I have been bombarded by varying emotions since this came to light. Anger & shame not being the least of them. I had to tell people who are connected with me on FB to check their friends list & their children's friends list to make sure this man was not on it. These are people who actually know me & are a part of my daily life, people I love & love me, people who had nothing to do with this site or with Keith Willis. I can't begin to put into words my shame for potentially giving him access to them!
On telling one particular friend about this, her thoughts were that his not immediately sharing his past monstrous offenses would be expected. "Oh btw, I raped some kids a while back, served my time & am under legal supervision & medical treatment. Just wanted you to know I don't do that stuff anymore." <--- Not likely to ever be the opening of his conversation. And if it weren't for all that he hid, one MIGHT be able to make the leap that he POSSIBLY changed or reformed. She said it is the fact that he hid &/or lied about so much that had nothing to do with his monstrous, deviant side is telling & is damning. This conclusion came from a person who is a liberal, devout, turn-the-other-cheek, Christian, who never sits in judgement on ANYONE, who gives everyone the benefit of the doubt, who walks the walk...doesn't just dish the talk. Why was she able to come to that conclusion? Because there is no defense! Period! I am grateful that this thread gave people an opportunity to vent, reiterated the ways we can keep ourselves safe, and shared ways to help protect others here & on other sites & provided a means for us to provide the authorities with what info we know about him. If you're personal life was not effected by this man, I'm relieved. I can't begin to imagine what the people who had closer relationships with the man we knew as Lex must be feeling! I am sickened by all of it...what he's done to children, what he's thought of doing, what he did to people on-line. My own anger toward him & the horrendous things he has done is barely containable. I only hope that I won't direct that anger toward others in his stead, because KEITH WILLIS is the monster! I've warned everyone I can think of about him; I've vented all there is to vent; I've offered the authorities what little I know about him. Many thanks for the tools I needed to accomplish that. I'm glad he is gone from both here & FB; I'm relieved he is in custody; & I pray he never lays eyes on another child. As I told a seemingly good, loving woman who I've never met when she approached me with a friend request on FB...it is time to just hunker & lick my wounds, & I declined her request. Wishing peace, relief & healing to those who need it. ![]() |
Right! And even if they are capable of moving on", they are changed in that instant. Changed forever. From that instant on, who they were no longer exists. Destroyed - ABSOLUTELY & TOTALLY. The children they are after "surviving & moving on" is NOT who they would have been!
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Tue 05/15/12 05:46 PM
{{{LouLou}}} ![]() ![]() |
not when 100% of their victims are destroyed this is not true, many are destroyed, others survive, start over, and are able to move on,,, The children they would have otherwise been are indeed destroyed. Those who survive, start over & move on are NOT the people they were prior to the crime & they will never become who they would have been. I respect you a great deal, msharmony...but not even you could change my mind on this. |
I haven't been here for quite some time and doubt there are many who remember me. Since leaving, I've remained in contact with a few Mingle folks...several of them I consider good friends. "Lex" was one of those people. "Lex" did not exist.
I came across the news video Sunday night in the process of googling for "Lex's" website. After having thought I knew him for the last several years, I was & remain shaken. Since then, I've been reminded by a friend of all the 'red flags' I should be watching for in on-line dating...and when I was actively searching for a potential romantic relationship, I did watch for them. "Lex" had multiple 'red flags'. I never had a romantic interest in the man known as "Lex". Our limited relationship was one of friendship. Is that why I didn't concern myself with his many 'red flags'? I suppose so. I am still trying to sort through all of the feelings I have regarding this. Guess I'd hoped returning here would help with that...so many here are experiencing the same feelings. The words of caution here are wise & warrant repeating...and they should be applied to all relationships we may form on-line, be they friendship or romance. It is obvious that I personally needed to have them burned into my memory. Well, this revelation has done just that. As for Keith Willis, with all my heart I hope he never lays eyes on a child again. What he & his brother have committed is murder, but worse. The children they have victimized have essentially died - they will never be who they might have become. The memories they have to carry could surely deaden a soul. Couple that with the possibility that those victims may grow up to victimize even more children, & the enormity of their crimes terrifies & sickens me. That some pedophiles may respond to some treatment is no comfort...not when 100% of their victims are destroyed. There is deep sympathy in my heart for the victims, but I can't find any for Keith or his brother. Neither my heart nor my stomach is that strong. If they were, as some experts theorize, victims themselves as children, then I admit to having sympathy for the children they were...but NEVER for the monsters they have become. In the past, it was often difficult for me to understand the hard line the powers-that-be here took with Mingle members. Just want to say, I understand it now. I may not agree with some of the actions taken, but I do understand. My sympathies to all who have been hurt by this. It has been a horrifying revelation. Hoping we can share some kindness with each other as we navigate this. Though some more than others, it's effected us all in some way on a personal level. ![]() |
Staying single
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Sat 07/03/10 04:26 PM
staying single is one thing..try giving up sex. For some of us it's harder than anything I have ever quit before. I gave up smoking at age 19 (restarted at 27) and that was nothing compared to it. Especially when someone was very sexually active for 2 decades. Women just suck..they really don't know what they are missing, thanks to their stereotyping and neediness, gold digging lifestyle and stuck up behavior. Ouch!!! |
Staying single
How many of you have decided to stay single, and just have friends now. Please explain why also. I purposely stayed single through the death throws of the marriage and a few months following. In retrospect, I should have taken a bit longer, I think. It is no longer a decision I have made, but most of the time I am quite happy with my life as it is. A little lonely at times, but all in all, not so bad. |
Your type?
Affectionate!!!Truly affectionate. I want bear hugs, kisses, a hair tousle now and then, a hand on my knee and arm around my shoulder. And I want it all frequently and routinely. Affectionate all the time...not just when it is time to hit the sheets.
***Briefly, dated a guy who seemed very uncomfortable with being touched - was always startling him with even the most innocent affectionate caresses. I am warm and fuzzy when it comes to the folks I care about, and I want some of that, too...dammit.*** Tolerant - no bigotry, no racism Socially and politically moderate to liberal Many interests similar to mine Comfortable at social gatherings & with all age groups ***I'm not a big party person, but I love having friends over and spending time with the children of friends*** Music lover - preferably, a wide variety of music Animal lover - all animals, but particularly dogs & cats Lastly, and I'm with Lex on this one: Someone who wants me, as I am. Someone who isn't wanting me to chameleon myself into their version of the perfect woman. |
Welcome, and enjoy the forums!
I WISH I COULD HAVE DONE WHAT YOU DID FOR YOUR SISTER, MY MOTHER WAS A ALCHOLIC AND SHE WAS ONLY 36 YRS OLD,WHEN I LOST HER. I MISS HER EVERYDAY. YOUR SISTER SHOULD BE THANKFULLY THAT YOU CARE AND LOVE HER ENOUGHT TO WANT TO HELP HER. I LOVED MY MOM,JUST DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO HELP HER[ I was only 16 yrs old]. LOVE AND LIGHT TO YOU AND YOUR SISTER. Sweet 'p-n-c', I know a little of what you grew up with. My sister comes by her illness honestly...my father was an alcoholic, as well. It is a horribly destructive illness. The progression of my sister's illness has followed that of my father's with almost exact precision. Whether you know it or not, you DID do all that you could for your mother...you did all that a child could have done. You were dealing with an overwhelming situation. Sending hugs for all that you have been through and all that you have done. You have my admiration and appreciation for the loving woman you have become. You, and everyone, have my heartfelt thanks. If anything can help, it will be something beyond what those who love her can do. That folks here and my other friends have offered so much in this way touches my heart more than I can say. Thank you is simply not enough. ![]() |
Thank you
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sometimes, but I'm going out on a limb to ask for help.
My sister, an alcoholic for many years, finally reached the point today where I either had to step in and try to save her life or stand back and watch her die. I stepped in. I forced her to go to a hospital voluntarily by telling her I would commit her. She has become so ill, that she now weighs about 85 lbs and is unable to walk. She has not been eating or doing even basic personal hygiene. She attempted to detox at home on her own and has very nearly killed herself. I am asking for all you could offer to help her, in the way of prayers, good vibes, kind thoughts or if you have good karma to spare. At this point, my hope is only for her safety and comfort tonight. We'll deal with tomorrow when it gets here, eh? She is the last of my immediate family and has sworn to sever all ties with me because of what I have done today. That is O.K. I can live with that...I was going to lose her no matter what I did. I couldn't have lived with allowing her to continue as she's been. I am asking in the hopes of bringing her comfort and relieving her pain...I fear healing is beyond the realm of possibilities now. Your thoughts, prayers and spiritual energy would be accepted with much gratitude. |
I've worked with Habitat for Humanity, helped with fund-raising events for a few people in the area that are going through particularly tough times, served at a soup kitchen, was headed to the Hospital Albert Schweitzer in Haiti several years ago with physicians from my workplace, but political unrest halted those plans, Wanted to go there more recently with some of our trauma team, but my expertise is in a cardiac field, and those folks were most in need of trauma and medical/surgical skills. I hope to go one day. When I do, I may not want to come back...it would be wonderful work :-)
Scent sense
Patchouli, sandlewood, frankincense
Using 'meetings' as the yardstick, I'd give another site higher ratings. I've met only one person from here - 4 from the other. Making 'real life' friends? This site would get the highest score. I've come across 2 people here who have remained treasured friends - one I have met, and one who is a close, but on-line only, friend. Both are considered important people in my daily life. There are many here that I admire and enjoy that I wish I knew better...believe we would become great friends. The other site has yielded one good friend and 3 disappointing encounters.
BUT...if entertainment opportunities are used to grade this site, Mingle2 wins without a doubt. For live entertainment (granted, it comes with a few cyber bumps and bruises), nothing beats being mangled on the forums here! Often hilarious, frequently bawdy, usually humbling and almost always thought-provoking...combined with camaraderie, if you can find your niche (still looking for that, myself...must be around here somewhere...) and all rolled up in a layer of silliness. Yep. Certainly entertaining... |
Skip the car. I'd give anything to have a beer with my Ma as we make dinner together. I'd also love to share a meal with Keith Olbermann, John Irving, Isabel Allende or Gene Wilder.
It's been said that...
...men usually treat their wives/lovers the way they treat their mothers.
I tend to think it true in most cases. Am I way off the mark on this? What do the women of Mingle2 think? And men? Do you believe this true about yourselves? Also, is the same true of women? Do you find that women tend to treat their husbands/lovers as they treat their fathers? |
If after months of nearly daily e-mails the other person declines the opportunity to meet or even talk via video cam or phone, there is a very important piece of the puzzle that you are missing. |
Being upfront
If I think it, I say it. Self-censoring is not my strong suit. I'm frequently in trouble because of it, but those who love me seem to appreciate never having to wonder what I'm 'really' thinking. I gravitate toward those who are upfront. I have a hard time with people I feel I have to decipher. Mind reading is exhausting...
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Enter, Real Populists
Divide and conquer; If large corporations and corporate elites can keep the sheeple on the left, the sheeple on the right, and the tea bagger sheeple at each others throats, guess who wins? Ah...yeah, I've been thinking the same lately. ![]() |