Topic: Rejuvenated
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Sat 09/29/07 06:58 PM
In the nothingness
I slipped away
Only to surface
And feel it again
Tried to escape
Couldn't get away
Floating upon the surface
Just drifting along
Allowing the feeling to come
From the ends of my hair
To the tips of my toes
It flowed over me
Changing me in subtle ways
Not visible to the naked eye
Looking into the mirrored surface
Peering deeply into the me that is
I see her there
And she comes
Out of the darkness that was
Into the light that is
Broken child inside
No longer
Healed and rejuvenated
She rises up
Steps over the threshold
Woman, strong and sure
And she is..

jimz's photo
Sat 09/29/07 07:17 PM
I'm sorry, I know this a prejudiced statement, but you are, by far, my all time favorite poet, baby

no photo
Sat 09/29/07 07:22 PM
blushing Thank you babe....and you know you are by far my favorite poet as well

transientmind's photo
Sat 09/29/07 08:04 PM
That's gorgeous, Jenni. Absolutely inspiring.

no photo
Sat 09/29/07 08:10 PM
Thank you, Jonathon flowerforyou

Gryphyn's photo
Sat 09/29/07 09:12 PM
You know I love to see the smiles in your work, and to see them this big is more than one could ask for.

flowerforyou bigsmile