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Topic: For single parents.
Ladywind7's photo
Wed 05/30/12 02:51 PM
Edited by Ladywind7 on Wed 05/30/12 03:25 PM
My 13 year old daughter still wants to sleep in my bed. Not much during summer months though..I do not have an issue with her doing so, although last night I woke up to her punching me lol. She was dreaming. Any how do you other singles allow this or not?

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/30/12 02:57 PM

My 13 year old daughter still wants to sleep in my bed. Not much during summer months though..I do mot have an issue with her doing so, although last night I woke up to her punching me lol. She was dreaming. Any how do you other singles allow this or not?

I have no rigid opinion about what is right or wrong, when it comes to parenting.

For myself, our family/our culture believes in doing what we can to encourage independence and confidence from an early age, so I think by the time my daughter could attend school on her own, she could sleep on her own. Its also important that she knows mommy has boundaries and deserves space and privacy as much as anyone else does. I let my son sleep with me until right before he started kindergarten and that was a bit longer than most in my family allow it.

of course, the exception, is always bad dreams/nightmares,,,,in which case they can pretty much seek parents bed throughout grade school.

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 05/30/12 03:03 PM
There was a time when families lived in one or two rooms and the entire families shared a bed. It's only our perverted society that makes it wrong.

My sons use to sleep with me now and then and I got a lot of crap from people including family. One day they just stopped..around 10ish or so.
We never made an issue of it, so it just never was one.

Do what feels right as her mother, don't worry about what others think.

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/30/12 03:09 PM

its cool to get some different perspectives sometimes too,,,in forums like these,,,lol

but total agreement, mothers have to do what they know is good with their own kids,,,

unsure's photo
Wed 05/30/12 05:13 PM
I think you should do whatever makes you comfortable. I myself see nothing wrong with it. Maybe they are uncomfortable sleeping in their own room? Just ask them if something is bothering them?
I actually just went on vacation and we rented a hotel room, my son is 17 and my mom went with us. He spent the first night with his cousin and the 2nd night at the hotel with us. He tried to make me sleep with my when he fell asleep, I just got in bed with him and used a different blanket then he did. He woke up in the middle of the night and looked at me and said OMG WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED...I SAID SLEEP WITH GRANNY OR THE FLOOR, BUT I AM SLEEPING HERE. He just rolled over and started snoring again. Boys are so different then girls...they are strange little creatures!!!

Ladywind7's photo
Wed 05/30/12 06:15 PM
Thanks ladies. She has a huge imagination and one of her friends sneakily got out horror movies when she stayed at her house. She now imagines all sorts of freaky things. So if she feels safe in my bed, that is where she can stay.

Totage's photo
Wed 05/30/12 06:27 PM

My 13 year old daughter still wants to sleep in my bed. Not much during summer months though..I do not have an issue with her doing so, although last night I woke up to her punching me lol. She was dreaming. Any how do you other singles allow this or not?

Is she afraid of the dark?

I didn't want to sleep in my parents room or anything, but I was afraid of the dark until I was about 23. I grew up in a haunted house that had some dark spirits, so that may have something to do with it, but I still like to sleep with a light on or the TV.

Ladywind7's photo
Wed 05/30/12 07:53 PM
Our place of abode is not haunted. And if it had been, trust me I would have dealt to it. :angel:

Totage's photo
Wed 05/30/12 08:23 PM
That's good. They can be bad influence on young souls.

But, your daughter isn't afraid of the dark or anything?

Ladywind7's photo
Wed 05/30/12 08:42 PM
My prayers and faith protect her. It is her imagination that runs riot. I dont know if you know much about prophetic people? They tend to have more fear than the average person. I am not getting into this in depth here. ohwell

oldhippie1952's photo
Wed 05/30/12 08:53 PM
My son and daughter slept in bed with me until they were teens. They were afraid they'd wake up and I'd be gone like their mother. Fortunately I had a super size bed.

Totage's photo
Wed 05/30/12 08:55 PM
I was just curious since you mentioned that she has a big imagination.

I'm familiar with prophetic people, when I was younger, I seriously wondered if I were, because of my dreams, but I no longer get those dreams. They seemed to have ceased when I began seeking answers. Now, I get strange recurring dreams, usually involving large bodies of water and over flowing water. I certainly feel there's a connection between it all.

Ladywind7's photo
Wed 05/30/12 09:09 PM
A connection between what?

Totage's photo
Wed 05/30/12 09:11 PM
The dreams I've had before, and the dreams I get now.

Ladywind7's photo
Wed 05/30/12 09:14 PM

My son and daughter slept in bed with me until they were teens. They were afraid they'd wake up and I'd be gone like their mother. Fortunately I had a super size bed.
My bed is a kingsize. we used to sing and act out the song 'roll over'

Ladywind7's photo
Wed 05/30/12 09:38 PM
There are many places on the net to learn about prophetic gifts. I have found Cindy Jacobs who is an international prophetess to be balanced. in her book 'the voice of god' she lists the types of prophetic mantles/gifts. a 'dreamer' is a prophetic type.

no photo
Thu 05/31/12 10:04 PM

My 13 year old daughter still wants to sleep in my bed. Not much during summer months though..I do not have an issue with her doing so, although last night I woke up to her punching me lol. She was dreaming. Any how do you other singles allow this or not?

I have about 12 years and 8 months to come up with that answer, thank god! I think when we get there, it will be more about morals training for her. I don't think my daughter would be taught well to jump into bed with any man at the first sign of trouble and by age 13, I'm supposed to be teaching her to be a dignified lady so... Yea, she'll probably make me a grandfather by then... Who am I kidding?

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 05/31/12 10:20 PM
Lol. You can teach, but they often learn from example. My girl has to learn things by trying out first. Drives me crazy when she tells me 'you were right after all.'

oldhippie1952's photo
Fri 06/01/12 04:45 AM

My son and daughter slept in bed with me until they were teens. They were afraid they'd wake up and I'd be gone like their mother. Fortunately I had a super size bed.
My bed is a kingsize. we used to sing and act out the song 'roll over'

Mine was the largest you can get, plenty of room!

Ladywind7's photo
Fri 06/01/12 05:20 AM
Well those unicorns, teddies, teletubbies, barnies, baby bops etc need somewhere to sleep ;-)

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