Community > Posts By > Thomas3474
There is a old saying ""All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke).
It is sad and actually pathetic in my view that we are not 100% apposed to this Islamic law.I find it quite fascinating how women(including those on this website)defend this law.You can fight sure put up a fight to the death when it comes to stupid issues like calling a Tea party member a racist.Yet a woman getting beat for issues such as wearing a little make up or looking at another man is a total brush off. I salute those who start these posts and have the guts to speak out against it.To those who defending beating of women your picture should be used for ads for birth control. |
The Top Ten Atheist Myths.
Myth 5 ~ "Atheists seek to remove religion from society, and to force all people to be atheists" Absolutely wrong. We seek only the freedom for people to make their choice on their own, free of intervention from the government or public school system. We seek the freedom not to support religion through taxes, forced participation, or special privileges of any kind. That being said, your thoughts are your rights, and none of our business. Wear your jewelry, celebrate your holidays, and pray in your house, church, or in public if you like. Just don't force your religion on other people. That's what we're all about. This is in direct contrast to many of the world's religions, including Christianity, which include worldwide expansion as one of their central objectives. Isn't it amazing that they falsely accuse us of doing what they do openly, only with atheism it's evil? To try to force atheism would by hypocritical, since we would be placing pressure from the state on people to believe a certain way. But let me give a good analogy to our objectives and at the same time answer this charge using the money we use every day. "In God We Trust," is the government actively promoting religion. "In God We Do Not Trust," would be the government promoting atheism. We advocate the complete omission of the statement thereby rendering the money neutral. We feel the same way about the rest of the government. It should be the "Switzerland of the religious debate," while at the same time being the protectorate of the individual." ![]() As someone who debates news and politics on a daily basis I would say you are dead wrong on Atheist not wanting religion totally removed from our society in every way shape and form.I know this is a fact because any time you hear of a lawsuit about religion it is always by some Atheist.It is always the ACLU who is representing them. Atheist and the ACLU have sued to remove personal prayers from schools,Christmas trees and lights in public places,the word Christmas removed from school calendars,the banning of any mention of God or Jesus in any high school speeches,removal of the 10 commandments from courthouses,in God we trust off the money,the list goes on and on and on. All these cases have gone to the Federal Supreme court and have always been lost on behalf of the Athiest because the word God is not exclusive to Christianity.God could mean many different things to many different people who live here.So it is really impossible to bring a lawsuit naming Christianity as who's God we are talking about(even though we all know it is)because it could mean any religions God.In that sense the Government is not specific endorsing a certain religion. As far as your rant about Atheist minding their own business when Christians are practicing their faith???If you think we are going to believe that you are way off track.You are a prime example of someone who can't seem to mind his own business since you have to flood this site daily with some sort of anti Christian post.I don't think you could mind your own business if someone paid you to do it.Atheist will attack,attack,and attack some more on any excuse they can find on Christianity.Be it a speech mentioning Jesus Christ at graduation or someone wanting to draw a picture of a cross in class.Rest assured they will be right up your a** with a nice lawsuit and lawyer from the ACLU. |
I honestly don't see what the big deal is.Who is going to deny that 9/11 was committed by Muslims using Islam as their justification for what they did?As far as not being comfortable flying with Muslims I can't say I blame him.We are still at War with Islam where daily terrorist bombings kill innocent people in countries all over the world.Threats come in all the time including one recently telling Americans they shouldn't fly to Europe at this time.
This man is only saying what the majority of Americans want to say.If NPR feels that this is offensive then they are way out of touch with reality.It is this stupid Political correctness frame of mind that is leading to bankrupt newspapers and other media outlets. Watch Fox's ratings rise again and NPR can expect to be put in the crapper with all the other rejects like Micheal moor and Sean penn. |
Does God create evil? Isaiah 45:7 and Amos 3:6 (Isaiah 45:7, KJV) - "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." (Amos 3:6) - "Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?" Is God really the one who created evil? To answer the question we must first look at how the word for evil, "rah," is used in the Bible, examine the context of the Isaiah 45:7 passage, and look at other passages on the same subject. First of all, the Hebrew word for evil, "rah," is used in many different ways in the Bible. In the KJV Bible it occurs 663 times. 431 times it is translated as "evil." The other 232 times it is translated as "wicked," "bad," "hurt," "harm," "ill," "sorrow," "mischief," "displeased," "adversity," "affliction," "trouble," "calamity," "grievous," "misery," and "trouble." So we can see that the word does not require that it be translated as "evil." This is why different Bibles translate this verse differently. It is translated as "calamity" by the NASB and NKJV; "disaster" by the NIV; and "woe" by the RSV. Second, the context of the verse is speaking of natural phenomena. "I am the Lord, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God. I will gird you, though you have not known Me; 6That men may know from the rising to the setting of the sun That there is no one besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other, 7The One forming light and creating darkness, Causing well-being and creating calamity; I am the Lord who does all these," (Isaiah 45:5-7). Notice that the context of the verse is dealing with who God is, that it is God who speaks of natural phenomena (sun, light, dark), and it is God who is able to cause "well-being" as well as "calamity." Contextually, this verse is dealing with natural disasters and human comfort issues. It is not speaking of moral evil; rather, it is dealing with calamity, distress, etc. This is consistent with other scriptures. For example, "And the Lord said to him, "Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes him dumb or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?" (Exodus 4:11). "Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?" (Amos 3:6). Also, take note that Isaiah is presenting contrasts. He speaks of "light" and "darkness," "well being" and "calamity." The word "well-being" in the Hebrew is the word for 'peace,' "Shalome." So, in the context, we are seeing two sets of opposites: Light and dark, peace and non-peace, or well being and calamity. The "evil" that is spoken of is not ontological evil, but the evil experienced by people in the form of calamity. From the above two verses (Exodus 4:11; Amos 3:6) we can see that the Lord is involved in calamity and problems in the earthly realm. Exodus 4:11 is speaking of human frailty and Amos 3:6 is speaking of woes in a city. It is not a moral evil that God brings, but calamity and distress upon people. Of course, this raises other questions of why God would do such a thing, which I won't cover here. But, we can trust that whatever God does is just and is used for teaching, guiding, and disciplining His people. Third, there are other verses that clearly show that God is pure and that He cannot approve of evil. “The Rock! His work is perfect, For all His ways are just; a God of faithfulness and without injustice, righteous and upright is He," (Deut. 32:4). "Thine eyes are too pure to approve evil, and Thou canst not look on wickedness with favor," (Hab. 1:13). We can see that the Bible teaches that God is pure and does not approve of evil, that the word "rah" (evil) in Hebrew can mean many things, and that contextually the verse is speaking of calamity and distress. Therefore, God does not create evil in the moral sense, but in the sense of disaster or calamity. |
the past is the past,now is the only thing thats real RKISIT 3:16 Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana (1863 - 1952), The Life of Reason, Volume 1, 1905 The Crusades, Hitler, The Dippic (crusade again)....who wants that crap back? ME 4:20 Ah yes just throw out that crusades over and over and over with out ever reading a single page about it?I know you just love to be spoon fed some liberal garbage from some anti Christian website.But since you insist on researching nothing I have no problem making you look like the guy who always puts his foot in his mouth again,and again,and again..... A REACTION TO JIHAD The crusaders were reacting to over four centuries of relentless Islamic Jihad, which had wiped out over 50% of all the Christians in the world and conquered over 60% of all the Christian lands on earth – before the crusades even began. Many of the towns liberated by the crusaders were still over 90% Christian when the crusaders arrived. The Middle East was the birthplace of the Christian Church. It was the Christians who had been conquered and oppressed by the Seljuk Turks. So many of the towns in the Middle East welcomed the crusaders as liberators. Far from the crusaders being the aggressors, it was the Muslim armies which had spread Islam from Saudi Arabia across the whole of Christian North Africa into Spain and even France within the first century after the death of Muhammad. Muslim armies sacked and slaughtered their way across some of the greatest Christian cities in the world, including Alexandria, Carthage, Antioch and Constantinople. These Muslim invaders destroyed over 3,200 Christian churches just in the first 100 years of Islam. I am not going to waste a single second debating that always idiotic debate Hitler was a Jew worshiping Christian. PLEASE,PLEASE,FEEL FREE TO POST YOU PHOTO OF THE 79 TIME OF HITLER STANDING NEXT TO THE POPE! I don't need to go back over a thousand years to look for people killed by Atheist dictators.Over a hundred million have been killed just in the last 100 years and thousands die daily in countries like Atheist China which has the worst human rights record in history. Mao Zedong-70 million dead. Joseph Stalin-61 million. Pol pot-3 million. Shall I go on? |
![]() Look at how silly this fable truly is! John.14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 6:44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day. No one can get to the Father but by Jesus, but no one can get to Jesus buy by the Father. ![]() So clearly humans have no choice in the matter. You can't get to Jesus by choice like the Christians have claimed. Their very own fable rejects this notion. The only thing you can do is wait to be drawn in by the Father. Jesus taught this in other verses as well when he spoke about lost sheep. He said that he would go out looking for his lost sheep, he never suggested that he expects them to come looking for him. Of course, we can't truly say that Jesus taught any of this because we have nothing from Jesus. All we have to go by is these convoluted rumors written by other men. Men who often disagree with each other, and even contradict their very own claims. The mere fact that Jesus did not agree with the teachings of the Torah is really all the evidence that we truly need to conclude that Jesus could not possibly have been the son of the God of Abraham. So we can reject those rumors right off the bat. If we can connect the teachings of Jesus with anything, the closest philosophy that was popular in those day would have been Mahayana Buddhism. Just compare the moral teachings that were attributed to Jesus in the gospels with the moral teachings of Mahayana Buddhism including their concept of a Bodhisattva and it's clear that Jesus was far more likely a Buddhist than he was the demigod of the God of Abraham. It's really that simple. ========================================================== John.14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 6:44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day. =========================================================== This example isn't an exact example, but it's roughly the same thing. Same I work at Wall Mart. You're looking for a job, thus i suggest wall mart... *the father drawing you in.* So you apply to the job with the manager of wall mart *Jesus Christ*. The owner hires you for the job. If you do your job well you get promoted *heaven*. This is how it works. The father will draw EVERYONE that seeks him first. I tell you of God, that little feeling/thought "well maybe he's right". That is the father speaking to you trying to draw you to him. Right then and there you have the choice to follow the path which leads to our father. So you get on the path... now where do you go? It's ok, you won't get lost Jesus is there to direct you to the way to our father. So...following God and Jesus is like working for Evil Inc...I mean Walmart. Good to know. And... I've sought God. Never found Him. Jesus, on the other hand, was hiding behind the couch the whole time. Crazy long haired hippie...he should stop walkin' on water and start showing with it....I'm just saying...nobody wants to smell your humanity..divinity...whatever... In any case, I'm not thinking "well maybe he's right". sorry dude... Have you really sought God? Have you really truly sought our father? Having no doubt, having no fears, having no second thoughts? Have you really true heartedly sought our father? You don't have to answer these if you do not wish, just asked mainly for you personally to think about. Recruiting to add more religious nutbags onto the already bloated number of fools who believe that crap. You guys have done enough damage to society already...stop tying to convert people into zombies. Every time you guys worm your way into our government we get results like these guys: ![]() ![]() ![]() (sorry but it's never too early for XMAS!) It's really too bad Bush rarely if every mentioned Christianity.I know you Atheist would just have loved it if he did so you could start another nauseating smear post to fling mud at the man. He did have this to say in a interview.... Interviewer Cynthia McFadden asked Bush if the Bible was literally true. “You know. Probably not. … No, I’m not a literalist, but I think you can learn a lot from it, but I do think that the New Testament for example is … has got … You know, the important lesson is ‘God sent a son,’” Bush said. “It is hard for me to justify or prove the mystery of the Almighty in my life,” he said. “All I can just tell you is that I got back into religion and I quit drinking shortly thereafter and I asked for help. … I was a one-step program guy.” Sounds more like a man in the middle of the road instead of a Christian. |
I think I can sum up where this thread is heading... Most Christians are misguided by self deluded fools who likewise bought into the BS for many reasons. The church has become what Jesus hated. You cannot sell salvation. You cannot speak for god. GOD speaks for God. There are Christians who live by the Word of Jesus and those who live by Jesus being their savior. The ones living by the word get it. The pray to God only. They do not pray to Jesus. the rest are not smart enough to see the lies they are being blinded by. People think they have heaven to gain if they beat the drum of Church loud enough. People think that by staunchly and blindly following a belief and not asking questions of it that they will get some pass into heaven. It is sad to see so many people who give up their souls to an idea that there is a loving God waiting for them on the other side of death. No one knows what lies on the other side. People are too fuqued up on heaven and you get Islamics out of the deal becasue people want to have order in their lives that the hypocrisy of Organized Christianity robs them of. There is a lot more to life than a book written from a collection of other writings and twisted to fit the dogma of a pseudo-pagan belief system. People that cannot see past their own noses are cursed to remain short sighted all their lives. Likewise wearing cross embellished blinders does not help anyone. All Jesus wanted was for people to actually live good lives above the bestial and instinctual natures of our species. Humans are innately evil becasue we have instincts that drive us harder than our intellectual side can over come. Starve a good man long enough and abuse him and he either will lay down and die or lash out and fight. The story of job is the ultimate tale of a puzzywhipped man if I ever seen one! God handed that man to Lucifer and he got totally punished all to placate God's vanity. So I take it God is above sin too? Frankly why worry about heaven until the time goes to get there? Life is too hard to be blinded to the fact we either chose to live good lives or bad. There is no buying forgiveness. There is no being absolved of our guilt! Do the crime, do the time! Killing the son of God is a crime! I am of the Heritage of the ones who nailed his azz to the tree! Hell, I don't want any part of Jesus's murder! The more I read some of these replies the more it reminds me of watching a couple of 10 year olds.I have to keep believing I am actually talking to adults here and not some immature 5th grader.Yet from what I have been reading I feel like I am at the wrong web site and have been redirected to some elementry school webpage for mentally challenged children. Is this is how you debate I can see why Cowboy is usually the only person who is dealing with you.The rest of us are out there on other sites having logical,thoughtful,productive debates with mature,intellegent,respectful people who don't need to insult us with every other word they speak. As far as us foolish Christians?About the only people who use that term are the Atheist.Christians schools and colleges are constantly outperforming everyone else.Home schooled Christians are also far superior in their knowledge compared to your average high school student.You famous foolish Christians would include nearly all the founding fathers,nearly all of our Presidents,the founders of some of the worlds greatest inventions,and the CEO's and founders of some of Americas most important companies. Famous and intelligent Atheist???You might get 50 then again you might not. You say going to church is what Jesus hated?Wow!!!!Reading about his life,praising his works,and worshiping and singing songs devoted to him is hatred towards Jesus???I would say that is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard debating religion.Oh and Andy church is free.You don't have to pay a dime. I do speak for God and I do speak for Jesus because I am telling you exactly what they said,and why they said it.I am a Christian disciple and when I quote bible verses I am speaking the words of God. Every Christian I have ever met believes Jesus is their God and savior.You will not find half and half.It makes no difference if you pray to God or if you pray to Jesus because they are all one in three entities.The father,the son,and the Holy ghost. I can see your lack of biblical knowledge is not only wrong it's embarrassing wrong.Job wasn't a push over he was quite the opposite.Job was a very Holy and faithful man.Satan told God if he killed all of his animals,killed all of his offspring,and left Job broke and homeless Job would deny God and curse God.God allowed Satan to have his way with Job and Satan killed all of his animals,all of his family,and everything else he could do except kill him... All of Job's possessions are destroyed and a 'ruach' (wind/spirit) causes the house of the firstborn to collapse killing all of Job's offspring who were gathered for a feast.[note 1] Job does not curse God after this but instead shaves his head, tears his clothes and says, "Naked I came out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return: Lord has given, and Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of Lord" (Simplified).[4] As Job endures these calamities without reproaching Divine Providence, Satan solicits permission to afflict his person as well, and God says, "Behold, he is in your hand, but don't touch his life." Satan, therefore, smites him with dreadful boils, and Job, seated in ashes, scrapes his skin with broken pottery. His wife prompts him to "curse God, and die" but Job answers, "You speak as one of the foolish speaks. Moreover, shall we receive good from God and shall not receive evil?" Despite everything that happened to Job he never denied or cursed God not once.Satan was dead wrong about Job.Job never did anything Satan claimed he would do.God was so pleased with Job he gave his sons back to him,healed him of his boils,restored his house,and multiplied his animals many times over.It was said Job was so rich and powerful that he was in control of the entire Middle east. There is much.much more to this story which is too long to post here.Job is is my most favorite books of the bible and is loaded with wisdom.I posted some bible verse here... The Book of Job, Chapter 30 1 But now the younger in time scorn me, whose fathers I would not have set with the dogs of my flock: 2 The strength of whose hands was to me as nothing, and they were thought unworthy of life itself. 3 Barren with want and hunger, who gnawed in the wilderness, disfigured with calamity and misery. 4 And they ate grass, and barks of trees, and the root of junipers was their food. 5 Who snatched up these things out of the valleys, and when they had found any of them, they ran to them with a cry. 6 They dwelt in the desert places of torrents, and in caves of earth, or upon the gravel. 7 They pleased themselves among these kind of things, and counted it delightful to be under the briers. 8 The children of foolish and base men, and not appearing at all upon the earth. 9 Now I am turned into their song, and am become their byword. 10 They abhor me, and flee far from me, and are not afraid to spit in my face. 11 For he hath opened his quiver, and hath afflicted me, and hath put a bridle into my mouth. 12 At the right hand of my rising, my calamities forthwith arose: they have overthrown my feet, and have overwhelmed me with their paths as with waves. 13 They have destroyed my ways, they have lain in wait against me, and they have prevailed, and there was none to help. 14 They have rushed in upon me, as when a wall is broken, and a gate opened, and have rolled themselves down to my miseries. 15 I am brought to nothing: as a wind thou hast taken away my desire: and my prosperity hath passed away like a cloud. 16 And now my soul fadeth within myself, and the days of affliction possess me. 17 In the night my bone is pierced with sorrows: and they that feed upon me, do not sleep. 18 With the multitude of them my garment is consumed, and they have girded me about, as with the collar of my coat. 19 I am compared to dirt, and am likened to embers and ashes. 20 I cry to thee, and thou hearest me not: I stand up, and thou dost not regard me. 21 Thou art changed to be cruel toward me, and in the hardness of thy hand thou art against me. 22 Thou hast lifted me up, and set me as it were upon the wind, and thou hast mightily dashed me. 23 I know that thou wilt deliver me to death, where a house is appointed for every one that liveth. 24 But yet thou stretchest not forth thy hand to their consumption: and if they shall fall down thou wilt save. 25 I wept heretofore for him that was afflicted, and my soul had compassion on the poor. 26 I expected good things, and evils are come upon me: I waited for light, and darkness broke out. 27 My inner parts have boiled without any rest, the days of affliction have prevented me. 28 I went mourning without indignation; I rose up, and cried in the crowd. 29 I was the brother of dragons, and companion of ostriches. 30 My skin is become black upon me, and my bones are dried up with heat. 31 My harp is turned to mourning, and my organ into the voice of those that weep. |
The whole reason don't ask don't tell was put there to begin with is because a soldier was beaten to death by his roommates because he was coming out of the closet.
People really need to look at why some of these laws were put there to begin with and why they should be enforced. |
In Oregon it was just on the news they were interviewing a 4th grade teacher that had been fired. This teacher says the only reason he was fired is because he is gay. He was fired he said when a 4th grade student of his asked him if he was married. here is the link and story... BEAVERTON, Ore. -- A student teacher who was fired at a Beaverton school after letting students know he was gay told KGW in an exclusive interview that the district discriminated against him. Seth Stambaugh, 23, wanted to be a teacher his entire life. "It's the energy I get when I walk into a classroom. It's joyous beyond belief," said Stambaugh. He grew up in New Mexico, where he was bullied and felt sheer terror by the notion of "coming out." "When I came out at 16, I felt like it was a huge relief," he recalled. He visited Portland and felt the city was very welcoming of gays and lesbians. He couldn't wait to move here. The Lewis and Clark grad student felt compelled to teach students through a program for teaching education. But he never thought that he would be tossed out of a school after he said he just told a student the truth. It was September 10th, when a fourth grader asked him the question. "The student asked me if I was married, I responded 'no.' He asked 'why?' I said it was illegal for me to get married. I said 'it's because I want to marry a man.'" Days later, Stambaugh was fired and he said no one told him exactly why. He told KGW he suspected that it was because of his conversation with that 4th grader. "I felt extremely hurt and discriminated against. Everyone in the school is free to talk about their marital status as long as they are heterosexual," he said. In a statement, the Beaverton School District wrote, "We understand this action has resulted in the student teacher alleging discrimination. The concerns were about professional judgment and age appropriateness. While the details of this issue remain confidential, the district's policy and practice is non-discrimination." So what do parents say? "He or she should not be fired," said parent Paul Chen. "I don't think anybody should be fired for giving a well though-out articulate answer to a kids' question, " said parent Mike Speer. But some parents wonder why Seth would reveal his gay marital status to a 4th grader? "I think that 4th graders know that gays exist, they hear it on the playgrounds," Stambaugh said. "To say this guy, meaning me, came out and should disappear sends a negative [message] to a gay child who could be questioning their own sexuality." The superintendent was reviewing whether to reinstate Stambaugh. In the meantime, he's student teaching at a Portland Public School. .... personally i see this as another attempt to use sexuality for poor job performance. Why tell a 4th grade student about he is not because it is illegal for him to marry a man? Looks to me like he could of just said no.. that someday he hopes to be. A 4th grade student does not understand this escecially if his parents are not for it. He planted a seed of contention possibly with this child and his parents and should of known this was possible. The news is all over this so is the ACLU. If the child would of asked Do you believe in Hell and the teacher would of said Yes and he said why and the teacher would of said what his beliefs were then all the non believers would of said this teacher was spreading religion in school. Which also i believe a quiick short answer of I just do would suffice. But if that teacher would of been fired for saying that it would not be in the news except maybe in a negative conotation if the teacher complained and anyone listened.. The only reason this is in the news at all is him being Gay and everyone hates the Gay people. This is a form of brain washing our children and has no place for the ACLU or anyone else to be making a big deal out of this except to brainwash the public and send a clear message. Do anything to a Gay person and u will pay for it buddy..Huh? Shalom....Miles How much do you think an average fourth grader knows about sex? Do you think they understand that their parents have 'intercourse' and what that looks like, and what that means? So if a gay or a lesbian say, to a fourth grader, I can't get married because the law won't let me marry my (g-friend or b-friend) - what do you suppose is going through that fourth graders head? Probalby - WHY NOT? To which a teacher might respond, it's always been a tradition that only men can women. At that point the fourth grader may be satisfied with the information provided and go on his way. If not, further carefully chosen word respond - as briefly as necesary - to the child. Adults, especially those who have studied and trained to work with kids have enough knowledge about how to communicate with kids at various levels. What is wrong with honesty? It is not only proper that GLBT be 'allowed' to teach, we should be happy to have them teach openly. All those kids who committed suicide, all those lonely, isolated, depressed kids who had no one they thought would understand, no one to turn to. When my son was in high school there were no openly homosexual teachers. He had a friend who committed suicide and he decided to write a school newspapaer article about what it's like to be a gay teenager - that was how he came out. Teachers he didn't know sought him out to shake his hand, students overtook him in the halls (they just wanted to talk) "I have a cousin who...." "Does your family know - how'd they react?" "My best friend is afraid...." "How can I tell my Dad?" "How did you know you were gay?" He was overwhelmed and I was relieved because I actually feared for his safety. And then they started coming here to my home. Afraid, questioning, concerned and the run aways. WHERE ARE THE TEACHERS that these kids can turn to? They are told to keep quiet, they are being fired and kids are being bullied to death. What is wrong with the truth???? Once again I wonder what year you are living in and on what planet?There is no law preventing homosexual teachers from teaching and I am sure there are thousands all over America.There has been laws for at least 20 years telling employers the can not prohibit hiring someone based on sexual orientation.So where you are getting there are no gay teachers in our schools and colleges I have no idea. You think 4th graders don't ask where babies come from sooner or later?You want to talk about confusion.Try explaining to a 4th grader how two men have sex and how two women get pregnant.I do not need to teach a 4th grader about anal sex,strap ons,drag queens,sperm donors and artificially insemination for lesbians.Just like I don't need to teach them about bondage,golden showers,whips and chains,and everything else that is totally useless to a 4th grader. Homosexuality is a lifestyle that you can not force people to accept or like.Homosexuals should know if they are going to be openly gay many people are going to treat them different and not be comfortable around them.You may think it's normal and acceptable but the majority do not. |
NOONE is born homosexual or heterosexual as we get older we decide what our preference is If that was true you would probably have a 50%/50% change being born gay or straight much like you have a 50%/50% chance being born male or female.We would also have to assume the animals are in the same scenario.Yet considering a very small minority in this country is gay I find this logic extremely flawed.There has never been any proof anyone was born gay. Everyone is born straight.Nobody is born gay. |
In Oregon it was just on the news they were interviewing a 4th grade teacher that had been fired. This teacher says the only reason he was fired is because he is gay. He was fired he said when a 4th grade student of his asked him if he was married. here is the link and story... BEAVERTON, Ore. -- A student teacher who was fired at a Beaverton school after letting students know he was gay told KGW in an exclusive interview that the district discriminated against him. Seth Stambaugh, 23, wanted to be a teacher his entire life. "It's the energy I get when I walk into a classroom. It's joyous beyond belief," said Stambaugh. He grew up in New Mexico, where he was bullied and felt sheer terror by the notion of "coming out." "When I came out at 16, I felt like it was a huge relief," he recalled. He visited Portland and felt the city was very welcoming of gays and lesbians. He couldn't wait to move here. The Lewis and Clark grad student felt compelled to teach students through a program for teaching education. But he never thought that he would be tossed out of a school after he said he just told a student the truth. It was September 10th, when a fourth grader asked him the question. "The student asked me if I was married, I responded 'no.' He asked 'why?' I said it was illegal for me to get married. I said 'it's because I want to marry a man.'" Days later, Stambaugh was fired and he said no one told him exactly why. He told KGW he suspected that it was because of his conversation with that 4th grader. "I felt extremely hurt and discriminated against. Everyone in the school is free to talk about their marital status as long as they are heterosexual," he said. In a statement, the Beaverton School District wrote, "We understand this action has resulted in the student teacher alleging discrimination. The concerns were about professional judgment and age appropriateness. While the details of this issue remain confidential, the district's policy and practice is non-discrimination." So what do parents say? "He or she should not be fired," said parent Paul Chen. "I don't think anybody should be fired for giving a well though-out articulate answer to a kids' question, " said parent Mike Speer. But some parents wonder why Seth would reveal his gay marital status to a 4th grader? "I think that 4th graders know that gays exist, they hear it on the playgrounds," Stambaugh said. "To say this guy, meaning me, came out and should disappear sends a negative [message] to a gay child who could be questioning their own sexuality." The superintendent was reviewing whether to reinstate Stambaugh. In the meantime, he's student teaching at a Portland Public School. .... personally i see this as another attempt to use sexuality for poor job performance. Why tell a 4th grade student about he is not because it is illegal for him to marry a man? Looks to me like he could of just said no.. that someday he hopes to be. A 4th grade student does not understand this escecially if his parents are not for it. He planted a seed of contention possibly with this child and his parents and should of known this was possible. The news is all over this so is the ACLU. If the child would of asked Do you believe in Hell and the teacher would of said Yes and he said why and the teacher would of said what his beliefs were then all the non believers would of said this teacher was spreading religion in school. Which also i believe a quiick short answer of I just do would suffice. But if that teacher would of been fired for saying that it would not be in the news except maybe in a negative conotation if the teacher complained and anyone listened.. The only reason this is in the news at all is him being Gay and everyone hates the Gay people. This is a form of brain washing our children and has no place for the ACLU or anyone else to be making a big deal out of this except to brainwash the public and send a clear message. Do anything to a Gay person and u will pay for it buddy..Huh? Shalom....Miles =================================== In Oregon it was just on the news they were interviewing a 4th grade teacher that had been fired. This teacher says the only reason he was fired is because he is gay. ==================================== Was fired for being gay, doesn't mean it had any religious influence. Some people may not want their kids taught by a homosexual teacher. They may feel it's teaching their children immoral social behavior for a lot of people regardless of religious preference don't like homosexuality. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- =================================== BEAVERTON, Ore. -- A student teacher who was fired at a Beaverton school after letting students know he was gay told KGW in an exclusive interview that the district discriminated against him =================================== Same as previous mentioning. The parents may have felt uncomfortable for a homosexual teacher teaching their children, regardless of religious preference. Same with all your examples...... it's all revolved around teachers and homosexuality. Same as if a teacher with a record of murder or any other immoral action. Still nothing specifically towards religious preference. What reasons could any parent have to feel any more uncomfortable with a gay or lebian teacher versus a heterosexual one? And where do you think those ideas may have come from? I'm only asking becasue most of the misconceptions that people have about homosexuals, come from Christian extremist groups. Wow thats a hot one!I have to go to some Christian extremist group to find out about homosexuals! No it called the ability to read our bibles and understand why God destroyed a entire city because of sodomy and how he calls it a abomination. I will tell you why parents feel uncomfortable with a gay or lesbian teachers.It is because in their mind Christians are wrong and they will more likely push pro gay issues such as gay marriage and gay sex education which parents do not want their kids exposed to. |
NOONE is born homosexual or heterosexual as we get older we decide what our preference is If that was true you would probably have a 50%/50% change being born gay or straight much like you have a 50%/50% chance being born male or female.We would also have to assume the animals are in the same scenario.Yet considering a very small minority in this country is gay I find this logic extremely flawed.There has never been any proof anyone was born gay. |
Except that most anti gay rhetoric comes from the major religion in the world. Most of the parents who teach their gay children they are going to hell are religious. Most children who mistreat other children for being gay are children of the religious who taught their children that being gay is wrong. So it always comes back to the religious influence that causes this problem. No, still just faults in people. We all sin, we all fail the father everyday. One sin is no bigger then the other. Again the only sin greater then any other is denying the lord thy God. Other then that ALL sins are equal. And it would be a sin to treat the homosexuals badly just cause they are homosexual. For one we aren't to treat any person badly and for another, that is making a judgement on someone which we are not to do, again because we ALL sin. So stop preaching against homosexuality and stop calling it immoral since both of those are treating people badly and judging them. Freedom of speech is A RIGHT and freedom of religion is also a RIGHT.Nobody is going to tell me what I can't say or not say despite if you like it or not.I will until the day I die preach against homosexuality and those who support it.There is not a single thing you are anyone else can say or do about it. |
You Atheist are a work of art.Blabbing away every chance you get how evil the Christians are yet start a topic like this to insult,smear,and spew hate towards Pat Robertson.
Gotta love you two face double standards.I think I will pass up the opportunity to call Pat Robertson names like Nazi,Bozo,stupid,moron,etc,etc,etc,.I'm sure the you will get around to it along with calling the Sarah palin a stupid dumb whore. Perhaps tomorrow you can start another post and call it something like "Dumb,stupid,miserable,idiot,Christian fell down stairs and broke his nose,ha,ha,ha!"Then you can sit back with a smile and tell me how hateful the Christians are towards society. |
I respectfully submit that although you have provided AMPLE examples of bullying and isolated studies about percentages of this and that and also have given a very respectable assessment of how bullying is about finding an easy 'target' and none of these are YOUR personal opinions
the correlation then created that implies RELIGION is at the base, is indeed a personal interpretation of the other information provided,,,one which I dont share,,, correlation can be made between all types of things, when a society is so diverse and complex, but those correlations are not definitive proof, for me , of a causation that lends to any group being persecuted (or blamed) for the actions of a few I appreciate that you have reviewed all the information I have provided and for the explanation of your objections. I can see why the last step in the process might be considered my opinion. While considering this I also realized that I closed the conversation, leaving no room for other views. So I would like to amend those errors below, beginning with a better conclusion or summary statement: The conclusion "I" drew from the information presented is that the conflicts which exist between many Christian views and the LGBT have become heightened by Christian extremist organizations as the LGBT attempt to assert their acceptance and equality through the legal process. Christian extremism began to permeate all avenues of pubic media, the extreme messages were promoted as truth and as ‘THE’ Christian view. The messages themselves often contain hateful and derogatory language and concepts – that’s why they are extreme. Unfortunately those messages of hate and ridicule have affected how others view and react to LGBT individuals. I think that’s the process by which hate, devaluation, and discrimination of LGBT has become such a strong presence within our communities and of course that trickles down to our children and bullies pick up on it. None of this research concludes that all Christians are responsible for this process, it does not conclude that the LGBT are without responsibility either. What it does show is one example of how hate and discrimination flourishes within our society. Those are my personal findings however, there are other possibilities that may account for how such hatred of a specific group of people might permeate the entire culture making it possible for unfounded discrimination to find its way to the level of our school aged kids. I will say, that I have not thought of any other avenues by which this hate could have traveled – if you or anyone else has another idea to offer, it might be worth researching and presenting, as any contributing factors which can be addressed to help make our schools safe places to be and learn should not be ignored. There is one last thing, I do not believe for a second that all Christians are extremists and I would not presume to lay an accusation of blame for the behavior we have seen on any single group. What does continue to concern me is that I have seen, all too often, the extremist propaganda of the more radical Christian groups being referred to by otherwise mainstream Christians to support a particular personal view. I would like to believe that the ‘real’ majority of Christians (as opposed to the extremists whose majority is base on financial power) fall back on extremist views out of ignorance of the source and the full message behind the view. That’s what most the LGBT community would like to think too, which is why our activist networks make it a point to publicize and counter those erroneous views with facts and better logic. If our differences were allowed to be merely a matter of differing religious interpretation, the bullying would probably not be so extreme (not that exist at all, but we know it would). Instead, too many people allow their personal religious beliefs to override a larger societal view of 'civil order'. If discrimination against others is necessary to anyone's belief system, it seems to me that any religious group should be entitled to that discrimination, within the confines of their religious social peers. That is freedom to worship as you choose, but eventually we all have to realize that the price we pay for the liberties and freedoms we have is to accept certain limitations of those freedoms so as not to infringe on the freedoms of others. Exactly how are the religious extremist preventing the gays from doing anything?They can't.They can't stop gay people from doing what ever they want.They have a right to express their own opinion just like anyone else does in America.If you don't like it,nobody is going to chain you down in a chair and force you to hear it.How many Christians are out there protesting gay bars and gay business's?None.How many protest gay pride parades?One or two maybe.How many of them are threatning gays with violence?None. I think you are delusional or just making up this theory that the Christians hijacked the media station to spew hatred towards the homosexuals.The Christian leaders may have been interviewed on news stations to debate.But I can't remember anyone saying hateful or racist things about homosexuals.In any case new stations like CNN an MSNBC are totally liberal,pro homosexual,and anti Christian. You ever stop to consider the other side of the coin?How hateful and vile the gays are to the Christians out there(including posts on this site)?You want to talk about media?How many hundreds of times did I have to hear that Christians were nothing but a bunch of homophobic,racist,Nazi's spewing out of every new station of the United states,spoken by the gays and those who represent them?You have any idea how slanted the media is towards gays?They bend over backward for the gay agenda and insult and smear Christianity the best they can.When was the last time any media station showed us good or positive news towards Christianity?You ever stop to consider that gays harassing a Christian is not different than a Christian harassing a gay? Yes there is hateful people out there.Putting all the blame on the Christians is nothing but a cop out because we all know people from all walks of life,all ages,and from all countries can say hateful things about the gays.We all experience hate and we all deal with it. |
Here we go. Homosexuality is not immoral. My children were raised to believe all sexual orientations are normal and okay, be it gay, bi or hetero. My children are all hetero. So letting the poor children know that being gay is okay doesn't brain wash nor does it harm the children in any way. Telling people it is not okay to be gay is harmful. Telling children who are born gay that being gay is wrong is extremely harmful. Gay people need the religious to stop torturing gays with a threat of hell. Gay people need to be able to tell the children on their job that they are gay and have the children understand that it is just as normal as heterosexuality. Until we are fair and just in our treatment of people in this country, the fight will continue and it will be news. Sweeping hatred under the rug is just what the bigots want done so make sure we shout it out when hatred is about. I made a rhyme ![]() Homosexuality is immoral for quite a few reasons. We try to teach our children sexual actions are for reproduction... to try to keep them from just sleeping around with their boyfriends/girlfriends while still in school, and or tell them to wait for marriage. Homosexual sex is purely a physical lustful action. Nothing good comes of it, no reproduction or anything. That is what sex is for, creation. Bull! :o bulls can procreate with homosexual sex? :o Procreation isn't needed anymore. We are over populated, not under populated. So it is bull s h i t! We are not over populated in an entirely worldly view. Yes some city's are over populated. But there is ALOT of room on this planet for more people. So I guess eating each other eventually is okay in the bible? No, and again the WORLD is NOT over populated. There is plenty and plenty of land on this planet for more people as cities expand and or new cities are built. You can actually fit everyone in the entire world in all the buildings on Long island,New york.Anyone who believes the world is over populated is a fool.You ever drive across New mexico,Arizona,Utah,Kansas,Montana,Nebraska,and Wyoming?You know what you see?Hundreds of miles of virgin land with nobody living there.The entire country of Canada only has 32 million people and it is bigger than the United states.Russia is over 8,600,000 square miles which is nearly twice as big as the United states yet has a population lower than the United states by millions. |
"With or without religion, good people will do good things and evil people will do evil things. But, for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." Steven Weinberg So true. That has to be one of the dumbest quotes I have ever heard.Atheist countries like China who have the worst human rights records in history and are only getting worse? ![]() Yet Atheisms role in bettering society and the world has resulted in hundreds of millions dead due to War,genocide,greed,and power. When your looking for answers what does Atheism offer?Nothing. When you are homeless and starving out on the streets what does Atheism offer you?Nothing. When you have questions about where you go after you die what does Atheism offer you?Nothing. |
where is the research thats going to PROVE that a majority of any type of bullying is due to religious propoganda,,,is there a study showing that those doing the bullying regularly attend church or read their bible or watch christian television?
I can respond to your question but it will not be in the form you might expect. I will need to lay some important ground work in order to make my answer clear. Research: In social psychology a relatively small portion of the research is done in a lab setting, much of the ‘research’ can only be accomplished through direct observation in real situations, while a large portion of the research is accomplished through large representative surveys (Q & A of individuals) and then studied. It’s possible to collect the data from these various forms of research and make inferences that would not be possible without combining the previously and separately collected data. There is a large body of research, that when combined has yielded theories related to bullying. From these theories we have learned how to identify bullying, and predict the characteristics of the bully, the target, and the passive participants. Bullying: Briefly – what we know about bullies is that they want to have control or power over others and to assert that power within a chosen peer group. Bullies will determine the means of gaining their power in one of two ways. The bully may use the strategy of taking cues from peers that he or she wants to impress. For example, if one of the group makes comments about particular characteristics of another and the rest of the group, laughs and joins in, the bully will pick up on those cues and use that strategy on the target. The other strategy is to initiate comments here and there to determine which ones would work the best and to have a choice of strategies to make finding the right target easier. For example, it may not always be possible to find an easy target if the characteristic belongs to a strong, self-assertive, or well connected target, an alternative strategy may be employed. The target: kids with disabilities, physical differences like race, body size or shape, and sexual orientation. It’s also very important to realize that these kids are commonly inhibited, insecure, have low self-esteem and tend to be anxious and somewhat isolated. >>>>> Those are facts concluded from a large body of research and you should have no problem finding references to these facts, although much of the actual research (raw data) is a bit more difficult to find on the open web<<<< Other Research: Surveys conducted over the last ten years about bullying in schools can be found on the web, though only a few examples posted here. 84.6% of LGBT students reported being verbally harassed, 40.1% reported being physically harassed and 18.8% reported being physically assaulted at school in the past year because of their sexual orientation.
• 63.7% of LGBT students reported being verbally harassed, 27.2% reported being physically harassed and 12.5% reported being physically assaulted at school in the past year because of their gender expression. • 72.4% heard homophobic remarks, such as "faggot" or "dyke," frequently or often at school. • Nearly two-thirds (61.1%) of students reported that they felt unsafe in school because of their sexual orientation, and more than a third (39.9%) felt unsafe because of their gender expression. • 29.1% of LGBT students missed a class at least once and 30.0% missed at least one day of school in the past month because of safety concerns, compared to only 8.0% and 6.7%, respectively, of a national sample of secondary school students. SOURCE:(2009 National School Climate Survey: Nearly 9 out of 10 LGBT Students Experience Harassment in School) A recent survey of over 6000 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, youth done by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) found that over 86% reported being harassed with 44% reporting being either shoved, pushed, kicked, or injured with a weapon due to their sexual orientation or gender
Source: (Identity.Gay and Lesbian Well-Being: Covering issues vital to the psychological health and happiness of gays, lesbians, and their families. SOURCE: (Michael C. LaSala, Ph.D. Lesbian or gay participants were three times as likely as heterosexual youth to report having been bullied.
In contrast, lesbian or gay youth were about 80 percent less likely than heterosexuals to say they had bullied someone, the researchers note. Source: (2007, As you have already noted, gender orientation does not consist of any distinct physical characteristics. So at this point there are two possible descriptions of the target, aside from displaying qualities described (inhibited, insecure, low self-esteem, anxious and somewhat isolated). Either the target is old enough to understand the complexities of gender orientation, and to have self-identified and made that identity known – or – the target chosen is simply an easy and available mark. Now, all the targets have the types of qualities (inhibited, insecure…) and all the strategies (choosing a physical or mental characteristic) match the targets with one except the strategy of sexual orientation may not match the target, more often than other strategies would not match the target. NOW, we get to the question: where is the research thats going to PROVE that a majority of any type of bullying is due to religious propaganda?
So what is it about sexual orientation in this age group that makes it a dominant bullying strategy? Here is where the research becomes the most obvious. Since we now understand all the basic elements of bullying and since the particular strategy of a bully to use sexual orientation where no visible characteristics are necessary to match the target, we need to look around to find out what is happening in society that makes using sexual orientation as bullying strategy the most dominant and preferred choice of the bully seeking to gain the approval of his particular peer group. Religious Propaganda the Connection: Most people can make an almost immediate association with religion and it will only take me one example to demonstrate: Quite obviously (to some) the Gays of this country have an AGENDA: According to Concerned Women for America, Decades ago, homosexual activists decided to burst forth from their closets with a propaganda campaign. They have repackaged and sold to the public behaviors which thousands of years of history, every major world religion and uncompromising human biology have long identified as immoral and sexually deviant.
At its core is a concerted effort to remove from society all traditional notions of sexual morality and replace them with the post-modern concept of sexual relativism. That is to say, when it comes to sex, there is never right or wrong. All sexual appetites are “equal.” If it feels good, do it. Ultimately, the homosexual lobby’s primary objective is to radically redefine our foundational institutions of legitimate marriage and the nuclear family by unraveling God’s natural design for human sexuality. In so doing, they hope to elevate their own spiritual and biological counterfeit and establish a sexually androgynous society wherein natural distinctions between male and female are dissolved. Source (Unmasking The “Gay” Agenda – J. Matt Barber. Concerned Women for America ) What is at the heart of evil in our world, and how do we lessen its power in our own lives? Check out David Kupelian's newest book, "How Evil Works: Understanding and Overcoming the Destructive Forces That Are Transforming America" <<<
As the pressure groups scream for pro-homosexual policies, they simultaneously seek to prohibit all speech opposing homosexual behavior, which is viewed as harassment or contributing to it. … In the fantasy world of these child-corruption advocates, there's an unbroken line connecting the actual bullies to any and all who stand up against sexual deviance. … supporters of homosexuality nudge kids into a known risky behavior … homosexuality is not an inevitable destiny, it’s a wayward yet changeable sexual inclination? … One wonders if any of these kids ever heard a clearly articulated warning against homosexuality. … kids should be told the truth that no one is born gay. Source: (, Is 'gay' agenda to blame for teen suicides? October 06, 2010 By Linda Harvey Mission The “Gay Agenda” also includes: phony concept of “gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered” identity
(ascerting false assumptions because) People are never locked biologically into the chosen behaviors of homosexuality or gender change, which are as inappropriate for children as they are for adults. Students should be steered away from these practices, not toward them. (Claiming that gays have human rights) There is no constitutional right to homosexual behavior or cross-dressing. Homosexuality and cross-dressing are not intrinsic to a certain subset of humans and are totally dissimilar to something fixed, like race. (intrusion of freedom) Prohibiting discrimination based on “perceived sexual orientation” or “perceived gender identity” can only be described as a massive intrusion on freedom of conscience, speech and religion. In practice, it would be the “thought police” on steroids. Source: A Contrasting Religious Link: some Christians & Christian Groups accept partial responsibility It is difficult to have a positive self-image when much of society would tell you that what you are is abnormal or that you are a sinner and would seek to deny your civil rights and make your expressions of love against the law. Coming out in a religious context challenges all that. We can learn, in synagogues and churches that welcome us, that what we are is good; that we can love and be loved; that we are created, like everyone else, in God's image; and that God loves us with an unqualified love. Religion has the ability to transform us. With people not only hating us but also trying to make us hate ourselves, we desperately need places where we can learn to love ourselves. (by Rabbi Victor Appell, "If Only Tyler Clementi Had Been to a Gay Synagogue,")
More difficult to address are the myriad ways in which everyday churches that do a lot of good in the world also perpetuate theologies that undergird and legitimate instrumental violence. The simplistic, black and white lines that are drawn between conceptions of good and evil make it all-too-easy to apply these dualisms to groups of people. When theologies leave no room for ambiguity, mystery and uncertainty, it becomes very easy to identify an “us” (good, heterosexual) versus a “them” (evil, gay). . . . it becomes easy to know who it is okay to hate or to bully or, seemingly more benignly, to ignore. . . . Ministers who remain in comfortable silence on sexuality must speak out. Churches that have silently embraced gay and lesbian members for years must publically hang the welcome banner. How long will we continue to limit and qualify our messages of acceptance, inclusion and embrace for the most vulnerable in order to maintain the comfort of those in our communities of faith who are well-served by the status quo? ("Why Anti-Gay Bullying is a Theological Issue," by Baptist minister Cody J. Sanders at Religion Dispatches.) Source: ( , Religion as an Antidote to Anti-LGBT Bullying by Dana Oct 14, 2010) SUMMARY: Research is often a matter of making connections between facts, the question of … “where is the research thats going to PROVE that a majority of any type of bullying is due to religious propaganda” Can be answered by following a logical progression beginning with ‘research’ collecting the data for projecting inferences and finally - direct observation within the social settings of which the inferences are widely and consistently known to take place. In the case at hand, the social setting is consistent encompassing our entire culture. Given the tools to analyze the quesiton properly it would be impossible not to recognize the link between religion, religious propaganda, and the bullying of individuals based on sexual orientation. You have failed to make the connection between gay suicide,gay bullying,and gay harassment tied to Christianity.Yes you pointed out some statistics showing how gays are bullied yet you place the gays front and center as the hopeless victims and totally ignore the rest of society and whine how the gays are so mistreated.And of course it has to be those pesky Christians who are committing ALL of these problems because some anti gay Atheist or Muslim couldn't possibly fathom bullying a gay person. Since you constantly ignor the rest of society with your gays are the only victims allow me to post my own research from a website devoted to bullying. 90% of 4th through 8th graders report being victims of bullying. 282,000 students are physically attacked in secondary schools each month. In a recent study, 77% of the students said they had been bullied. And 14% of those who were bullied said they experienced severe (bad) reactions to the abuse. 1 out of 4 kids is Bullied. An American Justice Department school bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics studies shows that this month 1 out of every 4 kids will be abused by another youth. Playground school bullying statistics - Every 7 minutes a child is bullied. Adult intervention - 4%. Peer intervention - 11%. No intervention - 85%. 46% of males, and 26% of females reported they had been in physical fights according to the school bullying statistics. Your information failed on many fronts FAIL-You statistics didn't show me what religion the people who bullied the gays were. FAIL-Victims of bullying did not say they were targeted by the church,pastors,members of a church,or a Christian origination. FAIL-No statistics showed gay bullying and suicide was higher in Christian towns(like Salt lake city)as apposed to Atheist cities(like Seattle). FAIL-To prove how religious propaganda is harming gays and lesbians in the United states. Finally I would like to say that Christians are simply speaking out in support OF WHAT THEY ALREADY BELIEVE IN.The Christians did not wake up one day and say "I think we should start harassing the gays because we don't like their lifestyle".I think it is childish and immature that you expect the Christians to throw away their 2,000 year old beliefs simply because you don't like them. I think if anyone is being bullied it is the Christians by the gays.The gays will do everything possible to rid the United states of Christianity using slander,lies,lawsuits,threats,bills,and every other dirty trick they can think of.I don't see Christians using these same tactics. |
Christianity and Islam
Jesus was a Jew. His followers became Christians because they followed him, early Christians were barely different from Jews and the differences came over time. Muslims have a similar route though they followed a different prophet and they came after Christ. All three follow the Abrahamic god. The Quran even calls Jews and Christians brothers in faith. The Quran has many of the stories of the Bible, including stories of Jesus, and they believe in Armageddon with Jesus coming back and throwing up swords. All three are classified under Abrahamic followers of the Judeo-Christian God. Yes, they are connected. Didn't know this was contention. Surely the only people who would contest it are people who are totally uneducated about religion. I can't imagine any truly educated clergy questioning this. But I do know that a lot of people are indeed ignorant of religions. They have grown to believe in their religion and that all other religions are 'different'. Although, surely Christians are aware that Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism. A person would need to be truly be in the dark not to realize that connection. The connection with Islam is probably the connection that many Christians might be unaware of, or in denial of. Wow you are saying people are uneducated about religion yet you are prime example of your own ignorance.Christians can't possible have any connection with Islam since it was founded 610 years after Jesus died and at least 500 years since the New testament was written. ![]() Of course Christianity has,is and will always be part of Judaism.If you are a Christian you believe in everything in the Old testament the same as the Jews did.God wanted Jews to evolve to the next level with Jesus.That is why Jesus was prophesied in the Old testament.To ignore or deny everything written in the Old testament about Jesus is just plain stupid.It is probably that reason why you only have a few million Jews in this world and over 3 billion Christians. If anyone is lacking knowledge about religion it is you.It seems you have read so much into everyones religion you have a hard time realizing even the most basic concepts. |
what in the bible displays why it's either a book of fables, fact, fakery,forklore or fantasy when presenting a passage or whatever to present your point of view as being "fact"..please include an explanation that doesn't sound delusional along with proof that it is fact...if not then that places it into the category of fantasy I would respond but knowing you are going to argue and deny every word I say I would rather not waste my time. Exactly no matter what evidence or proof we may provide, they don't and won't accept it as true. Things are only true if you accept it as such. Some may say it's true that 32 degrees Fahrenheit is freezing cold, and that is true to them. But someone else may say it's perfect, which is true for them. Things are only true if you are willing to accept it as such. When in reality and fact 32 degrees Fahrenheit is freezing cold in the exact sense, regardless if one wants to accept it as truth or not. I think the very fact that bible prophecy has come true hundreds of times and hundreds of years after they were written is a pretty strong argument.The bible is currently fulfilling future prophecy.There is no doubt we will see the 7 years of peace between Israel and the Palestine's before the rapture,one world currency,and the Anti Christ from Asia.One of the last prophecies to be fulfilled. |