Online Dating Expectations
![]() ![]() Good point... ![]() |
Fly MILF ... Really ...
Ummmmm...I must confess...I had to have some folks right here explain the meaning to me when I first joined about 2 years ago
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Hi to all about my age
Hi, welcome
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Google your name ...
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Wed 06/23/10 04:11 PM
Deborah Heart and Lung Center Various Bible study sites Various woman from Deborah Gibson to Deborah Harry And a music video: ![]() Damn dyslexia...always screw up the links... |
Riddle me this batman....
Total agreement with Dragoness and MTDT. For so many reasons. There is a grieving process, even when the relationship was extremely dysfunctional. My Ma used to say, "Even a gorilla......when he's gone, you miss all the banging on the bars." At the end of a long relationship, it takes time to disconnect from the 'us' and reconnect with the 'me'. Besides, no one needs to be cleaning up a mess from a relationship with someone else.
Online Dating Expectations
Doubt I would set limits on my life for someone until we had gotten to know one another, met and decided together on enjoying an exclusive relationship with one another.
Lack of energy
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Tue 06/22/10 02:52 AM
I did have a question to ask you(LouLou2). Would eating 4-6 small portioned complete meals with a glass of water every 2-4hrs during the a day help out with vitiamin and mineral absorbtion issues? Oh, geez...I'm not really sure on this. My less-than-educated guess would be yes, but just a guess. I do know that some nutrients are better absorbed when taken along with certain other nutrients (some are actually absorbed better when taken along with fats). Other foods can actually discourage absorption (milk products inhibit iron absorption). It might be hard, but check on line for a good site for guidance. Tough to find, many of them are in the business of selling supplements/vitamins. |
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Sun 06/20/10 06:47 PM
Ghost - The Indigo Girls and Empty - Ray Lamontagne Edit: Dang...hate it when I can't remember how to make the link... ![]() |
Firing Squad
I abhor the fact that the state can take another person's life in my name...for 'the people', of which I am one. There are many reasons for why I feel this way, but if the murder of another is to continue, then the policy should be one of public execution. Not this sanitized murder, witnessed by only a handful. Do it in the town square, as it used to be done. Let other criminals and murderers see the potential consequences of their actions (there is your deterrent, eh?), but 'the people' should be forced to see the consequences of their actions, as well.
If this were the case, would we find fewer people being 'punished' in this manner? (Sorry, I was reminded of the "Kill him. It'll teach him a lesson." thing on T.V. years ago...*shudder*). Would people perhaps demand positive DNA evidence before they were willing to take another's life? Would 'the majority' finally demand that the death penalty be abolished, if these executions were made public with all of us expected to bear witness to the consequences of our decisions? Would the "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" theory start making more sense to more of us? I wonder, but certainly don't know...but if we are to accept this as the law of the land, then let us fully accept it. |
Uncle Wes
Sorry for your loss
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Is it true to say........
I don't think that is always the case. I have a couple of very close male friends. Haven't gotten a lustful glance from either one of them, but they love me nevertheless. the truest sense of the word...and very grateful and honored to have them as such.
Opinions on "Matching"
Mutual Match hasn't done much for me historically. It usually suggests someone for me that would not be interested in me at all. I have located some possibilities for other people by using it, though. Takes a lot of sifting through profiles.
Being shy is tough, I imagine, but just think about it. Don't take things too personally. If you send someone an e-mail and are rejected or receive no reply, keep in mind that the other person doesn't even know you. They haven't a clue what a terrific person they are rejecting/ignoring. It may not be rejection at may just not seem a likely match to them...not compatible...whatever. The other person may not be replying for a number of reasons...some may have little to do with you at all. Let it go, keep looking at profiles, reach out when someone interests you, join in on the forums...but mostly, have fun ![]() |
Lack of energy
B12 deficiency? Not as uncommon in adults as one might think. It can cause pernicious anemia and can cause disturbed sleep as well as exhaustion. Vitamin D deficiency can be a culprit, also. The doctor can check these with blood-work. Ask the doctor to check your blood for thyroid and glucose levels, too.
As noted above, depression is a possibility as well, but ruling out a physical cause is the best place to start. You wouldn't want to be treating depression while a potentially life-damaging/threatening physical illness is left untreated. Best of luck to you. Hope you feel better soon. |
Wow thank you for the thoughtful reply! ![]() I am very much in agreement. The individual's different concepts of good and evil are certainly at the heart of religious and ethical thought. The idea of a single God - a single standard of perfection - is among the earliest attempts to come to grips with understanding and unifying a definition of "Good" (i.e. Godliness) as "The All". There is a prize for living well though for certain! At the very least living a caring and moral life is its own reward. Is there something more after life? We know we continue in our children and in memories. Beyond that...God knows. YW ![]() Thanks for the opportunity to share what 'I think I think' ![]() |
Yep. Common courtesy, politeness and manners have been diminished considerably over the last 30 years. Some of them were outdated rituals...kind of silly with the changes of time. But much is just logical behavior that makes it more pleasant and easier to live in the company of others. Some of those behaviors were lost because our lives are so busy. When I am too busy to send a 'thank you' note/e-mail or make a 'thank you' phone call/visit, I'll start simplifying my life.
1. Do you believe in ONE God?
I believe in one existence/being/life (what I think of as 'the all') of which we and everything that exists is just a very small part...much like the various cells of our bodies are each and all part of us. Example: You and I may be 2 of 'The all'/this being's brain cells, while other creatures are cells in the being's liver...and the planets are groups of cells in its skeleton. We don't readily see our connection to everything, just as our own liver cells may not see a connection to the cells of our toes. The connection exists, nevertheless. 2. Do you admit that it must be the same ONE God that other monotheists believe in? I'll admit that I think there is one being that we each perceive in our own way...often a different way. There are bits and pieces of all religions and philosophical beliefs that give my beliefs me, anyway ![]() 3. Do you admit that it then does not matter what religion you are as long as you follow the rules for good and ethical behavior - amounting to charity and kindness described in various ways by different religions? Perhaps it doesn't matter, but what muddies this water is each person's concept or understanding of "good and ethical behavior" and "charity and kindness". Those seem to be different from person to person and religion to religion...even from time to time. Example: How those inflicted with various illnesses were treated (with the encouragement of religious leaders) 100's of years ago. We now understand that those inflicted were not demons or harboring demons within. How those people are treated has certainly changed with understanding and knowledge...also a change in charity and kindness or good and ethical behavior? I don't know. I do believe the world would be a better place if everyone truly followed the teachings of good and ethical behavior and charity and kindness from their religion of choice. Not perfect, certainly. There would still be many disagreements and much discord, but it would be better than it is now. Seems the ugliness that has arisen from religious beliefs has occurred when people stepped away from the most basic moral tenants of their own religions. Inconvenient and difficult to follow those. Self/ego/our own agenda gets in the way at times. Human nature, I think. I must say, I am not convinced there is a prize for living well at the end of this life...nor a punishment. Living as an appropriately functioning part of 'the all'/behaving as we should within the confines of our purpose is in itself the reward. When this life/purpose is done, we (our energy, matter, etc.) are off to serve another purpose within 'the all' . What that may be, I haven't a clue,. Something different for each of us, maybe. But following the law of conservation, I believe we are changed at the end of this life - not destroyed. |
Gardening...damn, don't know what I'd do if I couldn't watch something I planted grow and bloom.
What do you miss?
I sometimes miss the sense of 'family' in my daily life...someone home when I get in after work - the 'how was your day?' stuff, saying 'good morning' and 'good night' to someone, believing someone loves me even when I am not my best, the little human touches (a hand settling on my knee as we ride in the arm casually draped over my shoulder in conversation...a small caress in passing...a hug for no reason...a quick, but loving kiss) - maybe miss those even more than the passionate ones. Although...really miss those passionate touches, too...
![]() Most of the time, though, I enjoy the life I've made for myself. Sure would be nice to share it with someone though. |
'Standing on the shoulders of giants'?
![]() What is new, the original...the future is built on the past's foundation which is sometimes laid by others. Not such a bad thing...learn from the past and go forward. Other's thoughts may inspire new thoughts in someone...does that mean those new thoughts are plagiarized? Should the same be said of thoughts inspired by nature...or color...or physics? |