Topic: Is Satan telling you to stop smoking too?
Totage's photo
Sun 06/03/12 09:49 PM
That commercial with the lady with the demonic voice for the new anti smoking campaigns. I have to mute the TV and look a way when it comes on. Those commercials should be banned, since the government likes to censor so much, let's complain about those commercials and make the stop them.

They're disturbing and not going to change anything. Instead why don't they put disturbing pics on the tobacco product packages?

Simonedemidova's photo
Sun 06/03/12 10:08 PM

That commercial with the lady with the demonic voice for the new anti smoking campaigns. I have to mute the TV and look a way when it comes on. Those commercials should be banned, since the government likes to censor so much, let's complain about those commercials and make the stop them.

They're disturbing and not going to change anything. Instead why don't they put disturbing pics on the tobacco product packages?

I agree they are so terrible. Even the ones when they are gasping for breath. I swear, everyone I know who is not a smoker or who is can not stand them, we get asthma attacks just watching them. I have to change the channel just so my kids don't get nightmares. I'm dead serious about that.

Totage's photo
Sun 06/03/12 10:11 PM

That commercial with the lady with the demonic voice for the new anti smoking campaigns. I have to mute the TV and look a way when it comes on. Those commercials should be banned, since the government likes to censor so much, let's complain about those commercials and make the stop them.

They're disturbing and not going to change anything. Instead why don't they put disturbing pics on the tobacco product packages?

I agree they are so terrible. Even the ones when they are gasping for breath. I swear, everyone I know who is not a smoker or who is can not stand them, we get asthma attacks just watching them. I have to change the channel just so my kids don't get nightmares. I'm dead serious about that.

Yeah, it's more like terrorism than a PSA.

Simonedemidova's photo
Sun 06/03/12 10:15 PM
Seriously, it's like if people want to eat, smoke, drink, go to church, be gay, whatever, they have to stop threatening everybody and giving us disturbing mental images...

Totage's photo
Sun 06/03/12 10:19 PM
I agree. It's not the governments place to instill morals and ethic.

They are only to maintain order and control.

no photo
Sun 06/03/12 11:24 PM

That commercial with the lady with the demonic voice for the new anti smoking campaigns. I have to mute the TV and look a way when it comes on. Those commercials should be banned, since the government likes to censor so much, let's complain about those commercials and make the stop them.

They're disturbing and not going to change anything. Instead why don't they put disturbing pics on the tobacco product packages?

I wouldn't know. I'm growing my own tobacco now and don't have those funky warning labels on my packs. My cost per pack is $0.30

no photo
Sun 06/10/12 07:34 AM
If I smoked, that commercial would only get me to quit watching t.v.!

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 06/10/12 11:20 AM
Thankfully I don't watch enough tv to see it yet.

StillLooking29's photo
Sun 06/10/12 11:23 AM
Normally I do not wish to debate with anyone on this topic but I have to say this thread disturbs me

I respect other peoples opinions and choices but i would like to just say this-

If those commercials help just one person by changing their opinion on smoking I am 100% for it.

that commericial is NOTHING compared to what healthcare workers see daily. along with the family dealing with all of the aftermath.

Maybe it didnt get some people to quit but maybe it will save someone from starting

Totage's photo
Sun 06/10/12 01:14 PM

Normally I do not wish to debate with anyone on this topic but I have to say this thread disturbs me

I respect other peoples opinions and choices but i would like to just say this-

If those commercials help just one person by changing their opinion on smoking I am 100% for it.

that commericial is NOTHING compared to what healthcare workers see daily. along with the family dealing with all of the aftermath.

Maybe it didnt get some people to quit but maybe it will save someone from starting

We all know how well those "this is your brain" commercials worked out.

no photo
Sun 06/10/12 04:20 PM
I don't think I've seen those commercials, I watch all my TV / Movies via digital streaming, so I don't have to watch commercials. Even chances that some Government money (ie your taxes) went to help pay for that commercial.

Seakolony's photo
Sun 06/10/12 06:45 PM

Thankfully I don't watch enough tv to see it yet.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Didn't even know it existed until this thread!!! I was too busy riding my bike!!!

no photo
Mon 06/11/12 07:24 AM
The TV I watch is DVR'd, I haven't watched a commercial in ages.