Community > Posts By > Kings_Knight

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Sun 08/29/10 04:45 PM

As long as you link us to terrorism as well, I can agree that there should be a watch for terrorism at all levels in all religions, races, creeds, backgrounds, economic status, etc...

There are no limits to who can be a terrorist.

The face of terrorism is universal. Anyone can be a terrorist.

We brew a few good ones here in the states too.

And ... Ta-daaaaa! ... the 'Vapor Trail' ...

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Sun 08/29/10 04:11 PM
Maybe ... but we all know it won't ... and they're not helping to make things a damned bit better by refusing to compromise on the location of that 9/11 victory monument they want to build in NYC ... It's NOT a one-way street where WE do all the 'compromising' and THEY do none ...

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Sun 08/29/10 03:21 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sun 08/29/10 03:21 PM

As a woman are you confident enough to shave you head, or with an incentive you might consider doing it.

WHICH head ... ? One of 'em NEVER had hair on it ...

Oh - you DID say 'As a woman' ... never mind ...

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Sun 08/29/10 02:53 PM

I know I will never run down the middle of 21st St. naked again for 20 bucks.........smokin

Somehow that statement has 'T.M.I.' all over it ...

Possibly. Just trying answer the young ladies question.......smokin

Yeah ... I was just rememberin' a similar act in my teens ... but I didn't get 20 bucks ...

Hopefully you weren't brought home buck naked and drunk by the cops.....smokin

Naah ... this was 2 in the morning and I had a towel wrapped around my head like a turban ... so did my buddy ...

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Sun 08/29/10 02:50 PM


There's that 'Vapor Lock' at work again ...

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Sun 08/29/10 02:49 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sun 08/29/10 02:49 PM

I know I will never run down the middle of 21st St. naked again for 20 bucks.........smokin

Somehow that statement has 'T.M.I.' all over it ...

Possibly. Just trying answer the young ladies question.......smokin

Yeah ... I was just rememberin' a similar act in my teens ... but I didn't get 20 bucks ...

no photo
Sun 08/29/10 02:44 PM

You just don't see anyone complaining about Christian terrorists and there are terrorists in all religions I am sure.

So hatemongering the Muslims shouldn't be allowed unless we can hatemonger the other churches too.

O. M. G. ... this is where the thought process enters 'Vapor Land' ...

Over your head?
I can simplify it some.
If there are people who do bad things in a certain religion, that doesn't make that religion to blame.
Is that better for ya?slaphead

Wow ... from 'Vapor Land' to 'Vapor Lock' in one easy step ...

no photo
Sun 08/29/10 02:40 PM

I know I will never run down the middle of 21st St. naked again for 20 bucks.........smokin

Somehow that statement has 'T.M.I.' all over it ...

no photo
Sun 08/29/10 02:36 PM
Just another way of saying 'No Risk, No Reward' ...

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Sun 08/29/10 02:35 PM

You just don't see anyone complaining about Christian terrorists and there are terrorists in all religions I am sure.

So hatemongering the Muslims shouldn't be allowed unless we can hatemonger the other churches too.

O. M. G. ... this is where the thought process enters 'Vapor Land' ...

no photo
Sun 08/29/10 01:39 PM
I smoked unfiltered Camels for 35 years until my heart attack in '94. Quit cold turkey. I will not date a smoker, but I always try to sit in the smoking section of the restaurant.

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Sun 08/29/10 01:28 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sun 08/29/10 01:29 PM
Screw the 'fair tax' ... do people learn NOTHING from watching politicians in action ... ? Money is their DRUG ...

The RATE for the so-called 'Fair Tax' will be established by WHO ... ?


The rate they love to toss out for the 'red meat' crowd is 23%. Why sure, I think a tax of damned near ONE-QUARTER the sales price is 'fair'. Who wouldn't ... ?

Point is, when the politicians get their assses in a financial crack (much like they just did in this session of 'congress'), WHAT do you think their FIRST response will be ... ? WE NEED MORE MONEY. And where do you suppose they might look to GET that money ... ? Why, hell, we'd only be payin' a 23% 'Fair Tax' rate ...

What's to stop 'em from making it a little MORE 'Fair' by jackin' it up to, oh, let's say ... 30% ... ? That's lots more fair than 23%, isn't it? Why sure it is ... Give 'em hell, Harry ... make 'em jack up that rate 'til we owe THEM money just to wake up ... that'd REALLY be 'Fair'.

no photo
Sun 08/29/10 01:01 PM

I can not understand why the hell we are still in Iraq! I also cannot understand why we have not really committed to finishing Afghanistan. So far it is a half azzed police action like a watered down Korean War!

THIS is why we're still in Iraq and the 'stan and Germany and Japan and ... (insert name of foreign country here)

"The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact".

~ George Orwell

no photo
Sun 08/29/10 12:48 PM

Screw you neocon warmongers!

HEY ... !

There's that good ol'-fashioned anti-Americanism we all love to see ... !

They never disappoint, do they ... ?

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Sun 08/29/10 11:22 AM
Umm, I don't know who did the title for that YouTube thingy, but it appears they're a product of the fine National Education Association 'teaching' profession here in the States ...

(1) They mis-spelled 'Australia'

(2) They mis-spelled 'Swayze'

I suspect this was posted by someone who slept thru class a lot ...

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Sun 08/29/10 11:15 AM

Just wondering what you do? I became aware that my oldest son is gettin' married; he never even told me. I learned through my sisters and mom. He's gettin' married October 10th. He's already sent out invitations but didn't invite me to his wedding. I'm devastated. Saw him on FaceBook today and asked him if he was getting married. He said "yes". I let him know that I was hurt that he never told me; nor did he invite me. His response was, "I'd thought about inviting you for a year; and, wasn't sure you'd come?" Are you kiddin' me? Then, he preceded to continue saying that he'd told everyone he wanted me at his wedding. NOW, he invited me. As a mother, I am SO hurt. To top it off; my sister's never told me they'd gotten their invitations. Called one of my sister's today; her response was, "Well, I waiting to see if you got one."

So? My question is this: "Would you go after NOT being invited initially?" My opinion is that he should have invited me; I shouldn't have had to bring it up. Otherwise, it's like inviting myself to his wedding, which obviously he didn't want me at to begin with.

I am SO upset right now. With my son; my sisters.

As some requested the rest of the story:

The divorce between his Dad and I wasn't good. My son holds it against me; always did. David, my son, and I have NEVER had any issues other than living in different States. We aren't close; true. But, I'm his mother. And, family is the most precious thing that we have in life.

Okay ... I understand that, as his mother, you naturally want to be there when he gets married ... that said, I also understand the enormous hurt that NOT being (a) told or (b) invited was and is. I'm pretty basic: He could find a rolling donut and ... well, you know the rest. Y' don't DO that kinda stuff to your mom. Period. End of story. It's WRONG. Whatever the story behind your divorce is, that's between you and your ex. If HE has problems with it, HE needs to resolve 'em. The way this was handled (and sounds like it's still being handled) is just wrong on so many levels ... You'll find the solution that works for you and I know that, but for this to even have risen to this level in the first place is unconscionable. So, there's my $0.02 ...

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Sun 08/29/10 10:31 AM
Sure ... I have just the right-sized hammer for what we in the profession call 'percussive maintenance' ... you'll love the results ...

no photo
Sun 08/29/10 10:25 AM

Believing Faux News Channel with pickle your brain.

It is very bad for people, they should look away.

Yeah. That Keith Olbermann guy is SO much more knowledgeable and smarter 'n stuff. Then there's that really unbiased Chris Matthews and the 'thrill' he gets up his leg when 'The UN' speaks ... can't ask for more 'objectivity' than that, huh ... ? We should all get our 'news' from DailyKOS and 'Democratic Underground' and then we'd be SO much more 'informed' ... we'd have SO much Kool-Aid® we'd NEVER get thirsty for unbiased reporting ...

Sad, really ... leading the horse to water and waiting 'til it wants to drink is all y' can do sometimes ...

I don't watch Olberman or Matthews so I can't speak on them nor Daily kos or Democratic underground either for that matter

But I do understand leading people to knowledge and well you know the rest.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight ... that's why the responses mirror their programming directives ... unh-huh ... I believe that ... whatever you say ... I was born yesterday ... tell me more ... I'll believe it ... promise ... just like I believe Olbermann 'n Madcow 'n Franken 'n Gore 'n Salon 'n Slate 'n HuffPo 'n ... well, you know the rest ...

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Sun 08/29/10 09:21 AM
Just 'cuz someone went to 'Hahvid' means NOTHING ... it's what they DO with the Socialist indoctrination they get there that bothers the crap outa me ...

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Sun 08/29/10 09:07 AM

" ... its a game for those of false pride and hateful hearts,,, "

Oooooooooooh, that's a GOOD one ...

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