Community > Posts By > Thomas3474
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Tue 09/14/10 08:26 PM
Well I am no fan of theocracies. But the problem at this point in history is specifically Islamic theocracies. No use putting our heads in the sand. There are no Christian, Buddhist, or Hindu theocracies which openly persecute others who observe different religions in their midst whereas all of the Islamic theocracies mentioned above openly discriminate against other religious beliefs. Read about the Islamic theocracies' attitudes toward conversion and intermarriage for instance. Not to mention killing people for allegations of proselytization etc. etc. Yeah, it seems to me that the western/christian world has gone through a little bit of a maturation process in the last 400 years...but we've just started. We have a long way to go. We still have people in this country who think like christian theocrats would think, and some who think that a christian theocracy would be a good thing. And i do think the islamic world is 'behind the curve' - the evidence is in the treatment of homosexuals and FGM and the like. But i also think that if christianity (which, as I understand it, once had quite a few churches that justified the burning of witches, the murder of homosexuals, the keeping of slaves) can mature as christianity has, then islam can also mature. Don't get me wrong. I am not blaming Islam for these perversions. However, it is definitely a problem which is endemic in modern Islamic countries
I agree. and this unwarranted discrimination needs to be addressed and reformed.
Ultimately I agree, but there is an open question as to how much reform should can come from outside, and how much must come from within. fortunately no one blames all Muslims for the actions of the specific organized Islamic terrorists who are involved in a large number of war crimes killing innocent people in the name of Islam around the globe - since that would be idiotic.
Well, it would be idiotic. We agree there. While I've never met anyone in person who actually is so idiotic, I've seen many comments online consistent with that level of idiocy. Today a muslim woman sat next to me on the light-rail, with her head all wrapped up. As I spoke to her I was saddened that so many have hostility towards individual people simply because of their religious affiliation. Too bad you can't sit in a light rail full of dead bodies from the daily bombings and killing from Islam around the world.Too bad you can't talk to the family members of those killed for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Perhaps one day you will be sitting on a light rail when a bomb explodes in the name of Islam and you find your self deaf and blind.Wonder what you are going to say then. |
Sounds like a good start to me.
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Tue 09/14/10 06:48 PM
Major General Albert Stubblebine, U.S. Army (ret) – Former Commanding General of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, 1981 - 1984. Also commanded the U.S. Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command and the U.S. Army’s Intelligence School and Center. Former head of Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence. 32-year Army career. Member, Military Intelligence Hall of Fame. Video interview 6/28/09: General Stubblebine: I am Major General Albert Stubblebine. I am retired Army Major-General. In my last assignment -- my last command -- I was responsible for all of the Army's strategic intelligence forces around the world. I had responsibility for the Signals Intelligence, Photo Intelligence, Counter Intelligence, Human Intelligence. They all belonged to me, in my last assignment. … I was supposed to find out what the enemy was doing, before the enemy did it so that we could take action against the enemy. That's Intelligence, OK, before the fact. So, we always -- always -- rely not on a single piece of data, before we make a statement, but on multiple and the more pieces of data that you have that correlate, the better you know exactly what is going on. … So I have had a lot of experience looking at photographs. I have looked at many, many different kinds of photographs, from many, many different platforms on many, many different countries, around the world. Interviewer: OK. So on September the 11th, in 2001, what hit the Pentagon? General Stubblebine: I don't know exactly what hit it, but I do know, from the photographs that I have analyzed and looked at very, very carefully, it was not an airplane. Interviewer: What made you believe that? General Stubblebine: Well, for one thing, if you look at the hole that was made in the Pentagon, the nose penetrated far enough so that there should have been wing marks on the walls of the Pentagon. I have been unable to find those wing marks. So where were they? Did this vessel -- vehicle, or whatever it was -- have wings? Apparently not, because if it had had wings, they would have made marks on the side of the Pentagon. One person counteracted my theory, and said, "Oh, you've got it all wrong. And the reason that it's wrong is that as the airplane came across, one wing tipped down and hit the ground and broke off." I said, "Fine, that's possible, one wing could have broken off." But if I understand airplanes correctly, most airplanes have two wings. I haven't met an airplane with only one wing. So where was the mark for the second wing? OK, one broke off -- there should have been a mark for the second wing. I could not find that in any of the photographs that I've analyzed. Now I've been very careful to not say what went in there. Why? Because you don't have that evidence. … I did -- I've never believed that it was an airplane since I've looked at the photographs. Up until the time I looked at the photographs, I accepted what was being said. After I looked at it -- NO WAY! … We pride ourselves with the "free press." I do not believe the "free press" is free any more. It's very expensive. It's very expensive. And the press is saying what they have been told to say about this. Now, do I have proof of that? No. But I believe that what is being -- what certainly the -- the stories that were told -- all about 9/11 were false. I mean, you take a look at the buildings falling down. They didn't fall down because airplanes hit them. They fell down because of explosives went off inside. Demolition. Look at Building 7, for God's sake. It didn't fall down to its side. It didn't fall to this direction or that direction; just like the two Towers. … When you look at the temperatures that you can create with fuel in a gas tank or a fuel tank of an airplane, and then you investigate the amount of heat that would be required to melt -- to melt -- the superstructure of the buildings that came tumbling down, when you put all of that together, the one thing that shows; It does not match the facts. What is it they do not want the public to know? Video documentary One Nation Under Siege 7/11/06: "One of my experiences in the Army was being in charge of the Army’s Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence during the Cold War. I measured pieces of Soviet equipment from photographs. It was my job. I look at the hole in the Pentagon and I look at the size of an airplane that was supposed to have hit the Pentagon. And I said, ‘The plane does not fit in that hole’. So what did hit the Pentagon? What hit it? Where is it? What's going on?" Editor's note: For more information on the impact at the Pentagon, see Colonel Nelson, Commander Muga, Lt. Col. Kwiatkowski, Lt. Col. Latas, Major Rokke, Capt. Wittenberg, Capt. Davis, Barbara Honegger, April Gallop, Colonel Bunel, and Steve DeChiaro. Bio: So the hundreds of witness that saw a plane fly into the Pentagon have no merit anymore? In case you missed it the airplane that flew into the Pentagon was flying so low it took out several light poles as shown in this video You also have a airplane full of people who's bodies ended up in the Pentagon along with the airplane they were riding in as well. |
Christianity and Islam
Have you ever pondered about the links between them. Have you ever known that, most of what Jesus actually propagated is practiced by the Muslims only. Take the following examples: Prohibition of Liquor Prostrating with the head on the ground during prayer Prohibition of pork Washing the face, hands and feet before prayer Belief in oneness of god The wearing of the beard The wearing of a turban Total prohibition of interest/usury Besides, have you ever known that the Quran is the only book that exists exactly in its original form and language since its revelation. The Quran is the only book memorized by millions of people, of all ages, backgrounds, races, languages, from all over the world. The Quran is the most recited book in the world. The Quran is not the most recited book in the world because you have at least 500 million more Christians than Muslims in this world.The Holy bible is the best selling book of all time.In just the years 1816 and 1975 you have estimates of over 6,000,000,000 sold in over 2,000 languages. Christianity and Islam have nothing in common.Christians have a live and let live frame of mind.Islam has a live to kill unbelievers frame of mind.Christians treat women with respect and women have all the rights men have.Islam treats women like property and forces women to live like slaves.Death,destruction,and suicide is not only allowed under Islam it is applauded and rewarded.Christians speak of forgivness,peace,and love.You can leave Christianity if you want for some other religion.There is no punishment by the church or by the bible.You leave Islam you are to be killed. All the hype recently about Islam is nothing but a bunch of stupid people using Islam for any excuse to destroy Christianity and to destroy the United states.All the media attention in the world and all the posts I read about how wondeful Islam is can't change the facts that all over the world you have Muslims killing off people for the sole reason to divide,conqure,and murder so that Islam will be the #1 religion.Islam will never be the #1 religion.All the statistics show that Muslims are leaving Islam in record numbers for Christianity. |
Some of my friends have told me that it is probably not a good idea to be ranting in raving about Obama in these and other forums because the Government will be out to get you.You know what I say.Screw em!!!!That is just what they want.For you to sit down and shut up.I told my friends the more people who are out there ranting and raving,the more the Government will get the picture that we are the ones in power and we are the ones who have the final word.
The freedom to protest our Government was written in the US Constitution under the first amendment because our founding fathers knew one day we would have a pr*ck like Obama in the White house. |
Christian terrorists are not treated the same. There has been no church not built or protested against because of Christian terrorists in this country. what christian terrorist killed 3000 people and did over a billion dollars in damage? So your saying one life taken means less than 3000? Or the amount of cost in dollars is more important than lives? It doesn't matter how many lives, it matters that is it terrorism and the senseless lose of innocent lives. All lives lost to terrorism are valued lives. That said, there has never been a protest of a Christian church over Christian terrorism. What possible reason can you find for not building a Christian church anywhere? |
Christian terrorists are not treated the same. There has been no church not built or protested against because of Christian terrorists in this country. Oh God not this crap again ![]() |
A U.S. District Judge said
I know two people who were turned down because of simple things. One is slightly hard of hearing...rejected. The other has carpotunnel in his wrists...rejected. But some buttslammers and pole smokers are allowed to join and stay!! LOL. I guess the PC'ness is just too much for the liberals to let go of. They'd rather trust our security to those who only have gay sex on their minds instead of defending our country at all costs. I nearly didn't graduate boot camp because I couldn't touch my toes!Touching your toes from a standing or sitting position is required and if you can't touch your toes you will be rejected. People think it is easy to get into the military.Far from the truth.It is even harder to stay in the military.I have seen people kicked out because they were late for work too many times.Seems stupid but in the Navy that ship leaves the pier at a certain time.They are not going to fly a helicopter to pick you up and drop you off at your ship because you are a hour late for work and the ship is gone.You better be there when that ship is leaving or you might as well kiss your military career goodbye!You miss the ship you are considered AWOL no matter what the excuse. |
A U.S. District Judge said
If they want to end discrimination in the military they have to end it all and open it up to everyone.Because every person who was rejected for(insert reason here)can say they were discrimanted against by the military.
The case is much more greater for people who are hard of hearing,poor eyesite,etc or some other problem because they may have been born that way and can not change it. Let the judges have their way.We can have crossdressing drill sargents and blind people loading bombs onto aircraft.As long as everything is equal,fair,and no discrimation we can have our military running like a one big cluster**ck with no standards,no morals,no qualfications,and no discrimination because everyone has a RIGHT to have a job in the military. |
A U.S. District Judge said
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Fri 09/10/10 11:51 PM
I guess being gay is now a right?Should be intersting how the Supreme court handles that one.
If anyone had the slightest clue how the military worked you would know it discrimates on a whole grocery list of disqualifications before you can join or being dischared for some of the reasons below. Too tall. Too short. Too fat. Too skinny. Poor eye site. Color blindness. Poor hearing. Diabetes. Sleepwalking. Too young. Too old. Bedwetting. Police records. Felonies. Drug abuse of any kind including one time use. Depression. Can't run a mile in a specific time frame. Can't perform a minium amount of push ups. Can't perform a minium amount of sit ups. Alchohol problems. Not born in America. No high school diploma. Bad driving records. DUI. Poor job recomendations from former employers. And about 100 more I can't think of. You want to take off homosexulity off the discrimination list then you will have to take all those off as well.Because they all discriminate. |
Seems nobody had any objections to Christian bibles being burned in 2009.
Military burns unsolicited Bibles sent to Afghanistan. May 20, 2009 Military personnel threw away, and ultimately burned, confiscated Bibles that were printed in the two most common Afghan languages amid concern they would be used to try to convert Afghans, a Defense Department spokesman said Tuesday. The unsolicited Bibles sent by a church in the United States were confiscated about a year ago at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan because military rules forbid troops of any religion from proselytizing while deployed there, Lt. Col. Mark Wright said. Such religious outreach can endanger American troops and civilians in the devoutly Muslim nation, Wright said. Afghan workers enter a walkway on March 3, 2009, at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan.Military personnel threw away, and ultimately burned, confiscated Bibles that were printed in the two most common Afghan languages amid concern they would be used to try to convert Afghans, a Defense Department spokesman said Tuesday. The unsolicited Bibles sent by a church in the United States were confiscated about a year ago at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan because military rules forbid troops of any religion from proselytizing while deployed there, Lt. Col. Mark Wright said. Such religious outreach can endanger American troops and civilians in the devoutly Muslim nation, Wright said. AdvertisementAds by Google Coffee Fool BannedGrocery stores won't stock us because we're the truth on fresh! "The decision was made that it was a 'force protection' measure to throw them away, because, if they did get out, it could be perceived by Afghans that the U.S. government or the U.S. military was trying to convert Muslims," Wright told CNN on Tuesday. Troops at posts in war zones are required to burn their trash, Wright said. The Bibles were written in the languages Pashto and Dari. This decision came to light recently, after the Al Jazeera English network aired video of a group prayer service and chapel sermon that a reporter said suggested U.S. troops were being encouraged to spread Christianity. The military denied that earlier this month, saying much in the video was taken out of context. "This was irresponsible and dangerous journalism sensationalizing year-old footage of a religious service for U.S. soldiers on a U.S. base and inferring that troops are evangelizing to Afghans," Col. Gregory Julian said. The military says a soldier at Bagram received the Bibles and didn't realize he wasn't allowed to hand them out. In the Al Jazeera video, which shows the Bibles at the prayer service, an unnamed soldier says members of his church raised money for them. The chaplain later corrected the soldier and confiscated the Bibles, Wright said. Military officers considered sending the Bibles back to the church, he said, but they worried the church would turn around and send them to another organization in Afghanistan -- giving the impression that they had been distributed by the U.S. government. That could lead to violence against troops or U.S. civilians, Wright said. Al Jazeera English, a Qatar-based international news service, said its reporters tried to get a response from military officials for its story but were unable to do so. The U.S. military air base at Bagram is home to thousands of troops from all branches of the U.S. military. The vast majority of the troops do not leave the base and are in various support roles for U.S. troops across Afghanistan. |
Ya'll are right. Burnin' books is childish. Perhaps, we should follow their example. Stone or behead anyone caught with a quran. "Their" example? Are all Islamic the same? If you support quran burning, then you are following some unfortunate examples, seen on both sides - those who want to demonize everyone that belongs to 'the other side'. WWJD
He would not object to someone burning a Koran or any other book that embraces sin and false Gods but also would not encourage it.
There is the act of burning a book, and then there is the intention and purpose behind the act. This quran burning is not simply a matter of someone disposing of a book they find useless or harmful - its a deliberately inflammatory act which will obviously encourage hostility and conflict between two massive sections of humanity. I can't speak for Jesus, but these kinds of motivations seem to me to be completely contrary to the wonderful lessons Jesus taught. Of course there is conflict and hostility.Nearly everything Jesus did had conflict and hostility towards the people he was speaking against including Priests,Governors,unbelievers,sinners,other Jews,and even his 12 diciples.Jesus was nearly killed not once but several times by angry mobs because he was telling them they were leading Godless sinful lives. Like I said earlier Jesus would not call for a book burning but he also would not stand there if there was people burning the Koran and speak against it.To speak against burning a Koran would be not only be showing support for the Koran but there would also have to be justification for sparing it from the fire.A similar instance would be for a follower of Jesus to carry tarot cards or something similar.Jesus would not say that worshiping other religions and other Gods is not a sin and that he would approve of the Koran because we know he would not.He would reject the Koran,it's teachings,and the people who believe in it.If someone wanted to destroy the Koran Jesus would just look at it as sin and rebellion being destroyed and would have no problem with it. Do you think Jesus would object to a mass burning of tarot cards,Satanic bibles,voodoo objects,and other ungodly related items?Why is the Koran any different?The Koran goes against Gods word,speaks of false Gods,and speaks evil towards the Jews and calls for their destruction.If any book deserves to be destroyed in Gods or Jesus eyes the Koran would be at the top of the list. |
WASHINGTON – In the end, it was a wonder the three massive chandeliers gracing the White House East Room remained intact, given the high-voltage expenditure of human energy taking place beneath them. Tuesday's inaugural performance of the new White House Dance Series transformed the stately room into a stage for some of the world's most talented dancers to strut their stuff: Endless pirouettes, gravity-defying leaps, and some crazy one-handed spinning handstands, too. Hosting the event was Michelle Obama, who brought along daughters Sasha and Malia — just home from their first day of school — and mom Marian Robinson, too. The first lady clapped along to some of the dances but leaped to a standing ovation when Dayton Tavares, one of Broadway's high-flying Billy Elliots, finished his song, "Electricity," with a virtuoso set of turns. The emotional highlight of the evening, though, was the performance of "Revelations" by the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, probably the most beloved work of modern dance in existence. It was especially poignant because the evening was a tribute to Judith Jamison, the Ailey company's artistic director and an iconic figure in the dance world who will step down in 2011 after two decades leading the company. Mrs. Obama called Jamison, 67, "an amazing, phenomenal, 'fly' woman." Let me tell you, your picture in 'Cry' was the only piece of art in our house," Mrs. Obama told Jamison, sitting in the front row. "Cry," a 15-minute solo dance of great dramatic power, was the Ailey work for which Jamison was most famous in her dancing years, and an excerpt of it was performed Tuesday by company member Linda Celeste Sims. Tuesday's event, directed by former New York City Ballet star Damian Woetzel, began with an afternoon of workshops for some 90 or so dance students who traveled to the White House from schools all over the country. Young girls in leotards, their hair tightly wrapped in buns, sprawled on the shiny East Room floor, stretching their legs into splits as they warmed up. Jamison watched with a smile on her face as current Ailey dancers then taught the kids excerpts from "Revelations." "Slow! Slooooow," intoned teacher Nasha Thomas-Schmitt, urging the kids at one point to take their time with a stretch. "Wow," Woetzel told the students after they were finished. "Now you've danced in the White House!" After their workouts, the students had a quick break, cleaned up and returned for the performance, which also included excerpts of "Cloven Kingdom" by the Paul Taylor Dance Company, and Twyla Tharp's "Nine Sinatra Songs," danced by the Washington Ballet. There was also a dizzying display of hip-hop acrobatics from Super CR3W, whose spinning handstands, headstands and similar moves evoked whoops of pleasure from the crowd. Not to be outdone, Ashley Bouder and Daniel Ullbricht of New York City Ballet showed that ballet can be equally energetic in its own way with a lively performance of George Balanchine's "Tarantella." At the end, Jamison addressed the crowd. "Dance is the soul of this country!" she declared. "This is so American, it's ridiculous." In a weekend interview, Jamison told The Associated Press how she'd been to the White House a few times before, but never for an event as exciting as this. [Video: Insight into Obama's economic agenda] "What a rare opportunity, to be invited by your country's first lady to be honored like this," Jamison said. "This event is totally unique. It's so terribly important to recognize this art form and to understand how important it is to the fabric of this country." "This will be another clarion call to people: Pay attention to your arts!" Jamison said. Though the Obamas have spotlighted many varieties of music since they came to the White House — there have been events celebrating Latin music, rock, jazz, country, classical and Broadway show tunes — the dance world might have felt ignored, until now. Woetzel, who is on the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities, says there will be future performances in the dance series, but won't give details. "Let's just say there will be more dance," he said. Mrs. Obama had the last word on Tuesday, telling the young people present that "If you've done it in the White House, you can do it anywhere!" And, she said with a smile, "They didn't break the chandelier!" |
Is It racists to not like Obama? If your a Democrat or Liberal then yes it is. |
About 3/4 of the comments here reaffirm my faith in humanity. Why would people do this? Whats the point? Are you simply trying to anger people that you disagree with? Does this feed your ego in some way? In what way is this even remotely a positive action? It all just seems so childish. WWJD, indeed. What would Jesus do? I think if Jesus was handed a Koran while he was sitting at a fire he would toss it into the fire and speak about the dangers of other religions who call for the destruction of Israel and Gods followers.Did Jesus not throw over tables,smash pottery,and run everyone out who was selling in the Temple?Did Jesus not cast out Demons,speak about sin,and tell everyone who would listen that his word was the only way? Jesus always rejected any views other than those which come from the Holy bible.He rejected worshiping false idols,other Gods,and anyone who spoke against Gods word.He would reject the Koran and it's teachings. I do not believe Jesus would ever call anyone to have a burn a Koran day.Jesus spoke the truth and lived by the truth.If anyone didn't want to hear the truth or rejected the truth he simply walked away and urged his followers to do the same.He would not object to someone burning a Koran or any other book that embraces sin and false Gods but also would not encourage it. |
thats right people! who else has seen this and what do you think about it? INTERNATIONAL BURN A KORAN DAY 9/11/2010 6PM-9PM I'm neither for or against it.I am glad someone is finally standing up and having the guts to say things the way they are.I agree with this man that Islam is evil and the Koran is also evil.I don't think book burnings by Christians is a good idea at all because it really doesn't accomplish anything and only makes things worse.It would probably be much more effective if this man gathered 50 ex Muslims that converted to Christianity to burn their Korans.That would make a good statement. I'm getting tired of this double standard in America.It's offensive to the majority of Americans to build a Islamic mosque next to ground zero yet all of our leaders are telling us to shut up and deal with it.Muslims want this Muslims want that...shut up and deal with it.Muslims telling us America needs to be destroyed,Muslims calling for death to those who oppose them...shut up and deal with it.Tolerance this tolerance that. So now I think our leaders need to tell the Muslims to shut up and deal with it.He has the right to burn any book he wants and just because you are offended you can't stop him. I also know if it was a bunch of Muslims burning Christian bibles nobody would give a rats a**.Our leaders including Obama and Hiliary would tell us to not protest,not make a fuss,not do anything. |
This is a complicated two-tiered issue. The first tier is the new arrivals and the second tier is the old arrivals (5+ years). Do you think both should be treated the same? Or, should we put a stop to new arrivals completely and when we are done with that problem turn our attention to the long-term squatters? I know some people that have been in California for years and years, worked hard, raised families and are really good kind people. But you and I know that there are also some really bad scumbag gansters that should be thrown out immediately before they can cause anymore trouble. I would rather keep all the good illegals, give them a work visa and get them paying taxes and health insurance. Then give them a path to citizenship... don't make it too easy so that the folks who did it "right" have a beef. I think that would make the best humane and economic sense. That being said, I wish this crazy government of ours would get their act together and slam the border door shut before the terrorist get a dirty bomb in the country. Not to mention all the dopers coming in... Y'all, have you seen the weapons that these drug guys have just feet from the boarder? Have you seen the human smuggling guides that cross some 80 miles into our country carrying AK-47 Assault rifles? I have friends in Arizona that live near the boarder and they are scared to death that one of these wildmen will break into their home to escape the law or to get money or a car. Heck, they have already murdered citizens and shot at boarder patrol. I agree with you.There is no real solution to this problem either way.I think anyone who has been here for over 5 years,has been working the majority of the time,and has no police record should be given legal citizen ship and allowed to stay. All the illegal's in prison and jail should be deported.Any illegal's caught committing crimes and found guilty before the 5 years is up should be deported.Any illegal's caught crossing the border should be deported. We have to know who is coming here.Besides all the criminals(like the MS 13 gang members)you also need to know if someone is carrying a fatal disease that could turn into a epidemic that could wipe out half of America. |
I hope someone got a picture of that one.It would make the Priceless hall of fame for sure.
It all goes back to giving them a bunch of misinformation?Can they prove you were sitting in your chair in front of your computer downloading music?In order for the court case to stick they either have to prove it really was you(which is nearly impossible unless you were on cam or you were using your credit or debit card)or you have to admit it was you.
If they ever took me to court I would say it was John doe who downloaded the music on my computer since that is the name it is registered under.Go take him to court.I was watching TV downstairs. |
The Copyright law says you can copy anything regardless of what the copyrights are if you are using it for private use and not making a profit from it.Is not everything in a public library copyrighted?Yet there is a copy machine in all of them and you can copy the entire book if you want to.You tube has not been shut down and will probably never be shut down dispite posting millions of copyrighted videos,movies,songs,and everything else you can think of because it is free to watch all these videos.If they were charging people to watch these videos it would probably be a copyright infringement since they are making money off of other peoples works.
Anyone who has ever gone to court and paid a fine for watching or downloading copyrighted music or videos is a idiot.If you are duplicating and making money from it that is another matter.But simply watching it,downloading it,or posting it is not a crime and is legal under "The fair use copyright law". |