Community > Posts By > Kings_Knight
"All he needs is the 'love of a good woman' ... "
Right. That, and a buck-fifty, will get you a fine cup of coffee anywhere ... |
National Topless Day
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Thu 08/26/10 08:52 PM
Oh, that's just WRONG on SO many levels ...
He's not 'pert' OR 'perky' ... |
Dang - you beat me to that ...
I was gonna toss in some 'lip service', too ... no extra charge. |
Tried trashing and rebuilding the printer prefs ... ?
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Thu 08/26/10 08:14 PM
Umm, okay - no pun intended on that title header ... but HEY, them clever little Japanese have developed TOUCHABLE 3-D ...
Oh, be still mah hawt ... I may have to get me one of these and then get some Jenna Jemison to watch ... daaaaaang. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Japan develops 'touchable' 3D TV technology Aug 26 03:23 AM US/Eastern A Japanese research team said Thursday it had developed the world's first 3D television system that allows users to touch, pinch or poke images floating in front of them. "It is the first time that you can feel images in the air," said Norio Nakamura, senior scientist with the research team at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. "You can have the sense of touch like poking a rubber ball or stretching a sticky rice cake" when manipulating images, he told AFP by telephone. The technology changes the shape of three-dimensional images in response to "touches", aided by cameras that monitor how the fingers move, Nakamura said. It is not known when the technology will be put to practical use but its creators see it being used to simulate surgical operations and in video game software allowing players to experience the sensation of holding weapons or sports equipment. It could even use scanned images to supplement existing realities, said Nakamura. "This technology could create a virtual museum where visitors, including vision-impaired people, can put their hands on valuable sculptures that are usually untouchable," Nakamura said. |
I personally think that there should be a time limit for anyone on welfare. Same thing goes for unemployment. There are tons of jobs out there, even if they are working in a fast food restaurant. I don't believe that anyone should be paid to sit at home. I also support the drug tests for those on welfare along with mandatory birthcontrol. If you can't support the ones you have then you should be having anymore. I think the idea of housing for those that continue to stay unemployed and on welfare is a good idea. Just my opinion. Y'know, the time limits you speak of USED to exist for unemployment ... 26 weeks, and you're off. Not no more. The DemoComs have made it a 99-week ride and are looking to extend it even more, so it's more profitable to be unemployed than it is to look for a job. Easier to control the 'sheeple' class, y' know. Mandatory birth control was tried in, I think, Alabama in either the '70s or '80s ... oh, the outrage. 'We need the breeding class!' was pretty much the rallying cry ... and the court agreed. As for housing, the 'housing projects' that were designed originally as 'temporary' housing while people 'got back on their feet' is now seen by the occupants as generational and heritable property that they think of as 'owning' ... check how this played out in New Orleans after Katrina ... Just thought you might like to know your ideas aren't as radical as some others might try to tell you they are ... |
Yep, Uncle Government's back ... this time he's got a GPS device and he's plantin' it on your car without your knowledge ... and the Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals (where's that located, boys 'n grrls?) in CALIFORNIA has said 'Okay - you can do that' ... This is the kind of ruling that will gladden the heart of all the little LibCom Statists ...
Sleep tight ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,8599,2013150,00.html The Government Can Use GPS to Track Your Moves By Adam Cohen Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2010 Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn't violate your Fourth Amendment rights, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own driveway — and no reasonable expectation that the government isn't tracking your movements. That is the bizarre — and scary — rule that now applies in California and eight other Western states. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which covers this vast jurisdiction, recently decided the government can monitor you in this way virtually anytime it wants — with no need for a search warrant. It is a dangerous decision — one that, as the dissenting judges warned, could turn America into the sort of totalitarian state imagined by George Orwell. It is particularly offensive because the judges added insult to injury with some shocking class bias: the little personal privacy that still exists, the court suggested, should belong mainly to the rich. |
'Cordoba House' (do the research to see why this name is significant to them) is an islamic MILITARY VICTORY MONUMENT that they want placed at the scene of their greatest MILITARY VICTORY over the 'great satan' - us. Ignoring the reality of this is the mistake that the bleeding heart types who just 'want to get along' and 'be fair' will never comprehend.
Dec. 21st, 2012
I wanna hear all the excuses on Dec 22, 2012 that y' just know the 'true believers' are gonna be makin' about why they're late for work ... Even better, I wanna see the ones who've sold their homes and possessions only to find out they've been suckered once more ... Oh yeah - the world's still gonna be here ...
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Thu 08/26/10 05:33 PM
Hey, tell us specifically how this differs from the WPA or the Civilian Conservation Corps ... ? Same concept, different time. Might be one more idea whose time has come - again ... Matter of fact, how would it be any different from, say, 'housing projects' .... ?
Cool ... thanks a lot ...
National Topless Day
I will gladly stand behind any hard-bodied li'l 'sump'm' and 'support her right to go topless!' with both hands ...
Thanks ... I still need new software, tho' ... if you know anyone with Illustrator CS4 for Mac who's looking to sell it (reasonably or, preferably, cheap), I'm in the market ...
What would you do?
Does your Mum hate it there?...How old is she?...Is she physically or mentally incapacitated?...Does she live independently?...Does she care that the house leaks is old and crumbly? she likes the property, just not the moble home, she is 66 and is in poor health. she doesnt drive anymore, and she stays in and out of the hospital. we have talked many times about her moving in with me, but she doesnt want to yet. I have to respect that, plus she has 3 dogs, a horse, a pot belly pig, a goat, and a bird, so its not like I can just pack her up and move her. I moved closer to take care of her. She has asked my sister and her husband to fix the leaks or to let me buy her another moble home but they told her that if I did that and put it on their property, that when something happened to her, that the moble home would be theirs, so she told me not to buy her one. there is alot more going on then you know, and I dont have the time to go into it all. But I do have a right to feel the way that I do. You point out that they told HER (your mom) that if you bought her a new mobile home and put it on their property that they would own it. First, that's NOT how contract law and ownership works. They may own the PROPERTY, but unless you sign it over to them, they DON'T own the new mobile home. Besides, why even worry about putting it on their property? If there's a KOA or other mobile home park in the area, you could have it delivered there after you buy it and move your mom to the new location and her new home. Worth considering ... I would do that if she didnt have all of her animals. I cant take a horse, goat and a pig to a moble home park. LOL In that case, then, some of the animals would need to go ... but, that may not be possible, so you're back where you began ... |
My view of life 'n 'stuff' can be explained quite simply by invoking the classic bell curve ...
(1) When we're on the 'uphill' (left hand) side of the curve, we're all about 'acquisition'. (2) When we're on the 'downhill' (right hand) side of the curve, we're all about 'giving away'. I don't really 'need' material stuff beyond food 'n clothes now. Software is getting to be 'need to have' stuff, tho' ... |
I'm not registered
But ... where's the spout ... ?
What would you do?
Does your Mum hate it there?...How old is she?...Is she physically or mentally incapacitated?...Does she live independently?...Does she care that the house leaks is old and crumbly? she likes the property, just not the moble home, she is 66 and is in poor health. she doesnt drive anymore, and she stays in and out of the hospital. we have talked many times about her moving in with me, but she doesnt want to yet. I have to respect that, plus she has 3 dogs, a horse, a pot belly pig, a goat, and a bird, so its not like I can just pack her up and move her. I moved closer to take care of her. She has asked my sister and her husband to fix the leaks or to let me buy her another moble home but they told her that if I did that and put it on their property, that when something happened to her, that the moble home would be theirs, so she told me not to buy her one. there is alot more going on then you know, and I dont have the time to go into it all. But I do have a right to feel the way that I do. You point out that they told HER (your mom) that if you bought her a new mobile home and put it on their property that they would own it. First, that's NOT how contract law and ownership works. They may own the PROPERTY, but unless you sign it over to them, they DON'T own the new mobile home. Besides, why even worry about putting it on their property? If there's a KOA or other mobile home park in the area, you could have it delivered there after you buy it and move your mom to the new location and her new home. Worth considering ... |
I'm not registered
Legalize it. No ... 'it' ... |
Deducible Limit
That 'deducible' is so much tougher to deal with than the 'deductible' ... I'd kinda think they really want to imply that someone may need MONEY instead of 'savings' ... if they have 'savings', they have money ... really bad 'appeal to need' with that one ...
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Thu 08/26/10 12:17 PM
There are no 'This Is Love' and 'This Is Like' signs to tell you where the boundaries are ...
I love you. See ... ? It can happen that fast ... |