Community > Posts By > Unknow

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Mon 06/04/12 08:31 PM
June 16th will be 9 years, which isn't far off for me. My last drunk was on Fathers day, 2003 and this is my first father's day coming up as an actual father. love The mother hasn't faired so well. She's back out there and wow... Today when she visited our daughter, her parenting attitude was almost gone, and all she really wanted was her cell phone so she could call drug dealers. I said no and also told her she could not stay while I went to te meeting because I didn't trust her in the home alone. All of the women in the meeting took turns giving my baby love as only a woman could so it was win win.

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Mon 06/04/12 12:35 PM

My ex's ex wife called me screaming hysterically at me. I have no idea other than she said who she was and I was lucky I didn't meet her. I do not care the least bit. She was incoherent. So I called my provider and put on number block and blocked her. I figured number block is easier and cheaper than a restraining order. She does not know were I live and it's a gated community anyway. I am not really upset. My ex husband says it's good idea. My mother says it's overkill. I do not feel the need to receive incoherent screaming phone calls. Is blocking overkill?

Without knowing the3 circumstances as to why she was screaming, I would call blocking unnecessary. By leaving a message, a person grants the right to use their recording in a court of law. Have you noticed nothing happens when we get offended?

no photo
Mon 06/04/12 12:37 AM

im a sociopath magnet.... sighhhhh

Ending a relationship with a sociopath successfully has the following characteristics....

1) They're gone
2) They let you live.

no photo
Sun 06/03/12 11:31 PM

have any of you had any personal changes with yourself or your lives in the last year or two? how do you feel abotu that? good/bad/not sure? why?

Well, on January 14th I became a daddy. Yesterday, I gave her mother the choice, to keep a key to the house or to take the car keys and leave. She chose the car and drugs. For the first part, I have a gratitude like you wouldn't believe. For the latter, I hope my baby girl will have some relationship with her mother, but doubt it and will be consoling her for years to come, every time what's left of her mother visits.

no photo
Sun 06/03/12 11:24 PM

That commercial with the lady with the demonic voice for the new anti smoking campaigns. I have to mute the TV and look a way when it comes on. Those commercials should be banned, since the government likes to censor so much, let's complain about those commercials and make the stop them.

They're disturbing and not going to change anything. Instead why don't they put disturbing pics on the tobacco product packages?

I wouldn't know. I'm growing my own tobacco now and don't have those funky warning labels on my packs. My cost per pack is $0.30

no photo
Sun 06/03/12 08:15 PM

A little research and what does one find?

The press uses a picture of young smiling Treyvon at 13 years old.... NOT the smack talkin, gang banging drug dealer Treyvon at 17 years old!

I stopped following this story and others like it, fully recognizing it to be a propaganda piece to inspire a race war. The easiest way to control a population would be to get them to fight each other. The other stories in the same classification are the 'bath salts' stories.

no photo
Sat 06/02/12 04:22 AM
Most Jobs are slavery, and like the boiling frog in a pan, have been devalued by at least 50% over the past 4 decades. I invent things and help others to create careers from my ideas. They hire people to produce them, but my preferred business model is a cooperative business model.

no photo
Fri 06/01/12 03:56 AM

you should read about all the executive orders barry has made just this year alone, and see you can tell what he is up to... i can provide you a link if you wish...

Cause and effect. You're citing effect and seem to be in partial denial of the cause or triggering event, at least to scare people into signing the patriot act, originated by now VP Joe Biden in 1995. 911 Many of us bought it hook line and sinker, and yet these events haven't been reproduced in any building not meant for demolition. NDAA, NDRP et al, the greater majority of the public either are completely unaware of, or are entirely too trusting, especially, of government. The greatest majority of government is owned and controlled. The only saving grace at this point is that we still have more patriots on the ground who will die protecting this country from the domestic terrorists than the government does. There is also a working domestic defence against tanks and drones at any altitude so for now, it's a butter side battle, with only minor incursions on each side. (Dr Suess) It looks, however, as though chemical warfare will also happen, and as with the butter side battle scenario, commonly available are chemicals to maintain the balance and deliver an equal and opposing force. The government expects a war with the people of America to last as long as 7 years, based on DHS expenditures. Thankfully, the dollar wont last the year and just maybe, millions wont have to die. It's still possible to avoid a civil war entirely, but it would require the establishment to concede incompetence and ask for the help of the American people to fix it.

no photo
Fri 06/01/12 03:28 AM

You mean like you don't want propaganda like the false anti-Israel
propaganda you keep posting over and over in these forums?!?

It's the Israeli propaganda that makes me throw out everything I learned in school and do my own research. Do you know how many times 6 million jews appears before WWII? Nearly 200. Guess what the final settlement was for the attack on the USS Liberty? $6,000,000

no photo
Fri 06/01/12 01:47 AM
In this county? Breathing, and optionally, not related. Unlike the last town I lived in, the family trees are more closely linked to tumble weeds than bean poles. They're all pretty much related but it takes a minute or 2 to figure out how.

no photo
Fri 06/01/12 01:44 AM
Keeping it real, my favorite saying on this topic is that water, even sewer water, seeks its own level. That being said, I probably should have myself committed and would if I wasn't having so much fun being a daddy.

no photo
Fri 06/01/12 01:39 AM
Technology is more often used to brainwash than it is to provide useful information. The dollar is worthless and people are the real wealth, as defined by their character. I have the most honest television on the block. It flashes "no signal" I can create things using technology of my own invented language in hours, and it too serves my gardening innovations, providing maximum produce in minimal space, indoors and outdoors all 4 seasons of the year. I grow my own produce, indoors and out, and depend as little as possible on markets. I also grow, share, and shred my own tobacco and this year, my cigarettes will cost about $0.30 per pack, with a large surplus to serve as a form of exchange when the dollar finally dies. More important than anything I've done for my family, I know my neighbors, and we are a militia, united by the common bond of a desire to survive what's coming. We know our enemy by their selfishness and are prepared for survival on or off the grid. As for my revenue, I know it to be worthless in the literal sense. I actually make quite a bit more than my neighbors. The thing is, that's just money. Real wealth is family, friends, and community. Tel-Lie-Vision has no moral, ethical, nor informational value, especially if you watch Fox, CNN, MSN or anything else mainstream and expect honesty. Oh and who really cares to be morally depraived like the Kardasians anyway? Do you people realize that when we watch shows like that, we begin to emulate them?

no photo
Thu 05/31/12 11:01 PM
I've been trying linux and using Windows dvds for coffee coasters for 12 years now.

no photo
Thu 05/31/12 10:48 PM
I'm often caught trying to do the impossible, and often, my language of machining is improved as a result. While the original goals are not always successful, in the end, each improvement is a stepping stone to the next. I never have to buy a gear again.

The original experiment was a failure for its original goal.

no photo
Thu 05/31/12 10:36 PM


Really? You really think money is all that? Prepare for a major life changing event then. No really, prepare.

no photo
Thu 05/31/12 10:31 PM

a site i visited posed the question:
is it a contradiction to be pro-life, & for capital punishment?

I don't think it's a contradiction, but I don't share those views. Based on life experiences, I've experienced sadness and rage about women aborting my babies twice, and my attitude towards the death penalty has changed over time. For the former, I am truly grateful to finally be a father and while painful and infuriating, would never usurp the right to anyone to remove any parasite from their body. At the same time, I refused to help in one case, and didn't know until after the fact for the latter.

As to the death penalty, simply put, it's not justice. It's revenge. We could easily afford to keep all murderers in jail for life if only we recognize that use of and trafficking of drugs is not really a crime, but rather a circus of events to create an all new slave society and financer of murder of people in other countries. The real crime as it relates to drugs starts with the government. See also, Iran/Contra, CIA plane crash in mexico circa 2008 (4 tons of cocaine), and the rise of Heroin since the war in Afghanistan and the increase of opium production to more than 8000 tons annually. The prison population increased from 3/8ths of a million in 1970 to 2.3 million today. We, the American people, lost the war on drugs.

no photo
Thu 05/31/12 10:17 PM
Fear mongers and sociopaths created the crisis in the first place so they could suck more life out of everyone and justify genocide, also known as population control. The reality of global warming is that at least a little is good for humans, plants and life expectancy.

no photo
Thu 05/31/12 10:14 PM

it gives them more freedom and control to do their agenda. i can't see this being any good for anyone but themselves...and isn't that why they are in office to begin with? it shows how against the people they really are.

I would have to say it's good that we agree on something.

no photo
Thu 05/31/12 10:13 PM

Just something I came across and thought I might listen to.

Many things I take with a grain of salt, but I NEVER disbelieve until I can disprove something.

So bring it on.... prove or disprove it.....WITH FACTS!

Our entire neighborhood is growing gardens, and all of us are armed for defence against enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. I can't speak for outside my own community, but would be surprised if we were unique.

no photo
Thu 05/31/12 10:04 PM

My 13 year old daughter still wants to sleep in my bed. Not much during summer months though..I do not have an issue with her doing so, although last night I woke up to her punching me lol. She was dreaming. Any how do you other singles allow this or not?

I have about 12 years and 8 months to come up with that answer, thank god! I think when we get there, it will be more about morals training for her. I don't think my daughter would be taught well to jump into bed with any man at the first sign of trouble and by age 13, I'm supposed to be teaching her to be a dignified lady so... Yea, she'll probably make me a grandfather by then... Who am I kidding?

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