Topic: Star Bright
Gryphyn's photo
Tue 10/23/07 11:36 AM
Star light star bright,
Hold this smile into the light.
I made a wish so long ago,
To find some friends that surely know.
A wish I made upon that night,
These friends came from in the light.
Now I make a wish for thee,
See your life and be set free.
Live this wish in the light,
Close your eyes and dream tonight.
Dream of one who knows the past,
Hold his love each spell you cast.
Cast away forgotten dreams,
Stars can hold your love it seems.

pkh's photo
Tue 10/23/07 11:48 AM
beautiful...always keep dreamingflowerforyou

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 10/23/07 11:54 AM
flowerforyou happy flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Tue 10/23/07 04:36 PM
((((( Craig ))))))

My love to you & Kim flowerforyou flowerforyou

November is almost here,,,,, whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa