Topic: White Supremacists, Counter-Demonstrators Face Off in LA | |
I'd like to make a few observations here.
This story was released by several liberal news agencies. It will probably be on national TV News for days. Where was the coverage about the Panthers harassing voters? The White Supremacists aren't anti-mexican. They and the Mexican Mafia are allies. Doing business together. I believe this will be played out as "hate and suspect" anyone who is Pro-Legal Immigration as racists. Especially anyone white. My point being, if you hate the group who is against Illegal Immigration, it's easy to align with those in favor of Amnesty for illegal acts against our citizens and country. Lastly. The link below is from a group who supports the Global warming conspiracy and Al Gore. DC at it again. White Supremacists, Counter-Demonstrators Face Off in LA 12 hours ago - A white supremacist group rallied against illegal immigration in downtown Los Angeles Saturday as hundreds of counter-protesters gathered to shout them down in a tense standoff that included several arrests, thrown rocks and police in riot gear. ( I wonder who threw the rocks and got arrested? Makes ya' wanna' go HMMMM. ) ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 04/18/10 08:26 AM
Once again, the 'news media' uses inflammatory language to inflame the sheeple and whip 'em into a frothy mob. 'White Supremacist' has such a 'ring' to it ... so much nicer than 'Mexican Supremacist' or 'Black Supremacist' - which terms just don't exist in the Liberal / Communist agitprop playbook. This prelude is NOT to imply that there aren't white racists ... there are. That being said, there are ALSO racists of EVERY color who will never accept others as their co-equal(-s).
As for THESE 'white supremacists', they're just about makin' drug money - just like the Mexicans. This is NOT about 'illegal' vs 'legal' immigration. Don't ever expect groups like 'La Raza' ('The Race') or 'Aztlan' to make unbiased arguments. LULAC and other sponsors of illegal immigration have way too much to gain by pushing the illegal boundary to increase their population and extend rights to them over pushing for LEGAL immigration using the system already in place. THESE 'white supremacists' appear to be (note, 'appear' to be) genuinely opposed to unrestricted ILLEGAL entry into this country. Whether the illegals are Mexican, Guatemalan, Honduran, Haitian, Cuban, Irish, Italian, or German is beside the point. The point is, no matter the ethnicity, if they circumvent the process for entering the country legally, they are de facto 'illegal aliens' and subject to capture and deportation. We all know that ain't gonna happen in this political landscape, tho', and THAT's what the 'white supremacists' and others opposed to this influx are REALLY protesting. Don't waste time looking for unbiased reporting whenever this issue surfaces ... we don't have 'reporters' anymore - we just have 'advocates with a mike' ... |
unbiased, from the NSM site itself
"All non-White immigration must be prevented. We demand that all non-Whites currently residing in America be required to leave the nation forthwith and return to their land of origin: peacefully or by force" seems like it doesnt matter if its legal or not I feel it is interesting to hear of supremacist types being victims instead of perpetrators for a change though,,, |
I am totally against "Open Door" immigration. I feel unless someone comes to this country with money "lots of it," a skill of some kind our country needs and a job, or thy are bringing some kind of new industry to us and employment for Americans we need to keep the rest out for a host of reasons JUST LIKE SWITZERLAND! Oh yeah I went there. Why does Switzerland do so well? They don't let anyone including scum past their borders. They are on illegal immigrants like starving dogs on fresh meat. They control their numbers. They know they only have so much land and so much resource to support themselves especially if something bad happened. Even Mexico has some messed up immigration policies of their own. Japan sure in the hell won't let my white *** immigrate there. Russia might because I have skills and also no criminal record. Funny thing is not all Russians are "white" per say either. A person from Kamchatka or Siberia definitely does not look Caucasian at all. But with all that aside does that make me a White Supremest? Does wanting to kick out all of the illegal immigrants color aside out make me a hateful person? If it does than maybe I should become an Anarchist full time too? What is the point of having laws at all when people and agencies in charge will not even enforce them or worst 'selectively' enforce them? Now granted White Supremacists are the extreme of the immigration issue. They do want all non whites to get out but those are the neo-Nazis and Skin Heads. They are like any minority fringe group and they spout the same hate as does Mexican groups I know and black groups I know (Louis Farrakahn anyone?) that want to purge the world of Whitey. Don't you not feel that Affirmative Action was a little more aimed at discriminating against ONE racial group (actually two because Asians were treated the same as whites!). If you don't please don't take this wrong but you are BLIND! The White racial groups all with bound up panties have damn good reason to be scared. Affirmative Action was done in by lawsuits showing it to be a racially motivated congregationalist policy that was unconstitutional. Again there is a lot of overcompensation and that alone is stirring up the radicals first. The media gets into it and suddenly everyone is foaming at the mouth. Sheeple Rabies. I am just waiting to see one of these little protests get good and bloody. I want to see both sides go at it with bottles and chains! What a way to show human nature at its best! All most of these jack-offs do is talk and talk and talk. Usually only positive change comes after a violent exchange. Now granted violence is not the answer. The thing is we have problems our government isn't seeing and their whole "we do as we please" attitude of our government has got EVERYBODY pissed off. We keep blurring standards and catering to every fringe and minority group when we need to say enough of your bullS**t! We need to clarify our standards. We need better enforcement. We need to fix a decrepit and broken down system. We need to deal with the corruption that plagues our system. We also need to get ourselves off of the whole "Growth" economy and look towards a "Stable" economy! Do you know the little poem "Give us your poor, your tired, your weak and huddled masses," was written by a French socialistic poet? Look, we need to stop taking in all the crap of the world. Our country is being buried in the crap of humanity! The last thing I want is a White Supremist stinking up my community but likewise I don't want haterating Mexicans, Negros, or anyone else stinking up my community either. A black American should be treated the same as ANY other American. That is how it is supposed to be. Maintaining segregationist policies and ideals and constantly reminding us of racial fairness is making the problems worst than better! The media all around SUCKseeds! |
I don't have time to debate this issue... but I would really encourage those that are looking into undocumented workers.... to look past the rhetoric... and look at how US economy is forcing economic destruction in other countries.
Think of it this way.... if your local economy was trashed .... and there was no work, or work for wages that couldn't support you or your family.... what would you do? |
Anyone who condones and supports Illegal activities can send me their ID, SSN, birth certificates, and/or credit card numbers and pins.
I'll make sure a deserving Illegal gets the documents so they can get them jobs, credit, free health care, food stamps, etc. |
Two points,,,
1. Affirmative action polices were enacted to CURTAIL the DISCRIMINATION already present,,,,,,and well needed and 2. Farakkhan is a seperatist and not a supremacist. He does not want to send WHITE folks out of America or ban them,, he wanted(in the past, his stance has long since changed) to have the ability to live SEPERATELY within the united states ,,, |
Two points,,, 1. Affirmative action polices were enacted to CURTAIL the DISCRIMINATION already present,,,,,,and well needed and 2. Farakkhan is a seperatist and not a supremacist. He does not want to send WHITE folks out of America or ban them,, he wanted(in the past, his stance has long since changed) to have the ability to live SEPERATELY within the united states ,,, Affirmative action has no part in Immigration Law. Illegals have no rights here. The Immigration Law has nothing to do with discrimination. As far as the extremist U.S. leader of the Nation of Islam, Farrakhan, he also has no part in this discussion. |
Two points,,, 1. Affirmative action polices were enacted to CURTAIL the DISCRIMINATION already present,,,,,,and well needed and 2. Farakkhan is a seperatist and not a supremacist. He does not want to send WHITE folks out of America or ban them,, he wanted(in the past, his stance has long since changed) to have the ability to live SEPERATELY within the united states ,,, Affirmative action has no part in Immigration Law. Illegals have no rights here. The Immigration Law has nothing to do with discrimination. As far as the extremist U.S. leader of the Nation of Islam, Farrakhan, he also has no part in this discussion. I was actually responding to Andy B Good,, who brought up BOTH affirmative action and Farakkhan |
As examples of the hypocrisy with "proper" tolerant thinking.
Let us not forget the Civil War was about separate nations. It will not be tolerated. The greater issue at hand is illegal immigration. There is nothing right or correct about turning a blind eye to something that is ILLEGAL for one and TWO plays havoc on our social systems in place when the privileges of these systems are offered to NON CONTRIBUTORS! Worst is the crime that follows Illegal immigration in. Mexico's plight is NOT OUR PROBLEM! It is their problem and they need to deal with it until it spills over into our country then we need the military to deal with it and Invade Mexico if necessary! Sorry if this seems too draconian but F the poor in other countries. I am sick of being working poor here! Less Fing government! Less taxation! More *** kicking! More pro America and LESS globalization and Socialization! People need to learn to account for themselves in this country and others as well. Mexicans bring Mexico down! Not the USA! That is a load! They do not need to come here unless they do it legally. If not they are criminals! Do you know what I would be in the UK if I was there without a passport? Drum roll please... Arrested and deported! Why? I'm there illegally! ![]() And I am an American! What makes me think I am so lofty to be above the laws of other nations? Can someone tell me PLEASE what the hell right have they got to be here illegally in the first place? I would love a straight answer that does not involve some humanitarian dogma! |
i'm illegal : D
As examples of the hypocrisy with "proper" tolerant thinking. Let us not forget the Civil War was about separate nations. It will not be tolerated. The greater issue at hand is illegal immigration. There is nothing right or correct about turning a blind eye to something that is ILLEGAL for one and TWO plays havoc on our social systems in place when the privileges of these systems are offered to NON CONTRIBUTORS! Worst is the crime that follows Illegal immigration in. Mexico's plight is NOT OUR PROBLEM! It is their problem and they need to deal with it until it spills over into our country then we need the military to deal with it and Invade Mexico if necessary! Sorry if this seems too draconian but F the poor in other countries. I am sick of being working poor here! Less Fing government! Less taxation! More *** kicking! More pro America and LESS globalization and Socialization! People need to learn to account for themselves in this country and others as well. Mexicans bring Mexico down! Not the USA! That is a load! They do not need to come here unless they do it legally. If not they are criminals! Do you know what I would be in the UK if I was there without a passport? Drum roll please... Arrested and deported! Why? I'm there illegally! ![]() And I am an American! What makes me think I am so lofty to be above the laws of other nations? Can someone tell me PLEASE what the hell right have they got to be here illegally in the first place? I would love a straight answer that does not involve some humanitarian dogma! These posts took a temporary tangent. I am not supportive of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION,, but I am also not supportive of racial bigotry. |
Edited by
Sun 04/18/10 03:20 PM
I think the biggest players who allow to continue to have illegal immigration through border policy are the companies who continue to use (illegaly) the illegals as a free-work force, since there is no taxes to pay after them, and nobody will miss them in USA if they happened to "disappear". I have heard plenty of stories from Brazilians, Mexicans how they were working 7 days a week 12hrs a day for like 3dollars/hr. And even from that money, they had to pay off the "jackals" who would threaten them to murder someone from their family back in Mexico if they don't get a portion of it, so they were making just enough to have enough food.
Modern day slavery, and large companies are involved. That's why they shipped all the jobs overseas to China, where Chinese people work like slaves in the factory and the companies love it. No health care benefits, no pension no nothing. If they die or can't work anymore, they are fired and they hire someone new from the masses. The companies don't want to pay for healthcare or taxes, neither pensions, that's why they figured that "American workers" (same things goes in in Europe though) are just a "pain in a butt" and a "bump on the back", illegal workers (with no papers and not in the system) are great. No one will miss them, no taxes, no benefits to pay. Same in China, but the regular people worked like slaves so we can buy all the tinker toys in Walmart. |
I think the biggest players who allow to continue to have illegal immigration through border policy are the companies who continue to use (illegaly) the illegals as a free-work force, since there is no taxes to pay after them, and nobody will miss them in USA if they happened to "disappear". I have heard plenty of stories from Brazilians, Mexicans how they were working 7 days a week 12hrs a day for like 3dollars/hr. And even from that money, they had to pay off the "jackals" who would threaten them to murder someone from their family back in Mexico if they don't get a portion of it, so they were making just enough to have enough food. Modern day slavery, and large companies are involved. That's why they shipped all the jobs overseas to China, where Chinese people work like slaves in the factory and the companies love it. No health care benefits, no pension no nothing. If they die or can't work anymore, they are fired and they hire someone new from the masses. The companies don't want to pay for healthcare or taxes, neither pensions, that's why they figured that "American workers" (same things goes in in Europe though) are just a "pain in a butt" and a "bump on the back", illegal workers (with no papers and not in the system) are great. No one will miss them, no taxes, no benefits to pay. Same in China, but the regular people worked like slaves so we can buy all the tinker toys in Walmart. You are so right. Before the civil war, the rich Southern Democrats were chastised for keeping, working and breeding slaves. Now, it's the rich, and the liberal who fights to keep slavery alive. I'll say it again, give another amnesty program and that will just create another need for more Illegals. An American steals an ID to make another life and they go to prison. An Illegal steals an identity, the liberal wants to give them a job and amnesty. ![]() |
Why is it when a citizen of the usa demands that criminals be sent back to there gettos some one jumps up and screams racistism .
As I remember it the mexicans are running the blacks out of THERE nieaborhoods . Now that its blacks that are supporting the idea of keeping them here ,Ijust laugh when I read about it . Its in the newspapers and writen about in books now days so there s no reason for you not to know . So I guess your just scare . I haven't seen anyone saying to only deport the mexicans . I my self want all the illegals gone . we have a legal system that lets any one who qualify to come here as we need them . but as the mexicans and others have not seen fit as to ask to come here the others who have signed up and waited there turn haven't been allowed because the ilmannered pigs who think they have some suppior rights to all others came instead . |
I believe this will be played out as "hate and suspect" anyone who is Pro-Legal Immigration as racists. Especially anyone white.
Well, I'm sure someone, somewhere will play it like this. From what I've read, from the big evil liberal media, is that the white supremacists were victims of aggression from minority groups. I've seen more focus on the wrong that was done by minority groups than the wrong-ness of being white-supremacists. |
I don't have time to debate this issue... but I would really encourage those that are looking into undocumented workers.... to look past the rhetoric... and look at how US economy is forcing economic destruction in other countries. Think of it this way.... if your local economy was trashed .... and there was no work, or work for wages that couldn't support you or your family.... what would you do? one never knows,,but if I broke a law and got CAUGHT , I would accept and expect some consequences and probably not make demands instead. |
Edited by
Mon 04/19/10 02:35 AM
I'd like to make a few observations here. This story was released by several liberal news agencies. It will probably be on national TV News for days. Where was the coverage about the Panthers harassing voters? The White Supremacists aren't anti-mexican. They and the Mexican Mafia are allies. Doing business together. I believe this will be played out as "hate and suspect" anyone who is Pro-Legal Immigration as racists. Especially anyone white. My point being, if you hate the group who is against Illegal Immigration, it's easy to align with those in favor of Amnesty for illegal acts against our citizens and country. Lastly. The link below is from a group who supports the Global warming conspiracy and Al Gore. DC at it again. White Supremacists, Counter-Demonstrators Face Off in LA 12 hours ago - A white supremacist group rallied against illegal immigration in downtown Los Angeles Saturday as hundreds of counter-protesters gathered to shout them down in a tense standoff that included several arrests, thrown rocks and police in riot gear. ( I wonder who threw the rocks and got arrested? Makes ya' wanna' go HMMMM. ) ![]() One point on this...just because they do business with the Mexican Mafia does not mean they don't hate them. The criminal business is just as much about politics as any other business, you do business with people you don't particularly care for...that is all they are doing. As for the rest...I saw hypocrisy mentioned, and you're surprised it came from our government? The same government that has lied to you countless times in the past under countless presidents? The problem is that seemingly intelligent people get into these kinds of debates among themselves and rarely take the debate to where it needs to go. Not that it will matter worth a damn to take this issue to your senator or representative, but at least they are getting a memo to reject with a written statement of how they don't condone such and such. |
Two points,,, 1. Affirmative action polices were enacted to CURTAIL the DISCRIMINATION already present,,,,,,and well needed and 2. Farakkhan is a seperatist and not a supremacist. He does not want to send WHITE folks out of America or ban them,, he wanted(in the past, his stance has long since changed) to have the ability to live SEPERATELY within the united states ,,, (1) If that's true, why did the Bakke case need to go to the Supreme Court to get AA applied to a white plaintiff? (2) Farrahkhan's 'separatism' IS 'supremacism' because he doesn't want to be part of an EXISTING society, he wants HIS OWN society - no whites allowed in that world. How, then, is this NOT 'supremacism' at work? Neither instance is supportable. |
Two points,,, 1. Affirmative action polices were enacted to CURTAIL the DISCRIMINATION already present,,,,,,and well needed and 2. Farakkhan is a seperatist and not a supremacist. He does not want to send WHITE folks out of America or ban them,, he wanted(in the past, his stance has long since changed) to have the ability to live SEPERATELY within the united states ,,, (1) If that's true, why did the Bakke case need to go to the Supreme Court to get AA applied to a white plaintiff? (2) Farrahkhan's 'separatism' IS 'supremacism' because he doesn't want to be part of an EXISTING society, he wants HIS OWN society - no whites allowed in that world. How, then, is this NOT 'supremacism' at work? Neither instance is supportable. 1) Thanx to Title 6 of the Civil Rights Act,, which is in agreement with the whole POINT of Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action policies were put in place to INCLUDE any of those groups previously EXCLUDED( in this case,, white applicants). Affirmative Action policies were not in place to support EXCLUDING anyone. 2) In this instance, the difference is the context of the conversation. In AMERICA, where people from DIVERSE backgrounds have contributed, a supremacist view is that only one type of background should be aknowledged or permitted to be a citizen. Farakkhan is not requesting that anyone mandate white people or any other people in America be kicked out or have their status as citizen changed. he has instead supported a specific community for one race WITHIN AMERICA have an OPTION to live seperately. |