Community > Posts By > Unknow

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Thu 05/31/12 07:06 PM
I'd be the head of the CIA with full clearance, and next stop, and every single public file upload site.

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Sun 05/27/12 09:48 AM
I support any member of the military who understands that the oath they took means to protect the country from enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. I do NOT support the war in Afghanistan, which by coincidence is the source of at least 75% of the world's Opium and recognize further that our own military, which is not really our military is a part of the problem in the war on drugs. Further, I do not support any foreign war, simply because it has its foundation in lies. I understand that many of the military do not yet realize that lies they have been fed about these wars and while I can empathize with their experiences am opposed to the wars we are currently in.

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Sun 05/27/12 09:22 AM
After listening to my neighbors complain about each other, "Water, even sewer water, seeks its own level".

no photo
Sun 05/27/12 02:35 AM
Blaming a democrat, republican or even the current undocumented worker in the white house is not too different than blaming the left or right cheek of the same A$$.

A quick look at from 1913 to the present clearly shows that there has not been any real economic recovery in more than 4 decades. It's not a question of whether or not we are being screwed, but rather how much we are. In the past 10 years, after taxes, the Federal Reserve stole more than $300,000 in value from my business, simply by printing more money. It will continue to steal from the poor and middle class to keep the b*stards at the top rich, until inevitably, the value of the non-sovereign currency known as the US Dollar does what Germany's money did, requiring wheelbarrels of it to buy a loaf of bread.

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Sun 05/27/12 02:25 AM
Use drugs. The government needs more slaves and money to kill brown people overseas.

no photo
Sat 05/26/12 08:01 PM

Standards: cute butt. :tongue:

You do know that even if it's cute, it's a waste repository, right?

no photo
Sat 05/26/12 07:58 PM

Are you a great catch or not?

As it happens, I'm not looking to date anyone, nor do I see it happening any time soon. The mother of my baby over the past few weeks decided drugs were important and left us. Explaining that to our baby girl, who already signs mom to me and knows something is wrong in the family really needs my full attention. Also, planning around a complete economic collapse, gardening, and working with neighbors to make our lives survivable is really of priority and personally, I find the idea of dating anyone new somewhat revolting and the last thing I want our daughter too have as an example is a male sl*t who will sleep with anyone.

What I discovered about this question, however, is that whether or not I think I'm a great catch is irrelevant. Women see a single daddy with a baby, especially a baby girl as a great catch. I'm the same guy I was years ago for the most part, and yet now, everything's changed. I wouldn't be at all surprised if one woman visits me before midnight and again, nothing will happen. Another neighbor's trying to set me up with another single parent and I'm thinking let the paint on the tombstone of the old relationship dry, will ya? My baby and I will be fine without a woman in our lives.

no photo
Sat 05/26/12 04:59 PM

The more Ron Paul supporters involved in government at any level the better.

bigsmile here here!

no photo
Sat 05/26/12 01:45 PM

I'm wondering how many people base their attraction to another on just a picture. How many look deeper than a picture and a few words in a profile.

The only thing I look deep into is my baby's deep blue-green eyes. Here? Let's just say I don't take this or any dating site seriously. Just killing time between feedings and thoughts to turn into things. What's here would date you if you bought them a pair of tennis shoes.

no photo
Fri 05/25/12 05:23 AM

Do you think subliminal messages work?

I think they could work on those who are weak minded and/or open to such. Much like hypnotism and such.

What do you think?

I believe they are all around us in numbers (6 million, nearly 200 occurances in the past century, projection of right and wrong. Even the Transformers movie has a few, as even this movie makes commonplace covert activities in another country. I would imagine that where the CIA goes, they are actually seen as terrorists. James bond glorifies covert activities. If all of us knew everything they did and how different it is than the James Bond movies, we'd think differently. Terms. They aren't freedom fighters. They're insurgents. Oh and let's not forget Mainstream media, which is no longer much of a mainstream. CNN viewership dropped by 50% this year, and Fox, 17%. People are in fact, breaking free from these messages.

no photo
Fri 05/25/12 04:27 AM

If we had the chance to live again or change something in our LIFE. What will it be?

It's been a horrible week, but look to my left in my avatar. I'd change nothing in my life. Now, her mother's life, I'd go back and kick the living crap out of the guy who first suggested that she try drugs, and the 2nd, and the 3rd and...

no photo
Fri 05/25/12 04:23 AM

Love for me is an Angel, more specifically my Angel

Speaking of which, I'm glad to see both of you still together.

no photo
Fri 05/25/12 04:14 AM

Recovery is about getting sober or getting off food as an addiction. Check out the new HBO i think special about Americans and WEIGHT. I think it says something like in order to win WE HAVE TO LOSE.

How does someone support someone in recovery from a compulsion like over/undereating, marijuana or alcohol or cigarettes for example when dating?

There are many types of recovery needed in the USA. First, the government is run by sociopaths. 2ndly, the people of America are dumbed down by what we eat and drink. Then come legal drugs and of course street drugs. I did mention that the government is mostly sociopaths, right? Have you ever questioned how drugs not made in the US get into the country and no matter how many people get arrested, the flow never decreases? Addiction to drugs (and alcohol) is slavery, an easy excuse to not feel bad when you realize just how crappy things are. The reality is that things will be crappy for quite some time, until enough of us wake up and say no more. Even sober, we are debt slaves, in need of a complete reform of the monetary system in place, which actually isn't sovereign currency. The dollar today is on a continuing decline, and income never quite keeps up. We are working harder and harder for less and less, and it's best summed up by George Carlin. Getting through this particular issue involves getting into community, inspiring teamwork and alliances in every area possible, in order to ultimately abandon the current economic catastrophe on its merits.

no photo
Fri 05/25/12 03:50 AM

so you all believe Paul didnt actually APPROVE of those things written in his newsletters?


Im not suggesting whether I believe him or not, IM just running parallels in my mind of the guilt by association done in regards to Obama and Pastor Wright and people not believing he hadnt heard those sentiments in the Pastors sermons before

This seems very similar, except the objectionable statements in question were from someone in Pauls EMPLOY and a paper he is said to have had to sign off on and they went on for several years,,,Im guessing maybe there are people who likewise dont Believe Paul when he claims ignorance of those statements,,,

I believe him because all of the rest of his behavior suggests so. He's against criminalizing drug addiction. He's against wars, which ironically are the source of most drugs. Further, I do understand his objection to parts of the civil rights act, but only portions. It has to do with property rights. Everyone has a right to be an idiot on their own property.

no photo
Fri 05/25/12 03:48 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 05/25/12 03:51 AM

Hear Hear!!!! Maybe America will come to its senses before election time!

Not likely, due to Mental Fluorosis. The Zombie apocalypse is here and it's the majority of America. I have to wonder how many of us realize there has been no actual economic recovery in more than 4 decades. What there has been, is an increase in the devaluation of the dollar, with pay increases always being just a little less than inflation, to such a degree that both parents now have to work to feed their families. Even now, it's crossing over the doubling point to such a degree that even with 2 jobs, many have to give up basics just to keep their family fed and this year, it's going to get a heck of a lot worse.

no photo
Fri 05/25/12 03:44 AM

The establishment wont let that happen. It would rip what's left of support for Rmoney at the core or require a quadrupling of advertizing costs to recover. It's like the prize fighter on his last leg, picking and chosing his challengers, always dodging the one he knows he will lose to.

no photo
Fri 05/25/12 02:59 AM

Just curious.:smile:

In the purest sense, yes. In fact, if you can be selfless and give simply because it's needed, you've committed an act of love.

no photo
Fri 05/25/12 02:14 AM

I think Paul would be a disastrous choice, but its not personal.

I dont feel HATE for him or believe he would intentionally be meaning to cause disaster,, nevertheless, I believe it would be the beginning of serious regression of civil rights and broader class gaps in this country

Hardly. Civil rights just barely exist in this country, just barely enough to think you and I are anything other than a slave. In fact, it's 1984, with drones flying overhead, lies to a people about wars, including the war on drugs, and racism and the slave trade is alive and well. (Privatization of prisons) Have you ever wondered how drugs actually get into this country? Here's a hint, Afghanistan produces 75% of the world's opium. Where is our military? Oh almost forgot. Our military is not controlled by congress anymore, but rather, the President and the United Nations, it it's not really our military.

Other than every war, including WWII, and soon, WW3, being founded in lies, one of the reasons the military needs to be brought home IS to end the war on drugs. When the government plays both sides of any war, slavery is inevitable.

'barely' is a subjective standard

there is much more of a presence of the attempt at civil rights

and yes, there are still blatant systemic residual issues that remain around as a result of the past blatant discrimination,

,but there is no chance to make it better if we go backwards to where we were letting everybody just treat everybody else however they choose when it comes to employment opportunities or education or any number of significant areas of life that certain groups have been all but cut out of in the past,,,,

The attempt at civil rights is little more than a controlled opposition, designed to make you think you might win. It's no longer a black and white issue. We are all slaves of one form or another.

The beginning of freeing ourselves begins with getting an honest monetary system the doesn't change in value. Romney or Obama is more of the same, favoring the 'job creators' who really create jobs overseas and leave us with the crappy jobs at lower pay.

We're seeing the results of going forward on a daily basis and it's not working, fiscally. In terms of the propaganda related to civil rights, the greatest majority of the prison population is black. We need to go at least back as far as 1947, abolish the CIA and play nice with our neighboring countries before our own collective ***** get kicked. I'd like to suggest a google search of +1953 +CIA +Iran sometime. It's a real eye opener.

As for the department of education, it actually costs more to exist, and instead of teaching people to think, is a propaganda tool to tell us what to believe. In particular, American history is biased badly, and in some cases so badly that the actual history is clouded in the number, 6,000,000. This number appears nearly 200 times in the past century, yet few even know that the number was more than 4 times higher, in the USSR. Do you know what the NAZIs discovered when they took Poland? This thing of American history is something I'm continuing to research with the assumption that I know nothing about history. Interestingly, I'm discovering many horrible things about American history, often glossed over.

We've been at war with drugs for more than 4 decades, and it's a lost battle, as would have been proven if we'd taken a moment to look at the results of prohibition. This time, however, the intent is clear, to create a subset of Americans with no rights. Criminalizing the illness of addiction is not what gets people off of drugs. The social loss of friends and family has a much deeper impact, and only when an addict has lost everything is when real recovery begins. Time and time again, CIA involvement has been discovered in terms of drug trafficking, which supports covert activities, and degrades our communities of all cultures. This time, it's obvious that the military is involved as well.

We have had a problem with racism for centuries. As it happens, my own step-father is black, and is the best of 2 step-fathers I've had. Only when we reject the lies that create slaves will this change. Only when we recognize our own slavery will we see the light at the end of the tunnel called freedom.

no photo
Fri 05/25/12 12:51 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 05/25/12 12:52 AM

always good to give back

I have all kinds of 'ideas' of how I will do that too once I Have means,,,,

We all have the means. It's when it's every wo/man for themselves, we forget that. I'm actually working on building a cooperative that will ultimately become self-sustainable with the intention of helping the community to grow and survive, even in the face of the great depression 2.0 . The corporate model is slavery, simply put. The monetary system and inflation vs income has ultimately forced the majority of families to have both parents working. It's a boiling frog, 4 decades in the making and I for one, see people as something to value, not money.

its a good philosophy, I agree

not everyone is a gardner and we all have different gifts we can use

but our RESOURCES (which includes money, time, energy, networks) can factor in pretty significantly to what we are able or not able to accomplish while MAINTAINING our own home,,,,

While my grandfather did in fact have a garden, I never did, until recently. In point of fact, I'm gardening because I know it will become a necessity for the survival of my family and that some of my crops will be considered luxuries. While I am actually one of the highest earners in a square mile of me, none of that really means anything, especially when you consider that the Non-soverign US dollar is going the way of the German Mark soon. When the Euro fails, so will bank of America, who is floating more than 75 trillion dollars in derivatives, all of which are FDIC insured. This translates to $2,000,000 of debt per capita when the EURO market finally and inevitably crashes.

Money is not a resource. It's a liability. Time, energy, alliances, friendships. That's the REAL wealth. You need only a small amount of money because it carries with it the delusion of wealth, and people still believe the lie. We all have SOMETHING to offer to our community, and in the end, it will prove to be what we have to give to each other that matters.

Our neighborhood is transforming dramatically this year. Every yard has a garden. Unlike any other community I've been in, we know what's coming, and are working together for survival. In fact, when the mother of my baby girl relapsed on drugs, no neighbor would help her get her fix. She had to leave town to get it, because of respect for my family. That, by itself should reflect just how significant of a unity we're developing.

no photo
Fri 05/25/12 12:33 AM

I think Paul would be a disastrous choice, but its not personal.

I dont feel HATE for him or believe he would intentionally be meaning to cause disaster,, nevertheless, I believe it would be the beginning of serious regression of civil rights and broader class gaps in this country

Hardly. Civil rights just barely exist in this country, just barely enough to think you and I are anything other than a slave. In fact, it's 1984, with drones flying overhead, lies to a people about wars, including the war on drugs, and racism and the slave trade is alive and well. (Privatization of prisons) Have you ever wondered how drugs actually get into this country? Here's a hint, Afghanistan produces 75% of the world's opium. Where is our military? Oh almost forgot. Our military is not controlled by congress anymore, but rather, the President and the United Nations, it it's not really our military.

Other than every war, including WWII, and soon, WW3, being founded in lies, one of the reasons the military needs to be brought home IS to end the war on drugs. When the government plays both sides of any war, slavery is inevitable.

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