Community > Posts By > Lazarus102

Lazarus102's photo
Sun 02/05/23 07:39 PM

You wrote some of ideas simply as some writers did. They and you haven’t any scientific evidence that God is not exists.

It is impossible to prove the non existence of anything. If you're going to validate that argument then by that logic, dragons exist, fairies exist, and literally anything imaginable exists, cuz no one can prove it doesn't. The point is to prove that things do exist, and that's how we build a solid foundation for our shared reality.

Lazarus102's photo
Sun 02/05/23 07:13 AM

The way I see it is it’s okay not to believe in God like you and it’s okay to believe in God like me and honestly I don’t need evidence of his existence because of my belief in Him and I would never push you into believing that he does as the same you shouldn’t tell me he doesn’t. Be warned though there’s the great deceiver who will always convince you otherwise.

That's another convenience based narrative. Kinda like how anyone that speaks against capitalism is accused of being a communist. Just a narrative intended to demonize and ostracize anyone that speaks against your belief system. Quite a few people throughout history have been murdered, tortured, exiled, or stuffed into asylums under the idea that they were possessed by Satan.

Look at just how screwed up and fundamentally evil the history of religion has been.

Believe what you want, but follow nothing blindly.

Lazarus102's photo
Wed 02/01/23 03:19 AM

Science did not mentioned evidence that God does not exist
Robert Nelson (1944 – December 15, 2018) wrote:
A number of scientists, such as Francis Collins, director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, “see no conflict between believing in God and accepting the contemporary theory of evolution,” as the American Association for the Advancement of Science points out.
For my part, the most recent developments in evolutionary biology have increased the probability of a god.

Aleksey, a scientist and astronomy professor at the University of California, answered a question: Why did the universe emerge? He said: We got the Nobel Prizes, 2011, because we discovered that dark energy is what leads to the expansion of the universe and this expansion continues according to the laws of physics, but scientists cannot answer who created these laws nor the question: Why did the universe appear?
The Quran mentioned that: ‘We have made the heavens with Our own hands and We expanded it.’
Was the Prophet Muhammed, Astronomer with modern devices and spacecraft to prove this in the Quran according to the denial of the existence of God?

You can't simply replace facts with convenience. But that's what religion has been doing for centuries. Can't explain something, must be cuz God did it. It rained, God did it, volcanoes, uh oh, someone pissed off God by sodomizing his fellow man. Gaps in several billion year old history before the existence of man, obviously God did it cuz our scientists couldn't figure it out for some mysterious reason..

Could it possibly be that we just plain don't know everything in the universe? Could it be that we don't know yet because religion systematically oppressed technological advancement for well over a thousand years?

But no, I'm sure you're right. A single book of scriptures written over 2000 years ago, by man, must surely have all the answers in the form of "god did it" and "it is not for us to question". Convenient way to make a real easy to control population.

Use your head and think about it for a moment. Pull your head out of that echo chamber long enough to consider this objectively. If some bloke wrote a new God into existence today, just by putting it into a bunch of "scriptures", would you believe it? Probably not, cuz people do that all the time, it's called fiction. But a thousand years down the road, and a buncha morons would be following it like their eternal existence depended on it.

New Gods have already been written into existence relatively recently, and already have literal cult followings.

And what's more, your socalled God, isn't even the first. The Mayans,the Egyptions, the Vikings, they all came up with unique gods. It was a time of ignorance, and of the requirement to follow something made up. How else do you think they got thousands of slaves to do the bidding of the few?

Back then, without some form of mythical God narrative, if you tried to make thousands of people do something they don't want to, they'd tell you to F O, or just outright kill you.

Lazarus102's photo
Tue 01/31/23 07:41 AM

No. If he exists, definitely not. If god, as described by the fanatics, existed, then it's power would be near infinite, and so if he wanted us happy, we would be happy.

Y'all waitin around on a deadbeat dad that ain't never comin home. Just sayin.

You have no evidence
Please read the
Topic: Evidence for the existence of God

Or you could read my topic "God is NOT a loving god." Which I posted about a decade ago. It's got 2 parts cuz the first one got 999 replies, and the thread auto-locked and created a second one.

Over a thousand replies overall, and not one shred of evidence. Whenever religious people claim "evidence" it's always subjective, heresay, speculation.etc.

Even Jordan Peterson claimed to have evidence of existence, but in the video he just spewed a bunch of BS, then patted himself on the back. I forget what he said, but it was something akin to "he exists because we exist, and what other answer do we need?" and all the sheeple started clapping, and I'm like, "Wtf.. really..? How dumb can people be.. ".

There is something woefully wrong in a society with the amount of knowledge access, and communication resources we have openly available to us, where there's still this many people that refuse to question anything, and/or just 100% accept the first answer they're given, regardless of how insurmountably stupid it is..

Lazarus102's photo
Mon 01/30/23 06:56 PM
And God gives cats free will, and makes it rain. Clearly, biology, and precipitation has nothing to do with it. Cuz it's better to read a single book written 2000 years ago, and assume you know everything.

Lazarus102's photo
Mon 01/30/23 08:51 AM

I agree with River that a man who worries about this is a red flag himself.
It's indicative of not trusting, fearing the worst and being afraid to be taken advantage of. As it is they are shopping with no money of yours, so what's the fuzz about?

And don't jump to conclusions. Fact someone mentions shopping doesn't mean they spend all their spare time shopping, which you seem to think.

Personally I don't like a tightwad. Been with such a guy before, never again. I like to spend money. Life is meant to be enjoyed! And I'm an adult woman with common sense, so I don't spend more than I can afford.

Some might see you referring to a man as a "tightwad" a red flag in this day and age. Is there some reason you could not buy items yourself? Or are you talking about cheaping out on special event gifts (like buying your anniversary gift from the dollar store)?

Imho, unless there's some defining reason, like a disability, or one person is making a good amount more than the other, and so the other could relax to take care of kids. That kinda stuff, but those scenarios aside, ideally, both people in a healthy relationship, should be self sustainable.

Lazarus102's photo
Mon 01/30/23 08:22 AM
No. If he exists, definitely not. If god, as described by the fanatics, existed, then it's power would be near infinite, and so if he wanted us happy, we would be happy.

Y'all waitin around on a deadbeat dad that ain't never comin home. Just sayin.

Lazarus102's photo
Mon 01/30/23 08:01 AM

To keep track of some budding romances , going on right under my nose ...

Good luck.. mostly hookup culture these days. Women don't need/want a man anymore, and the majority of women only care about looks, height, and money.

At least according to statistics. Can't say who it is that does those statistics, or where they do them though. I just know that I haven't experienced any different so far.

Also tinder is a thing, so that says a lot about our society when one of the most used "dating" apps involves swiping people away based on nothing more then their looks.

Lazarus102's photo
Fri 01/27/23 03:05 AM
To not get arrested.

Pretty easy as a man. just don't go near any parks with children, don't go near any children, don't look at children (especially in passing). and don't go within 3 feet of a woman unless you've known her for at least a year prior and get her permission to do so (preferably written, and signed with a witness present).

Lazarus102's photo
Thu 01/26/23 12:24 PM

Do you get to meet someone in person on this site?

Good question. Truth is, most guys would do it, but most girls are very guarded. Too much fear mongering by the mainstream and social media. It has girls and women thinking that all men are waiting around every corner to attack them for their bodies. Like we just be creepin all the time. Did you think leaving your house was safe? Nope, there's men out there..

Lazarus102's photo
Thu 01/26/23 12:19 PM

Sometimes I do reply to simple hi as well. Not all messages are send my scammers. There are people there who struggle to start a conversation. So you have to consider that into account as well

Why though? If the person can't start a conversation, are they gonna be fun to talk with when in a conversation? Typically if they can't, it's because they're afraid to say anything that might offend someone. And if they can't offend anyone, then their dialog is most likely limited to small talk and gossip. And perhaps a wealth of knowledge in a single specialized topic, if you're lucky. But that topic may or may not bore you to tears.

Lazarus102's photo
Sat 01/21/23 10:42 PM
Earth. "Everyone" is from Earth. At least everyone we currently know of.

Lazarus102's photo
Fri 12/02/16 06:07 PM

I just have to add that I find it amazing that, in order to defend God, you are forced to focus on the difference between the words "murder" and "kill." Particularly since the original writings were in Hebrew to start with!

Not "defending" anything... only enlightening to those that don't know or don't see or don't put into perspective :D

I'm not defending anything, only enlightening those that don't know about our amazing new product!

Sorry, had to say it, that just sounded way too much like a bad advertising scheme to me.

Get god now, and if you buy today you get a free Buddha. Yes you heard me, FREE! Well even throw in Allah, Zeus and Kuan-Ti absolutely free!!! And if you don't like it, believe it anyways! Because... REASONS!

Lazarus102's photo
Sat 11/26/16 05:13 AM

Some topics shall never die. :- D
You can't spell fundamentalism without fun. LOL

Very true! And, as long as we remain vigilant, and don't allow fundamentalists (Of any belief system.) to gain too much power and influence, it can remain fun. No beheadings, or scourgings, or time on the rack for me, thanks!

Similarly, you can't spell believer without lie.
Note that I am not accusing individual believers of lying, rather it is they who have been lied to. I learned this the hard way myself.

Unbeliever in our midst!
Off with his head! laugh

That's another thing, atheists don't go around killing people because they believe in god but many have died over the centuries at the hands of religious fanatics. Apparently thou shalt not kill unless in the name of god, lol.

Lazarus102's photo
Thu 11/24/16 02:50 PM
"How is that in any way a "servitude" to the rich and famous? Most to all the rid famous aren't that way because they are famous farmers."

Gotta learn to read between the lines cowboy. I mean that most of us work/slave away for the rich and famous; whether that be Mcdonalds, Tim Hortons, Starbucks, putting our 20-30$ an hour worth of work in and getting our 10$ an hour for it and getting yelled at if we aren't working hard/fast enough. Modern society sucks for the average man. Not to make this personal(intentionally) but I did notice in your profile that your profession is 'disabled' and so I can see how you wouldn't see work-a-day life as being punishment if that isn't the life that you've been stuck with.

"Satan was kicked out of Heaven for claiming/feeling equal to God. He thought himself to be able to do a greater job then God was doing. And even maybe better then God. Thus he was booted out of Heaven and assumingly the reason God allows Satan to continue to do what he wishes... to a degree of course. This last part is just perspective speaking."

Can anyone back me up on this or have I got it all wrong? I was sure he was booted from heaven after murdering a fellow angel.

Lazarus102's photo
Thu 11/24/16 02:41 PM
Sorry for this, when the thread was locked I had thought the site mods shut it down, didn't realize it was merely to be continued. I sent a message to cowboy to continue the convo but this belongs here.

Lazarus102 about 5 hours ago
"God didn't make these people rich, or you poor, or me poor, or anything to do with money in any way."
Then why does god need so much money, why do the churches not pay taxes, why is a collection plate handed around in churches?

"Servitude to the rich and famous? I personally don't serve anyone/anything but God almighty. Sorry you feel you need to serve the rich and famous"

So you're saying that you don't have a job? You live off of the land or work for a family business?

"What does right and famous have anything to do with love? Think it takes either of the two have anything to do with love?"

Think you meant rich, not 'right'. Also misinterpreted that entire bit. I was saying that few privileged people get to live happy lives through love OR money OR fame. Not all of us are so lucky and the majority in general are not.

"Where do you get the notion God "sent" anyone to do anything such as this? And Satan wasn't exiled for murdering another angel, where did you get that notion as well?"

Perhaps we heard different religious texts but what I heard as a child is that Satan tried to claim himself as god's equal and when god pretty much said "nope" he murdered an angel to prove his power.

It was likely a bit different from that as I heard that well over 20 years ago but that's the jest of it.

Sorry for the PM but the thread locked and I wanted to tie up a few loose ends.

Not sure if thread was locked by mods or if it auto-locked when trying to exceed 50 pages (some forums have page limits on the threads).

CowboyGH about 3 hours ago
"So you're saying that you don't have a job? You live off of the land or work for a family business?"

How is that in any way a "servitude" to the rich and famous? Most to all the rid famous aren't that way because they are famous farmers.

"Perhaps we heard different religious texts but what I heard as a child is that Satan tried to claim himself as god's equal and when god pretty much said "nope" he murdered an angel to prove his power."

Satan was kicked out of Heaven for claiming/feeling equal to God. He thought himself to be able to do a greater job then God was doing. And even maybe better then God. Thus he was booted out of Heaven and assumingly the reason God allows Satan to continue to do what he wishes... to a degree of course. This last part is just perspective speaking.

Lazarus102's photo
Thu 11/24/16 09:40 AM
LOL, part 2. I didn't start this, looks like the forum automatically locked the first thread and created a 'part 2' when reaching 50 pages.

Lazarus102's photo
Thu 11/24/16 06:56 AM

You have that a bit mixed up my friend.

- His "angel" didn't tempt them. He was done kicked out of Heaven prior. At that point, he was no longer an "angel" or in servitude of God.

- Is a child not responsible for his/her own actions regardless of whom might have tempted them or told/ask them too do it?

And what "real" punishment do you feel in your life today from this?

So... God sent an exiled angel(one exiled for murdering another angel) down to play with his ignorant humans. That sounds responsible!

He made a curious creature, put it near a tree and said, don't touch the apples. The hell did he think was going to happen? Humans would have been no different from any other animals if they didn't touch the apple and as explained, they only did so after god did the equivalent of sending a maximum security prisoner into a kindergarten. God is either an idiot, willfully ignorant or just plain doesn't give a crap.

"And what "real" punishment do you feel in your life today from this?"

A lifetime of servitude to the rich and famous. Instead of living a life of peace in the garden we live stressful lives trying to keep jobs that we hate just to survive through lives that many of us don't even care about all because most of us fear death too much to opt out early. Few privileged humans get to be in that rich and/or famous crowd or find love early in their lives or live in ignorant bliss under the umbrella of a non-existent entity but that's not the case for the majority.

Lazarus102's photo
Thu 11/24/16 06:45 AM
Edited by Lazarus102 on Thu 11/24/16 06:43 AM

I think this post is interesting from a guy whose username is Lazarus. I do have a question, what did God do to you to make you so angry and mad at Him? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I just hate to hear when people are upset that's all...

Not a damn thing, because god doesn't exist. IF he does exist(and that's a big IF) he still hasn't done a damn thing for me or to me. He is on his own agenda and does not give a flying crap about any of us. I guess he wants us to explain every little thing that we don't yet understand as his doing. It's raining, god did it, the sun comes up in the day and goes down at night, god did it.. Oh wait; we understand those things now, what's next?

Edit: My name, Lazarus, I got from playing Diablo 1, it wasn't intended to be religious in any way.

Lazarus102's photo
Sun 11/20/16 05:53 PM
Edited by Lazarus102 on Sun 11/20/16 05:53 PM

As a side-note, I'd like to comment on your statement about the 72 virgins. It seems that the Bible doesn't have a monopoly on translation issues, as the virgins in question might actually be "raisins."

Imagine the crushing disappointment many of these martyrs will feel when they awaken, expecting 72 Ultra-hot "Untouched-ables," but getting a plate of dried grapes, instead.

This ties in perfectly with Cowboy's reply to you, so...

Ask an ye shall receive?

Reminds me of this XD.

Heh, heh. The raisins have struck again!

This fits in perfectly here as well:
"Give me two fire breathing whores any day of the week!" Haha!

That was good, haven't laughed that hard in a while XD. If ya like that, you should look up some george carlin, sadly he's dead now but he had some of the best stand up comedy to date.
Lot of religious references as well.