Community > Posts By > Kings_Knight
If this Mosque/No Mosque has a ghetto-blasting sound system to puke it's noise, wouldn't it be called a mosque? Just say No to the mosque/no mosque. Th mosqueetos can claim victory somewhere else. IF,,,being the significant word ,,, Actually, 'if' is irrelevant since it IS a 'mosque' ... but that's its MINOR role ... its MAJOR role is to celebrate a MILITARY VICTORY over the 'great satan' (that would be the United States) on 9/11 with a MILITARY MONUMENT ... the 'mosque' part is just Public Relations 101 being used as a 'cultural justification' for the easily-misled [sic] ... |
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Sat 08/28/10 09:01 AM
And this is what they want to replace OUR system of justice with ...
As we've seen in this forum, they've got a built-in base of idiots who'd gladly support 'em ... I'm just keepin' on buyin' ammo ... |
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Sat 08/28/10 08:27 AM
Actually, car insurance is a property issue. The state can maintain that an automobile is a moving piece of property, which has the ability to destroy the private property of other citizens. In this manner they are able to force individuals to purchase auto insurance, at least for long enough to renew your tags. Health insurance being mandated is a completely different affair. An individual in this country should (in theory) have the right of self-determination. As such, we should be allowed to determine what, if any, degree of health care we wish to maintain. The Declaration of Independence talked of a Right to Life, it didn't say a long one, or a healthy one. It also talked of Liberty, and that Happiness had to be pursued, not granted. It is taking away my personal liberty to force me to spend my hard earned money on a private company. Make no mistake, this isn't a tax that generates health care through a government agency, this is the government forcing me to give my money to a privately owned, for-profit corporation, nothing more. Even in doing so, it does not guarantee that I would receive the best possible health care by doing so. I won't even be guaranteed that I wouldn't have to pay out of pocket for health care expenses either. This is just the government forcing me to pay the salaries of individuals in the insurance industry, mainly because the product they sell isn't worth buying in the first place and they are only propping up the industry. Government mandated purchase of private health insurance is a direct violation of my right to self determination. It goes against the principle of relieving me of my private property (my earnings) without just compensation. It is not a government run system, much like when the government threatens to withhold road funds if auto insurance isn't mandated, so they have no real "funding" to hold over a states head. Plus, it is a violation of the Tenth Amendment to do so in this case. Roadways are specifically stated in the Constitution as something the Federal government has to maintain, health of the populace is not. All it 'guarantees' is 'access' to some unthinking, unelected, and unconcerned bureaucrat with the power to make a life-or-death decision about your medical needs and care based on a completely arbitrary and 'politically correct' age-adjusted table that tells them a younger illegal alien is going to benefit more from a particular treatment than you will because you're too old. End of story. |
REPEAL is the only solution.
'De-funding' is smoke 'n mirrors, 'cuz another 'congress' can put the money right back into it. REPEAL eliminates it. |
i love those lil towels
It's always cool to let the towel hang from the 'human towel hanger' ... knowhutimean ... ?
Objective? Why, suuuuuuuuure they are ... they're as 'objective' as any wholly-pwnd subsidiary of a State-controlled 'media' CAN be ... they're as 'objective' as, say, 'Pravda', 'Tass', or 'Isvestia' ... or DailyKOS and Democratic Underground members ... which they probaby are ... But hey - don't worry ... they're 'the media', and they wouldn't slant their 'reportage' in favor of any particular candidate ... remember, they're 'objective' - when it's about THEIR boy ...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters By: Mark Tapscott | 08/27/10 3:45 PM EDT Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics. The Democratic total of $1,020,816 was given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks, with an average contribution of $880. By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863. The average Republican contribution was $744. Disclosure of the heavily Democratic contributions by influential employees of the three major broadcast networks follows on the heels of controversy last week when it was learned that media baron Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. contributed $1 million to the Republican Governors Association. The News Corp. donation prompted Nathan Daschle, executive director of the Democratic Governors Association and son of former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (there couldn't be any bias here, right?), to demand in a letter to Fox News chairman Roger Ailes that the cable news outlet include a disclaimer in its coverage of gubernatorial campaigns (but only Republican campaigns). Fox News is owned by News Corp., which also owns The Wall Street Journal. The data on contributions by broadcast network employees was compiled by CRP at the request of The Examiner and [v]included all 2008 contributions by individuals who identified their employer as one of the three networks or subsidiaries[/v]. The data does not include contributions by employees of the three networks who did not identify their employer. The CRP is the organization behind, the web site that for more than a decade has put campaign finance data within reach of anybody with an Internet connection. President Obama received 710 such contributions worth a total of $461,898, for an average contribution of $651 from the network employees. Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain received only 39 contributions totaling $26,926, for an average donation of $709. Ninety-six contributions by broadcast network employees to the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Senate and House campaign committees totaled $217,881. Thirty-eight contributions by broadcast network employees to the Republican National Committee and the Republican Senate and House campaign committees totaled $23,805. Among the individuals in the data are ABC News president Lloyd Braun, who contributed $1,000 to the Our Common Values PAC, which is associated with White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, and ABC Radio Networks president Jim Robinson, who gave $250 to GOP presidential candidate Fred Thompson. Other individual givers found in the data include ABC reporters Sarah Amos, who gave $1,285 to Democratic presidential aspirant Bill Richardson, Clarisa Ward, who gave $500 to President Obama, and Kristina Wong, who gave $400 to the Democratic Party of Virginia. Notable contributors found in the CBS data include "journalist" Seth Davis, who gave $2,750 to Obama, CBS Corporation vice president and editor-in-chief Jane Goldman, who contributed $250 to Obama, CBS Radio "host" Mike Omeara, who gave $1,471 to Obama, and "journalist" Beverly Williams, who donated $200 to Obama. Among NBC contributors were Saturday Night Live producer Jeffrey Ross, who contributed $500 to Sen. Chris Dodd, D-CN, former NBC Today Show weatherman Willard Scott. who gave $500 to the Republican National Committee, NBC Universal CFO Jennifer Cabalquinto, whose donations to Obama totaled $1,200, and NBC Universal "editor" David Mack, with $250 to Obama and $2,300 McCain. |
my pc makes funny "tikky, tikky" it time to replace my hamster or do i just need to change his diet? Run away! Run away! He's a suicide hamster and he's about to explode! |
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Fri 08/27/10 11:03 PM
Well, why the hell not ... ? That's the 'politically correct' way that they PUNISH kids in school now - and it's different punishment standards for different races, 'cuz some punishments just aren't 'acceptable' ... Whatever happened to ONE standard for everyone? This shitt sucks ... it's just making us more Balkanized than the 'hyphenated American' has made us ...
How come they can't just list the 'candidates' by NAME and OFFICE? Is that too unique a concept? The name will usually reveal the 'ethnicity' anyway ... how many white kids are named LaKeisha? how many black kids are named Bradford? The process they have is a classic instructional session in how to gerrymander political districts for a specific race ... isn't THAT what school's all about now? |
You are experiencing the not-uncommon phenomenon known as 'Comfort to', in which your subconscious mind tells you that you really want and need to experence 'Comfort FROM' ... and you will never be happy until you reconcile this seemingly impossible task. It can never be accomplished, tho', because, just as 'Major Major Major' in 'Catch-22' could never be seen when he was in and could only be seen when he was out, 'Comfort FROM' can never be experienced while in the blissful state of 'Comfort to' ... this dichotomy will cause you many sleepless nights and loss of much weight, with accompanying bouts of bulimia and diarrhea in between periods when you will gorge on sumptuous foods and exotic delights of a more 'human' nature. The only time the discomfort will be brought to an end is at that time when the Moon is in Aquarius and the Sun is aligned with Mars - the candy maker, not the planet ... Make the sign of the cross three times, throw two handsful of breadcrumbs over your left shoulder, and draw three 'X's on a red brick tomb located in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans. Will that work? No, but it'll take your mind off of it for a while.
Power To The PEEple ...
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Fri 08/27/10 08:30 PM
Seriously - that was just TOO easy ... but this is really a neat concept ...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Urine-powered fuel cells to offer pee power to people Fri, Aug 27 01:15 PM Washington, Aug 27 (ANI): This could literally be called pee power to the people-researchers have figured out a way to make the world's first urine-powered fuel cells. Chemistry postdocs Shanwen Tao and Rong Lan at Heriot-Watt University's School of Engineering and Physical Sciences in Edinburgh are turning pee into electricity and clean water with a prototype fuel cell system. I had heard about pee-power for robots, but not pee-power for everyone. While fuel cells usually rely on flammable hydrogen gas or toxic methanol to generate electricity, Tao and Lan's cheaper prototype relies instead on urea, an organic chemical compound produced as waste when the body metabolizes protein. Urea, also called "carbamide," has several advantages as a potential fuel source - it's abundant, non-toxic, relatively straightforward to transport and rich in nitrogen, reports Discovery News. According to the university, Tao thought about incorporating urea because he had seen it used as a fertilizer while growing up in eastern China. The Carbamide Power System prototype can break urea or urine from humans or animals down into water, nitrogen and CO2, and also produce electricity at the same time. Unlike existing fuel cells that require catalysts made from precious metals like platinum, the "Youtricity" research group's prototype uses a cheaper catalyst and less expensive membranes. |
He is such an idiot. I am sure that is was for publicity because he wouldn't get that much national attention with just him and Palin. Did you feel the same way about the 'million man march' when IT was held there ... ? Prolly not ... |
NRA: 1 - EPA: 0
They'll keep trying, but this is definitely one for OUR side ...
NRA: 1 - EPA: 0
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Fri 08/27/10 05:02 PM
Looks like we won't have to worry about 'backdoor gun control' by the EPA's regulation of lead shot, bullets, or fishing weights for a while with the election breathing down the neck of 'The UN' and his li'l psychophants ... interesting read ...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EPA Surrenders to NRA on Gun Control Issue EPA rejects attempt to regulate lead in bullets after NRA protests By Paul Bedard In a swift and unexpected decision, the Environmental Protection Agency today rejected a petition from environmental groups to ban the use of lead in bullets and shotgun shells, claiming it doesn't have jurisdiction to weigh on the controversial Second Amendment issue. The decision came just hours after the Drudge Report posted stories from Washington Whispers and the Weekly Standard about how gun groups were fighting the lead bullet ban. The EPA had planned to solicit public responses to the petition for two months, but this afternoon issued a statement rejecting a 100-page request from the Center for Biological Diversity, the American Bird Conservancy, and three other groups for a ban on lead bullets, shot, and fishing sinkers. The agency is still considering what to do about sinkers. The decision was a huge victory for the National Rifle Association which just seven days ago asked that the EPA reject the petition, suggesting that it was a back door attempt to limit hunting and impose gun control. It also was a politically savvy move to take gun control off the table as the Democrats ready for a very difficult midterm election. The NRA has spent two years tracking down rumors that the Obama administration wants to impose gun and ammo bans on the public, but hasn't found anything credible. While the lead ban was viewed initially as a substantial chance for the administration to move into challenging the Second Amendment, the swift rejection by the EPA settled concerns inside NRA headquarters today. Here is what the EPA just sent Washington Whispers: EPA Denies Petition Calling for Lead Ammunition Ban WASHINGTON - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today denied a petition calling for a ban on the production and distribution of lead hunting ammunition. EPA sent a letter to the petitioners explaining the rejection – that letter can be found here: Steve Owens, EPA assistant administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, issued the following statement on the agency's decision: "EPA today denied a petition submitted by several outside groups for the agency to implement a ban on the production and distribution of lead hunting ammunition. EPA reached this decision because the agency does not have the legal authority to regulate this type of product under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) – nor is the agency seeking such authority. "This petition, which was submitted to EPA at the beginning of this month, is one of hundreds of petitions submitted to EPA by outside groups each year. This petition was filed under TSCA, which requires the agency to review and respond within 90 days. "EPA is taking action on many fronts to address major sources of lead in our society, such as eliminating childhood exposures to lead; however, EPA was not and is not considering taking action on whether the lead content in hunting ammunition poses an undue threat to wildlife. "As there are no similar jurisdictional issues relating to the agency's authority over fishing sinkers, EPA – as required by law – will continue formally reviewing a second part the petition related to lead fishing sinkers. (If you fish, you still have to watch your asss) ... "Those wishing to comment specifically on the fishing tackle issue can do so by visiting EPA will consider comments that are submitted by September 15." |
Finite ... ? No. Just lack of imagination as to how best to exploit them indefinitely. I'm pretty sure he meant "finite quantity", not "available for use for a finite time". And we do have a finite quantity, and with imagination and intelligence we can exploit them for a very, very long time. One way to do that is to reclaim some of our materials from our trash, to use again. You're probably right. There are, tho', only a SMALL number of items that can be successfully (and successively) recycled. Plastic is NOT one of them. PET containers (the plastic water bottles or milk containers) can only be recycled about 8 times. Steel, iron, aluminum, and other metals can be recycled indefinitely. Ever try the wonder that is recycled toilet paper ... ? Sheryl Crow really needs to rethink that one. We can save the cost-per-ton of extracting metals from oxides by recycling. We don't gain anything but 'feel-good's from 'recycling' paper and plastic. |
Dec. 21st, 2012
Who remembers the 'Grand Alignment of the Planets' in the '80s ... ? That's when all the planets orbiting the sun were gonna be aligned in a straight line (remember the opening shot of '2001: A Space Odyssey'?). The 'We're All Gonna Die!' crowd was running around in sheetless panic because the 'combined gravity' (wtf?) of the planets would rip Earth apart ... right. Just like Jeebus was supposed to come back when the Millerites showed up TWICE in that empty field to meet him and he failed to show ... There's nothing so stupid that large numbers of people won't fall for it ... '2012' is just the latest in a long line of hoaxes ...
Finite ... ? No. Just lack of imagination as to how best to exploit them indefinitely.
Here Comes Da Judge ... !
nothing wrong with a little porn... he could always use the clinton defense...was that wrong? i didn't know... i thought we were the country where consenting adults are free to whatever sexual interests they want , as long as its not illegal is porn was it against policy to look at it at work,, I would guess most definitely but really, I think we put people on too high a pedestal because of what position their careers put them in,, it was porn, not prostitution or kiddy porn,,, nothing illegal he should be treated by the guidelines of his workplace,, but as a citizen, I really dont find it that disturbing compared to the things politicians are into across the board(in fact its pretty minor in comparison,,,imho) How difficult is it to understand that this man is a JUDGE ... ? That means HE has the power to put OTHERS in jail for committing the SAME offense HE committed. You see no HYPOCRISY or DOUBLE STANDARD in that ... ? Thought it might be so obvious it was noticeable, but ... |
Here Comes Da Judge ... !
If he'd BEEN a 'pub, that big 'R' would have been plastered right behind his name at the top of the story. DemoComs get the psychophantic suckup State-controlled 'media' to cover for them ... but I won't attempt to point out the other obvious discrepancies ... the words would be wasted ...
Here Comes Da Judge ... !
Hey, I couldn't pass up that title for this story ...
What I wanna know is: Is this corrupt li'l pervert bastid gonna do any < ahem > 'hard time' for his perversion of justice ... and malfeasance in office ... ? Seems we have two sets of standards at work here ... Oh - y' notice they're VERY careful to NOT point out his POLITICAL affiliation ... which means, by default, he's a DemoCom ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manhattan Judge James Gibbons quits after massive porn cache is found on work computer BY Melissa Grace, Alison Gendar and Larry Mcshane A cleavage-crazed criminal court judge - who fathered a son with a young Legal Aid lawyer - quit after officials found a massive porn stash on his work computer, sources said Thursday. Disgraced Manhattan jurist James Gibbons, a whip-smart ex-prosecutor who once convicted rapists and killers, fired off a terse resignation letter last week after the nasty cache was uncovered. "There was a lot of porn on his computer - all young women," an investigator told the Daily News. "Lots of crotch and cleavage shots." The Manhattan district attorney's office is scouring the vile files to determine if criminal charges are warranted - and are checking whether any of the women are underage. Gibbons, 47, already had raised eyebrows with his ethics-skirting romance with Legal Aid lawyer Jeanne Emhoff, 31, who he fathered a son with weeks ago. Emhoff's Facebook page, which was pulled down Thursday, featured a photo of a man with a boy on his shoulder. The porn revelation staggered the baby's grandparents. "This is going to break her heart," Emhoff's stepdad said of his wife. "She thinks the world of Jim. ... This will destroy my wife." Gibbons - who was not arrested - was caught when a computer-monitoring system in the courthouse red-flagged his courthouse terminal, a law enforcement source said. He was on paternity leave when the images were discovered and the computer seized. |
See ... ? If that had come from 'politifact', it would have been accepted without question ... just sayin' ...