Community > Posts By > Thomas3474
This is why i liked Bush being in office. His take on the situation was, they threatened our freedom and way of life and our feeling of safety, then lets go over there and blow s**t up till they back off.
How nice. The peaceful Christians, right? Sorry but Bush was doing NOTHING in the name of Christianity,the bible,or anything related to Christianity.If you can find any evidence that Bush decided to go to war because of anything related to the bible,Jesus,Christianity or quoted any bible verses for justification for War I urge you to post them. When the Christians form their own Army,their own Government,and own country and say they are actions are justified using the bible then you can make stupid statements like the Christians are using their Army to blow things up. For your information George bush doesn't even believe the bible is true.Any true Christian knows the bible is true.So Bush is a idiot. Interviewer Cynthia McFadden asked Bush if the Bible was literally true. “You know. Probably not. … No, I’m not a literalist, but I think you can learn a lot from it, but I do think that the New Testament for example is … has got … You know, the important lesson is ‘God sent a son,’” Bush said. “It is hard for me to justify or prove the mystery of the Almighty in my life,” he said. “All I can just tell you is that I got back into religion and I quit drinking shortly thereafter and I asked for help. … I was a one-step program guy.” The president also said that he prays to the same God as those with different religious beliefs. “I do believe there is an almighty that is broad and big enough and loving enough that can encompass a lot of people,” Bush said. |
Lets not forget what Bush also said in this interview. Interviewer Cynthia McFadden asked Bush if the Bible was literally true. “You know. Probably not. … No, I’m not a literalist, but I think you can learn a lot from it, but I do think that the New Testament for example is … has got … You know, the important lesson is ‘God sent a son,’” Bush said. “It is hard for me to justify or prove the mystery of the Almighty in my life,” he said. “All I can just tell you is that I got back into religion and I quit drinking shortly thereafter and I asked for help. … I was a one-step program guy.” The president also said that he prays to the same God as those with different religious beliefs. “I do believe there is an almighty that is broad and big enough and loving enough that can encompass a lot of people,” Bush said. This whole nonsense that Christians and Muslims worship the same God is such total nonsense I would have a hard time believing that statement even if I was a atheist. If these two religions are so closely the same then Christians should go into a Muslim church and see little or no difference and Muslims should go into a Christian church and see little or no difference.Yet we all know they are worlds apart and not compatible at all. With out even doing any research I can think of many differences. Muslims have to pray a minimum amount of times a day,in a certain direction and on their hands and knees....Christians do not have any of these rules. Islam requires every Muslim to make a trek to Mecca at least once in his or her life....Christians have no such rule. Islam teaches that men are superior to women in every way...Christianity treats men and women equal. Islam rewards suicide attacks and death of non believers with 72 virgins in heaven...Not only does Christianity not command death to unbelievers,suicide is strictly forbidden.Men are not rewarded with one virgin in heaven let alone 72 and sexual intercourse is never mentioned in the bible. A Koran must never be put on the ground or handled by "The infedels".The Holy bible has no rules where it should be set down or handled by others. You can leave Christianity for any religion at any time with no punishment from the church or other Christians.Leaving Islam for another religion is punishable by death. Christians and other people from other religions are forbidden to enter cites like Mecca and their churches.All are welcome to Christian churches. Islam is intolerant towards other religions,wants them destroyed or converted,and believes they do not have the right to exist.Christianity ignores other religions and allows them the free will to do what they want.Christianity is tolerant towards all religions. I could go on and on. |
The term "peacefull muslim" seems to be an oxy-moron. Jesus Christ our lord and savior, is belittled and ridiculed all over the world, and our response is, everyone is allowed to have their own beliefs and opinions. Everyone will have to answer for their own evils. If a person cannot draw a simple picture, of whatever(including the god of another religon) without fear of reprisal, then the world really has become a horrible place. I say don't send innocent people into hiding because certain people don't like their thoughts or ideas, that is simply idiotic! I say make the people who are making the threats, want to hide! Are we really going to allow these people to send us into a shameful world of fear, to the point where people have to hide and change their identity. If our Goverment is going to allow this kind of intimidation to happen, what kind of security do Americans really have? This is why i liked Bush being in office. His take on the situation was, they threatened our freedom and way of life and our feeling of safety, then lets go over there and blow s**t up till they back off. when is enough going to be enough? So I invite Americans everywhere to "stand up in defense" of what makes America the land of the free and the home of the brave! Our safety is being threatened, so we have a duty to target those who target us. -Proud to be an american Well said Sir! |
Religon of Peace???I would think at least one Muslim would defend this woman and her right to free speach in America.Islam can keep on preaching that tolerance towards Muslims to Americans.Don't expect any from them.
The Seattle cartoonist whose artwork sparked the controversial "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day!" has gone into hiding at the advice of the FBI after being targeted by a radical Muslim cleric, according to the newspaper that published her comics. Molly Norris has moved and changed her name, the Seattle Weekly said Wednesday, after U.S.-born Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Awlaki placed her on an execution hit list. Awlaki -- who has been linked to the botched Times Square bombing and cited as inspiration for the Fort Hood massacre and a plot by two New Jersey men to kill U.S. soldiers -- reportedly called Norris a "prime target" for assassination and that her "proper abode is hellfire." "You may have noticed that Molly Norris' comic is not in the paper this week," Seattle Weekly Editor in Chief Mark Fefer wrote Wednesday. "That's because there is no more Molly." "The gifted artist is alive and well, thankfully. But on the insistence of top security specialists at the FBI, she is, as they put it, 'going ghost': moving, changing her name, and essentially wiping away her identity. She is, in effect, being put into a witness-protection program -- except, as she notes, without the government picking up the tab," Fefer wrote. Norris ignited a firestorm in April after drawing a satirical cartoon to protest the decision by cable television channel Comedy Central to cancel an episode of "South Park" over its depiction of the Prophet Muhammad in a bear suit. Soon after, a fan page popped up on Facebook, but Norris wrote on her since-shuttered website that she had nothing to do with it. "I did NOT 'declare' May 20 to be 'Everybody Draw Muhammad Day,'" she said, adding that her idea was satire that was "taken seriously, hijacked and made viral." "I apologize to people of Muslim faith and ask that this 'day' be called off," she said. The 27-year-old Facebook page creator -- a Canadian woman who asked not to be identified due to fears of reprisal -- told in July that she was visited at her home by Royal Canadian Mounted Police officials who advised her to remove her page and not to talk to reporters. "I'm scared," she said. "I'm scared that somebody might kill me." Islam strictly prohibits the depiction of any prophet as blasphemous and the "Draw Muhammad" page led to Facebook being temporarily blocked in Pakistan and sparked angry street protests. In July, English-language Al Qaeda magazine "Inspire" attributed an article to Awlaki, saying Norris "should be taken as a prime target of assassination." "The large number of participants makes it easier for us because there are more targets to choose from in addition to the difficulty of the government offering all of them special protection," wrote Awlaki. "But even then our campaign should not be limited to only those who are active participants." He warned that "assassinations, bombings and acts of arson" are all legitimate forms of revenge against the creators of blasphemous depictions of Muhammad. "Now, with the defamation of Muhammad reaching the shores of America, I wonder whether the patriotic American Muslim will still have the audacity to claim that he enjoys the right to be a Muslim in America?" Awlaki wrote. "Does he understand that this right includes his duty to fight against those who blaspheme his Prophet?" Awlaki invited Muslims worldwide to "stand up in defense" of Muhammad and for their efforts to "manifest in all appropriate" means. |
A Massachusetts middle school field trip to a local mosque has sparked controversy after a video surfaced showing some students participating in a Muslim prayer service during the visit. Several parents complained to the school after the video, shot by a parent during the May 27 trip, was made public Wednesday. It shows a five sixth-grade boys kneeling, bowing their heads, and engaging in a prayer ritual at Islamic Society of Boston Community Center, the Boston Globe reported. Wellesley School Superintendent Bella Wong apologized to parents in a letter Thursday and said that allowing the children to participate in the service was a mistake. "It was not the intent for students to be able to participate in any of the religious practices," Wong told the Boston Globe. "The fact that any students were allowed to do so in this case was an error." The video was released by Americans for Peace and Tolerance, a group that has been critical of the center in the past, after the group received it from a mother who recorded it while chaperoning the trip, the Globe reported. "If a Catholic priest took school kids to a church and said, 'Let's teach them about Catholicism,' and the kids kneeled before altar, took wine and the host, the furor would be visible from outer space," the group's director, Dennis Hale, told the paper. HAHAHAHAHA... Bilal Kaleem, president of the Muslim American Society of Boston, which runs the center, said all the prayer was voluntary. "Certainly in our tours we do not invite kids to take part, but if someone wants to come pray and take part, we shouldn't prevent them," Kaleem told the Globe. "It's more an issue with the school." The trip was part of a social studies course, "Enduring Beliefs in the World Today," and also included trips to a synagogue, a gospel musical performance, and a meeting with Hindu religious leaders, Wong told the Globe. In the future teachers will give "more clear guidance to students to better define what is allowed to fulfill the purpose of observation," she said in the letter to parents. Rules are rules, If these kids went to a Christian church and was praying while a pastor speaked the ACLU would have a lawsuit slapped on them with in 24 hours.I couldn't even imagine the uproar,insults,and of course all the garbage CNN would be spewing over this ordeal. Yet once again because it is Islam the ACLU is totally silent.Maybe the ACLU is busy working on those pesky Christians who want to silenty pray in a group after high school hours. I agree, that pain in the a$$ athiest group would be raising a riot. Like I said they are hard at work on the Christians.... ACLU Nebraska cautioned state school districts Wednesday against inviting speakers who proselytize to students under the guise of anti-drug and anti-alcohol messages. In letters sent to school superintendents, ACLU Nebraska legal director Amy Miller said there have been complaints about Christian messages during student assemblies. Miller singled out two speakers in particular, Keith Becker and Ron Brown. Becker speaks about the death of his teenage brother in a drunken-driving crash. His group's Web site notes the talk incorporates Scripture. Brown is an assistant football coach at Nebraska who helped found a nonprofit that spreads a Christian message. Thankfully in America, there are still young Americans who are not afraid to strike back at the left-wing's political correctness movement. And a great example of this occurred last Saturday when several hundred graduating high school seniors stood in protest during their graduation ceremony at Pace High School in Santa Rosa County, Florida because the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) had filed a lawsuit against the high school administration claiming the principal and some teachers supported religion. ENFIELD, CT – The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Connecticut and Americans United for Separation of Church and State today demanded that school officials in Enfield stop holding high school graduation ceremonies at a Christian church and instead hold them at any of a number of secular locations available in the area. In a letter sent today to the attorney for the Enfield Public Schools, the ACLU and Americans United say that graduating students, their families and other guests are unconstitutionally and "coercively subjected to religious messages as the price of attending high school commencement," and that "students and family members of minority religions, as well as those who do not subscribe to any religion at all, are immersed in a religious environment of a faith not their own." The ACLU and Americans United plan to sue the district if it refuses to change the location of its graduations. |
I read the same story from a different article...;_ylt=Apfww3sd1TOjyDTw0LH_YQlh24cA;_ylu=X3oDMTVxMnF0Ym4yBGFzc2V0Ay9zL3libG9nX3Vwc2hvdC8yMDEwMDkxNy9ic195YmxvZ191cHNob3QvcmVwb3J0LWxvcy1hbmdlbGVzLXNwZW50LTcwLW1pbGxpb24taW4tc3RpbXVsdXMtZnVuZHMtdG8tY3JlYXRlLTctNzYtam9icwRjY29kZQNtcF9lY184XzEwBGNwb3MDNQRwb3MDNQRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3JpZXMEc2xrA3JlcG9ydGxvc2FuZw-- The audit didn't find any misspent funds or waste. But the breakdown of how some of the money was spent seems to indicate efficiency was not exactly the order of the day for project managers. The Department of Transportation, for instance, spent $9 million to install new LED lightbulbs in traffic lights at 1,800 intersections. Less the $228,000 in labor costs associated with the project, that's nearly $5,000 per location to change lightbulbs. Another project spent $4 million to install 65 new left-turn arrows, averaging more than $61,500 per arrow. "Seems to indicate efficiency was not exactly the order of the day"? No sh** $61,500 per left turn arrow?Are you kidding me???That is like two years of my wages going to one turn arrow?How much money could it possible cost to cut a a piece of aluminium and apply a reflective decal to it?$150.00?$125.00? After all the interest we will pay on the deficit due to this stimulus it will probably be more like $300 million for 55 jobs. Way to go Obama.You have thousands of people living in cardboard boxes in Los angeles and you are wasting $61,500 for a single sign.Seems totally sane coming from the mind of a liberal. |
A Massachusetts middle school field trip to a local mosque has sparked controversy after a video surfaced showing some students participating in a Muslim prayer service during the visit. Several parents complained to the school after the video, shot by a parent during the May 27 trip, was made public Wednesday. It shows a five sixth-grade boys kneeling, bowing their heads, and engaging in a prayer ritual at Islamic Society of Boston Community Center, the Boston Globe reported. Wellesley School Superintendent Bella Wong apologized to parents in a letter Thursday and said that allowing the children to participate in the service was a mistake. "It was not the intent for students to be able to participate in any of the religious practices," Wong told the Boston Globe. "The fact that any students were allowed to do so in this case was an error." The video was released by Americans for Peace and Tolerance, a group that has been critical of the center in the past, after the group received it from a mother who recorded it while chaperoning the trip, the Globe reported. "If a Catholic priest took school kids to a church and said, 'Let's teach them about Catholicism,' and the kids kneeled before altar, took wine and the host, the furor would be visible from outer space," the group's director, Dennis Hale, told the paper. HAHAHAHAHA... Bilal Kaleem, president of the Muslim American Society of Boston, which runs the center, said all the prayer was voluntary. "Certainly in our tours we do not invite kids to take part, but if someone wants to come pray and take part, we shouldn't prevent them," Kaleem told the Globe. "It's more an issue with the school." The trip was part of a social studies course, "Enduring Beliefs in the World Today," and also included trips to a synagogue, a gospel musical performance, and a meeting with Hindu religious leaders, Wong told the Globe. In the future teachers will give "more clear guidance to students to better define what is allowed to fulfill the purpose of observation," she said in the letter to parents. Rules are rules, If these kids went to a Christian church and was praying while a pastor speaked the ACLU would have a lawsuit slapped on them with in 24 hours.I couldn't even imagine the uproar,insults,and of course all the garbage CNN would be spewing over this ordeal. Yet once again because it is Islam the ACLU is totally silent.Maybe the ACLU is busy working on those pesky Christians who want to silenty pray in a group after high school hours. |
Edited by
Wed 09/15/10 10:37 PM
The prejudice that is being perpetrated is the problem. Not the doctrines of the religion. No religion wants their doctrines examined too closely because they will come out on the losing end. You can debate your self also. In your own words... "No your god is not any part of my life except in those laws influenced by religion that I fight against". "How about YOU DON'T JUDGE ME OR MY LIFE BASED FROM YOUR GOD THAT GOVERNS ONLY YOU AND THOSE WHO WANT TO BE GOVERNED BY HE/SHE/IT. Then we will all be treating each other fairly because I am not imposing my beliefs on you". "As long as the belief that religion is the "better" way to live and makes one "a better" person and improves lives, fixes issues, etc.... we will continue to be berated by these individuals who feel superior, act with "justified" hatred, live a hypocrisy, trying to impose their skewed views on everyone as if it is right, etc...." "Religion actually brings out the worst in humans for the most part. It promotes passive aggressive behavior. It promotes hypocrisy. It promotes superiority". "Religions are the reasons for many many problems in this world we live in. It makes people feel justified by an imaginary larger than life being to persecute and ostracize those that a man or men have determined were unethical for whatever reason they determined and they wrote it a book and then said the book was from a god or gods. Worse it makes falsely makes the determination of who is superior and who is worthy. It creates the concept of non self responsibility because outside sources determine actions of humans". The books are also written in ambiguous ways to leave room for dangerous interpretation by men in power to control others. Most of the books are the greatest works of fearmongering ever written. Carry on defending Islam and this church being built. |
I just wanted to reiterate a few of those statistics – for those who feel Muslims have not ‘conformed’ to our culture, perhaps they have not - this can be proven by contrasting just a couple statistics: According to Census data, 37.8 percent of U.S. adults age 25 to 34 have college degrees. 2007 census figures Bachelor’s degree or more Advanced degree or more 27.5 percent of population 10.1 percent of population The figures are from the census bureau 2007, and those percentages include Muslim citizens. HOWEVER, within the Muslim population itself, the percentages are much higher 67% with Bachelor’s degree and One in ten American Muslims have physician/medical doctor certifications. While the average income in the 2000 was $42,158 66% of Muslims were earning over $50,000 and 26% of Muslims were earning over $100,000 Which appears to be a direct reflection of the educational achievements in the Muslim community Maybe it’s not so bad that Muslims have not conformed to ALL of our cultural norms, relatively few receive public aid and the 92% of Muslims who earn significantly more than most Americans, pay enough in taxes to cover for the Muslims who do receive public aid as well as a substantial portion of non-Muslim public aid recipients. Muslim contributions (donations) to charitable organizations is also a considerable sum. Since they support for their ‘fellow American citizens’ through these donations, through their education, and their work achievements and taxes, perhaps they have ‘conformed’ in ways that are less noticeable and more beneficial than maintaining a cultural standard of physical appearance. American Muslims are Well-Educated • 67% of American Muslims have a Bachelor's degree or higher • 44% of Americans have a Bachelor’s degree or higher3 • The Variance for Advanced Degrees is even greater. • One in ten American Muslim HH has a physician / medical doctor American Muslims are Affluent • U.S. Average income is $42,158 per year (U.S. Census 2000) • 66% of American Muslim HH's earn over $50,000 / year • 26% of American Muslim HH's earn over $100,000 / year Kinda of ironic you are here supporting a religion that supports killing gays where they stand. Next time you are ranting and raving about how harmful Christianty is towards gays I won't mind posting a few of your words supporting Islam and see what you have to say about your double standards. May that be a lesson others can learn from. I would not take away the basic human right of people to choose thier religion. I promote the ideal even though some beliefs condem me, and I expect reciprication by those who enjoy their freedom to condem me on the same level - to support my own rights to equal protection, justice, and equality under the law. I do not hate Christians, I do not hate Muslims, but I will not tolerate the efforts of any religion to use their freedom of personal choice as a platform from which to institutionalize prejudice and discrimination as it is reflected through their choice of religious values. Kind of sucks Mingle saves your posts doesn't it. Your own words. "Immediate harm occurs when selected religious values are reflected in the law of a culture who do not share that religious perspective". Maybe you can debate yourself on that one. |
America is a bizarre place.Probably the only country in the World where the people are so stupid the speak up for and support a man who is building a church that supports Sharia law. Are you a Muslim? No I am Christian. |
I just wanted to reiterate a few of those statistics – for those who feel Muslims have not ‘conformed’ to our culture, perhaps they have not - this can be proven by contrasting just a couple statistics: According to Census data, 37.8 percent of U.S. adults age 25 to 34 have college degrees. 2007 census figures Bachelor’s degree or more Advanced degree or more 27.5 percent of population 10.1 percent of population The figures are from the census bureau 2007, and those percentages include Muslim citizens. HOWEVER, within the Muslim population itself, the percentages are much higher 67% with Bachelor’s degree and One in ten American Muslims have physician/medical doctor certifications. While the average income in the 2000 was $42,158 66% of Muslims were earning over $50,000 and 26% of Muslims were earning over $100,000 Which appears to be a direct reflection of the educational achievements in the Muslim community Maybe it’s not so bad that Muslims have not conformed to ALL of our cultural norms, relatively few receive public aid and the 92% of Muslims who earn significantly more than most Americans, pay enough in taxes to cover for the Muslims who do receive public aid as well as a substantial portion of non-Muslim public aid recipients. Muslim contributions (donations) to charitable organizations is also a considerable sum. Since they support for their ‘fellow American citizens’ through these donations, through their education, and their work achievements and taxes, perhaps they have ‘conformed’ in ways that are less noticeable and more beneficial than maintaining a cultural standard of physical appearance. American Muslims are Well-Educated • 67% of American Muslims have a Bachelor's degree or higher • 44% of Americans have a Bachelor’s degree or higher3 • The Variance for Advanced Degrees is even greater. • One in ten American Muslim HH has a physician / medical doctor American Muslims are Affluent • U.S. Average income is $42,158 per year (U.S. Census 2000) • 66% of American Muslim HH's earn over $50,000 / year • 26% of American Muslim HH's earn over $100,000 / year Kinda of ironic you are here supporting a religion that supports killing gays where they stand. Next time you are ranting and raving about how harmful Christianty is towards gays I won't mind posting a few of your words supporting Islam and see what you have to say about your double standards. May that be a lesson others can learn from. I would not take away the basic human right of people to choose thier religion. I promote the ideal even though some beliefs condem me, and I expect reciprication by those who enjoy their freedom to condem me on the same level - to support my own rights to equal protection, justice, and equality under the law. I do not hate Christians, I do not hate Muslims, but I will not tolerate the efforts of any religion to use their freedom of personal choice as a platform from which to institutionalize prejudice and discrimination as it is reflected through their choice of religious values. Oh thats funny ![]() Out of all the religions in this world Islam is most hostile towards gays.Yet you support this church 100%. Don't let me stop your ranting on the evil Christians the next time we debate the gay marriage issue and how Christians are the worst of the worst.We can just ignore the news reports of women being stoned and gays executed in the name of Islam. |
America is a bizarre place.Probably the only country in the World where the people are so stupid the speak up for and support a man who is building a church that supports Sharia law. Ground zero mosque founder Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s support for Sharia law. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s in his own words on video. Instead, doubts grow about the moderation of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s voice. Rather, it seems as if the words above would leave him tongue tied. •Just 19 days after September 11 — while Ground Zero still was a flaming, smoking ruin — Rauf told CBS’ 60 Minutes: “I wouldn't say that the United States deserved what happened, but the United States’ policies were an accessory to the crime that happened.” •Rauf said in 2005 that “the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non-Muslims.” Never mind the millions of Muslims who America has liberated, or at least tried to rescue from tyranny, in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Iraq, Lebanon, and Somalia. America assisted millions more Muslims after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and is aiding Muslims today in flood-ravaged Pakistan. •Rauf repeatedly has refused to identify Hamas as a terrorist group. •Most worrisome, Rauf embraces Sharia, the fundamentalist Islamic Law responsible for too much of Earth’s totalitarian barbarism. “What Muslims want is to ensure that their secular laws are not in conflict with the Quran or the Hadith, the sayings of Muhammad,” Rauf wrote in an April 24, 2009 Huffington Post essay titled “What Sharia Law Is All About.” Rauf added: “What Muslims want is a judiciary that ensures that the laws are not in conflict with the Quran and the Hadith.” He also has written that he wants to secure “religious communities more leeway to judge among themselves, according to their laws.” Sharia relies on the Koran, Hadith, and other Islamic texts to punish offenders, too often with sentences that stink of the 7th Century A.D. •A Saudi Sharia court is seeking a hospital to enforce its penalty against an unidentified man who paralyzed Abdulaziz al-Mutairi, 22, in an assault with a meat cleaver. Under Sharia’s “eye for an eye” principal, Judge Saoud bin Suleiman al-Youssef wants to paralyze the attacker by severing his spinal cord. To their credit, Saudi doctors so far have refused to cooperate in this carnage. •Under Iran’s Islamic Law, The Guardian reports, 12 women and three men face death by stoning for adultery. After international criticism, Iranian jurists recently announced that several of these individuals instead would be hanged. •Since Muslims implemented Sharia in northern Nigeria in 2000, at least 12 people have received death sentences for homosexuality and adultery. Most, however, have been commuted to mere jail time. •Since January, women in West Aceh, Indonesia must wear long skirts rather than jeans or trousers. Police enforce this rule, sometimes by cutting the pants that women are caught wearing. “It’s my obligation as a leader to help the people so they won’t suffer in the afterlife,” West Aceh Regent Ramli Mansur said in August 18’s Jakarta Globe. “Besides, when women don’t dress according to Sharia law, they’re asking to get raped.” •Once a Muslim, always a Muslim, according to Sharia. “Muslim jurists are unanimous that apostates must be punished,” the Muslim Brotherhood’s influential spiritual leader, Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi, declared about Islamic converts to other faiths. The Qatari said these “apostates must be executed.” •Even snacking can be deadly under Sharia. In November 2004, a 13-year-old Iranian boy violated the Ramadan fast. He received 85 lashes, which killed him. Homosexuality Homosexual activity is illicit under Sharia; however, the prescribed penalties differ from one school of jurisprudence to another. For example, these Muslim-majority countries may allow the death penalty for sodomy and homosexual activities: Iran,[170] Mauritania,[171] Nigeria,[172] Saudi Arabia,[173] Somalia,.[174] In contrast in Indonesia (outside of Aceh province[175]) homosexuality and sodomy are legal.[176] . Islam commands that homosexuals must be executed. In February 1998, the Taliban, who once ruled in Afghanistan, ordered a stone wall to be pushed over three men convicted of sodomy. Their lives were to be spared if they survived for 30 minutes and were still alive when the stones were removed. In its 1991 Constitution, in Articles 108—113, Iran adopted the punishment of execution for sodomy. In April 2005, a Kuwaiti cleric says homosexuals should be thrown off a mountain or stoned to death. On April 7, 2005, it was reported that Saudi Arabia sentenced more than 100 men to prison or flogging for 'gay conduct.' These homosexuals were lucky. Early Islam would have executed them, as these hadith demonstrate. |
Other Presidents lowered taxes during a recession.Obama thinks the key is to raise them.Yes I am going to blame Obama for this mess because any past President could have had us out of this recession by now.I am also going to blame Obama for the last two years because everything he has done in the last two years has been a failure for this economy.Who are you going to blame for that one? You want to see the economy booming again.Lower the tax rates for business from 36%(or what ever it is now)to 20% or lower.Lowering the tax rate is a automatic 16% profit increase for business's with out them spending a dime. Nearly every business in America is struggling to surving going from red to black every month.Now Obama is going to slap the highest tax in American history and take away what little profit these companies are making. At least America will start to look like his home country of Kenya soon.People living in card board boxes on the street. |
I just wanted to reiterate a few of those statistics – for those who feel Muslims have not ‘conformed’ to our culture, perhaps they have not - this can be proven by contrasting just a couple statistics: According to Census data, 37.8 percent of U.S. adults age 25 to 34 have college degrees. 2007 census figures Bachelor’s degree or more Advanced degree or more 27.5 percent of population 10.1 percent of population The figures are from the census bureau 2007, and those percentages include Muslim citizens. HOWEVER, within the Muslim population itself, the percentages are much higher 67% with Bachelor’s degree and One in ten American Muslims have physician/medical doctor certifications. While the average income in the 2000 was $42,158 66% of Muslims were earning over $50,000 and 26% of Muslims were earning over $100,000 Which appears to be a direct reflection of the educational achievements in the Muslim community Maybe it’s not so bad that Muslims have not conformed to ALL of our cultural norms, relatively few receive public aid and the 92% of Muslims who earn significantly more than most Americans, pay enough in taxes to cover for the Muslims who do receive public aid as well as a substantial portion of non-Muslim public aid recipients. Muslim contributions (donations) to charitable organizations is also a considerable sum. Since they support for their ‘fellow American citizens’ through these donations, through their education, and their work achievements and taxes, perhaps they have ‘conformed’ in ways that are less noticeable and more beneficial than maintaining a cultural standard of physical appearance. American Muslims are Well-Educated • 67% of American Muslims have a Bachelor's degree or higher • 44% of Americans have a Bachelor’s degree or higher3 • The Variance for Advanced Degrees is even greater. • One in ten American Muslim HH has a physician / medical doctor American Muslims are Affluent • U.S. Average income is $42,158 per year (U.S. Census 2000) • 66% of American Muslim HH's earn over $50,000 / year • 26% of American Muslim HH's earn over $100,000 / year Kinda of ironic you are here supporting a religion that supports killing gays where they stand. Next time you are ranting and raving about how harmful Christianty is towards gays I won't mind posting a few of your words supporting Islam and see what you have to say about your double standards. |
Christianity and Islam
Christians try to take the high road now but they were no different in recent times. Death to all heathens and heretics. They massacred countless people throughout their history and now faced with the same concepts that they practiced all this time they want to call it evil. ![]() They are the same. Technical differences and Christianity has learned you can burn more bees with honey than vinegar and Islam hasn't learned this concept yet. They are a little behind the times. Again it was NOT murdering. The only reward for sin is death. They brought that upon themselves with disobeying our father. Murder is unlawfully killing someone. Being sentenced to death because of wrong doings isn't unlawful. you kinda sound like the muslims... they kill people for what they think are sins... They flat out murder the people without even knowing them or their backgrounds. Heck the people they murder sometimes even could be muslim themselves....... could be a total saint, but they don't know this for that's not their purpose behind the things they do. i think that's what dragoness was referring too... The crusades were a reaction to the Muslims killing,conquering,and destroying the Christians everywhere they went.The crusades were never started for the sole purpose of starting a War with the world and to kill everyone.The crusades were started because it was either fight back or be destroyed by the Muslims.Of course I don't expect any Atheist or anti Christian person on this planet to actually read or do some research on the crusades because I know that is asking a lot. In any case I really don't know why we have to keep going back hundreds or thousands of years and act like this is somehow relevant to our way of life and our way of justice.Should we also talk about how England still uses torture devices on prisoners to get confessions?Maybe we can spend a day talking about all the forms of justice that was used by all forms of religion and all the countries around the world 2000 years ago and tell all those countries that they are all bad because of their justice system 2,000 years ago and should be punished today.It's a bunch of nonsense.Why Christianity is the exception to this rule I have no idea. The more I debate some of you people the more pointless it is.We have issues concerning Islam that is happening right now all over the world.We have people being stoned in the name of Islam,people being blown to pieces in the name of Islam,people having their heads cut off in the name of Islam and what do I keep hearing?Christianity is the problem because of what they did 3,000 years ago when the Egyptians were building the pyramids.The whole world could be in chaos and on fire because of Islam and you people would be debating Christianity which is no threat to anyone anywhere in the world no matter who you are. Get real people.You think Christianity is bad then show me some proof.Show me someone who was stoned in the last 2,000 years in the name of Christianity.Show me suicide bombings on a daily basis.Show me beheadings,threats to other countries,beatings,and honor killings.You can't because they don't exist. |
The tea party has been doing very well lately.Nobody is laughing now are they?
Edited by
Tue 09/14/10 10:18 PM
I'm sure you can make 1,000 different objects from some blurry video and call it anything.What am I going to believe?A blurry video or a thousands witnesses from all walks of life? i just put it out there...i'm not telling you what believe... i didn't see a plane, nor did i see any plane parts in any picture i looked at... All the evidence is out there.The problem is everyone flocks to the first website they see which is always some liberal America sucks website put there by some liberal Anti American search engine like MSN and Google. All the parts and pieces of that airplane were sent to a warehouse,tagged and are in storage today.You can dispute all the photos and videos you want.What you can't dispute is the hundreds if not thousands of people cleaning up that mess and what they saw.If you are going to tell me that out of those hundreds of people nobody ever saw a single piece that looked like it was from a airplane,I know it is a lie because everyone saw a airplane hit the building.Yet everyone cleaning up the mess would really have to wonder why there isn't a single piece of aircraft in the building. Out of all those workers cleaning up the building did you ever hear a single person say "We never found any pieces of the aircraft that struck the Pentagon".No because they were picking up parts and pieces of that aircraft all over the place.How on earth are you going to explain that there is pieces of the aircraft laying in the grass that wasn't there 5 minutes before the explosion?Someone just happened to be carrying a large piece of a airplane and threw it in the grass right after the explosion? There is lots of photos here of debris The main reason none of these conspiracies hold up is because they have found bodies(or what is left of them)at the pentagon and made a positive I.D.match to those who were on that airplane that day who never came back.So we can ignore every eyewitness account about a airplane,and say it was a missile.Yet something is very wrong with this picture.How did 54 dead people end up into the Pentagon who had no business being there and were all checked into the computers at a airport and boarded the same aircraft that disappeared over Washington DC? Explain to me how a missile takes 54 people off a aircraft and transports them into a building?You can't because those 54 people were on a airplane that day.Until the 9/11 nutbags can explain how people go from a airport to a dead body in the Pentagon they have nothing. It is the same with the twin towers.A bunch of people check into a airplane and never come back.Where did the go?They find their body in the wreckage of the twin towers.How did the body get from the airport to the twin towers?Are you going to tell me all those dead from those airplanes called their familes and told them they were going to cancel their flight and head off to the twin towers for no reason?It's utter BS. You want proof?Do some reasearch on how the victims were identified in the wreckage and how they were matched up to the flights they were on that day.You can start here... Forensic feat IDs nearly all Pentagon victims |
I'm sure you can make 1,000 different objects from some blurry video and call it anything.What am I going to believe?A blurry video or a thousands witnesses from all walks of life? |
Have fun you guys duke this topic out. It's fun to watch how one group of people sucking up to the government version, versus another sucking up to another version of the story and both claim to be expert at pretty much everything..with of course the help of googling around the net. ![]() ![]() There is really nothing to talk about.In all the videos I have seen and my expierences in the military,I have yet to see a missle flying through a crowded city only 10 feet above the ground traveling at 1500 miles a hour,weaving around buildings,trees and bridges and then hit the side of a building.I would think someone would have noticed that. Yet thousands of people saw this plane hit this building. End of story. |
Hmmm, I dont know about that!! Where is the plane?? Where is all the massive debris that a 747 would have left strung out all over the place?? Wheres the bodies, and all the luggage?? Why is'nt that entire wall knocked down??...instead it has a small hole in it?? Where is all the video evidence of a plane hitting the Pentagon?? Small hole are you kidding me???You had a million people taking pictures of the Pentagon the next day and you don't have a small hole.You have massive damage to the building as show in in this and other photos. You can believe what you want.Like I said you have hundreds of witnesses that saw this plane hit the building. Something else you 9/11 nut jobs never can seem to understand is that you had a airplane full of people leave the airport and it never came back.Where did the plane and people go?Into outer space?Were all the traffic controllers smoking crack when they were tracking a plane that left the airport and disappeared over Washington DC? The bodies(or what was left of them)were recovered and I.D.ed.The airplane,luggage and everything else went into the building and the majority was burned to cinders.You are not going to find a full body after a airplane accident and after it has been burned to a crisp it will look almost unrecognizable. |