilities with barred windows, but the real smoking gun is the presence of military vehicles. Being located on the Illinois River it is possible that prisoners will be brought in by water as well as by road and air. This facility is approximately 75 miles west of Chicago. National Guard training area nearby. Scott AFB - Barbed wire prisoner enclosure reported to exist just off-base. More info needed, as another facility on-base is beieved to exist. Pekin - This Federal satellite prison camp is also on the Illinois River, just south of Peoria. It supplements the federal penitentiary in Marion, which is equipped to handle additional population outside on the grounds. Chanute AFB - Rantoul, near Champaign/Urbana - This closed base had WWII - era barracks that were condemned and torn down, but the medical facility was upgraded and additional fencing put up in the area. More info needed. Marion - Federal Penitentiary and satellite prison camp inside Crab Orchard Nat'l Wildlife Refuge. Manned, staffed, populated fully. Greenfield - Two federal correctional "satellite prison camps" serving Marion - populated as above. Shawnee National Forest - Pope County - This area has seen heavy traffic of foreign military equipment and troops via Illinois Central Railroad, which runs through the area. Suspected location is unknown, but may be close to Vienna and Shawnee correctional centers, located 6 mi. west of Dixon Springs. Savanna Army Depot - NW area of state on Mississippi River. Lincoln, Sheridan, Menard, Pontiac, Galesburg - State prison facilities equipped for major expansion and close or adjacent to highways & railroad tracks. Kankakee - Abandoned industrial area on west side of town (Rt.17 & Main) designated as FEMA detention site. Equipped with water tower, incinerator, a small train yard behind it and the rear of the facility is surrounded by barbed wire facing inwards. INDIANA Indianapolis / Marion County - Amtrak railcar repair facility (closed); controversial site of a major alleged detention / processing center. Although some sources state that this site is a "red herring", photographic and video evidence suggests otherwise. This large facility contains large 3-4 inch gas mains to large furnaces (crematoria??), helicopter landing pads, railheads for prisoners, Red/Blue/Green zones for classifying/processing incoming personnel, one-way turnstiles, barracks, towers, high fences with razor wire, etc. Personnel with government clearance who are friendly to the patriot movement took a guided tour of the facility to confirm this site. This site is located next to a closed refrigeration plant facility. Ft. Benjamin Harrison - Located in the northeast part of Indianapolis, this base has been decomissioned from "active" use but portions are still ideally converted to hold detainees. Helicopter landing areas still exist for prisoners to be brought in by air, land & rail. Crown Point - Across street from county jail, former hospital. One wing presently being used for county work-release program, 80% of facility still unused. Possible FEMA detention center or holding facility. Camp Atterbury - Facility is converted to hold prisoners and boasts two active compounds presently configured for minumum security detainees. Located just west of Interstate 65 near Edinburgh, south of Indianapolis. Terre Haute - Federal Correctional Institution, Satellite prison camp and death facility. Equipped with crematoria reported to have a capacity of 3,000 people a day. FEMA designated facility located here. Fort Wayne - This city located in Northeast Indiana has a FEMA designated detention facility, accessible by air, road and nearby rail. Kingsbury - This "closed" military base is adjacent to a state fish & wildlife preserve. Part of the base is converted to an industrial park, but the southern portion of this property is still used. It is bordered on the south by railroad, and is staffed with some foreign-speaking UN troops. A local police officer who was hunting and camping close to the base in the game preserve was accosted, roughed up, and warned by the English-speaking unit commander to stay away from the area. It was suggested to the officer that the welfare of his family would depend on his "silence". Located just southeast of LaPorte. Jasper-Pulaski Wildlife Area - Youth Corrections farm located here. Facility is "closed", but is still staffed and being "renovated". Total capacity unknown. Grissom AFB - This closed airbase still handles a lot of traffic, and has a "state-owned" prison compound on the southern part of the facility. UNICOR . Jefferson Proving Grounds - Southern Indiana - This facility was an active base with test firing occuring daily. Portions of the base have been opened to create an industrial park, but other areas are still highly restricted. A camp is believed to be located "downrange". Facility is equipped with an airfield and has a nearby rail line. Newport - Army Depot - VX nerve gas storage facility. Secret meetings were held here in 1998 regarding the addition of the Kankakee River watershed to the Heritage Rivers Initiative. Hammond - large enclosure identified in FEMA-designated city. IOWA No data available. KANSAS Leavenworth - US Marshal's Fed Holding Facility, US Penitentiary, Federal Prison Camp, McConnell Air Force Base. Federal death penalty facility. Concordia - WWII German POW camp used to exist at this location but there is no facility there at this time. Ft. Riley - Just north of Interstate 70, airport, near city of Manhattan. El Dorado - Federal prison converted into forced-labor camp, UNICOR industries. Topeka - 80 acres has been converted into a temporary holding camp. KENTUCKY Ashland - Federal prison camp in Eastern Kentucky near the Ohio River. Louisville - FEMA detention facility, located near restricted area US naval ordnance plant. Military airfield located at facility, which is on south side of city. Lexington - FEMA detention facility, National Guard base with adjacent airport facility. Manchester - Federal prison camp located inside Dan Boone National Forest. Ft. Knox - Detention center, possibly located near Salt River, in restricted area of base. Local patriots advise that black Special Forces & UN gray helicopters are occasionally seen in area. Land Between the Lakes - This area was declared a UN biosphere and is an ideal geographic location for detention facilities. Area is an isthmus extending out from Tennessee, between Lake Barkley on the east and Kentucky Lake on the west. Just scant miles from Fort Campbell in Tennessee. LOUISIANA Ft. Polk - This is a main base for UN troops & personnel, and a training center for the disarmament of America. Livingston - WWII German/Italian internment camp being renovated?; halfway between Baton Rouge and Hammond, several miles north of Interstate 12. Oakdale - Located on US route 165 about 50 miles south of Alexandria; two federal detention centers just southeast of Fort Polk. MAINE Houlton - WWII German internment camp in Northern Maine, off US Route 1. MARYLAND, and DC Ft. Meade - Halfway between the District of Criminals and Baltimore. Data needed. Ft. Detrick - Biological warfare center for the NWO, located in Frederick. MASSACHUSETTS Camp Edwards / Otis AFB - Cape Cod - This "inactive" base is being converted to hold many New Englander patriots. Capacity unknown. Ft. Devens - Active detention facility. More data needed. MICHIGAN Camp Grayling - Michigan Nat'l Guard base has several confirmed detention camps, classic setup with high fences, razor wire, etc. Guard towers are very well-built, sturdy. Multiple compounds within larger enclosures. Facility deep within forest area. Sawyer AFB - Upper Peninsula - south of Marquette - No data available. Bay City - Classic enclosure with guard towers, high fence, and close to shipping port on Saginaw Bay, which connects to Lake Huron. Could be a deportation point to overseas via St. Lawrence Seaway. Southwest - possibly Berrien County - FEMA detention center. Lansing - FEMA detention facility. MINNESOTA Duluth - Federal prison camp facility. Camp Ripley - new prison facility. MISSISSIPPI These sites are confirmed hoaxes. Hancock County - NASA test site De Soto National Forest. "These two supposed camps in Mississippi do not exist. Members of the Mississippi Militia have checked these out on more than one occasion beginning back when they first appeared on the Internet and throughout the Patriot Movement." - Commander D. Rayner, Mississippi Militia MISSOURI Richards-Gebaur AFB - located in Grandview, near K.C.MO. A very large internment facility has been built on this base, and all base personnel are restricted from coming near it. Ft. Leonard Wood - Situated in the middle of Mark Twain National Forest in Pulaski County. This site has been known for some UN training, also home to the US Army Urban Warfare Training school "Stem Village". Warsaw - Unconfirmed report of a large concentration camp facility. MONTANA Malmstrom AFB - UN aircraft groups stationed here, and possibly a detention facility. NEBRASKA Scottsbluff - WWII German POW camp (renovated?). Northwest, Northeast corners of state - FEMA detention facilities - more data needed. South Central part of state - Many old WWII sites - some may be renovated. NEVADA Elko - Ten miles south of town. Wells - Camp is located in the O'Niel basin area, 40 miles north of Wells, past Thousand Springs, west off Hwy 93 for 25 miles. Pershing County - Camp is located at I-80 mile marker 112, south side of the highway, about a mile back on the county road and then just off the road about 3/4mi. Winnemucca - Battle Mountain area - at the base of the mountains. Nellis Air Force Range - Northwest from Las Vegas on Route 95. Nellis AFB is just north of Las Vegas on Hwy 604. Stillwater Naval Air Station - east of Reno . No additional data. NEW HAMPSHIRE / VERMONT Northern New Hampshire - near Lake Francis. No additional data. NEW JERSEY Ft. Dix / McGuire AFB - Possible deportation point for detainees. Lots of pictures taken of detention compounds and posted on Internet, this camp is well-known. Facility is now complete and ready for occupancy. NEW MEXICO Ft. Bliss - This base actually straddles Texas state line. Just south of Alomogordo, Ft. Bliss has thousands of acres for people who refuse to go with the "New Order". Holloman AFB (Alomogordo)- Home of the German Luftwaffe in Amerika; major UN base. New facility being built on this base, according to recent visitors. Many former USAF buildings have been torn down by the busy and rapidly growing German military force located here. Fort Stanton - currently being used as a youth detention facility approximately 35 miles north of Ruidoso, New Mexico. Not a great deal of information concerning the Lordsburg location. White Sands Missile Range - Currently being used as a storage facility for United Nations vehicles and equipment. Observers have seen this material brought in on the Whitesands rail spur in Oro Grande New Mexico about thirty miles from the Texas, New Mexico Border. NEW YORK Ft. Drum - two compounds: Rex 84 detention camp and FEMA detention facility. Albany - FEMA detention facility. Otisville - Federal correctional facility, near Middletown. Buffalo - FEMA detention facility. NORTH CAROLINA Camp Lejeune / New River Marine Airfield - facility has renovated, occupied WWII detention compounds and "mock city" that closely resembles Anytown, USA. Fort Bragg - Special Warfare Training Center. Renovated WWII detention facility. Andrews - Federal experiment in putting a small town under siege. Began with the search/ hunt for survivalist Eric Rudolph. No persons were allowed in or out of town without federal permission and travel through town was highly restricted. Most residents compelled to stay in their homes. Unregistered Baptist pastor from Indiana visiting Andrews affirmed these facts. NORTH DAKOTA Minot AFB - Home of UN air group. More data needed on facility. OHIO Camp Perry - Site renovated; once used as a POW camp to house German and Italian prisoners of WWII. Some tar paper covered huts built for housing these prisoners are still standing. Recently, the construction of multiple 200-man barracks have replaced most of the huts. Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus - FEMA detention facilities. Data needed. Lima - FEMA detention facility. Another facility located in/near old stone quarry near Interstate 75. Railroad access to property, fences etc. OKLAHOMA Tinker AFB (OKC) - All base personnel are prohibited from going near civilian detention area, which is under constant guard. Will Rogers World Airport - FEMA's main processing center for west of the Mississippi. All personnel are kept out of the security zone. Federal prisoner transfer center located here (A pentagon-shaped building where airplanes can taxi up to). Photos have been taken and this site will try to post soon! El Reno - Renovated federal internment facility with CURRENT population of 12,000 on Route 66. McAlester - near Army Munitions Plant property - former WWII German / Italian POW camp designated for future use. Ft. Sill (Lawton) - Former WWII detention camps. More data still needed. OREGON Sheridan - Federal prison satellite camp northwest of Salem. Josephine County - WWII Japanese internment camp ready for renovation. Sheridan - FEMA detention center. Umatilla - New prison spotted. PENNSYLVANIA Allenwood - Federal prison camp located south of Williamsport on the Susquehanna River. It has a current inmate population of 300, and is identified by William Pabst as having a capacity in excess of 15,000 on 400 acres. Indiantown Gap Military Reservation - located north of Harrisburg. Used for WWII POW camp and renovated by Jimmy Carter. Was used to hold Cubans during Mariel boat lift. Camp Hill - State prison close to Army depot. Lots of room, located in Camp Hill, Pa. New Cumberland Army Depot - on the Susquehanna River, located off Interstate 83 and Interstate 76. Schuylkill Haven - Federal prison camp, north of Reading. SOUTH CAROLINA Greenville - Unoccupied youth prison camp; total capacity unknown. Charleston - Naval Reserve & Air Force base, restricted area on naval base. SOUTH DAKOTA Yankton - Federal prison camp Black Hills Nat'l Forest - north of Edgemont, southwest part of state. WWII internment camp being renovated. TENNESSEE Ft. Campbell - Next to Land Between the Lakes; adjacent to airfield and US Alt. 41. Millington - Federal prison camp next door to Memphis Naval Air Station. Crossville - Site of WWII German / Italian prison camp is renovated; completed barracks and behind the camp in the woods is a training facility with high tight ropes and a rappelling deck. Nashville - There are two buildings built on State property that are definitely built to hold prisoners. They are identical buildings - side by side on Old Briley Parkway. High barbed wire fence that curves inward. TEXAS Austin - Robert Mueller Municipal airport has detenion areas inside hangars. Bastrop - Prison and military vehicle motor pool. Eden - 1500 bed privately run federal center. Currently holds illegal aliens. Ft. Hood (Killeen) - Newly built concentration camp, with towers, barbed wire etc., just like the one featured in the movie Amerika. Mock city for NWO shock- force training. Some footage of this area was used in "Waco: A New Revelation" Reese AFB (Lubbock) - FEMA designated detention facility. Sheppard AFB - in Wichita Falls just south of Ft. Sill, OK. FEMA designated detention facility. North Dallas - near Carrolton - water treatment plant, close to interstate and railroad. Mexia - East of Waco 33mi.; WWII German facility may be renovated. Amarillo - FEMA designated detention facility Ft. Bliss (El Paso) - Extensive renovation of buildings and from what patriots have been able to see, many of these buildings that are being renovated are being surrounded by razor wire. Beaumont / Port Arthur area - hundreds of acres of federal camps already built on large-scale detention camp design, complete with the double rows of chain link fencing with razor type concertina wire on top of each row. Some (but not all) of these facilities are currently being used for low-risk state prisoners who require a minimum of supervision. Ft. Worth - Federal prison under construction on the site of Carswell AFB. UTAH Millard County - Central Utah - WWII Japanese camp. (Renovated?) Ft. Douglas - This "inactive" military reservation has a renovated WWII concentration camp. Migratory Bird Refuge - West of Brigham City - contains a WWII internment camp that was built before the game preserve was established. Cedar City - east of city - no data available. Wendover - WWII internment camp may be renovated. Skull Valley - southwestern Camp William property - east of the old bombing range. Camp was accidentally discovered by a man and his son who were rabbit hunting; they were discovered and apprehended. SW of Tooele. VIRGINIA Ft. A.P. Hill (Fredericksburg) - Rex 84 / FEMA facility. Estimated capacity 45,000. Petersburg - Federal satellite prison camp, south of Richmond. WEST VIRGINIA Beckley - Alderson - Lewisburg - Former WWII detention camps that are now converted into active federal prison complexes capable of holding several times their current populations. Alderson is presently a women's federal reformatory. Morgantown - Federal prison camp located in northern WV; just north of Kingwood. Mill Creek - FEMA detention facility. Kingwood - Newly built detention camp at Camp Dawson Army Reservation. More data needed on Camp Dawson. WASHINGTON Seattle/Tacoma - SeaTac Airport: fully operational federal transfer center Okanogan County - Borders Canada and is a site for a massive concentration camp capable of holding hundreds of thousands of people for slave labor. This is probably one of the locations that will be used to hold hard core patriots who will be held captive for the rest of their lives. Sand Point Naval Station - Seattle - FEMA detention center used actively during the 1999 WTO protests to classify prisoners. Ft. Lewis / McChord AFB - near Tacoma - This is one of several sites that may be used to ship prisoners overseas for slave labor. WISCONSIN Ft. McCoy - Rex 84 facility with several complete interment compounds. Oxford - Central part of state - Federal prison & staellite camp and FEMA detention facility. WYOMING Heart Mountain - Park County N. of Cody - WWII Japanese interment camp ready for renovation. Laramie - FEMA detention facility Southwest - near Lyman - FEMA detention facility East Yellowstone - Manned internment facility - Investigating patriots were apprehended by European soldiers speaking in an unknown language. Federal government assumed custody of the persons and arranged their release. OTHER LOCATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES There are many other locations not listed above that are worthy of consideration as a possible detention camp site, but due to space limitations and the time needed to verify, could not be included here. Virtually all military reservations, posts, bases, stations, & depots can be considered highly suspect (because it is "federal" land). Also fitting this category are "Regional Airports" and "International Airports" which also fall under federal jurisdiction and have limited-access areas. Mental hospitals, closed hospitals & nursing homes, closed military bases, wildlife refuges, state prisons, toxic waste dumps, hotels and other areas all have varying degrees of potential for being a detention camp area. The likelihood of a site being suspect increases with transportation access to the site, including airports/airstrips, railheads, navigable waterways & ports, interstate and US highways. Some facilities are "disguised" as industrial or commercial properties, camouflaged or even wholly contained inside large buildings (Indianapolis) or factories. Many inner-city buildings left vacant during the de-industrialization of America have been quietly acquired and held, sometimes retrofitted for their new uses. CANADA Our Canadian friends tell us that virtually all Canadian military bases, especially those north of the 50th Parallel, are all set up with concentration camps. Not even half of these can be listed, but here are a few sites with the massive land space to handle any population: Suffield CFB - just north of Medicine Hat, less than 60 miles from the USA. Primrose Lake Air Range - 70 miles northeast of Edmonton. Wainwright CFB - halfway between Medicine Hat and Primrose Lake. Ft. Nelson - Northernmost point on the BC Railway line. Ft. McPherson - Very cold territory ~ NW Territories. Ft. Providence - Located on Great Slave Lake. Halifax - Nova Scotia. Dept. of National Defense reserve.... And others. OVERSEAS LOCATIONS Guayanabo, Puerto Rico - Federal prison camp facility. Capacity unknown. Guantanamo Bay, Cuba - US Marine Corps Base - Presently home to 30,000 Mariel Cubans and 40,000 Albanians. Total capacity unknown. |
I agree with about 90% of what you say Ms.Bean! Let me also point out that Bush, under the guise of the SPP signed an agreement making Mexican/Canadian/USA soldiers interchangeable in the event of a national emergency. Under PDD 51, which Mr.Obama intends to keep, it makes the president a dictator, with control over all assets and resources of the Nation and Congress cannot even look at it for 9 months. Bush laid the Groundwork, is Mr.Obama going to start the engine? I have a copy of the Unauthorized Biography of Obama by Tarplay. He really dislikes that guy. I am currently trying to adjust the formatting on this copy so I can convert it to an ebook. It is about 400 pages. Right now I am up to page 42. It is in .rtf format. Obama is an actor and according to this guy he is just playing a part. He is working for the banksters. |
I agree with about 90% of what you say Ms.Bean! Let me also point out that Bush, under the guise of the SPP signed an agreement making Mexican/Canadian/USA soldiers interchangeable in the event of a national emergency. Under PDD 51, which Mr.Obama intends to keep, it makes the president a dictator, with control over all assets and resources of the Nation and Congress cannot even look at it for 9 months. Bush laid the Groundwork, is Mr.Obama going to start the engine? I don't see that happening. For one Obama is a constitutional lawyer with great respect for the constitution. Second, he realizes that we the people are the important part of this country, not only the elite like before. |