smileyy19's photo
Wed 05/30/12 10:58 PM
OK! People! We think that things are getting better for the FUTURE, but in real life we are heading backing to the time of the CAVE MAN. What do you think about this question?

I see alot of disappointments in our future because of what the people do to hurt one another and instead helping each other. They prefer to destroy the good word of FAITH.

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/30/12 11:00 PM
what is the question again?

msharmony's photo
Thu 05/31/12 12:25 AM
sometimes I think the cavemen were better off

much smaller population, much less competition just to feed their families,, nothing but the simplest concerns and no media to influence how they feel about themself or how they conduct their life,,,

Kahurangi's photo
Thu 05/31/12 12:26 AM
Caveman & Faith

Perhaps she's searching for the missing link too? :wink:

sumanta9999's photo
Thu 05/31/12 01:29 AM

no photo
Thu 05/31/12 01:56 AM
I don't know where you've been hearing that we're going back to the caveman age. With all the advanced technology still to come, I think we are staying in the technological future.

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 05/31/12 10:04 AM
Watch the movie "Escape From L.A." and notice how it ends.

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 05/31/12 10:23 AM
We need to go back to simpler times.
Technology and materialism will be our downfall..

Tizar's photo
Thu 05/31/12 11:40 PM

I don't know where you've been hearing that we're going back to the caveman age. With all the advanced technology still to come, I think we are staying in the technological future.

Very true :)

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 06/01/12 12:18 AM
What happens if a huge solar storm knocks out the power grids that we depend on to run our technology?

no photo
Fri 06/01/12 01:39 AM
Technology is more often used to brainwash than it is to provide useful information. The dollar is worthless and people are the real wealth, as defined by their character. I have the most honest television on the block. It flashes "no signal" I can create things using technology of my own invented language in hours, and it too serves my gardening innovations, providing maximum produce in minimal space, indoors and outdoors all 4 seasons of the year. I grow my own produce, indoors and out, and depend as little as possible on markets. I also grow, share, and shred my own tobacco and this year, my cigarettes will cost about $0.30 per pack, with a large surplus to serve as a form of exchange when the dollar finally dies. More important than anything I've done for my family, I know my neighbors, and we are a militia, united by the common bond of a desire to survive what's coming. We know our enemy by their selfishness and are prepared for survival on or off the grid. As for my revenue, I know it to be worthless in the literal sense. I actually make quite a bit more than my neighbors. The thing is, that's just money. Real wealth is family, friends, and community. Tel-Lie-Vision has no moral, ethical, nor informational value, especially if you watch Fox, CNN, MSN or anything else mainstream and expect honesty. Oh and who really cares to be morally depraived like the Kardasians anyway? Do you people realize that when we watch shows like that, we begin to emulate them?

smileyy19's photo
Fri 06/01/12 08:56 PM

We need to go back to simpler times.
Technology and materialism will be our downfall..


smileyy19's photo
Fri 06/01/12 09:03 PM

What happens if a huge solar storm knocks out the power grids that we depend on to run our technology?

ACTUALLY!! At that point we have to start all over, again (back to the Cave Man).

smileyy19's photo
Fri 06/01/12 09:33 PM

Technology is more often used to brainwash than it is to provide useful information. The dollar is worthless and people are the real wealth, as defined by their character. I have the most honest television on the block. It flashes "no signal" I can create things using technology of my own invented language in hours, and it too serves my gardening innovations, providing maximum produce in minimal space, indoors and outdoors all 4 seasons of the year. I grow my own produce, indoors and out, and depend as little as possible on markets. I also grow, share, and shred my own tobacco and this year, my cigarettes will cost about $0.30 per pack, with a large surplus to serve as a form of exchange when the dollar finally dies. More important than anything I've done for my family, I know my neighbors, and we are a militia, united by the common bond of a desire to survive what's coming. We know our enemy by their selfishness and are prepared for survival on or off the grid. As for my revenue, I know it to be worthless in the literal sense. I actually make quite a bit more than my neighbors. The thing is, that's just money. Real wealth is family, friends, and community. Tel-Lie-Vision has no moral, ethical, nor informational value....

especially if you watch Fox, CNN, MSN or anything else mainstream and expect honesty. Oh and who really cares to be morally depraived like the Kardasians anyway? Do you people realize that when we watch shows like that, we begin to emulate them?

I APPLAUSE to you for understanding, what I'm talking about.

Totage's photo
Fri 06/01/12 10:03 PM
You can choose to admire a garden for its beauty and nature, or you can choose to focus on the manure that is used to fertilize it.

It's about perspective I suppose. Reminds me of a story I read, I don't recall the details, but it had to with focusing on either the negative or the positive of things to deliver our messages/ideas.

I'd rather see the positive things in life, although I do acknowledge the negative as well. I'd rather focus on the positive more, and ensure the good things prevail, rather than focusing on the negative.

Yes we are progressing, and we are also digressing. Both perspectives are true, but which one do you want to see from?