Anybody walking around calling himself LL Cool J CANNOT be taken seriously.. Worse thing is; he made that name up himself??! Not sure how relevant he is... but he is pretty crap YES AND HOW ELSE IS HE GOING TO SAY GETTO |
I dont think Bush was a good guy, I just thought he was a bit of a spoiled rich boy with little experience in the 'average' world, poor work ethic, unprofessional mannerism and a serious disconnect from and even the non wealthy,,,,, very arrogant without much to back it up (besides his power) as a person,, he seemed pretty harmless and probably very capable of all the same flaws that any of us have I guarantee you would say differently about him if he were black. BOY YOU GOT THIS NAILED DOWN RIGHT . |
mehhh this is all the biggest problem in our politics no on can disagree with out demonizing the opposition. its poisoning the well to the point where there can be no discussion of anything without all this mud slinging at either Bush wasn't a Hitler and Obama isn't a communist. They are just ordinary guys doing the best job they can and the rest is ideological bombastic crap rhetoric propaganda and manipulation of the truth and semi false facts designed to sucker in the gullible and weak minded as we well see in these very threads I agree with everthing except bush started a war and cost us over 4000 good mens lives on a lie .. |
mayor assassinated
Must of been those Christain soldiers ..
Meet Larry Silverstein
EXPERTS CLAIM OFFICIAL 9/11 STORY IS A HOAX Scholars for 9/11 Truth call for verification and publication by an international consortium. Duluth, MN (PRWEB) January 30, 2006 -- A group of distinguished experts and scholars, including Robert M. Bowman, James H. Fetzer, Wayne Madsen,John McMurtry, Morgan Reynolds, and Andreas von Buelow, have concluded that senior government officials have covered up crucial facts about what really happened on 9/11. They have joined with others in common cause as members of "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" (S9/11T), because they are convinced, based on their own research, that the administration has been deceiving the nation about critical events in New York and Washington, DC These experts suggest these events may have been orchestrated by elements within the administration to manipulate Americans into supporting policies at home and abroad they would never have condoned absent "another Pearl Harbor." ~~~~ •Since the melting point of steel is about 2,700°F, the temperature of jet fuel fires does not exceed 1,800°F under optimal conditions, and UL certified the steel used to 2,000°F for six hours, the buildings cannot have collapsed due to heat from the fires. How is this possible? Indisputable fact...yet no one cares to know...why are people not wanting to know the truth? Is it that they will deny it, afraid to give the red, white, and blue a black eye? WTF...I mean really. Suck it up America...your Neo-con(artist)/ GOP/Corporate Death Machines(MIC)...attacked America...then the same criminals went on to blame Muslims for it and have spent nearly $1 Trillion on two wars...over 5K coalition deaths...and up to a million Muslims killed. Incredible...just phucking incredible. ![]() AND THERE COMING AFTER CANADA REAL SOON ..... |
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Wed 03/31/10 05:54 PM
there way of growing balls is to kill a lot of people who can't protect there selfs from the government .and then sit back and let there lackys spin the facts . those guys did no illegal things out in the woods . crying fire to people who know there is no fire is not a crime . they were the only people there except for the sit up guy working for the government .
The reason I know you are wrong is that the earth heats and cools naturally over many many years. It is a geological fact.
Now it should be a natural event in a scientific mind to understand that all life effects it's environment which would logically mean that we being life will effect our environment. I don't recall the cycle of heating and cooling being called into question. I may be wrong about that, though. What IS in question, is not the fact that we, as humans, affect our environment. It's how much we affect it. Just a thought. I agree and how much is going to be hard to determine. But scientifically we know we do. All life does. Like a pimple on your butt . sit on the other cheek for a while and it well be OK |
| about adding.. AND did basically NOTHING to get people back to work AND raised taxes even though people aren't working AND handed the health insurance companies a HUGE gift by requiring people to BUY it you mean that free insurance ? uh I wonder who she is talking about . |
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Tue 03/30/10 07:36 PM
a United Airlines flight on take off from San Francisco recived a warrining from the control tower that a small plane was headed strait for it. the passenger jet changed course at the last second and the two planes missed each other by only 200 to 300 ft. the passenger plane was carring over 260 people. the cause of the near miss is being investagated by the ntsb. for more information see IT's another christian plot to terrorize the godless masses ... I heard the libs say they might be able to creat 2 jobs after they bust that dam terroist .. |
"That bumper sticker that maybe you'll see on the next Subaru driving by -- an Obama bumper sticker -- you should stop the driver and say, 'So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?'" -Sara Palin Not that I'm a big supporter of hers or anything but that made me laugh Sure is a laugh!!! I hear you!!! What's scary though, is the thought that a lot of people seem to have that as the first and only criteria for their choice as President. That's a pretty 'scarey, changey, not workey, thoughtey!!!' I know a lot of you brainaics haven't noticed but the brazilian country is back to work and setting records in the GDP . while the libs here haven't been able to get more than 7 jobs at a time ....... |
Massive chemical fire
proably started by a terriost liberal ...or a government agent trying to get an excuse to attact the christains .
Who the heck chooses to be an alcoholic or a drug addict?! Alcoholics and drug addicts do No one forced them to do this . |
government at it agatn
killing snow spots with pop guns? that just cannot be! ![]() |
government at it agatn
oh just trying to inject some levity. i'm sure the DA has got their number. THIER INNOCENT and the only thing I want to know about the catolic church is hows your kids today . |
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Tue 03/30/10 11:03 AM
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Tue 03/30/10 10:52 AM
But what about Janet Reno and Ruby Ridge? Funny how we get threatened and the cops say "There is nothing we can do about it," but god forbid it should be a politician getting threatened. WELL IT PROVES YOU SHOULDN'T BE TALKING IT ANY MORE , YOU GET JUST AS MUCH TIME FOR TALKING AS YOU DO FOR DOING IT .... Janet Reno that had randy shot in the back and never got put in prison . She also had the children at waco tx burned to death and never even had to hire a lawyer to beat these charges , O YEA NOW I REMEMBER WHY SHE'S A LIBERAL . They did that even knowing that their group had moved way out of town to NOT to have a problem with their nieaboors . And then made the claim they murdered those people because they sold to many guns in one year . However, they were licensed gun dealers . HOW DOES THE GOVERNMENT FIND ALL THESE SMALL GROUPS OF NON CRIMINELS WHEN THEY CAN'T FIND 59 MILLION ILLEGALS DRUG SMUGGLERS? |
12 yr old tried as a adult
Hang em high...I sure don't want an 12yr old psycho running free...sad for the father and pregnant girlfriend ![]() Damn! Ya'll got Lewis fired up. He is still a child. We seriously don't give up on our own like that? He wouldn't be running the streets. The young man needs help...... ![]() Well its for sure the baby and old pass it around doesn't need the help , DO THEY ! |
ITS ALL BS THEY NEVER DID ANYTHING ILLEGAL . just a nother bunch of guys playing soldier ..
it s only a matter of time before it happens here . they keep comeing and sooner or latter they well want there own state .
Drunk problems
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Mon 03/29/10 04:08 PM
Just in, an elderly man passes out from too much drinking at a quiet Indian party in the res. Why is that not the first time I heard about this? ![]() uh you been butting into other peoples business to much and to get even you folks gave us cigaretts . what now shall we all sit around an cry like babys or just stop drinking and smokeing . |