Community > Posts By > Kings_Knight
Watch this - then decide just how much safer you feel ...
I can't find words to describe the 'warm-fuzzy' this gives me ... If it can do THIS now, how long will it take before they can increase its power to see inside your HOME while they drive by ... ? |
Turn the Fox OFF!
See ... ? This is the logical extension of the 'Political Correctness' thread ...
Being PC
I will not be intimidated by those who think they have the 'right' to tell me what to think and say - THAT's what PC boils down to.
worst ettiquette ever!
Enquiring minds want to know ...
Community Art Project
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Tue 08/24/10 04:03 PM
Well, the idea was that WE would create an interesting picture. Actually, it was YOUR idea that we could create that ... ergo, it is up to YOU to post the first image ... as I believe you said here: " ... Ok, I'm going to post a picture and the next person to post has to take the picture and add something to it and repost it. ... " |
I don't like McLame, and I really don't care much for Hayworth - but if I hadda pick, it's time for McLame to go visit the pasture and graze for a while ...
Wouldn't it be more advantageous if our first time meeting someone we looked our worst instead of our best? I mean both parties to be fair. Just think about it. Your partner will throughout the whole relationship appreciate everything you do to look your best. Wouldn't that make things easier from the start? What do you think? I don't think that qualifies as an 'epiphany' ... maybe a 'hallucination' ... |
I heard last night that woman are now petitioning for the right to go topless in public..... woooooo hoooooo!!!! What do you think about this idea? Oh bebbykeks ... ! If they're gonna be a-showin', I'ma be a-lookin' ... And I don't expect to hear any crappy 'SEXIST!' comments from 'em, either ... Besides, it's a great way to decide which one I want for when I need a huge-hootered 'drool nurse' ... |
Sexually Liberated Cool. No need for wastin' money on dinner, dancin' and romancin'!!! Count me in as and for one of those. What does sexually liberated have to do with romance? NOTHING ... That's what's so great about it ... |
1Liberal adj. Websters New College Dictionary I can't understand the Right wing hatred of Liberalism. I guess it's because they don't actually understand it's meaning. You really believe THIS / THESE 'definitions' of 'liberal' still apply to the ones who CALL themselves 'liberal' today ... ? Sorry - that's SO wrong ... 'Progressive' / 'Socialist' / 'Marxist' / 'Leninist' / 'Stalinist' / 'Maoist' ... all are correct descriptors for what TRY to pass themselves off today as 'liberal' ... The sad part is that 'liberal' actually once had a positive meaning - no longer ... |
Sweet Tea!
No sugar. Period.
Here, they like to have 'a little tea with their sugar' ... |
I'm sure that would be a 'workplace made in heaven' ... fo' shizzle ma nizzle ...
Being PC
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Tue 08/24/10 07:55 AM
When I see someone complain about being Politically Correct, I see a person who is too selfish to care enough about others to try not to offend them. When did being the better person, practicing the golden rule, become almost extinct? Golden Rule in case it is forgotten is treating others better than you treat yourself. Once again, no cigar ... Political Correctness (PC) is the communal tyranny that erupted in the 1980s. It is a spontaneous declaration that particular ideas, expressions and behaviour, which are legal, should be forbidden by law, and people who transgress should be punished. (see Newspeak) It became unwritten and written law within the community. Those who were declared as being not politically correct became the object of persecution (just like they are today). The proponents of this social demolition achieve their irrational purpose by publicly embracing absurdity through slogans while vilifying any who do not support their stance. The purpose of the slogan is to enshrine irrational fears as truth through the use of presumptuous words, so public pronouncement: • Dissembles the real nature of the claim • Identifies any dissenters as enemies of the truth • Acts as an excuse for any crimes committed in its name Unless plain speaking is allowed, clear thinking is denied. There can be no good reason for denying freedom of expression. There is no case to rebut, only the empty slogans of people inspired by selfishness and unrestrained by morality. The proponents of this nonsense neither understand the implications of what they say, nor why they say it. Once again, Orwell is proven right: Those who control the language control the thoughts. |
Edited by
Mon 08/23/10 08:31 PM
P F F F T T T T T ...
"Liberal: a power worshipper without power." ~ George Orwell |
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Mon 08/23/10 08:19 PM
Is YOUR state affected by the egg recall ... ?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q+A: What are the details of the U.S. egg recall? By Alina Selyukh WASHINGTON | Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:32pm EDT WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two Iowa egg farms have recalled more than half a billion eggs as part of the largest U.S. salmonella outbreaks in a decade that may have caused up to 2,000 illnesses across the country. Below are some questions and answers about the recall and the outbreak: WHAT EGGS ARE RECALLED? Two large Iowa egg producers, Hillandale Farms of Iowa and Write County Egg, and several of their distributors announced voluntary recalls last week for eggs shipped. Their eggs were sold under the following brand names: Hillandale Farms, Sunny Farms, Sunny Meadow, Wholesome Farms, West Creek, Lucerne, Albertson, Mountain Dairy, Ralph's, Boomsma's, Sunshine, Hillandale, Trafficanda, Farm Fresh, Shoreland, Lund, Dutch Farms, Kemps, James Farms, Glenview, Pacific Coast, Alta Dena Dairy, Driftwood Dairy, Hidden Villa Ranch, Challenge Dairy and Country Eggs. To see the full listing of recalled plant codes found on cartons or case labels, go to HOW MANY EGGS HAVE BEEN RECALLED? Wright County Egg has recalled 380 million eggs and Hillandale Farms recalled 170 million, bringing the total recall to 550 million eggs. HOW WILL THE OUTBREAK AFFECT EGG CONSUMPTION? Egg consumption may suffer from long-lasting effects of this outbreak. "It definitely takes some time for the consumer to start trusting that particular food item or that brand again" even after a recall is over, Morningstar analyst Michelle Chang said. WHICH STATES ARE AFFECTED BY THE RECALL? The recalled eggs were sold in 22 states: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota , Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin, Nevada, Colorado, Oklahoma, Washington, Oregon, Georgia and Utah. HOW MANY PEOPLE GOT SICK FROM THE OUTBREAK? The CDC says 1,993 cases of salmonella have been reported since May 1. Only about 700 cases would normally have been reported during the same time, the CDC says -- although it estimates that 40,000 Americans get salmonella every year. Most cases are never reported. WHY WERE EGGS RECALLED? The eggs from Hillandale Farms and Wright County Eggs may have caused the outbreak of Salmonella enteritidis around the United States. Salmonella is a bacteria found on the surface of egg shells and inside raw eggs and can cause fever, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and sometimes more serious illness or death. |
Best Cop One-liners Ever ...
Daaaaaaamn ...
I guess I'm WAY out of line for sayin' 'Thank you' to the cops I run into at the gas station or at WalMart ... |
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Mon 08/23/10 05:59 PM
"Liberal: a power worshipper without power."
~ George Orwell |
Well, the results are in and it looks like all the chumps and chump-ettes who voted for that 'hope' and 'change' finally figured out they got sucker-punched with the PRICES for 'DeathCare' ... That, as Martha would say, is a GOOD thing ... Ah lubs it ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Uninsured Slow To Sign Up For Coverage (1) Learn to spell ... (2) Whatever INSURANCE I carry is none of your business ... |
i never knew he was a head cheerleader...hahahahaha Y' gotta admit we could do with a bit o' the old 'cheerleadin' about now with 'The UN' on his permanent worldwide apology / bow 'n scrape 'The US is a Muslim Nation' tour 24 / 7 / 365 ... I didn't like Bush EITHER time, but I'd take him over what's sittin' in the WH now in those 'littleboy' pants ... |
Hmm ... anybody ever think maybe 'The UN' IS that 'twelfth imam' that AlmondJoy's been waitin' for in Iran ... ? Wonder which sewer he came up thru ... ? Chicago's a long way from Iran ... 'imam Obama' ... ha ...