Topic: Arrogant ObamaCare TAX Increase Announced | |
Arrogant ObamaCare TAX Increase Announced
Obama's NEW Government Takeover Scheme Creates Socialized Health Care SEND YOUR FAXES NOW! ALERT: An Arrogant ObamaCare Plan details new taxes, cuts in Medicare and government regulations, crippling and obstructing the "bipartisan healthcare reform summit" on Feb. 25th signaling that the Democrats are not serious about starting over and including Republican ideas in their plans? Offering nothing new, the scheme defrauds America with a plan that repackages the same approach already taken by the U.S. Senate. A scheme that Americans have already rejected in the Latest Rasmussen Poll – as 56% Oppose ObamaCare!!!! The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) cannot even score the latest ObamaCare scheme because it lacks enough detail to do so. The White House claim that the scheme will save $100 billion over 10 years and $1 Trillion over 20 years is refuted by the Wall Street Journal that estimates the bill will cost $950 billion over 10 years. To balance out Obama's scheme a tax increase of more that 1,000,000,000 is needed in the next 10 years. Obama has lied again arrogantly introducing massive healthcare tax increases on every American earning less than $250,000/yr. Democrats will shove ObamaCare down every Americans throat like it or not, it will happen and Obama is pushing it through and it must be stopped. White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said. "We took our best shot at bridging the differences." He then indicated that the White House is open to the Democrats using a parliamentary tool called "reconciliation" to pass the bill without 60 votes in the Senate, saying that the president's proposal is designed for "maximum flexibility" so that it could be attached to a budget bill as a way of averting a Republican filibuster. Every person will be hurt with increased costs of an out of control Government Run Health Care bureaucracy taking over private insurance with Federal regulations. The scheme completely ignores and does not include Republican proposals for a series of modest changes to bring down costs and improve coverage, including tort reform and new freedoms for insurance companies to sell their policies across state lines. How does Obama Plan To Pay For It ALL? – WITH NEW TAXES!!!! A record number of Americans are out of work and ObamaCare funding is more than $1 Trillion short and cannot be paid for without new taxes. Obama and the Democrats in Congress are taking money out of our pockets with more than a dozen new taxes created by the bill. These would add up quickly for families: * Elimination of the Medicare Part D (prescription drug) deduction ($5.4 billion); * A 0.5 percent hike in the Medicare payroll tax for single earners over $200,000 * A tax on branded drugs ($22.2 billion); * An annual tax on the health insurers ($60.4 billion) * A 40 percent excise tax on "high value" health care ($149.1 billion in new taxes over the next 10 years); and joint earners over $250,000 ($53.8 billion); * Changes in health savings accounts (HSAs), ($5 billion); * A $2,500 cap on FSAs in cafeteria plans ($14.6 billion); * An increase from 10 percent to 20 percent in the penalty for early non-qualified HSA withdrawals ($1.3 billion); * A tax on companies that manufacture or import medical devices ($19.3 billion); * An increase in the floor of the medical expenses deduction from 7.5 percent of adjusted gross income to 10 percent, except for seniors, who will stay at 7.5 percent ($15.2 billion); * A mandate on companies with more than 50 employees to provide health coverage or pay a $750 penalty per employee for those who obtain coverage through the insurance exchange ($36 billion over 10 years) and a mandate on individuals to obtain coverage or pay a tax penalty. Dick Morris Is Right About A Liberal Democrat Secret Plan for ObamaCare Pelosi said, "We (Liberal Democrats) will go through the gate," "If the gate is closed, we will go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we will pole vault in. If that doesn't work, we will parachute in. But we are going to get health care reform passed for the American people for their own..." (GOOD?) This is outrageous and exactly what Americans do not want. FAX NOW AND OFTEN AND MAKE CALLS TO CONGRESS. We need your continued help more than ever as Socialized Health Care MUST STILL Be Stopped. Obama's NEW Government Takeover Scheme Creates Socialized Health Care Select Here to STOP Socialized ObamaCare: SEND YOUR FAXES NOW! Keep calling your Senators and Representatives today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121 AND REGISTER YOUR OUTRAGE at Arrogant ObamaCare TAX Increase! CALL PRESIDENT OBAMA 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your outrage at incompetence in crippling and obstructing the "bipartisan healthcare reform summit". DO NOT BE SILENCED – MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! NOTE: We need TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes and PHONE CALLS and EMAILS delivered to ALL Congressmen right away! This is a fight for the very heart of America. We can WIN this fight! With Senate Republicans now forcing Democrats to "ping-pong" the Obamacare bill back and forth between the two Houses, we can capitalize on the divisions within the Democrat Party itself! If we can STOP Reid and Pelosi from getting enough votes in either House -- that means THE BILL WOULD DIE! We CAN still win, by keeping the Democrats from getting the votes they need to pass Obamacare... but we can't do it without YOUR help! Obama's NEW Government Takeover Scheme Creates Socialized Health Care Select Here to STOP Socialized ObamaCare: SEND YOUR FAXES NOW! TAKE ACTION: We don't have much time before the liberal Democrat leaders in the House and Senate begin their backroom deal-making to work all of their deals and compromises, in hopes of getting enough votes to pass ObamaCare. We have to start NOW in letting ALL of these people who are supposed to be representing US in Washington, that we are NOT going to put up with this -- and that they MUST LISTEN TO US and KILL THE BILL! We CANNOT let the radical liberals in Congress -- and the White House -- force this plan for socialized health care on the American people! That's why we've set up our website to enable you to send a strong message to every single member of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, OPPOSING this outrageous plan. For about what it would cost you in time and telephone charges, you can send Blast Faxes to Democrats, Republicans, Independents -- EVERYONE in BOTH houses of Congress, DEMANDING that they REJECT this socialized health care plan NOW! Obama's NEW Government Takeover Scheme Creates Socialized Health Care Select Here to STOP Socialized ObamaCare: SEND YOUR FAXES NOW! This fight CAN BE WON! Please, take action right away to STOP this bill in the U.S. Congress! Sincerely, Alan M. Gottlieb Chairman, AmeriPAC |
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Tue 02/23/10 03:24 PM
"A Medicare payroll tax increase on upper-income earners would help plug the revenue gap. For the first time, Medicare taxes would be assessed on investment income, not just wages." |
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Tue 02/23/10 03:26 PM
Sure sounds like a lie from the first lines of the article in OP.
You can always tell the garbage right off. |
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Tue 02/23/10 04:05 PM
What is most flabbergasting, is reading 'THE WHOLE THING',
... filled with across the board destructive lies, half baked redundant clichés (TAXES, TAXES, TAXES), and negative statements, and, ... a general impenetrable closed minded attitude about 'reform of any form' as a whole, to then get the depth of hypocrisy and bad faith in the 'ALERT' message appearing at the top of their address, which I isolated below for our shared benefit: «... ALERT: An Arrogant ObamaCare Plan details new taxes, cuts in Medicare and government regulations, crippling and obstructing the "bipartisan healthcare reform summit" on Feb. 25th signaling that the Democrats are not serious about starting over and including Republican ideas in their plans? «... crippling and obstructing the "bipartisan healthcare reform summit...» The 'crying bunch' has never shown a hint of 'bipartisan' dispositions. As for the 'REFORM' part of healthcare, I assert they couldn't even spell it!!! How in the spitting fires of lower heavens, do they find the idiotic arrogance to blame the government of 'CRIPPLING AND OBSTRUCTING'!!! In parting, if anyone can write on these threads, JUST ONE constructive, collaborative idea, which could be included in the 'still very wishful' bi-partisan potential plan, to help pass the reform, I will become a republican!!! ... just to promote it!!! |
In parting, if anyone can write on these threads, JUST ONE constructive, collaborative idea, which could be included in the 'still very wishful' bi-partisan potential plan, to help pass the reform, I will become a republican!!! ... just to promote it!!!
“A Roadmap for America’s Future: 2.0” |
Ya see, we don't need thousands of pages or trillions of dollars in taxes laid on us.
We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either. But, like everyone is saying in most all other threads. Jobs first, thin Gov., cap work permits, deport the Illegal, and fine and/or jail the employer who is hiring them. One other thing. Jail the person responsible for making sure our workplace is free of Illegals. |
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Tue 02/23/10 07:39 PM
Ya see, we don't need thousands of pages or trillions of dollars in taxes laid on us. We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either. WOW!!! I had to read it twice, slowly!!! «... We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either...» That's exactly what Obama's revised proposal is all about. It was made to PLEASE you and yours 'willing'. I bet you didn't even read it?!?!?! I guess you prefer scaring yourself to death (without proper coverage) by repeating 'taxes, taxes, taxes!!!' in front of the mirror. But if you truly care to look into this situation outside of the grossly partisan intoxication, I suggest you inform yourself and read up on the true economic reality of this healthcare challenge in the USA. You might start by honestly asking yourself what is the cost to ALL American people for not ensuring 'FAIR AND ACCESSIBLE' COVERAGE to ALL its citizens!??!?? Take your time, and ask yourself the question. The answer to that one might come close to the figure you erroneously attributed to YOUR solution, which Obama wrote up for YOUR approval. |
Ya see, we don't need thousands of pages or trillions of dollars in taxes laid on us. We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either. But, like everyone is saying in most all other threads. Jobs first, thin Gov., cap work permits, deport the Illegal, and fine and/or jail the employer who is hiring them. One other thing. Jail the person responsible for making sure our workplace is free of Illegals. At last a post that is needed . you should be in the white house . this would work ......... |
Ya see, we don't need thousands of pages or trillions of dollars in taxes laid on us. We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either. WOW!!! I had to read it twice, slowly!!! «... We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either...» That's exactly what Obama's revised proposal is all about. It was made to PLEASE you and yours 'willing'. I bet you didn't even read it?!?!?! I guess you prefer scaring yourself to death (without proper coverage) by repeating 'taxes, taxes, taxes!!!' in front of the mirror. But if you truly care to look into this situation outside of the grossly partisan intoxication, I suggest you inform yourself and read up on the true economic reality of this healthcare challenge in the USA. You might start by honestly asking yourself what is the cost to ALL American people for not ensuring 'FAIR AND ACCESSIBLE' COVERAGE to ALL its citizens!??!?? Take your time, and ask yourself the question. The answer to that one might come close to the figure you erroneously attributed to YOUR solution, which Obama wrote up for YOUR approval. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX you should read your own writings this sounds like you have been sniffing your own gases to much . |
Ya see, we don't need thousands of pages or trillions of dollars in taxes laid on us. We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either. But, like everyone is saying in most all other threads. Jobs first, thin Gov., cap work permits, deport the Illegal, and fine and/or jail the employer who is hiring them. One other thing. Jail the person responsible for making sure our workplace is free of Illegals. At last a post that is needed . you should be in the white house . this would work ......... I don't understand how you would go for that one 'cashU'?!?!? This plan is most definitely not ready for prime time. It is suggests TO JAIL the person responsible to ensure that workplaces are free of illegal workers. That means workplaces will be full of illegals, while anyone trying to do anything about it will BE JAILED!!! Completely destroys everything the man proposes about 'jobs first' NOW DON'T IT?!?!?! |
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Tue 02/23/10 08:10 PM
Ya see, we don't need thousands of pages or trillions of dollars in taxes laid on us. We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either. WOW!!! I had to read it twice, slowly!!! «... We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either...» That's exactly what Obama's revised proposal is all about. It was made to PLEASE you and yours 'willing'. I bet you didn't even read it?!?!?! I guess you prefer scaring yourself to death (without proper coverage) by repeating 'taxes, taxes, taxes!!!' in front of the mirror. But if you truly care to look into this situation outside of the grossly partisan intoxication, I suggest you inform yourself and read up on the true economic reality of this healthcare challenge in the USA. You might start by honestly asking yourself what is the cost to ALL American people for not ensuring 'FAIR AND ACCESSIBLE' COVERAGE to ALL its citizens!??!?? Take your time, and ask yourself the question. The answer to that one might come close to the figure you erroneously attributed to YOUR solution, which Obama wrote up for YOUR approval. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX you should read your own writings this sounds like you have been sniffing your own gases to much . Brilliant rebuttal! Such poise! So, ... how should I say, ... rustic!!! ... bordering on vacuous and primitive!!! 'cashU', I believe Congress awaits the contribution you could make to this country through your debating skills alone!!! I urge you to run for office! I have a feeling you would make quite an impression on a lot of folks out there!!! |
why are people on this site mad about it...i'm really sure the tax hike will affect them. I highly doubt people making over 250 K are trolling these forums and tea party klan rallys.
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Wed 02/24/10 04:42 AM
Single payer is the way to go. In one fell swoop cut out all
the middlemen. Increase the quality of care to the best in the world and at the same time cut our cost in half. The insurance companies won't like it but we don't have a choice. Healthcare costs are strangling our economy. One way to implement the overhaul would be to adopt the french system. It is well documented and proven successful and economical. Then we can work on improving it. Cut out the waste and let's get on with it. The slower we reform the more we will have to pay and the worse care we will get. if we adopted the model of health care used in france as i once suggested in another thread then the savings could be $5600 billion in the first year or (~$467 billion a month) for 12 straight months. So, Contact your representatives and the Whitehouse and tell them that you demand healthcare which surpasses what they have in France and that it must cost less than what the French pay for their system. |
Single payer is the way to go. In one fell swoop cut out all the middlemen. Increase the quality of care to the best in the world and at the same time cut our cost in half. The insurance companies won't like it but we don't have a choice. Healthcare costs are strangling our economy. One way to implement the overhaul would be to adopt the french system. It is well documented and proven successful and economical. Then we can work on improving it. Cut out the waste and let's get on with it. The slower we reform the more we will have to pay and the worse care we will get. if we adopted the model of health care used in france as i once suggested in another thread then the savings could be $5600 billion in the first year or (~$467 billion a month) for 12 straight months. So, Contact your representatives and the Whitehouse and tell them that you demand healthcare which surpasses what they have in France and that it must cost less than what the French pay for their system. The French model pays all tuition costs for students in medical school and allows no malpractice lawsuits... Do you think people are going to go for that? |
Single payer is the way to go. In one fell swoop cut out all the middlemen. Increase the quality of care to the best in the world and at the same time cut our cost in half. The insurance companies won't like it but we don't have a choice. Healthcare costs are strangling our economy. One way to implement the overhaul would be to adopt the french system. It is well documented and proven successful and economical. Then we can work on improving it. Cut out the waste and let's get on with it. The slower we reform the more we will have to pay and the worse care we will get. if we adopted the model of health care used in france as i once suggested in another thread then the savings could be $5600 billion in the first year or (~$467 billion a month) for 12 straight months. So, Contact your representatives and the Whitehouse and tell them that you demand healthcare which surpasses what they have in France and that it must cost less than what the French pay for their system. The French model pays all tuition costs for students in medical school and allows no malpractice lawsuits... Do you think people are going to go for that? Can you cite specific references as to those parts of their system? I have not seen that. But I am only saying to use the French model as a starting point. Cut our medical costs in half this year across the board. Give us the best medical care in the world and universal coverage no pre-existing conditions AND cut our costs in half. Then, if we want to make changes to improve upon that system we will have like $5.6 trillion dollars a year to help make improvements. If I told you I could improve your medical care, eliminate any pre-existing conditions from consideration AND cut your premium in half then you would do it in an instant right? It is a NO BRAINER. The longer we wait the more we will have to labor under the current onerous and hazardous situation. There is no excuse for the U.S. not having the best and lowest cost universal health care in the world. No excuse. We even have an excellent working model to copy! |
Single payer is the way to go. In one fell swoop cut out all the middlemen. Increase the quality of care to the best in the world and at the same time cut our cost in half. The insurance companies won't like it but we don't have a choice. Healthcare costs are strangling our economy. One way to implement the overhaul would be to adopt the french system. It is well documented and proven successful and economical. Then we can work on improving it. Cut out the waste and let's get on with it. The slower we reform the more we will have to pay and the worse care we will get. if we adopted the model of health care used in france as i once suggested in another thread then the savings could be $5600 billion in the first year or (~$467 billion a month) for 12 straight months. So, Contact your representatives and the Whitehouse and tell them that you demand healthcare which surpasses what they have in France and that it must cost less than what the French pay for their system. The French model pays all tuition costs for students in medical school and allows no malpractice lawsuits... Do you think people are going to go for that? Can you cite specific references as to those parts of their system? I have not seen that. But I am only saying to use the French model as a starting point. Cut our medical costs in half this year across the board. Give us the best medical care in the world and universal coverage no pre-existing conditions AND cut our costs in half. Then, if we want to make changes to improve upon that system we will have like $5.6 trillion dollars a year to help make improvements. If I told you I could improve your medical care, eliminate any pre-existing conditions from consideration AND cut your premium in half then you would do it in an instant right? It is a NO BRAINER. The longer we wait the more we will have to labor under the current onerous and hazardous situation. There is no excuse for the U.S. not having the best and lowest cost universal health care in the world. No excuse. We even have an excellent working model to copy! French doctors earn about 60 percent of what their American counterparts make, although they get free medical school tuition and don't face high malpractice insurance premiums. |
Wow! I really liked that article. To quote the Texas woman in it
who has had both systems, "The American health care model, she says, is too expensive and too insecure. France offers her family good medical treatment, better insurance, more convenience and no worries about how to pay medical bills if her husband's job changes." So.. Sure! |
I don't understand how you would go for that one 'cashU'?!?!? This plan is most definitely not ready for prime time. It is suggests TO JAIL the person responsible to ensure that workplaces are free of illegal workers. That means workplaces will be full of illegals, while anyone trying to do anything about it will BE JAILED!!! Completely destroys everything the man proposes about 'jobs first' NOW DON'T IT?!?!?! VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV well you post where it says this . some times I'm a littl slow on the intrig . but I would like to see where it says that in his post .. |
Ya see, we don't need thousands of pages or trillions of dollars in taxes laid on us. We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either. WOW!!! I had to read it twice, slowly!!! «... We already have Medicaid and Medicare. Adjust those so all folks fit in either...» That's exactly what Obama's revised proposal is all about. It was made to PLEASE you and yours 'willing'. I bet you didn't even read it?!?!?! I guess you prefer scaring yourself to death (without proper coverage) by repeating 'taxes, taxes, taxes!!!' in front of the mirror. But if you truly care to look into this situation outside of the grossly partisan intoxication, I suggest you inform yourself and read up on the true economic reality of this healthcare challenge in the USA. You might start by honestly asking yourself what is the cost to ALL American people for not ensuring 'FAIR AND ACCESSIBLE' COVERAGE to ALL its citizens!??!?? Take your time, and ask yourself the question. The answer to that one might come close to the figure you erroneously attributed to YOUR solution, which Obama wrote up for YOUR approval. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX you should read your own writings this sounds like you have been sniffing your own gases to much . Brilliant rebuttal! Such poise! So, ... how should I say, ... rustic!!! ... bordering on vacuous and primitive!!! 'cashU', I believe Congress awaits the contribution you could make to this country through your debating skills alone!!! I urge you to run for office! I have a feeling you would make quite an impression on a lot of folks out there!!! actually I have been the reason for many of the changes in the past 40 years . but this is the most important one this country has ever faced .I don't use latin words unless there is no other way to say something . To address the issue .I for one don't think we should have health insurance at all . Its the reason health care cost so much already .If we out lawed it the cost of medical care would drop to what we can afford because in a capitist system you are worth what you can get, not what you think your worth . Are you following my logic ? It wouldn't take the doctors very long to figuire out what there services are really worth because its the abilty to pay that sets the true price . Now with the deep pockets of the insurance co.s they can charge more . Without them who could afford them . So be brave it a poker game . |