Topic: My Goodness, what next?
Peccy's photo
Sun 06/03/12 01:15 PM
Edited by Peccy on Sun 06/03/12 01:16 PM
MIAMI — George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer charged with murder in the killing of Trayvon Martin, surrendered to police Sunday and was booked into jail after having his bail revoked two days earlier.

Zimmerman’s legal team said in a tweet that he was in police custody. Zimmerman’s bail was revoked because the judge said he and his wife lied to the court about their finances so he could obtain a lower bond.

*They never used the cash for anything. It wasn't obtained for luxury, it was obtained through a website from donations, because he can't work and he has to eat. Also his legal team isn't free. I bet this debacle pleases the press portrayed "good little Trayyvon" supporters to no end.

My opinion - he was a thug, no matter how pretty of a picture is painted of him.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sun 06/03/12 03:41 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sun 06/03/12 03:41 PM

A little research and what does one find?

The press uses a picture of young smiling Treyvon at 13 years old.... NOT the smack talkin, gang banging drug dealer Treyvon at 17 years old!

no photo
Sun 06/03/12 03:52 PM

It's always all about money for the court system.

Everyone lies about their finances. SO WHAT.

What do they think he is, a flight risk?

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 06/03/12 04:10 PM
They could always put him on the no-fly list.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 06/03/12 05:21 PM
Another politically motivated reaction.

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 06/03/12 05:42 PM
The guy had 150k in cash and told the court he was broke.

Peccy's photo
Sun 06/03/12 06:51 PM

The guy had 150k in cash and told the court he was broke.
I guess you missed the part about not being able to get a job and the legal fees.

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 06/03/12 06:55 PM

The guy had 150k in cash and told the court he was broke.
I guess you missed the part about not being able to get a job and the legal fees.

That don't matter. He told the court he was broke. He didn't say
"I have 150k but I don't have a job and expect to encounter some heavy
lawyer fees".

mightymoe's photo
Sun 06/03/12 07:23 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Sun 06/03/12 07:24 PM

It's always all about money for the court system.

Everyone lies about their finances. SO WHAT.

What do they think he is, a flight risk?

actually, yes, they think he is a flight risk. They also found out he had 2 passports, he said he lost the first and had another in a safety deposit box. They found that out when they recorded a call to his wife and heard him telling her to go get it out.

no photo
Sun 06/03/12 08:15 PM

A little research and what does one find?

The press uses a picture of young smiling Treyvon at 13 years old.... NOT the smack talkin, gang banging drug dealer Treyvon at 17 years old!

I stopped following this story and others like it, fully recognizing it to be a propaganda piece to inspire a race war. The easiest way to control a population would be to get them to fight each other. The other stories in the same classification are the 'bath salts' stories.

willing2's photo
Sun 06/03/12 08:32 PM

It's always all about money for the court system.

Everyone lies about their finances. SO WHAT.

What do they think he is, a flight risk?

actually, yes, they think he is a flight risk. They also found out he had 2 passports, he said he lost the first and had another in a safety deposit box. They found that out when they recorded a call to his wife and heard him telling her to go get it out.

Unless all the facts are fabricated, I have to agree with Mr Moe on this one.
You can't purger yourself and remain credible.
He may still be innocent, just afraid of jail/prison time.

Peccy's photo
Sun 06/03/12 09:31 PM

The guy had 150k in cash and told the court he was broke.
I guess you missed the part about not being able to get a job and the legal fees.

That don't matter. He told the court he was broke. He didn't say
"I have 150k but I don't have a job and expect to encounter some heavy
lawyer fees".
Would you if you knew you were not going to be able to land a job for a few years?

msharmony's photo
Sun 06/03/12 09:41 PM

It's always all about money for the court system.

Everyone lies about their finances. SO WHAT.

What do they think he is, a flight risk?

'everyone' doesnt lie

but 'everyone' who gets caught breaking a law , has to answer for it in some way,,,

Lpdon's photo
Mon 06/04/12 01:02 AM
It's reasonable to think he is a flight risk, why shpuld he stick around when everyone, including himself knows he wont get a fair trail, hell he wasn't even going to get charged and what happened to him so far has not been fair and is tainting the jury pool.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 06/04/12 01:03 AM

It's always all about money for the court system.

Everyone lies about their finances. SO WHAT.

What do they think he is, a flight risk?

'everyone' doesnt lie

but 'everyone' who gets caught breaking a law , has to answer for it in some way,,,

Really? Then what happened to John Edwards, I am still waiting for hi to answer for it!

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/04/12 01:15 AM

It's always all about money for the court system.

Everyone lies about their finances. SO WHAT.

What do they think he is, a flight risk?

'everyone' doesnt lie

but 'everyone' who gets caught breaking a law , has to answer for it in some way,,,

Really? Then what happened to John Edwards, I am still waiting for hi to answer for it!

answering for it= consequence

he has the consequence of a trial,,,,